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Kefir, Kombucha-probiotics Or Wheatberries


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I'm looking for Kombucha and Kefir probiotic starters. Kombucha is made from tea, and Kefir can be used with manythings: water/yogurt/milks. I've sent some emails out to neighboring countries to find a source for these 'cultures' as I would like to brew some for myself and others who know the numerous health benefits from these probiotic liquids.

I'm also looking for other probiotics (non-dairy) if possible that people make or buy anywhere in Thailand. Is anyone fermenting vegetables or other foods for beneficial micro gut-flora?

Wheatgrass/Barley Grass fresh juice is also something I'm seeking out to find seeds for also. I've seen previous post concerning this, but have yet to find a good source to buy the seeds in bulk. Any help would be appreciated and I'd be up for sharing my info on these topics.

~~Best of health to all~~~ :)

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you could mention where in Thailand.

Here in Chiang Mai can get most of those at Baan Suan Pak store


goats yogurt

raw fermented kimchi

kombucha tea

Noni fermented drink

Wheatgrass juice and wheatberries

3 strain probiotic grown on molassas product

The owner will see the starter Scooby for Kombucha on special request

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Hello D24 Where do you live in Thailand?Because I have a packet of KEFIRferment that I brought from Holland,I not use this because I have also the original KEFIRflowers.

Maybe you are interrested?


Thanks for the responses .. I'm in Udon Thani currently. If I get up to CM..i will look up that place..sounds good. Paul..where are you located?? could I use this for coconut kefir you think?

Edited by D24
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  • 4 months later...

you could mention where in Thailand.

Here in Chiang Mai can get most of those at Baan Suan Pak store


goats yogurt

raw fermented kimchi

kombucha tea

Noni fermented drink

Wheatgrass juice and wheatberries

3 strain probiotic grown on molassas product

The owner will see the starter Scooby for Kombucha on special request

Hi, CSN (Love your moniker BTW) I took your advice and went to Baan Suan Pak today and asked if I could buy some culture and she gave us some and explained how to get started, which we just did. Now we wait a week or so. She also stocks the Samson 9001 juicer for the very competitive price of 13,800baht. For those of you who don't know, it's on Thanon Wichayanon, the short street that runs from the northeast corner of the moat to the funky white chedi on the river road that acts as a traffic circle. It's on the right as you head east and shares a parking lot with the Orchid Vegetarian restaurant.

We bought some wheatgrass seeds as well but have decided to just go with the kombucha for a while and see what health results we get. Oh, we also bought a small bottle of kombucha and drank it. It has a strong resemblance to diluted apple cider vinegar except it tastes way better. I hope ours comes out so well.

Taker easy

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  • 2 weeks later...

Success!! My first batch of kombucha is finished. It's delicious. Still rather sweet, which I take to mean I could have waited another day or two for the yeast and bacteria to gobble up the remaining sugar but I couldn't wait. So I was able to harvest the first batch in eight days. The lady I got the scoby from said if you want to brew it fast like I did (and not wait two or even three weeks) brew just one liter at a time so that's what I did. I can see where this is going. I'm going to end up with two or three containers on the counter. The scoby she gave me was too big to float flat in the container (which I bought for the reasonable price of 175 baht at her store) so it laid diagonal but not to worry, another one grew and floated horizontally on the surface.

I have a question. Many of the images I've seen online show a container the shape of a punch bowl, which allows for a great big scoby to grow and the corresponding recipe usually calls for two liters of water. I'm curious why the Baan suan pak place sells a cylinder shaped container that's much narrower. It got the job done, just wondering if there are pros and cons to each.

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shape really doesn't matter. The mushroom feeds on sugar and grows to whatever its in.

After the frist grow then your mushroom is in the shape of your container.

It's really good stuff. Can play around with flavoring the finished product. Even after the grow period then one can put the tea into a closed bottles for refrigeration. It will continue to ferment at a much slower rate.

Adding different flavors or herbs, extracts etc can enhance the taste and effect.


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  • 8 months later...

I'm in Bkk and have some milk kefir grains to share. I'm currently brewing my own kombucha too, so I'll probably have a scoby to share pretty soon. If anyone's interested, send me a PM in here. Anyone who has water kefir grains, I'd be interested in acquiring some of them.

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  • 1 year later...

I'm in Bkk and have some milk kefir grains to share. I'm currently brewing my own kombucha too, so I'll probably have a scoby to share pretty soon. If anyone's interested, send me a PM in here. Anyone who has water kefir grains, I'd be interested in acquiring some of them.

I am looking for kombucha scoby. In case you have something to spare, please let me know. Thanks

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  • 1 month later...

I have a continuous Kombacha system and it keeps ahead of me. I have 2 x 2.5 gallon fridge containers with spigots in the warm garage with scoby and brewing sugar tea. When it tastes right in a few days I pour off about 3/4 into bottles and add flavoring and a bit of sugar for secondary fizz fermentation and put the bottle lids on tight. I then fill up the brewing container with more sugar tea to keep the process going. The brewing container has a cloth covering the top opening to let air flow (aerobic fermentation) and keep the nasties out.

After two days bottled, (anerobic ferment) it goes in the fridge and when opened it's cold, flavored and fizzy and full of good gut bugs. Put in a few thin slices of fresh ginger or fruit or jam etc for the secondary ferment and have some entertainment. Mango Kombucha is really good. Any fruit juice will flavor it. About 10 pct juice in the bottle is enough for the secondary anerobic fermentation.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Great tips about growing the kefir and nice photos. .

We are an online health food store, and a sponsor, and carry organic wheatgrass seeds aka wheat berries here in Thailand. They sprout very well. Personally we have not used them to make rejuvelac but they sprout very well for wheatgrass, a very high percentage rate. Just important to rinse often because of the humidity and avoid the mold and also store in a very good air tight container or fridge. however there seems to be some debate about storing them in the fridge.


we sell in small quantities and bulk too.

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  • 6 months later...

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