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Who Can Organise Cheap (but Nice) Flowers For Me On Valentines?


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I am coming to phuket on the 9th of feb, and am bringing my girlfriend.

valentines day is on the 14th of feb, and since everything is so cheap over there, I would LOVE to get her HEAPS of flowers for valentines.

I would like them to be delivered to our hotel early in the morning that day. How much per dozen would it cost for roses or orchids?

does anyone have any contacts? I would love to get something like 5 dozen (I am going to ask her to marry me on that day:) )

does anyone have any info?

prices would be great (with delivery)



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There are plenty of touts that get around the bars selling small bunches of roses (around B100 per bunch). If you could collar one of them, I'm sure they'd be happy to deliver 5 dozen for around B1000 - B1500. Of course, trying to explain it all to them is another thing...

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find a vendor on the local market, organize with him/her/them, pay a deposit, get a receipt for the order!

1 rose 5 Baht - local sales price!

several dozen and up - less, if not ordered, might be difficult to get on the 14th,

as everything, especially flowers go up to heaven - price wise, yes 100 for three!

Yes, Orchids are nice - Valentiens day = Roses!

orchids are considered "buddha flower's" never give them to a thai girl unless it's in a basket or some sort of special arrangement!

Edited by Samuian
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Thanks for the reply.

My girlfriend is not thai, so i dont think she will be offended haha.

is there anywhere, I could organise before I get there? (somewhere online thats in english and cheap?)

C7: "My girlfriend is not thai"

Thank Buddha you told us that as I was gonna say, don't waste ya dosh on the flowers as it would be the money that bought the flowers that she requires and not the flowers. :D

I was given flowers from a Thai lass once and it left me a wee bit confused for a few minutes. I was sure that I'd convinced her that I was a skint, no-good scumbag but had obviously underestimated her capacity for sarcasm. :D

You also can't fail with some good quality chocolate as you can tuck-in too. :)

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If you popout from any tourist trap for an hour then any flower stall and there are hundreds will offer roses for 5 -10 baht and they will all deliver.

I got some delivered free from Phuket town to Rawai [and it was free]

Good luck in your romantic gesture.

[Just an idea, go out and order a load, tell your hotel and they will have them in your room and if your plan is successsful then most decent hotels will put on a little celebration ie. cake and a drinkie] One thing Thai's like is a a celebration.

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