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You know... double pricing is not something that is only found in Thailand.

Hawaii, for instance, has had a double pricing system for ever. Locals are given the coveted "locals" card to receive lower prices on everything...

I don't hear a lot of bitching about Hawaii...

probably because we are in Thailand and its a Thai board...? :)

Okay.... I meant that when in Hawaii I don't hear anywhere near the bitching I hear here.

And I also just wanted to point out that it's common practice in many parts of the world - even the USA.

- double roll of the eyes - :D

people in Hawaii don't complain about it because its not racial pricing. Anyone can be a local (Kamanina). The regular price is just for tourists. Once your living there its easy to be a local.

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You know... double pricing is not something that is only found in Thailand.

Hawaii, for instance, has had a double pricing system for ever. Locals are given the coveted "locals" card to receive lower prices on everything...

I don't hear a lot of bitching about Hawaii...

indeed, try being a tourist in central london these days. ripoff central.

only solution is voting with your feet. if a place isn't overly welcoming to farang customers then why would you want to go there anyway?

being a Londoner... yes it is - but this thread is about DOUBLE pricing which I have never seen in London!

back on topic please? this is about Thai Double Pricing - one price for Thais one price for YOU the farang - totally out of order

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this thread is about DOUBLE pricing which I have never seen in London!

back on topic please? this is about Thai Double Pricing - one price for Thais one price for YOU the farang - totally out of order

Technically, if a Singha is 3 pounds a bottle in London, that is more than double-pricing to a Thai - more like triple. :D

Sorry, for not taking it seriously, but a lot of us have been through this one loads of times already. I thought the topic was Farang Unfriendly places, not Double Pricing, although they may be the same.

The Fabrique example wasn't really double pricing if the fee was redeemable for drinks, surely? It was discriminatory, against Farang Riff Raff, but I'm not completely against that myself. :)

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"because its not racial pricing"


In Thailand it isn't race either it is nationality. Foreign nationals are targeted, not different races. There are a few expats that are citizens of Thailand and they don't get shafted when they show their Thai ID.

If you become a citizen or even a permanent resident and still get shafted then you can complain.

I think that having a list of places that obviously don't want western expats is a good thing. I don't think that westerners should go to places that they are not wanted and obviously treated or charged different.

I don't think that complaining or criticizing people for doing it is helping though.

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this thread is about DOUBLE pricing which I have never seen in London!

back on topic please? this is about Thai Double Pricing - one price for Thais one price for YOU the farang - totally out of order

Technically, if a Singha is 3 pounds a bottle in London, that is more than double-pricing to a Thai - more like triple. :D

Sorry, for not taking it seriously, but a lot of us have been through this one loads of times already. I thought the topic was Farang Unfriendly places, not Double Pricing, although they may be the same.

The Fabrique example wasn't really double pricing if the fee was redeemable for drinks, surely? It was discriminatory, against Farang Riff Raff, but I'm not completely against that myself. :)

Kevin... its only the farang who are charged? that's what the thread is about? about <deleted> places? farang charged x2 is pretty unfriendly? if I came into your illustrious pub (which I do now quite often) and you charged me x2 because I'm a Southend United supporter you would be SUU (Southend United Unfriendly). Fall in man...

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Kevin... its only the farang who are charged? that's what the thread is about? about <deleted> places? farang charged x2 is pretty unfriendly? if I came into your illustrious pub (which I do now quite often) and you charged me x2 because I'm a Southend United supporter you would be SUU (Southend United Unfriendly). Fall in man...
    I see your point, but all the same, the list isn't very long so far - Fabrique and Mandalay. Out of the thousands of bars, restaurants , stores and many other businesses the list currently stands at 2. The reality is that in Chiang Mai you are more  likely to be discriminated against positively rather than negatively. I'm sometimes embarassed by the special treatment I receive compared to the Thais around me, just because I am a Farang.

     As far as I know, Fabrique is merely trying to keep Farang Riff Raff out and so long as you dress and behave properly then you are welcome. The 300 baht fee is an inconvenience, but I'm sure if you became a regular then you would probably not need to pay. Apparently, they did have some problems with Farangs and although their reaction may be innapropriate I can see what they are doing.

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You know... double pricing is not something that is only found in Thailand.

Hawaii, for instance, has had a double pricing system for ever. Locals are given the coveted "locals" card to receive lower prices on everything...

I don't hear a lot of bitching about Hawaii...

Swing and a miss.

No reason to complain about Hawaii as the discount is not looks based but based on residency. Other places in the States have the same residency policy. The big issue with Thailand is that many places... from the street food vendor to the top tier clubs will say... You pay more because you are not Thai. :) Why people cannot see this basic difference is beyond me.


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You know... double pricing is not something that is only found in Thailand.

Hawaii, for instance, has had a double pricing system for ever. Locals are given the coveted "locals" card to receive lower prices on everything...

I don't hear a lot of bitching about Hawaii...

Swing and a miss.

No reason to complain about Hawaii as the discount is not looks based but based on residency. Other places in the States have the same residency policy. The big issue with Thailand is that many places... from the street food vendor to the top tier clubs will say... You pay more because you are not Thai. :) Why people cannot see this basic difference is beyond me.


So Hawaii, and other places in The States charges tourists more and you have no reason to complain. If paying more based on non-residency is okay(?) then doesn't that apply to Thailand? I don't have Thai residency and neither do most expats. I reckon that if you had Thai residency, irrespective of race you wouldn't have to pay the 300 baht fee at Fabrique. Same with most places. A lot of double-pricing here in Thailand is over-come by proof of residency (a work permit or Drivers licence) so what's the difference exactly? 

Edited by KevinHunt
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^ imo most say...

You pay more because you are not Thai
is their translation of yr not local, ie based on residency, and i would guess that the flash of the thai drivers licence gets you local price

so is it just the 2 nightspots that are <deleted>?

btw, ive never encountered a street food vendor charging me double

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