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To Admin Sbk

Gonzo the Face

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To Admin SBK

Yesterday or the day before you said to contact you if there was a tech problem....

I think I have one , but I'm not sure if its me doing it or 'gotlost' when he posted an answer but I asked 2 different times the question about the last mayoral election and something keeps locking up and all I am able to view is a white screen.

As the first one didn't seem to be repaired and an answer was hoped to be had, I made a new post this morning and the same thing happened when an answer was posted by member "gotlost'

Am I doing something wrong, is gotlost doing something wrong or what.....

Surely cannot be anything wrong in knowing about the new mayor....

Contacting you immediately as you requested


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Is this something more serious?.

Over the past few weeks I have seen a few posts that simply vanished.

Certainly anything that could be seen as a sideways comments about the mods is zapped pretty quickly, even in my opinion when it is innocous. Now thats the rule so I really have no problem with that. I mean I like free speech and all but this is not free its a business, its a community, and it does need rules, though sometimes they appear harshly applied (to me anyways). Nevertheless them's the rules.

Now it seems that some passing political comments vanish, now again, well and good if it something that threatens the viability or livelihood of the board. I am no judge of defamation or slander but certainly acknowledge that adverse comments can draw some rebuke/reaction that may not be favourable to the board, TIT. So again no problems there, its a judgement call by the mods. Again, deleting the post in such matters is probably a wise move (as opposed to closing it).

Likewise a few weeks ago there was a post on TRL which seems to have gone, and Kevin seems MIA. I suppose soemthing has happenned. I don't need to know what, but the why would be good.

The Chiang Mai board is extremely popular, and a very good resource. I have read the rules.

Perhaps it would be worthwhile the mods clearly articulating any change in philosophy (Chiang Mai board specific or otherwise). Or better still when a post is deleted all together have some innocous entry (leaving the OP's) details as Topic Starter, but changing the topic title (ie to deleted) and perhaps point to a rule...ie deleted rule 5.

If the OP then has a probelm with that then perhpas they could discuss it very briefly and cvily with the mod.

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I think what you are supposed to do is send a PM (private message) to sbk. Go to your inbox, and click on new message and go from there.

Thanks M..... I tried it and sent the same message ......attention sbk .... at least I think I sent it..


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Is this something more serious?.

Over the past few weeks I have seen a few posts that simply vanished.

Certainly anything that could be seen as a sideways comments about the mods is zapped pretty quickly, even in my opinion when it is innocous. Now thats the rule so I really have no problem with that. I mean I like free speech and all but this is not free its a business, its a community, and it does need rules, though sometimes they appear harshly applied (to me anyways). Nevertheless them's the rules.

Now it seems that some passing political comments vanish, now again, well and good if it something that threatens the viability or livelihood of the board. I am no judge of defamation or slander but certainly acknowledge that adverse comments can draw some rebuke/reaction that may not be favourable to the board, TIT. So again no problems there, its a judgement call by the mods. Again, deleting the post in such matters is probably a wise move (as opposed to closing it).

Likewise a few weeks ago there was a post on TRL which seems to have gone, and Kevin seems MIA. I suppose soemthing has happenned. I don't need to know what, but the why would be good.

The Chiang Mai board is extremely popular, and a very good resource. I have read the rules.

Perhaps it would be worthwhile the mods clearly articulating any change in philosophy (Chiang Mai board specific or otherwise). Or better still when a post is deleted all together have some innocous entry (leaving the OP's) details as Topic Starter, but changing the topic title (ie to deleted) and perhaps point to a rule...ie deleted rule 5.

If the OP then has a probelm with that then perhpas they could discuss it very briefly and cvily with the mod.

I thank you may be making a mountain out of a mole hill over the OP. There is nothing derogatory in his post and mine came out of the Chiang Mai Mail. The mods have a job to do and as I may not agree or disagree all the time with them I'll still support them. This is strictly a technical problem.

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We have been looking into the issue since it was first reported and there is a technical problem with the database that, at the moment, appears to be specific to gotlost. A database tuning was done last night but appears to have not corrected it. Please be patient as the TV IT guy looks into it further. Database glitches can be non-trival to pinpoint.


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Is this something more serious?.

Over the past few weeks I have seen a few posts that simply vanished.

Certainly anything that could be seen as a sideways comments about the mods is zapped pretty quickly, even in my opinion when it is innocous. Now thats the rule so I really have no problem with that. I mean I like free speech and all but this is not free its a business, its a community, and it does need rules, though sometimes they appear harshly applied (to me anyways). Nevertheless them's the rules.

Now it seems that some passing political comments vanish, now again, well and good if it something that threatens the viability or livelihood of the board. I am no judge of defamation or slander but certainly acknowledge that adverse comments can draw some rebuke/reaction that may not be favourable to the board, TIT. So again no problems there, its a judgement call by the mods. Again, deleting the post in such matters is probably a wise move (as opposed to closing it).

Likewise a few weeks ago there was a post on TRL which seems to have gone, and Kevin seems MIA. I suppose soemthing has happenned. I don't need to know what, but the why would be good.

The Chiang Mai board is extremely popular, and a very good resource. I have read the rules.

Perhaps it would be worthwhile the mods clearly articulating any change in philosophy (Chiang Mai board specific or otherwise). Or better still when a post is deleted all together have some innocous entry (leaving the OP's) details as Topic Starter, but changing the topic title (ie to deleted) and perhaps point to a rule...ie deleted rule 5.

If the OP then has a probelm with that then perhpas they could discuss it very briefly and cvily with the mod.

I thank you may be making a mountain out of a mole hill over the OP. There is nothing derogatory in his post and mine came out of the Chiang Mai Mail. The mods have a job to do and as I may not agree or disagree all the time with them I'll still support them. This is strictly a technical problem.

I appreciate that this is a technical issue.

There has been the odd occasion where a news article cited from Thairath for example has been closed until it is reported in a TV sponsor (again no probelm).

I agree the mods have a job to do, an important job, and one I recognised and validated in my post. I too remain suportive of the mods and their absolute right to censor.

My concern is not the lack of transperancy in some of these decisions. My concern is the lack of an even edited trail of deleted posts (to which I simply made a suggestion to address if possible by leaving the Op name and a topic of deleted rule 5) so that repeat posts are not generated or others fall foul in the future.

With some of the posts deleted one does not know if they are derogatory or not, and as advised before I trust the mods that they are, thats why the post text is gone, all I am suggesting is that there is some minimal reference to the post so that people do not see posts simply vanish (for non technical reasons) on any regular basis as a purely educative exercise.

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This topic is not an open invitation to debate/complain about moderation. I will answer regarding deletions though and that is when a post is deleted it will be commented on (by a mod) in the topic itself or the member effected will be notified by PM.

Further discussion outside the OP's issue will result in this topic being closed. Any issues with moderation has channels that can be followed as outlined in the rules.

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This topic is not an open invitation to debate/complain about moderation. I will answer regarding deletions though and that is when a post is deleted it will be commented on (by a mod) in the topic itself or the member effected will be notified by PM.

Further discussion outside the OP's issue will result in this topic being closed. Any issues with moderation has channels that can be followed as outlined in the rules.

Do I take it that it is ok to ask the original question again, re the mayor, or should I ask in a new post as this one is sorta lost down here in support.


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Do I take it that it is ok to ask the original question again, re the mayor, or should I ask in a new post as this one is sorta lost down here in support.


This topic is fine here in support where it will be focused on by admin/mods. As I mentioned, we are aware of the problem and looking into resolving it as quick as we (or rather IT) can. Also, would rather centralize the issues into a single topic rather then spread it out and lose cohesiveness.

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Do I take it that it is ok to ask the original question again, re the mayor, or should I ask in a new post as this one is sorta lost down here in support.


at the moment, appears to be specific to gotlost

ask away, but looks like Gotlost better getlost! :) (just kidding)

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sorry guys, busy today, i do have some sort of life outside thaivisa. reporting a technical glitch is fine in forum support, thats what it is here for.

If you have had your post deleted and there has not been a public or private notification as to why then please PM me or another admin on duty. As for other people's posts being deleted, well, I imagine that is that poster's concern as to whether or not they have been notified.

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I think what you are supposed to do is send a PM (private message) to sbk. Go to your inbox, and click on new message and go from there.

I`m not gay, but would make exceptions for the Mods and the lads at Admin.

I love them all and want to have their babies.

Edited by BigWheelMan
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If you have had your post deleted and there has not been a public or private notification as to why then please PM me or another admin on duty. As for other people's posts being deleted, well, I imagine that is that poster's concern as to whether or not they have been notified.

Hi sbk

I had a post deleted a couple of days ago (a report from ABC Online in the Thaksin gets hit for THB46billion thread) with no notification, but just assumed it had broken the rules. I wasn't all that concerned really, so didn't inquire. Should I have?


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