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.Ahh.. I must have missed that previously.. And is probably valid to perspective point.

And there's me thinking that you were one of the ones that paid attention. If you went back over my posts over the last few years, you would see that I constantly make reference to the fact that I don't live here full time, and never have. The thought of working for a Thai wage (Farang in Thailand) isn't one that appeals to me. And yes, I think it could make a huge differrence. As the amount of time I spend here has continually gone up over the years, my expectations, my feeling of rights, my desire to be noticed as anything other than a tourist, has stayed exactly the same.

I thought you had a child and family here full time..

Not sure what you mean by that. But I have lived with my wife on both sides of the world for nine years and now have a two year old son. I don't put them in a locker for four months a year!!

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Ummm no, I copied your post without editing it

O.K I'll try to say it a bit slower this time. You were quoting a post in which I was already quoting myself. In the original post that I was quoting from I had added the words "worth talking about' on the end. When I quoted myself, I left those words off, thinking that people who had been paying attention would know what I was saying.

OK! So apart from tuk-tuk drivers (that those of us who live here have nothing to do with), you've got a problem with the driving.

You could have fooled me. Why do so many residents continually harp on about them then

Apart from that, the only problem you have is with those of us who actually live here and have the nerve to talk about the realities that we have to deal with on a day-to day basis. :)

I think you'll find that if you add up 8 months with 6 months and 4 months and 9 months over a nine year period you will probably come to a number larger than the 2 or 3 years your problem riddled chums have been here, so there is no need to constantly make reference to 'actually living here' and ' day to day basis'. I think 8/9 months in a row can be classed as a day to day basis, don't you?

that is disingenuous in the extreme as you've posted it a few times - if you dare to post negative comments, just leave.

Astound me with your amazing quoting skills again, and find me a post where I've said "if you dare post negative comments, just leave." I think you might struggle.

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Ummm no, I copied your post without editing it

O.K I'll try to say it a bit slower this time. You were quoting a post in which I was already quoting myself. In the original post that I was quoting from I had added the words "worth talking about' on the end. When I quoted myself, I left those words off, thinking that people who had been paying attention would know what I was saying.

OK! So apart from tuk-tuk drivers (that those of us who live here have nothing to do with), you've got a problem with the driving.

You could have fooled me. Why do so many residents continually harp on about them then

Apart from that, the only problem you have is with those of us who actually live here and have the nerve to talk about the realities that we have to deal with on a day-to day basis. :D

I think you'll find that if you add up 8 months with 6 months and 4 months and 9 months over a nine year period you will probably come to a number larger than the 2 or 3 years your problem riddled chums have been here, so there is no need to constantly make reference to 'actually living here' and ' day to day basis'. I think 8/9 months in a row can be classed as a day to day basis, don't you?

that is disingenuous in the extreme as you've posted it a few times - if you dare to post negative comments, just leave.

Astound me with your amazing quoting skills again, and find me a post where I've said "if you dare post negative comments, just leave." I think you might struggle.

I was quoting a post where you were quoting yourself! Silly me, having said it twice you obviously didn't mean it.

You're here for 8 months plus 6 months etc. etc. over a 9 year period?! Basically no, you don't live here.

OK, you posted

"If that's the case then people need to start voting with there feet. Either to different parts of Phuket, different parts of Thailand or somewhere else in the world. Things change, not always for the good, deal with it and move on."

Obviously I got it wrong, you weren't saying people should move away if they had problems with certain aspects of life here. :)

p.s. I haven't edited your posts this time either.....

Edited by F1fanatic
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Not sure what you mean by that. But I have lived with my wife on both sides of the world for nine years and now have a two year old son. I don't put them in a locker for four months a year!!

Apologies if that offended in some way.. It wasnt intended to.. I just hadnt made the connection and moving a family back and forth is less common than the single guy who does it. When I read you had family here my mind made a jump that wasnt accurate is all..

I do think its valid tho, when you come knowing full well in a few months your leaving again, there is less contact with some issues that are real. You presumably dont have the issues of expensive (nice) second hand cars, or at least less pressure to buy one, you can go without first world items and not miss them so much as you know in a few months time they are there again.. You dont get some of the same jonses and desires as you know that those itches can be scratched soon enough. I would think you would probably agree there is a different mindset when you know that in a few months your heading (to another) home..

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You're here for 8 months plus 6 months etc. etc. over a 9 year period?! Basically no, you don't live here.

Six, seven or eight years ago I would sometimes spend 3 months per year here sometimes six, sometimes more, sometimes less. Right now, and for a while, I've been spending 8/9 months per year here, and then when it starts to Pi#s down here, which conveniently coincides with the best weather you're likely to get in England, I go back there and earn some money, so I can come back and put my feet up for another 8/9 months here. Now if it troubles you if I use the words 'live' here for 8/9 months per year and you would rather I substituted it for stayed here, or holidayed here, then that's fine with me. At the end of the day it amounts to the same thing. I've probably spent more time here than your pals, if they've only lived here for 2 or 3 years.

What I do works pretty well for me and my family. Can your friends, with there several problems under their belt just three years in, say the same?

Finally, something that never seems to get mentioned. Would I be right in thinking you don't have a Thai partner and half Thai kids, because that is something else that I believe makes a huge difference to peoples outlook on Thailand and ability to adapt well, but that's a can of worms for another day.

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You're here for 8 months plus 6 months etc. etc. over a 9 year period?! Basically no, you don't live here.

Six, seven or eight years ago I would sometimes spend 3 months per year here sometimes six, sometimes more, sometimes less. Right now, and for a while, I've been spending 8/9 months per year here, and then when it starts to Pi#s down here, which conveniently coincides with the best weather you're likely to get in England, I go back there and earn some money, so I can come back and put my feet up for another 8/9 months here. Now if it troubles you if I use the words 'live' here for 8/9 months per year and you would rather I substituted it for stayed here, or holidayed here, then that's fine with me. At the end of the day it amounts to the same thing. I've probably spent more time here than your pals, if they've only lived here for 2 or 3 years.

What I do works pretty well for me and my family. Can your friends, with there several problems under their belt just three years in, say the same?

Finally, something that never seems to get mentioned. Would I be right in thinking you don't have a Thai partner and half Thai kids, because that is something else that I believe makes a huge difference to peoples outlook on Thailand and ability to adapt well, but that's a can of worms for another day.

No, you're right - my friends have only been here for 15 years or so. You've obviously far more experience.

Those who have only been here 3 years or so are still adjusting - some find the whole scene revolting, others (like me) are concentrating on the good aspects.

Those that have half Thai kids (and ex Thai wives) are the ones that are really vicious. Those that have managed to avoid having kids, whilst enjoying the easy, cheap female company are not exactly easy-going on the subject - but at least don't have the same problems.

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Apologies if that offended in some way.. It wasnt intended to.. I just hadnt made the connection and moving a family back and forth is less common than the single guy who does it. When I read you had family here my mind made a jump that wasnt accurate is all..

I do think its valid tho, when you come knowing full well in a few months your leaving again, there is less contact with some issues that are real. You presumably dont have the issues of expensive (nice) second hand cars, or at least less pressure to buy one, you can go without first world items and not miss them so much as you know in a few months time they are there again.. You dont get some of the same jonses and desires as you know that those itches can be scratched soon enough. I would think you would probably agree there is a different mindset when you know that in a few months your heading (to another) home..

No offense taken mate, it was just worded funnily is all.

What you're saying isn't strictly true. As I have just said in my previous post. I live here, sorry I stay here eight or nine months a year, hopefully soon it will be up to ten. So it isn't strictly true to say that I know I'll be leaving for England again, a few months after I arrive. As far as my understanding goes a few tops out at three, four or five at the most. I also don't believe that the fact that I'm here for 8/9 instead of 12 months is the reason for my experiences being so different to others. I'm fairly sure the law of averages would find that amount of time plenty to push some misfortune my way. As for a car, how is that any different for me. Are there companies out there that give away free cars for eight months but take them back if you stay longer than that? I don't follow that logic at all. Finally as for me slipping of to western bliss and all the luxuries that that in tales, for a few months per year, hardly. Where do you think the money comes from to put my feet up and live a reasonably comfortable life for 8/9 months a year. Working 18 hours a day for three months may have something to do with it. Scratching my itches in the west. Don't think so mate. I'm there for the money and the money only, then I get the <deleted>#k out again.

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No offense taken mate, it was just worded funnily is all.

What you're saying isn't strictly true. As I have just said in my previous post. I live here, sorry I stay here eight or nine months a year, hopefully soon it will be up to ten. So it isn't strictly true to say that I know I'll be leaving for England again, a few months after I arrive. As far as my understanding goes a few tops out at three, four or five at the most. I also don't believe that the fact that I'm here for 8/9 instead of 12 months is the reason for my experiences being so different to others. I'm fairly sure the law of averages would find that amount of time plenty to push some misfortune my way. As for a car, how is that any different for me. Are there companies out there that give away free cars for eight months but take them back if you stay longer than that? I don't follow that logic at all. Finally as for me slipping of to western bliss and all the luxuries that that in tales, for a few months per year, hardly. Where do you think the money comes from to put my feet up and live a reasonably comfortable life for 8/9 months a year. Working 18 hours a day for three months may have something to do with it. Scratching my itches in the west. Don't think so mate. I'm there for the money and the money only, then I get the <deleted>#k out again.

That's interesting bearing in mind your previous post about half-Thai children (and of course, Thai wife).

How well do they get on in the UK?

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Firstly, I'm pretty good at knowing when a conversation with someone, has gone as far as it will go, and any point after that is a waist of every bodies time. I'm sure you'll agree that point is upon us.

No, you're right - my friends have only been here for 15 years or so. You've obviously far more experience.

It's fairly obvious to all, that I have at no time claimed to be more experienced than people who have been here 15 years. The simple reason that I couldn't have possible claimed such, is that 6 pages in to the thread you haven't mentioned it once. You have however mentioned you friends with 3 years experience several times. People will make of that what they will. I believe the technical term is inadmissible evidence.

Those who have only been here 3 years or so are still adjusting - some find the whole scene revolting, others (like me) are concentrating on the good aspects.

Some find the whole scene revolting??? Where do you start with that statement. Firstly they find something revolting, not mildly annoying, not a bit of a pain in the ass, but revolting? Yet they are still here three years on?? Secondly, have I accidentally stumbled on to a thread about nightclubs, or punk rock music or something? I'm talking about living somewhere, raising children, living a peaceful life, and your talking about a scene!!

Those that have half Thai kids (and ex Thai wives) are the ones that are really vicious.

I don't really know what that means to be honest, but it sounds like they probably fall in to my 'wheels fallen off' category. It does however answer my question. You obviously don't have a Thai partner or half Thai kids!

Those that have managed to avoid having kids, whilst enjoying the easy, cheap female company are not exactly easy-going on the subject - but at least don't have the same problems.

Again not entirely sure what that means!! Aren't easy going on what subject? Anyway, I don't think they really fall in to the 'settling down to a normal life in LOS category' so weren't ever really part of my argument.

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Firstly, I'm pretty good at knowing when a conversation with someone, has gone as far as it will go, and any point after that is a waist of every bodies time. I'm sure you'll agree that point is upon us.

No, you're right - my friends have only been here for 15 years or so. You've obviously far more experience.

It's fairly obvious to all, that I have at no time claimed to be more experienced than people who have been here 15 years. The simple reason that I couldn't have possible claimed such, is that 6 pages in to the thread you haven't mentioned it once. You have however mentioned you friends with 3 years experience several times. People will make of that what they will. I believe the technical term is inadmissible evidence.

Those who have only been here 3 years or so are still adjusting - some find the whole scene revolting, others (like me) are concentrating on the good aspects.

Some find the whole scene revolting??? Where do you start with that statement. Firstly they find something revolting, not mildly annoying, not a bit of a pain in the ass, but revolting? Yet they are still here three years on?? Secondly, have I accidentally stumbled on to a thread about nightclubs, or punk rock music or something? I'm talking about living somewhere, raising children, living a peaceful life, and your talking about a scene!!

Those that have half Thai kids (and ex Thai wives) are the ones that are really vicious.

I don't really know what that means to be honest, but it sounds like they probably fall in to my 'wheels fallen off' category. It does however answer my question. You obviously don't have a Thai partner or half Thai kids!

Those that have managed to avoid having kids, whilst enjoying the easy, cheap female company are not exactly easy-going on the subject - but at least don't have the same problems.

Again not entirely sure what that means!! Aren't easy going on what subject? Anyway, I don't think they really fall in to the 'settling down to a normal life in LOS category' so weren't ever really part of my argument.

Okay, Confused of England, as others logic still appears to be tying you in knots, allow me to help you out

You work 18 hours a day and pay taxes in England. You holiday for whatever period (varies by post) in Thailand. You have not moved full time to Thailand to retire/whatever. You have stated this very clearly and nobody has misunderstood.

You do not live in Thailand. Period.

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1. you are completely off the mark regarding ScubaBuddha

2. just because you are studying something doesn't make you an expert, you haven't even done a thesis and you are judging?

3.yes, SB points out negatives about Phuket but his post here is positive, "there is much to love about visiting and living here, as I do"

You might put these points in your pipe and smoke it, student.

Agreed, I associate ScubaBuddha with many positive and insightful comments.

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Hopefully this thread will stay open, it's an interesting debate. My own two cents on it is like most things in life, it isn't black and white in that LOS / Woohoo's views are both correct on any given day. With each being more correct depending on various factors, namely where you go and how / who you interact with, good / bad luck etc.

Having visited Phuket a few times on holiday and taking a house for 6 months which I've recently renewed for another 6 months I am thinking of making Thaliand my long term home. I like Phuket but if I can live without the Ocean may also consider living in CM; going to make my mind up in the next 6 months. Hopefully all will be rosy and I decide the good outweighs the bad.

One other thing to add, whatever gripes there are about Phuket, said gripes need to be compared to the gripe list you'd find waiting for you in England or your respective country upon your return. Having spent the last 3 months in England unplanned (had to return for spine surgery) I cant wait to leave, really looking forward to returning to Phuket in a few weeks all being well with x ray. England IMO is in a real state, where to even begin is a hundred page thread on it's own.

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One other thing to add, whatever gripes there are about Phuket, said gripes need to be compared to the gripe list you'd find waiting for you in England or your respective country upon your return. Having spent the last 3 months in England unplanned (had to return for spine surgery) I cant wait to leave, really looking forward to returning to Phuket in a few weeks all being well with x ray. England IMO is in a real state, where to even begin is a hundred page thread on it's own.

Nail on the head. People lucky enough to spend 12 months a year here, several years in a row, loose all perspective. What they call major issues here are laughable when compared to daily issues, in countries like England.

You've kept this thread going, but it will only be so more people can tell you, that after six months you know nothing, wait till you've been here longer, Blah Blah Blah. The truth is, with your attitude, I'd make a bet you'll still be happy in Phuket, in several years time. No one will believe you though, so best bet is not to bother mentioning it on TV.

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You've kept this thread going, but it will only be so more people can tell you, that after six months you know nothing, wait till you've been here longer, Blah Blah Blah. The truth is, with your attitude, I'd make a bet you'll still be happy in Phuket, in several years time. No one will believe you though, so best bet is not to bother mentioning it on TV.

Well I have been here for 10 years or so now and I'm still very happy here. It's not without its faults but it's still a mighty fine place to live in my opinion.

Most longer term Western residents that I know are of the same opinion but I guess they don't post on here :)

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Well I have been here for 10 years or so now and I'm still very happy here. It's not without its faults but it's still a mighty fine place to live in my opinion.

Most longer term Western residents that I know are of the same opinion but I guess they don't post on here :)

Having lived here a long time myself I totally agree. I drive a lot so the traffic bugs me but I have a good stereo in my car & usually someone else to talk to. Back home I could not get a relaxing herbal steam sauna & Thai massage in nice open surroundings which is just one of the many advantages I find living here.

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You've kept this thread going, but it will only be so more people can tell you, that after six months you know nothing, wait till you've been here longer, Blah Blah Blah. The truth is, with your attitude, I'd make a bet you'll still be happy in Phuket, in several years time. No one will believe you though, so best bet is not to bother mentioning it on TV.

Well I have been here for 10 years or so now and I'm still very happy here. It's not without its faults but it's still a mighty fine place to live in my opinion.

Most longer term Western residents that I know are of the same opinion but I guess they don't post on here :)

I've been here a bit longer than you, but I agree. Just had a going away party for a friend last night who comes about 3 months per year for the past 5 years and he loves the place and wants to spend more time here. As they say, you always here the negative comments about anything, but rarely hear the good comments.

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Well I have been here for 10 years or so now and I'm still very happy here. It's not without its faults but it's still a mighty fine place to live in my opinion.

Most longer term Western residents that I know are of the same opinion but I guess they don't post on here :D

Having lived here a long time myself I totally agree. I drive a lot so the traffic bugs me but I have a good stereo in my car & usually someone else to talk to. Back home I could not get a relaxing herbal steam sauna & Thai massage in nice open surroundings which is just one of the many advantages I find living here.
I've been here a bit longer than you, but I agree. Just had a going away party for a friend last night who comes about 3 months per year for the past 5 years and he loves the place and wants to spend more time here. As they say, you always here the negative comments about anything, but rarely hear the good comments.
Just go to Kata viewpoint on a late, sunny afternoon to remind yourself about why you choose to live here.

Be careful people. I'm not sure but I think TV has some sort of fail safe mechanism. If there are more than 5 positive posts in row, I think the whole system crashes :)

I wonder what the record is!

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...mmmm...various states of delusion here, although I would agree that dodging the dogs mess on the path to the Kata viewpoint on a sunny afternoon, listened to the sounds of nearby gunfire being exchanged and the lilting cries of another tourist being robbed, most certainly lends an ambience of ‘je ne sais quoi’...

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...mmmm...various states of delusion here, although I would agree that dodging the dogs mess on the path to the Kata viewpoint on a sunny afternoon, listened to the sounds of nearby gunfire being exchanged and the lilting cries of another tourist being robbed, most certainly lends an ambience of ‘je ne sais quoi’...

Just when there was a chain of positive comments along comes Billy.

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...mmmm...various states of delusion here, although I would agree that dodging the dogs mess on the path to the Kata viewpoint on a sunny afternoon, listened to the sounds of nearby gunfire being exchanged and the lilting cries of another tourist being robbed, most certainly lends an ambience of 'je ne sais quoi'...

Just when there was a chain of positive comments along comes Billy.

Works for me. I had a bet with myself. I put a box of beer on an each way bet, who the next negative comment would be from, my runners being 'Livinlos' and 'Billthehat'. I now owe myself a box of beer :)

A while back 'BTH', you made the statement to me, in big bold letters, 'You don't live here' because for some reason it upset you, me using the word live, instead of holiday, stay, whatever. Now let me have a turn at discussing your situation.

A while back you spent a fair bit of time in LOS. After spending a fair bit of time and money, probably in Patong, you decided it wasn't for you and for whatever reason, weren't able to make a go of it. You now spend most of your time in England returning occasionally for holidays, which again, when in Phuket, are probably spent in and around Soi Bangla.

Now this is the interesting part (interesting in a, would be if I was a shrink kind of way)

Although you now spend most of your time in England, you still go out of your way, to come to a Phuket forum, on a daily basis, (nightly really, we're normally tucked up in bed on this side of the world when your tapping away) to slate Thailand, slate Thai people, (If I was the sensitive type, referring to Thai people as Somchai in every post could be deemed as being racist) and most prevalent of all is you disdain for Phuket and the people who happily live here. Stop and think about it for one minute. You don't like Phuket, you have no respect for Thai people or their customs or culture. Yet like a moth to a light bulb you come back every, every, every, night without fail, to tell people that have been here for over ten years that they are deluded because they are happy here. Wake up and smell the coffee 'BTH'. I think you'll find your problems are much closer to home.

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