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Thaksin's Family Doing A Runner

Gonzo the Face

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It suggests that not even his nearest-and-dearest believe, his or his junior-puppets' protestations, that this will all be totally peaceful and democratic ! :)

Or perhaps it's all just coincidence, as they themselves claim ? :D

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Guess I missed something.

My understanding was that pojaman was not able to leave Thailand because of her conviction on tax evasion, now on appeal.

Can anybody share anything on this point, please.

Could she have been given leave, to attend the Winter-Olympics, do you think ? :)

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Maybe they just don't want to get killed by someone who has something against dear old dad. :)

Good to know Ulysses will be at the rally - fighting so strongly for the cause of truth, justice, and Thaksin's power and money.

Any foreigner with more than half a brain will stay away, but have fun at the rally. :D

Edited by Ulysses G.
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There is already a long thread here.

You did have a look at the forum before you posted this, right?

Guess the name 'Bubba' fits....... you did have a look at the times of each post before you posted your post ....right?

part of the skip thinking, just post crowd .... right ???


Yes I did. My post was at 09:12, the previous post that I was referring to was at at 09:10, and thread I referenced began at 07:20.

Perhaps the moderators would like to combine these?

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Maybe they just don't want to get killed by someone who has something against dear old dad. :D

So its clear they are afraid to lead the red shirts, but they can't even depend on the red shirts to protect them?

Why would Thaksin's kids lead the Redshirts? :)

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You know the way TV is Mr. GF. they have two threads at once. going.


thats good, we have two opportunities to comment on the traitorious Thaksin and his pond life offspring

Somewhat unkind to pondlife IMO. :)

This is all very defamatory and legally and factually iffy. I had no other option than to report your posts. In addition it incites hatred with a term like traitor/traiterous. In hateful environments, some people go over the edge which is not helpful in tense times. I would hope things remain respectful, and peaceful. :D

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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