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dont forget the SAS come out of Hereford,how dare you forget them lol

That is so, well nearby Credenhill now that is. For other Hereford originals, The Pretenders came from there and so did Frank Oz of Miss Piggy fame, although his Herefordian accent is as apparent as my Yankee doodle dandy one :) .

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dont forget the SAS come out of Hereford,how dare you forget them lol

That is so, well nearby Credenhill now that is. For other Hereford originals, The Pretenders came from there and so did Frank Oz of Miss Piggy fame, although his Herefordian accent is as apparent as my Yankee doodle dandy one :) .

I can see a new thread in the making here, too!

Ever since seeing Robert deNiro in (the otherwise excellent) 'Ronin', I've wanted to know the colour of the boathouse in "Hearford".

And why poor old Sean Bean didn't tell him it wasn't pronounced like that? Maybe Sean wanted his job........?

Anyway, my spies tell me it is painted cream colour. Of course I had to shoot the one who said there's no boathouse because Hereford isn't on the coast.

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Not off-topic as Strongbow comes from there (courtesy of Bulmers) and was already mentioned, plus there's some good keywords. :)

By the by, there ain't a boat house in Hereford for those who'd like to know (at least not in town)... De Niro just tried to catch Bean out. There is, however, the rowing club just up from the New Bridge which, incidentally, has good cheap Guinness, and a canoe centre south of the Old Bridge. :D

Anyway, if Guinness is a gonner here, what's the chances of Malaysian Royal Stout making it up this way? Pretty strong stuff (around 7%) and comes in bottled form, like this:


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Not off-topic as Strongbow comes from there (courtesy of Bulmers) and was already mentioned, plus there's some good keywords. :)

By the by, there ain't a boat house in Hereford for those who'd like to know (at least not in town)... De Niro just tried to catch Bean out. There is, however, the rowing club just up from the New Bridge which, incidentally, has good cheap Guinness, and a canoe centre south of the Old Bridge. :D

Anyway, if Guinness is a gonner here, what's the chances of Malaysian Royal Stout making it up this way? Pretty strong stuff (around 7%) and comes in bottled form, like this:


Yeah Royal Stout might be a second-best alternative if the guiness problem can't be resolved. There's a big market in Thailand for that type of drink but it might be out of publicans' control. But let's not hope it gets to that.


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That's insane; 300+ baht for a glass of Guinness.

I enjoy a pint or 2 (only when recovering from a serious illness, mind you). :D

At those prices wine starts to look like a better deal....some cheese with that wine?

post-23786-1267978354.jpg :)

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There is another stout on the market here. Just arrived and it is called Dwyers. More Murphys than Guinness in taste and holds it's head very well. Same sort of pricing.

I drank a couple of pints last night and was impressed. It will be all over Bangkok and Pattaya soon I should think.

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That's insane; 300+ baht for a glass of Guinness.

I enjoy a pint or 2 (only when recovering from a serious illness, mind you). :D

At those prices wine starts to look like a better deal....some cheese with that wine?

post-23786-1267978354.jpg :)

At any price wine starts to look like a better deal. :D

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Ever since seeing Robert deNiro in (the otherwise excellent) 'Ronin', I've wanted to know the colour of the boathouse in "Hearford".

And why poor old Sean Bean didn't tell him it wasn't pronounced like that? Maybe Sean wanted his job........?

Anyway, my spies tell me it is painted cream colour. Of course I had to shoot the one who said there's no boathouse because Hereford isn't on the coast.

If life has struck you with the fate of being born in deepest, darkest Herefordshire, then ones natural inclination will be to pronounce the name of the city as 'Er-ford'. Also, you will pronounce the word 'awkward' as 'oo-kard', call moles 'oonts' and derive pleasure from shooting 'skunks'. Hereford has no badgers. The hardest, most physicaly brutal way of performing a task will always be considered the best. :D

I live in gratitude to my paternal grandfather for teaching me these nugets of worldly wisdom.

Dunno about guiness or the colour of the boathouse though.

And of course, if you get the urge to shoot a welshman, its quite legal to do it outside Erford cathederal, providing you shoot him in the back with a crossbow. I tend to stay away from the place. :)

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There is another stout on the market here. Just arrived and it is called Dwyers. More Murphys than Guinness in taste and holds it's head very well. Same sort of pricing.

I drank a couple of pints last night and was impressed. It will be all over Bangkok and Pattaya soon I should think.

I enjoyed some Dwyers last week - not bad. Not as full-bodied as Guinness but very drinkable. I've only seen it at Bully's. Anyone know where else it's available?

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There is another stout on the market here. Just arrived and it is called Dwyers. More Murphys than Guinness in taste and holds it's head very well. Same sort of pricing.

I drank a couple of pints last night and was impressed. It will be all over Bangkok and Pattaya soon I should think.

I enjoyed some Dwyers last week - not bad. Not as full-bodied as Guinness but very drinkable. I've only seen it at Bully's. Anyone know where else it's available?

I had a pint of Dwyers in Bully's too, a couple of weeks ago. Not bad. I've also seen Murphy's in Bangkok. Hopefully, one or other will step into the breach and send some up here! From the moment the Guinness runs out in a couple of weeks time, the only stout in town will be Coopers Extra Stout from South Australia. We've got it at The Olde Bell. I don't know if anyone else has.

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I had a pint of Dwyers in Bully's too, a couple of weeks ago. Not bad. I've also seen Murphy's in Bangkok. Hopefully, one or other will step into the breach and send some up here! From the moment the Guinness runs out in a couple of weeks time, the only stout in town will be Coopers Extra Stout from South Australia. We've got it at The Olde Bell. I don't know if anyone else has.

I think I saw that brand (I saw stout but not sure of the brand) at Rim Ping Ruam Choke/Mee Choke Plaza. If they have it there, it musts be at other Rim Pings. I was looking for stout because of this thread but normally don't buy any which is why I do not remember the brand.

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  • 1 month later...
No Guinness, No Klosters, No Carlsberg?

Looks like you all are going to have to go back to drinking Watneys Red Barrel with your fish and chips.

Looks like Carlsberg are re entering the market there 10 year contract with Chang has expired. There jointly owned Lao government brewery will be producing Carlsberg.

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A dessert spoon of Bisto in a glass of Chang and it's hard to taste the difference.


If anybody is that desperate for a Guinness, I have 4 cans here from Tatchilek last week that can go to a good home. Never touched it again after I asked my father for a taste of his when I was about five years old. Yes he said as long as you finish the glass.....you can guess the rest :D

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No Guinness, No Klosters, No Carlsberg?

Looks like you all are going to have to go back to drinking Watneys Red Barrel with your fish and chips.

Looks like Carlsberg are re entering the market there 10 year contract with Chang has expired. There jointly owned Lao government brewery will be producing Carlsberg.

The Beer Lao brewery is jointly owned by Carlsberg for some time and its Carlsberg that has made Beer Lao such a supreme success. Carsberg has been brewed in Vientiane for 10 years after Chang kicked them out of Thailand. Now that the SEASIAN treaty is affect you are seeing more and more Beer Lao for sale and YES the return of Carlsberg and hopefully the demise of that SHYT called Chang.

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Off topic pointless post removed and all responses to that post. In the future, please use the report button to report a post rather than discuss it in the forum, cheers.

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maybe no black stuff in future but is free water still available anywhere except the red lion?

Kegs of Erdinger Dunkel are available in Chiang Mai, does that count? Might need to venture outside of Irish pubs to find it but it's not hard to find. It might not be Guiness but at least you don't have to listen to Brits and Irishmen telling you that it "doesn't travel well".

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There is another stout on the market here. Just arrived and it is called Dwyers. More Murphys than Guinness in taste and holds it's head very well. Same sort of pricing.

I drank a couple of pints last night and was impressed. It will be all over Bangkok and Pattaya soon I should think.

I enjoyed some Dwyers last week - not bad. Not as full-bodied as Guinness but very drinkable. I've only seen it at Bully's. Anyone know where else it's available?

Tropical Murphy's in Samui had it (Dwyers) at the end of last year. I liked it but apparently it didn't sell well for them, that most of their customers would go for the Guinness instead. Last month when I dropped by they not longer had it.

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