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Be Careful When You Buy Puppy In Thailand

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Two months ago I saw a great looking German Shepherd puppy in the local shop in Klaeng (Rayong). The local owner is the Vet, so after he showed me a book with all the inoculations, we bought the puppy and took it home. It was a great little rascal, but it would eat very little. We went back to the Vet and purchased lots of medicine to make him well. We got all expensive stuff, because it was recommended by the Vet. We fell in love with the puppy, but unfortunately after two weeks, it still was not well. More visits to the Vet and more medicine. Then the puppy started showing signs of pain when moving we decided to take him to an animal hospital in Rayong. By that time the puppy started having convolution and was diagnosed with distemper. He was in pain and we decided to let the hospital to put him to sleep rather them suffer any more. We both miss him very much, maybe would like to have another Alsatian puppy, but we are very reluctant to trust a Vet or any pet shop. Here in Thailand, everybody is just concerned about money they can make, and the well being of the animals is a little of importance to them.

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It is very possible the vet did give the jabs. If these jabs were combined vaccines (such as a 4 in 1 or 5 in 1) and the pup received the first one at 6 weeks and then maybe another one at 8 weeks of age, then it is very possible that the very jabs gave the disease.

Last year a customer of mine bought a puppy from a well-known and (and what i still think is a) good breeder. This pup got a 5-in-1 at 6 weeks of age and another one at 8 weeks of age. After that she became such a finicky eater that she became skin-and-bones, with a very worried owner going several times to the vet who could not solve the problem as they never think further than that vaccines can do no harm. And that is such a huge myth!

After a month at the owner's the pup came to me, but not after another 6-in-1 was jab given and recommended by the vet. Totally unbelievable IMO as the guidelines going with the vaccines (you can look it up on the internet if you're interested) clearly states that only HEALTHY dogs should be vaccinated, and this puppy was clearly fighting a disease.

Because of this enormous stupidity the pup developed encephalitis. I (and even more the owner and the pup) was lucky as I got help from experts abroad and manage to solve the problem with encephalitis without any side-effect.

This is just one of the many experiences I have had over the last several year of vaccines that did damage to the animal.

Of course, it is also possible that the vet/shop owner said they gave the jabs, but in fact they didn't or did it after the pup already was infected by the distemper virus.

You said the pet shop owner is a vet, so there should be the vaccine sticker with batch number, stamp of the vet and signature of the vet in the vaccination book. Is it?

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You are right, I believe that the puppy was not well when he was inoculated. When we got him, he would not eat and vet give him antibiotics , he said that it is a reaction to the inoculation.By the way, would you know any German Shepherd puppy for sale from good breader? I can't find anything localy or on the net?

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You are right, I believe that the puppy was not well when he was inoculated. When we got him, he would not eat and vet give him antibiotics , he said that it is a reaction to the inoculation.By the way, would you know any German Shepherd puppy for sale from good breader? I can't find anything localy or on the net?

PM Ponti. :) They have gorgeous GSD's. :D

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About 10 years ago my then girlfriend bought a puppy from Chatuchak market in Bangkok.

It too was sick from distemper and soon died.

It was a brown English cocker spaniel and quite adorable called John Brown.

Apparently it came from a breeder in Chang Mai and had a slight cough.

It was fat from worms and hungry because it had been starved to improve presentation.

The vet showed us a noticeboard of healthy puppies for sale.

I think that the vet was an honest lady.

The moral of this story is never buy a puppy from a market since you don't see the conditions it came from

and distemper with a cough is very common, fatal and untreatable.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Not a good experience at all.

I believe there are good vet and dogs breeder out there.

if you are looking for a puppy again perhaps, take more time, check everthing.

In a further post someone (Nienke), refers to Ponti as a breeder of very nice german shepherd dogs. Is this you? My family and I are looking for a german shepherd puppy to give it a nice home in Surin area. We would appreciate any help you can give us in our search. We have no urgency except a desire to complete our family and home-life with a good pet. I am very leery of some of the dogs we have previously seen for sale, and am looking for someone that cares well for their dogs.

Please reply if you are the person referred to, perhaps you can help us in our search.

Thank you in advance.

mario299 :)

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