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I wonder how everybody is applying hormones for growt of friuts to their trees.

There is a liquid in the market and my neighbors are spraying their orchards liberally with that.

Its not organic I assume,I dont ask the volk because Thais dont give away their secrets, and as a falang even the lesser.

Anybody has a clue about the usefulness of adding hormones to the fruiting cycle,when to be done and harmful or not,GMO is near to that isn;t it?


Good Question. I've never used any of the stuff but I've often heard them use the term 'Hormone' and always been perplexed as to what it is.

But never got around to finding out whats in the stuff or wether its benefitial. I suspect its some sort of micro nutrients.


You must specify what fruit you are trying to grow.

The sprays do work, they enhance the trees flowering ability by targeting specific chemicals.

Must be applied at just the right time otherwise; you will end up with vegetative growth or nothing at all.

It is not really for beginners, you must be very familiar with the tree growing & flowering cycle.

On the other hand, on trees like mango, you can obtain a nice crop twice a year where left to nature, it is barely once a year.

Citrus is very receptive ETC.

Best regards

You must specify what fruit you are trying to grow.

The sprays do work, they enhance the trees flowering ability by targeting specific chemicals.

Must be applied at just the right time otherwise; you will end up with vegetative growth or nothing at all.

It is not really for beginners, you must be very familiar with the tree growing & flowering cycle.

On the other hand, on trees like mango, you can obtain a nice crop twice a year where left to nature, it is barely once a year.

Citrus is very receptive ETC.

Best regards

Thanks Soidog2 . I'll have to investigate further. It would be nice to get 2 crops from the mango's.

Do you have anymore info on getting 2 crops from mangoes ?


The best I have heard of, using hormone combined with the bomb making material, on lamyai, is a third crop over a 2 year time. With the cost and time/short window/watering, etc involved, coupled with the market price, no one seemed inclined to continue. Never heard of this working with mango, but I learn something new every day.


Best regards

Thanks Soidog2 . I'll have to investigate further. It would be nice to get 2 crops from the mango's.

Do you have anymore info on getting 2 crops from mangoes ?

Basically it goes like this; this year, immediately after the fruit is finished, prune & fertilize your trees aggressively.

That will start a new growth spurt, track the new growth until is starts leveling off.

For the trees to be receptive to flowering, they about 90 days of rest .

If they do not stop growing because of the onset of the rain season ETC, after 90 days you will spray a growth inhibitor than a few weeks later the flowering agent,

A few weeks more and the trees will be in bloom.

Regards !

Thanks Soidog2. I'll give it a try.

If by any chance you are serious , this is the flowering agent !

80/100 grams per 20 liters of water. ( spray )


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