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Video: Organizers Hand Out Cash To Red-shirt People


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this is not an election so nothing wrong about it. Expenses need to be covered. Give them double of what they get now would be much better.
I understand that there are some folks screaming about it but there is absolutely nothing illegal about the practice.

Methinks the laddies doth protest too much ! :)

This is clear evidence that the claimed 'peoples' protest' is nothing of the kind, the protesters are being paid serious money (in Thai terms) to go, this all has nothing to do with democracy, the whole thing is a sham ! No wonder even Noppadon is embarrassed.

If this were an election, this evidence would surely be sufficient, for the E.C. to red-card the MPs involved, and rightly so.

Better perhaps to applaud Thaksin, for putting his money where his mouth is, and finally giving these poor people a cut of his massive wealth. Now what about all the rest of the citizens ? :D

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A Thai friend of mine that is from Isaan said that his uncle and others were being offered 10,000 baht a day if they drove their pick-up down to Bangkok with people in it. Not a bad income for three or four days.

Next, another Thai friend (at work) was telling me that the "nonpolitical Thais" are afraid that the real fanatics will have a few selected Reds dress in army uniforms and shoot the demonstrators just to get the protesters raging mad. Last spring, the Thai army did not fire at anyone...very peaceful. This "peaceful" approach irritated the Red leaders since they looked like the "bad" guys. I told him that now days, people would be able to use their cellphone cameras and record such an event but I doubt it would ever happen.

Next, I wish the politicians in the USA running for Congress or President would follow the Red's approach and just give voters the cash to vote for them.. Now days, the politicians (a Republican or Democrat) are all the same--- self-centered and not into representing their people. The multi- millions of dollars they spend just as well go to the people to buy votes. This would help the economy and citizens without jobs.

All polititians buy votes through policy even in the US. You make promises to the electorate such as "less taxes, better public services, FREE healthcare, national security, legalise gay marriage, green cards, job creation, etc...." Then you put together a package of what you think will buy the electorate. Most people are bought by what benefits/buys them not what's beneficial to the good of their nation as if you give a cr_p about your fellow man and vote for something that benefits others more than yourself your considered a liberal. Dirty word!

In this country they can't play the tax card to win votes from the rural poor as they don't earn enough to pay tax and they don't have the gas money to get to the rallies. I'll bet there's a lot more people in out of the way places who'd attend if they had the funds to get to Bangkok as support for the red shirts is a lot bigger than some on this thread seem to think. I live down south but go up there a few times a year and I've never met anyone up there who's not red and that includes police.

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There was a saying in the USA many years ago, during the "Cold War;" better dead, than red. It referred to Communism, they seemed to like the color. I wonder why the pro Thaksin people would choose the color red. I know why PAD choose yellow, and it's not because they are cowards. Just curious, why red shirts?

Because 90% of Thailand love Man U, Liverpool or Arsenal all red shirts and not communists BIG business! Give it 10 more years and they'll all be wearing Chelsea blue as Chelsea are the darling of the youth. Why are the republicans red and the democrates blue?

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If this were an election, this evidence would surely be sufficient, for the E.C. to red-card the MPs involved, and rightly so.


fortunately is not necessary to travel 700km (+ 700 back) to go vote....

so, is not necessary to fill the tank....

ricardo don't worry, you're just a further user that stepped into a shit...

Edited by janderton
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So the video is posted now why doesn't George tell us exactly why they are getting paid???

Could it be they are drivers and the 2000B is to cover the price of gas? would make sense as DL seem to be required.

Ooooh never thought of that lol! nice propaganda thread by TV

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From my experience with some Thai contractors and service providers, sometimes they get the deposit money and never bother to show up to do the work.

At the same time they are passing a lot of money but when I saw the demonstration today was mislay 20 to 300 people at them most, I guess there are some no show here too

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If this were an election, this evidence would surely be sufficient, for the E.C. to red-card the MPs involved, and rightly so.


fortunately is not necessary to travel 700km (+ 700 back) to go vote....

so, is not necessary to fill the tank....

ricardo don't worry, you're just a further user that stepped into a shit...

Careful Janderton your post will probably get deleted? No naughty words allowed

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Big deal! A lot of those people need to cover their expenses at home even if they get a free ride to Bangkok and a few free meals while they are there.

I agree, these are people who need a few bucks to send back home and cover food or lodging, so let them. Dont get your panties in a bunch thinking I support this rally, or ANY RALLY for that matter. I dont.

So what happened to free expression of political views. Demonstrations used to be about your personal political and social problems and people went to demonstrate on their own will (no incentives) with passion and desire. They never asked for financial support for their time. It used to be a spontanious action against injustice and corrupt administrations.

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From my experience with some Thai contractors and service providers, sometimes they get the deposit money and never bother to show up to do the work.

At the same time they are passing a lot of money but when I saw the demonstration today was mislay 20 to 300 people at them most, I guess there are some no show here too

BBC says there's thousands converging on Bangkok and the meet isn't till Sunday so maybe best not to downplay it yet?

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They're fighting for Democracy - errrrrrr money for votes, money for support, money for protesting. Now that's what I call democracy!!!!!!!!!

Before you start complaining about Thailand, I should point out that this EXACT same thing happens in America.

The ONLY difference is that in Thailand they hand you cash and in the US they require you to fill out a 1040 form and mail you a check. (The tax credits this year were not refunds and were not income based... even people with no tax liability received them.)

At least in Thailand someone actually HAS the cash. The US government handed out money it borrowed from China.

Why is the American method of vote buying more palatable to everyone? Because it seems more official?

Edited by moto77
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Careful Janderton your post will probably get deleted? No naughty words allowed

ah ok, i apologize


If this were an election, this evidence would surely be sufficient, for the E.C. to red-card the MPs involved, and rightly so.


fortunately is not necessary to travel 700km (+ 700 back) to go vote....

so, is not necessary to fill the tank....

ricardo don't worry, you're just a further user that stepped into a poo-poo (rumors say "bring luck")

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All that's now needed is someone posting a video on YouTube that will irk the local keepers of morality and culture and YouTube will be blocked again together with all the 'evidence' by evil, red wrong-doing... :)

Thaksin is the one that has blocked Youtube before, this govt. never has. Go smoke another one!

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And if the yellows are guilty of this too, then shame on them. There was nobody in our office back in 2006 taking cash for participating in the original PAD protests though.

I second that.....in my office there were tons of Yellow supporters who went out night after night, no money, just going to take part in something they believed in. Though I questioned their beliefs, I do know they weren't going there because someone was paying them. I now find that quite admirable.

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Thai wife tells me very little Thai is being spoken and it sounds like Laotian to her but not sure. Does anyone know if these are Thai people being paid off?

Yep Lao from Isaan.

But gee, looks like this may not be a populist movement by the common people to restore a legitimately elected leader and democracy!!! :D


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Big deal! A lot of those people need to cover their expenses at home even if they get a free ride to Bangkok and a few free meals while they are there.

I agree, these are people who need a few bucks to send back home and cover food or lodging, so let them. Dont get your panties in a bunch thinking I support this rally, or ANY RALLY for that matter. I dont.

So what happened to free expression of political views. Demonstrations used to be about your personal political and social problems and people went to demonstrate on their own will (no incentives) with passion and desire. They never asked for financial support for their time. It used to be a spontanious action against injustice and corrupt administrations.

So someone's circulated a video of 2000B being handed out? One red shirt giving another 2000B is hardly proof that 100s of millions of baht are being handed out? Has anyone seen a suitcase full of cash circulating a large crowd or just a short clip and small money going to a few people?

Anyone who's witnessed tens of thousands of people getting a handout while having their ID card details registered so they don't claim twice let me know but I doubt it as the logistics to do that would take weeks. Next thing there'll be a video post of a bus driver being handed 20000B. Is that a bribe or the cost of gas on a double decker coach to drive a 1400km round trip?

Let's face it the video would have to be money going to drivers as if the plan was to bribe all protesters to attend they would have been handing out the money in towns and villages weeks ago if the plan is to get 1 million demonstrators. Logistics nightmare to do on the day, do the math!

Edited by Jirapa
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Here is part 2:

Red shirts collect money for travelling to Bangkok to demonstrate against the government.

If only the USA would protest the coup d'etat that has happened there! 30 years of Wall Street running the white house.

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Thaksin is the one that has blocked Youtube before, this govt. never has. Go smoke another one!

the military government (sept'06- feb'08) blocked youtube in the period earlier the issue of the new constitution (aug '07).

p.s. i'm not english mothertongue (really, who'd say... :) ) i got a question: to say "go smoke another one" is an assumption that the interlocutor is drug addicted?

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Here is part 2:

Red shirts collect money for travelling to Bangkok to demonstrate against the government.

If only the USA would protest the coup d'etat that has happened there! 30 years of Wall Street running the white house.

Those are driving licences not ID cards

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Why is the American method of vote buying more palatable to everyone? Because it seems more official?

nope, probably because you're not paid to vote one way or another.

"I'll give you 100bucks if I can watch you cross Obama in the ballot booth"

doesn't happen does it?

Although the US has been in the pockets of Wall Street since at least 1981, they don't even need to bribe you with taxes anymore. They just broadcast tripe on Fox and enough people buy it. Some US politicians can't even speak properly, notably GWBush and Palin. This is as unpalatable to most people as vote-buying in Thailand, but I digress...

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All that's now needed is someone posting a video on YouTube that will irk the local keepers of morality and culture and YouTube will be blocked again together with all the 'evidence' by evil, red wrong-doing... :)

Thaksin is the one that has blocked Youtube before, this govt. never has. Go smoke another one!

You sir, need some tuition on reading and comprehension.  Not sure what any of this has to do with Thaksin but I'm sure in your estimation the global financial crisis was his fault too.  :D

Perhaps you should have a smoke to get those synapses a bit fired up.  :D

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Why is the American method of vote buying more palatable to everyone? Because it seems more official?

nope, probably because you're not paid to vote one way or another.

"I'll give you 100bucks if I can watch you cross Obama in the ballot booth"

doesn't happen does it?

Although the US has been in the pockets of Wall Street since at least 1981, they don't even need to bribe you with taxes anymore. They just broadcast tripe on Fox and enough people buy it. Some US politicians can't even speak properly, notably GWBush and Palin. This is as unpalatable to most people as vote-buying in Thailand, but I digress...

Americans are easy to fool with expensive TV ads, and Thais are cheap to vote-buy. Same same but different.

Edited by ding
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Why is the American method of vote buying more palatable to everyone? Because it seems more official?

nope, probably because you're not paid to vote one way or another.

"I'll give you 100bucks if I can watch you cross Obama in the ballot booth"

doesn't happen does it?

Although the US has been in the pockets of Wall Street since at least 1981, they don't even need to bribe you with taxes anymore. They just broadcast tripe on Fox and enough people buy it. Some US politicians can't even speak properly, notably GWBush and Palin. This is as unpalatable to most people as vote-buying in Thailand, but I digress...

Ivan, perhaps you have never seen obammy try and speak without a telepromter :) I have, it goes something like this: ah, ah oh eh ah, talk about an empty suit, this guy is making GW look better every day :D Obamas achievments are skyrocketing unemployment, no healthcare bill (thank god!), no cap and trade bill (thank god again!), and he is setting Democrats up for the worst beating they have ever taken in a mid term election, hows that hope and cahnge working out for you?

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All that's now needed is someone posting a video on YouTube that will irk the local keepers of morality and culture and YouTube will be blocked again together with all the 'evidence' by evil, red wrong-doing... :)

Thaksin is the one that has blocked Youtube before, this govt. never has. Go smoke another one!

You sir, need some tuition on reading and comprehension.  Not sure what any of this has to do with Thaksin but I'm sure in your estimation the global financial crisis was his fault too.  :D

Perhaps you should have a smoke to get those synapses a bit fired up.  :D

May want to edit this if there's still time. Always embarrassing for me to flame someone for ignorance and making a typo, or failing to understand the word I'm using to humiliate another.

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Mods can we have the thread title changed? this one a bit missleading something like

Video: Organizers Hand Out Cash To Red-shirt Drivers to Buy GAS!


If you check the video the organizers have a photocopy of driving licenses which are checked against the original before the 2000B is handed over.

Now guys please a video of Red Shirt demonstrators being paid if you please

Edited by monkfish
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I'm betting that you wont see any videos of the type seen on BBC new reports this evening which show the red shirts gathering in Udon Thani and explains their motives.

Likewise, I'll bet that none of the news clippings will includes the bit in today's Nation which stated that The Nation as well as most other media outlets were overwhelmingly 'Pro Yellow'

From today's The Nation:

The government, with collaboration from the mainstream media, managed to portray itself as an angel and the red-shirt group as former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra's evil lackeys - ready to use all violent means to bring their boss back to power. Visions of last April's bloodshed have been planted in the public mind many times a day to show the red-shirt group is nothing but a bloodthirsty monster

Yet, this article doesnt make Thaivisa 'News Clippings' maybe it's not 'on point' as far as the message goes.

:) What's Thai for "unbiased"?

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Why is the American method of vote buying more palatable to everyone? Because it seems more official?

nope, probably because you're not paid to vote one way or another.

"I'll give you 100bucks if I can watch you cross Obama in the ballot booth"

doesn't happen does it?

Although the US has been in the pockets of Wall Street since at least 1981, they don't even need to bribe you with taxes anymore. They just broadcast tripe on Fox and enough people buy it. Some US politicians can't even speak properly, notably GWBush and Palin. This is as unpalatable to most people as vote-buying in Thailand, but I digress...

Ivan, perhaps you have never seen obammy try and speak without a telepromter :) I have, it goes something like this: ah, ah oh eh ah, talk about an empty suit, this guy is making GW look better every day :D Obamas achievments are skyrocketing unemployment, no healthcare bill (thank god!), no cap and trade bill (thank god again!), and he is setting Democrats up for the worst beating they have ever taken in a mid term election, hows that hope and cahnge working out for you?

Sorry about that Vegas, reading back you must have mistaken me for an Obamafan.

That was the last thing on my mind. So far he's a good orator and little more. All I wanted to say was that vote buying per se, doesn't happen in USA. Unfortunately, it does here.

US unemployment, inarticulate GWB and Palin, denial of healthcare, will be issues on another site. Maybe see you there? Wherever that is. :D And I didn't even mention the arms or oil lobbies once.. :D

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