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Thai Youth Battling With Social Issues - Violence Rampant

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To be honest this survey would find the same results in most citys of the world.

Somehow I doubt that belief in karmic destiny would figure in other surveys.

Karmic destiny - "wats dat?.....errr .... a purfume or sumfing"?, probable reply of average uk teenage girl in the street.

No but....yeah but.....no but....yeah but......Thank goodness Thailand hasn't yet sunk to this level. :)

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Imagine being poor, living in a house similar to what most people in the west keep their garden tools in. Watching, on TV night after night, shows that revolve around the rich hi-so, whiter than white skinned, chinese thai elite, who are seemingly above all laws, use violence, coercion, and cheating to get ahead in life. While at the same time treating their dark skinned staff as little more than slaves, who have to sit down on the floor in front of their masters and mistresses, while they blame their staff for everything that goes wrong in their priviliged lives. These people are surrounded with all of the possessions that you know you'll never have? Such as a chair to sit on, or a bed to sleep on. Interrupted only by adverts promoting products to make your skin whiter. How would you feel?

Is it any wonder that the young in Thailand are seeking what pleasures they can, whether in sex, of whatever preference, drugs, drink or crime? :)

JingThing pass me that hammer, there's some folks here in much more need of it than you. :D

Squigy I agree with you up until close the schools.

Fire the teachers, re-educate the headman and get a new teacher.

If cheap ass Thaksin had done that with his NON-PAID taxes in 2006,

there would be a different world in issan now and he would be a god to most eyes.

Instead he chose greed and schools are not improved one jot.

But closing the schools is not the answer, better teachers and tools is the ONLY hope,

regardless of the history of the parents.

I am in the process of educating a young lady,who could have been said to have the

worst possible life and education prospects, and yet in the right school is thriving

and impressing good teachers. There is a decent student in all children, but given no chance,

or mistreatment in school that chance is truly lost.

Just hang on a minute.. Why should the rest who wish to progress through these times of trouble in the village have to put up with kids who have no desire to go forward in their education nor teachers who really have no will left in them to teach and who are just in a teaching position so that their families can get free medical treatment at any hospital of their choosing.

No I say kick them out, both teachers and kids who have no desire to fulfil their roles.

If the teacher is only there to get a pension or medical kick him out.

They need REAL teachers.

If he/she can't get the kids interested or explain the benefits, he/she isn't doing his job.

He and the headman should be able to explain this to the parents,

if they believed it CAN work, they would get the kids to show up.

Some percentage of students in all cultures are reprobates and get cut out,

but they are very small minority.

Let's not confuse apathy and lack of real opportunity, with various forms of mental illness.

Believe me the village will put up with those same idiot kids whether there is a school or not.

If they are not in school they are either put to work, or raising trouble in the village.

And will go on doing so much of their likely foreshortened lives. If the village doesn't physically

exile them, they are stuck with them as under-educated boors their whole life cycles.

Kick out potential students who aren't disruptive for others, and then it just continues the viscous cycle of poverty.

The schools must stay, the teachers improved and ALL, including parents who wish to learn encouraged to do so.

Education beats poverty faster than handouts. Micro credit and proper instruction comes in behind that,

but theyare education and opportunity combined.

Imagine being poor, living in a house similar to what most people in the west keep their garden tools in. Watching, on TV night after night, shows that revolve around the rich hi-so, whiter than white skinned, chinese thai elite, who are seemingly above all laws, use violence, coercion, and cheating to get ahead in life. While at the same time treating their dark skinned staff as little more than slaves, who have to sit down on the floor in front of their masters and mistresses, while they blame their staff for everything that goes wrong in their priviliged lives. These people are surrounded with all of the possessions that you know you'll never have? Such as a chair to sit on, or a bed to sleep on. Interrupted only by adverts promoting products to make your skin whiter. How would you feel?

Is it any wonder that the young in Thailand are seeking what pleasures they can, whether in sex, of whatever preference, drugs, drink or crime? :)

JingThing pass me that hammer, there's some folks here in much more need of it than you. :D

Yes, very much apropos to the problems of the day.

What some fools see as a simple TV sop for the masses, 'Entertainments' or Bread and Circuses,

is actuallty breeding intense hatred to the very people who profit from it's sales pitches.

And still foolishly think this is pleasing the masses. They shoot their own feet multiple times a night

in the blind belief that are doing something good for business and Thailand... idiotic mindset.

They glorify the absolute worst parts of Thai culture, and beat the people senseless with it nightly.

And then their media pundits bemoan the decline of Thai youth... self inflicted wounds for sure.

Oh, wait they can blame ' the west'. Can't be a Thai mistake.


Since we seem to be discussing the quality of Thai TV and its effects, is anybody else totally p*ssed with the Profitable Group who appear to be I/C on all things football? Their brainwashing repartition ensures that I wouldn't touch them with a bargepole.

Since we seem to be discussing the quality of Thai TV and its effects, is anybody else totally p*ssed with the Profitable Group who appear to be I/C on all things football? Their brainwashing repartition ensures that I wouldn't touch them with a bargepole.

In the so-called Land of Smiles you have a culture of violence and poverty and racism (racism within the society itself) and growing xenophobia against outsiders.

There are so many variables at work here and most have already been discussed.

It starts with parents.........then teachers.........the the entire mass media.

It does not help that young Thais go to internet shops and play violent games.

It does not help that young Thais have been brainwashed to believe in myths that will never come true for them--about society, about their future, etc.

I have, for some time now, been concerned about what will happen to Thailand when "reality sinks in" for the new generation of "spoiled know nothings."

And I am not only concerned about Thailand.........I am concerned about the impact on expats.

We are already seeing xenophobia increase--reflected in the immigration policies, and attitudes towards foreigners, especially among the young.

Societies have a way of collapsing or unraveling when bad people make bad decisions over and over again.

In the end, you are left with chaos and total lack of respect for anything...........me, me, me, me, and only ME! (Me generation)

Anybody ever see Mad Max? :) Give Thailand 50 more years of the same and..........who knows?

Anybody ever see Mad Max? Give Thailand 50 more years of the same and..........who knows?

Looking at the condition of the drinking water delivery trucks round my way I think the Mad Max scenario has already arrived at least as far as the vehicles go.

According to Dr. Amornwit, “on average, every student has at least three homosexual classmates, and the number is increasing”

"Watch out for the gay uprising. They'll be everywhere before you know it. Within a few years the whole country will be gay if something isn't done" warned Dr Amornwit.

Since we seem to be discussing the quality of Thai TV and its effects, is anybody else totally p*ssed with the Profitable Group who appear to be I/C on all things football? Their brainwashing repartition ensures that I wouldn't touch them with a bargepole.

In the so-called Land of Smiles you have a culture of violence and poverty and racism (racism within the society itself) and growing xenophobia against outsiders.

There are so many variables at work here and most have already been discussed.

It starts with parents.........then teachers.........the the entire mass media.

It does not help that young Thais go to internet shops and play violent games.

It does not help that young Thais have been brainwashed to believe in myths that will never come true for them--about society, about their future, etc.

I have, for some time now, been concerned about what will happen to Thailand when "reality sinks in" for the new generation of "spoiled know nothings."

And I am not only concerned about Thailand.........I am concerned about the impact on expats.

We are already seeing xenophobia increase--reflected in the immigration policies, and attitudes towards foreigners, especially among the young.

Societies have a way of collapsing or unraveling when bad people make bad decisions over and over again.

In the end, you are left with chaos and total lack of respect for anything...........me, me, me, me, and only ME! (Me generation)

Anybody ever see Mad Max? :) Give Thailand 50 more years of the same and..........who knows?

I believe that the education system in Thailand has been structured deliberately to fail students. Hopeless teachers are the police sent in to enforce the policies.

In Thailand you cannot have educated students who will have the ability to out think the rulling elite in any way shape or form.


This issue is not confined to Thailand

It is a world wide issues

Stems from poor parenting and too many parents

leaving there kids unsupervised. Most families now

a days have both parents working, kids today are

left in front of the idiot box or at the internet cafe.

Go into any internet cafe and all kids do is sit for

hours on end and play violent games.

Also parents today cannot or do not discipline kids.

When I was young and was bad, I got whacked on

the butt with a came ... do that to a kid today and

child services is at your door.


Agree it's a world problem, there's some Thai twists or nuances to this survey, like the extreme poverty of most people watching the hi so soaps, compared to in the west, where the line is more blurred, or the karmic line.

Catching the train at school leaving time in Brisbane every day, some time back, my thought is that Strine kids are probably as bad or worse as far as behaviour goes. There was not much recognisable difference between the ethnic groups, although apparently they fight a lot

Since we seem to be discussing the quality of Thai TV and its effects, is anybody else totally p*ssed with the Profitable Group who appear to be I/C on all things football? Their brainwashing repartition ensures that I wouldn't touch them with a bargepole.

In the so-called Land of Smiles you have a culture of violence and poverty and racism (racism within the society itself) and growing xenophobia against outsiders.

There are so many variables at work here and most have already been discussed.

It starts with parents.........then teachers.........the the entire mass media.

It does not help that young Thais go to internet shops and play violent games.

It does not help that young Thais have been brainwashed to believe in myths that will never come true for them--about society, about their future, etc.

I have, for some time now, been concerned about what will happen to Thailand when "reality sinks in" for the new generation of "spoiled know nothings."

And I am not only concerned about Thailand.........I am concerned about the impact on expats.

We are already seeing xenophobia increase--reflected in the immigration policies, and attitudes towards foreigners, especially among the young.

Societies have a way of collapsing or unraveling when bad people make bad decisions over and over again.

In the end, you are left with chaos and total lack of respect for anything...........me, me, me, me, and only ME! (Me generation)

Anybody ever see Mad Max? :D Give Thailand 50 more years of the same and..........who knows?

I believe that the education system in Thailand has been structured deliberately to fail students. Hopeless teachers are the police sent in to enforce the policies.

In Thailand you cannot have educated students who will have the ability to out think the rulling elite in any way shape or form.

Although ironically, it is almost impossible to "fail" within the Thai education system (reflects badly on the teachers and school director, whose face must be saved). So why the system patently fails the students, everyone ends up passing! Perverse logic.

I once taught English for a term in a Buddhist University in Kalasin where the students were monks and novices. The students' standard of English was appalling, even though they were supposed to be doing English degrees. The average level was more like Elementary 6, and there were perhaps 2 out of c. 30 persons who could be described as beingcapable to degree level, and even they were borderline. When it came to end of term exams I set an incredibly easy test (Bor 6 level), yet still over half failed by the University's own scoring criteria. I reported the pass/failure rate to the school adminstration, and subsequently left the University. For the next month, I received phone calls from first the head of Department and later the Director (Abbot) to readjust my results so the majority passed. I politely refused, the Dragon Lady who tried every trick in the book to make me change my mind. Later the University tried phoning my wife to try and pressure me to pass the students. She told them I was quite capable of deciding who was at the requisite pass level and it was nothing to do with her. They eventually gave up pestering us and I must assume that the results were doctored and most if not everyone, passed with an English degree. No fails allowed in that system. :)

Since we seem to be discussing the quality of Thai TV and its effects, is anybody else totally p*ssed with the Profitable Group who appear to be I/C on all things football? Their brainwashing repartition ensures that I wouldn't touch them with a bargepole.

In the so-called Land of Smiles you have a culture of violence and poverty and racism (racism within the society itself) and growing xenophobia against outsiders.

There are so many variables at work here and most have already been discussed.

It starts with parents.........then teachers.........the the entire mass media.

It does not help that young Thais go to internet shops and play violent games.

It does not help that young Thais have been brainwashed to believe in myths that will never come true for them--about society, about their future, etc.

I have, for some time now, been concerned about what will happen to Thailand when "reality sinks in" for the new generation of "spoiled know nothings."

And I am not only concerned about Thailand.........I am concerned about the impact on expats.

We are already seeing xenophobia increase--reflected in the immigration policies, and attitudes towards foreigners, especially among the young.

Societies have a way of collapsing or unraveling when bad people make bad decisions over and over again.

In the end, you are left with chaos and total lack of respect for anything...........me, me, me, me, and only ME! (Me generation)

Anybody ever see Mad Max? :D Give Thailand 50 more years of the same and..........who knows?

I believe that the education system in Thailand has been structured deliberately to fail students. Hopeless teachers are the police sent in to enforce the policies.

In Thailand you cannot have educated students who will have the ability to out think the rulling elite in any way shape or form.

Although ironically, it is almost impossible to "fail" within the Thai education system (reflects badly on the teachers and school director, whose face must be saved). So why the system patently fails the students, everyone ends up passing! Perverse logic.

I once taught English for a term in a Buddhist University in Kalasin where the students were monks and novices. The students' standard of English was appalling, even though they were supposed to be doing English degrees. The average level was more like Elementary 6, and there were perhaps 2 out of c. 30 persons who could be described as beingcapable to degree level, and even they were borderline. When it came to end of term exams I set an incredibly easy test (Bor 6 level), yet still over half failed by the University's own scoring criteria. I reported the pass/failure rate to the school adminstration, and subsequently left the University. For the next month, I received phone calls from first the head of Department and later the Director (Abbot) to readjust my results so the majority passed. I politely refused, the Dragon Lady who tried every trick in the book to make me change my mind. Later the University tried phoning my wife to try and pressure me to pass the students. She told them I was quite capable of deciding who was at the requisite pass level and it was nothing to do with her. They eventually gave up pestering us and I must assume that the results were doctored and most if not everyone, passed with an English degree. No fails allowed in that system. :)

There is pass and pass.. to me it all comes down to failure and lead onwards to the corrupt practices that exsist today because these kids when in the real world find that they have to pay to get anything done.. (Face saving again) and that is the story of their life and that of Thailands.

I appalaud you for sticking to your guns.It would be interesting to see how those students fared in later life.

I was amazed to find kids at Ubon Uni (mind you there are two in the same campus) who majored in English had the knpwledge of a 5 year old in Western english speaking countries. The only reason a lot of them passed was the Farang lecturer was gay and passed them if he slept with them.! Amazing Thailand

According to Dr. Amornwit, “on average, every student has at least three homosexual classmates, and the number is increasing”

"Watch out for the gay uprising. They'll be everywhere before you know it. Within a few years the whole country will be gay if something isn't done" warned Dr Amornwit.

Thanks for pointing out this lil bit of paranoia from officialdom.

Or is that officialdumb?

Well if the whole country turns gay, then problem solved in a generation!

As some have noted, it's more a youthful bisexuality, sometimes for profit,

sometimes that profit to have cash to date girls... who have financial expectations to meet.

I think Dr. A. is confusing teen ambiguity, with a life long choice of mating behavior.


Really who cares about Thai kids and what they get up to? Just a few forum members who can relate experiences they have had in the past with this group of people.

But, nobody in Government will stir the pot and get these kids on the straight and narrow. Too much hard work and no monetary gain in that.

Thai Tourism better start dreaming up a few new campaigns for the future.. because I see no future for this country with these kids going the way they are and been brainwashed by large Thai companies.

Nobody really cares.

Take a look at Abhisits Education Ministers last few proposals.

It is enlightening.

Can you PM me a link to this? If it's not against forum rules, of course, thanks.

Really who cares about Thai kids and what they get up to? Just a few forum members who can relate experiences they have had in the past with this group of people.

But, nobody in Government will stir the pot and get these kids on the straight and narrow. Too much hard work and no monetary gain in that.

Thai Tourism better start dreaming up a few new campaigns for the future.. because I see no future for this country with these kids going the way they are and been brainwashed by large Thai companies.

Nobody really cares.

Well I, for one, care. I have an large extended family of neices and nephews here, that I want to see do well in life.

Take a look at Abhisits Education Ministers last few proposals.

It is enlightening.

Where can I get a copy? But you mentioned "Ministers last few proposals" That sounds like they are just that and have not made it any further. F@!k why are these politicians treating the future like this. No activity, just a few words to satisfy the public. Or maybe a bit of money thrown at the problem and it's then back to working out how to make a few Baht.

why are these politicians treating the future like this. No activity, just a few words to satisfy the public.

That's what ALL politicians do. Every side. Every country.

Can we have a few serious replies? It makes me wonder if a lot of Farang's care at all?

why are these politicians treating the future like this. No activity, just a few words to satisfy the public.

That's what ALL politicians do. Every side. Every country.

Can we have a few serious replies? It makes me wonder if a lot of Farang's care at all?

I'd tend to agree with anotherpeter. Certainly where I'm from, (the UK), despite politicians never ending promises, for examples Tony Blairs education, education, education election speech, for me the education system in the Uk is far worse than when I was a scholar, in the 1960s. Promises of better education gain votes, pure and simple, in every country. The problem here is that Thailand is no different to most other countries, the promises made at election time, never match up to what actually happens once they've got the votes they need. The fact that Thai voters might fall for these false promises, doesn't make them more stupid than voters in other countries, for after all, they too fall for their politicians promises. People everywhere are gullible when the education of their children are involved, they naturally want the best for them, so are inclined to vote for the party that promises the best chance for their children.

Less bomb detectors, balloons and aircraft less aircraft carriers, equals more in the pot for teacher training, books etc. But sadly Thailand isn't the only country run this way, it's the same almost everywhere.

As for Dr Amornwit's views on gays. Is this chap stuck in some kind of 1960s timewarp? If a gay sits next to you in class, then you'll become gay too? As far as I know, it is not uncommon for teenages to go through a period of sexual confusion, including attraction to people of the same gender as them. They either grow out of this or not. For me, and hopefully most civilised people, it doesn't matter. Being gay or not doesn't make you a less contributing member of society. Probably more than ever, with the world changing so fast, these kids today need guidance, such as effective teaching of contraception / protection against STDs, not becoming even more confused by some half-wit whose views belong in the dark ages.


Sure parents vote and politicians control the bicky barrel, but education has a place in the home too. I could read before I went to school.

What amazes me around my village and home here is the total lack of aspiration to be anything amongst the kids, and I think this comes from the parents who dont push their kids hard enough, in fact they mollycoddle them. They have absolutely no interest in what is going on in the world and are quite content once the kid leaves school (a decision the kid seems to make for him/her self) to fund them to the best of their ability to tear around on motorbikes, smoking etc.

I have 2 bright (in my opinion) children in my house a son 13 and a niece 11, who ostensibly learn English. They can read at about grade 2 level quite well but they have to be really pushed right out of their comfort zone to practice speaking any English with me. The teachers know me and know I am here and they dont encourage anything either. Its all too hard.

In fact I think at least some parents look to children as the future source of labour and support and for that reason they dont need much of an education. If the kids gets too well educated he/she might leave and not want to come back when needed. This is only an observation.


The following is extracted from a speech given by Bill Gates to schoolchildren some years ago.

Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life has not. In some schools they have abolished failing grades and they'll give you as many times as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.

Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.


Laying such wisdom before the Thai people might well be considered akin to ' casting pearls before swine'.

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