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Video: Organizers Hand Out Cash To Red-shirt People


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I bet the current government is happy they didn't continue to block Youtube now.

I hope they take over the airport and have a small war lasting about 2 months. The Thai gov. have said they will give tourists 100 dollars a day if they cant fly home ( 3200bhat ) . Maybe I can still go home with some money. I am normally skint everytime I leave this Kingdom . please (o) please :)

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Big deal! A lot of those people need to cover their expenses at home even if they get a free ride to Bangkok and a few free meals while they are there.

Especially the ones who'll be missing work. We all have bills to pay and it's not like the UK where you can just take a sicky and go on a march/rally for 3-7 days. Here no work no pay! If they do get 1 million on the march it still makes 4 million queen quids at 2000B a pop. Pennies for Mr. T! It's much easier for us westerners to stand up for what we believe in as even if we get fired due to taking a week off we still have welfare. As I recall the yellow shirts were paying 500B a day?

Yea, we have it so easy in the UK. We were just given welfare and sick pay. No one in the past protested for these things.

Can you see the irony in your post now?

Protesting is much like running a business. It can start off slow, maybe you'll lose money. But if it's a good idea, people will like it and then you'll see your business do well.

No irony at all! And what chapter or century in UK history are you talking about as I was refering to long after the creation of the welfare state not the era of the suffrajets nor the age of slavery. I was on all the poll tax rallies in London which turned nasty and stood vigil outside the South African Embassy for 5 hours a week over 3 years after work during aparthied because I had a good job and could afford the time. Most Thai protesters don't have the financial security we have to spend days on a protest so where's the irony?

Wow, thanks for that interesting yet irrelevent reply. The Irony is; it's easy for us to protest in the UK because we are protected. Yes, we get sick pay, welfare and whatever other rights we enjoy today due to people in the past fighting for these things. They weren't just handed to us on a plate. Poor people had to protest. Do you understand this concept?

So now the red shirts are protesting and they want democracy etc. They have no welfare or sick pay etc. Much like the people of the UK when they were protesting for these kind of things.

So again. The irnony is; people in the UK have been there and done that. Now we enjoy a much 'fairer' quality of life because of what the generations before us did. You say it like we've always had these things and it's always been easy. It's easier now, but tell my grandparents how easy it was back then.

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What's to stop someone from signing up, taking the Bt.2,000, then splitting?

It's called a conscience perhaps? It's obvious that a sizable number of expats don't have them, and an even larger number of foreigners don't think Thais have them.

Or just maybe there are people who genuinely care about the future of their country but just can't make the nut to get to BKK on their own.

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So do we all agree these people are drivers and receiving 2000B to cover gas (petrol, Benzin) expenses for driving demonstrators to Bangkok and back again???

In a word.


You sir are a fool. You have no idea what the people are saying yet you let your "intuition" tell you the answer.

I know exactly what they are saying.

The organisers are telling the people where to sign and the guy on the microphone is shouting anti government slogans. Cash is clearly being handed out without a single mention of petrol money once. You see, living in Thailand, I have a Thai wife who can understand what they are saying and translate for me, ain't that just amazing. The question was

So do we all agree these people are drivers and receiving 2000B to cover gas (petrol, Benzin) expenses for driving demonstrators to Bangkok and back again???
, to which I replied no because there is no evidence to indicate that is the case, is there?......

So what evidence do you have to indicate otherwise, or are you just going on intuition?

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Taking 500 bt/day with all expenses covered says it all. Most of these demonstrators could easily afford to come on their own dime. All they would need to do is cut out the alcohol for a month or make some other suitable sacrifice in the case of non-drinkers. They have had plenty of time to save up a few hundred baht to make the trip. This million man march hasn't been a secret. If the demonstrators cared passionately about the cause they would come for free and would actually refuse the money as an insult to the cause.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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They're fighting for Democracy - errrrrrr money for votes, money for support, money for protesting. Now that's what I call democracy!!!!!!!!!

My Thai wife says people are not paid to rally.

Only drivers are reimbursed for the expenses incurred (e.g. for fuel Si Sa Ket-Bangkok two-way THB 4,000).

My wife says, if she were a single, she would go to rally too.

I think it is much deeper than about money only; it is about solidarity and conviction.

In their villages the protesters are considered as heroes.

For many farangs here that seems difficult to understand.

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You see, living in Thailand, I have a Thai wife who can understand what they are saying and translate for me, ain't that just amazing.

I read such disclaimer a couple of times, not only from you but also from others, and i have to admit that i am living in Thailand but i don't have a Thai wife. am i out now? is it only accepted to post what the Thai wife says and thinks? honestly, i didn't know that is necessary to voice an opinion here, thought that is not the family section of the forum. but maybe i am wrong.

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For Thaksin, it's all cold and calculated...

Pay 1,000,000 people 2000 Baht each, cost two billion dollars. Use them to throw over the government and get you 46 Billion back...net profit 44 Billion Dollars US, in less than a week. Where can you make that kind of money in one week, with the bonus of having your criminal record wiped out, all lawsuits dropped and being prime minister again (or should I say Prime Dictator, as in Thaksin's case). True, it may cost him few more millions, to pay off the organizers, but the profits are still huge.

That's if you don't count all the dead and maimed, who will be left in the streets, by the time all this is over :-( Anyways, if Thaksin wins, you can kiss democracy in this country goodbye.

Are you the ultimate yellow genius, comparing what is called in American English “apples and oranges”, bahts and dollars ?

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You see, living in Thailand, I have a Thai wife who can understand what they are saying and translate for me, ain't that just amazing.

I read such disclaimer a couple of times, not only from you but also from others, and i have to admit that i am living in Thailand but i don't have a Thai wife. am i out now? is it only accepted to post what the Thai wife says and thinks? honestly, i didn't know that is necessary to voice an opinion here, thought that is not the family section of the forum. but maybe i am wrong.

I was answering a question pal, get over it.

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You see, living in Thailand, I have a Thai wife who can understand what they are saying and translate for me, ain't that just amazing.

I read such disclaimer a couple of times, not only from you but also from others, and i have to admit that i am living in Thailand but i don't have a Thai wife. am i out now? is it only accepted to post what the Thai wife says and thinks? honestly, i didn't know that is necessary to voice an opinion here, thought that is not the family section of the forum. but maybe i am wrong.

You need neither to have a Thai wife, nor to be a Thai yourself to have an opinion, but it is better to remember that we farangs are guests.

It is their country and their future.

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A lot of people attending the rally are doing so because they believe in it. There are also people being paid to attend. This stuff is organised by different groups. The UDD have their following and most are loyal and committed but a few are boosted by money. The PTP MPs are old style feudal barons and do things the old way. Their supporters are used to turning out in return for rewards. Considering these MPs are going to have theri littel scam with the rice pledging wiped out if this government continues anything these affected MPs pay is not lost if they are succesful.

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For Thaksin, it's all cold and calculated...

Pay 1,000,000 people 2000 Baht each, cost two billion dollars. Use them to throw over the government and get you 46 Billion back...net profit 44 Billion Dollars US, in less than a week. Where can you make that kind of money in one week, with the bonus of having your criminal record wiped out, all lawsuits dropped and being prime minister again (or should I say Prime Dictator, as in Thaksin's case). True, it may cost him few more millions, to pay off the organizers, but the profits are still huge.

That's if you don't count all the dead and maimed, who will be left in the streets, by the time all this is over :-( Anyways, if Thaksin wins, you can kiss democracy in this country goodbye.

Are you the ultimate yellow genius, comparing what is called in American English “apples and oranges”, bahts and dollars ?

Glad we have a Dick who can read :) Anyways, if you go back to post #230, you will see, that I have already adressed my mistake. Numbers were wrong, meaning stands.

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A lot of people attending the rally are doing so because they believe in it. There are also people being paid to attend. This stuff is organised by different groups. The UDD have their following and most are loyal and committed but a few are boosted by money. The PTP MPs are old style feudal barons and do things the old way. Their supporters are used to turning out in return for rewards. Considering these MPs are going to have theri littel scam with the rice pledging wiped out if this government continues anything these affected MPs pay is not lost if they are succesful.

My Thai wife says ALL parties pay money to buy votes and the farmers are clever enough to pocket the money they get for free, but that people still vote following their conviction.

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They're fighting for Democracy - errrrrrr money for votes, money for support, money for protesting. Now that's what I call democracy!!!!!!!!!

My Thai wife says people are not paid to rally.

Only drivers are reimbursed for the expenses incurred (e.g. for fuel Si Sa Ket-Bangkok two-way THB 4,000).

My wife says, if she were a single, she would go to rally too.

I think it is much deeper than about money only; it is about solidarity and conviction.

In their villages the protesters are considered as heroes.

For many farangs here that seems difficult to understand.

I take a somewhat different stance.

The people are clearly paid to come and protest (I believe the video is true). There are free buses that will take them to Bangkok and food is provided. So the 2,000 baht is not really for any expenses. Thaksin is a capitalist and knows how to win votes (and create controversy). That is why he was so popular during his reign. He benefited to poor people as well as his close friends.

If you were poor, wouldn't you support Thaksin? If he returns, the poor people should expect some reward for their effort. Maybe some kind of kickback through development funds or direct cash.

I can't blame the poor people for wanting to take the money. I can only blame the government for allowing such a practice. It doesn't look good from an international perspective, when one of the former PM's is trying to bride his way back into the country to gain back power. But this is Thailand, an undeveloped country going through the pains of progress. It is why I came to Thailand to witness how the country reacts to such controversy.

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Pay 1,000,000 people 2000 Baht each, cost two billion dollars. Use them to throw over the government and get you 46 Billion back...

If you look at part 2 of the video, looks like she has maybe 200 people on file as designated drivers (hired goons - whatever)

I find it hard to believe there is 2000 baht for each and every red shirt!

Looks like it took about 40 seconds to process ONE handout of cash.

1,000,000 handouts = 11,111 hours or 463 days of clipboard work

even if there were 500 admin staff/handout points , it would still take 22 hours each.

Either way red or yellow, its still going to be the cops and army in charge, just a new cheerleader. Considering the void that may be created soon, I'd put my money on the 'poor rabble' in the long run, just a numbers game this democracy lark.

Edited by whiterussian
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A lot of people attending the rally are doing so because they believe in it. There are also people being paid to attend. This stuff is organised by different groups. The UDD have their following and most are loyal and committed but a few are boosted by money. The PTP MPs are old style feudal barons and do things the old way. Their supporters are used to turning out in return for rewards. Considering these MPs are going to have theri littel scam with the rice pledging wiped out if this government continues anything these affected MPs pay is not lost if they are succesful.

My Thai wife says ALL parties pay money to buy votes and the farmers are clever enough to pocket the money they get for free, but that people still vote following their conviction.

Really? My wife says that one or two of her family members did not vote TRT back in the day. After the election, over alcohol, the information came out. That year all of the roads in the village were paved, except for the 50 meter stretch in front of my wife's family property. This was the consequence of voting their conviction.

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They did the same for the whole island of Samui back then too.

Only just got the ring road mostly paved this winter...

Even though the place generates 13 BILLION baht to the Thai economy.

Thaksin said give us the money in taxes, but we might send you some later,

after those LOYAL to TRT PPP get theirs if there's anything left.

If not, well vote for me next time.

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A friend's girlfriend owns a couple of stalls in one of the clothing malls in Bangkok. She's not sure she'll be able to keep her shops open this weekend as her workers have been offered 500 baht a day to go protest. Like many other small business people in Bangkok she's just as pissed off at the Reds as she was at the Yellows last year. :D

Option #1: Pay a decent wage to her employees and then they won't take off for better wages.

Option #2: Go herself and make some money to.

Option #3: Become a recruiter and send many people to the rally and collect a percentage from each.

Option #4: Don't worry about it, its only temporary. Go have a nice day in the park or at the beach. :)

yes my bird is the same. she is pissed off with both sides.

not sure about the options though. 1 wonder how many yellows are protesting in red over the next few days,. u can be a proffesional protester

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A lot of people attending the rally are doing so because they believe in it. There are also people being paid to attend. This stuff is organised by different groups. The UDD have their following and most are loyal and committed but a few are boosted by money. The PTP MPs are old style feudal barons and do things the old way. Their supporters are used to turning out in return for rewards. Considering these MPs are going to have theri littel scam with the rice pledging wiped out if this government continues anything these affected MPs pay is not lost if they are succesful.

My Thai wife says ALL parties pay money to buy votes and the farmers are clever enough to pocket the money they get for free, but that people still vote following their conviction.

Really? My wife says that one or two of her family members did not vote TRT back in the day. After the election, over alcohol, the information came out. That year all of the roads in the village were paved, except for the 50 meter stretch in front of my wife's family property. This was the consequence of voting their conviction.

My Thai wife and her family are no real drinkers. 5 5 5

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500 baht. if i was thai i would take my wife and 10 kids out. 5000 baht a day. get the money dance around in red for a few hrs then off. why don't the govment realise Buffalows into the crowd. that should split things up !

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A friend's girlfriend owns a couple of stalls in one of the clothing malls in Bangkok. She's not sure she'll be able to keep her shops open this weekend as her workers have been offered 500 baht a day to go protest. Like many other small business people in Bangkok she's just as pissed off at the Reds as she was at the Yellows last year. :D

Option #1: Pay a decent wage to her employees and then they won't take off for better wages.

Option #2: Go herself and make some money to.

Option #3: Become a recruiter and send many people to the rally and collect a percentage from each.

Option #4: Don't worry about it, its only temporary. Go have a nice day in the park or at the beach. :)

As to option #4: More Bangkokians than usual, not sure about their colour, seem to come to Pattaya this weekend.

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Wow, thanks for that interesting yet irrelevent reply. The Irony is; it's easy for us to protest in the UK because we are protected. Yes, we get sick pay, welfare and whatever other rights we enjoy today due to people in the past fighting for these things. They weren't just handed to us on a plate. Poor people had to protest. Do you understand this concept?

So now the red shirts are protesting and they want democracy etc. They have no welfare or sick pay etc. Much like the people of the UK when they were protesting for these kind of things.

So again. The irnony is; people in the UK have been there and done that. Now we enjoy a much 'fairer' quality of life because of what the generations before us did. You say it like we've always had these things and it's always been easy. It's easier now, but tell my grandparents how easy it was back then.

You're right to a certain extent. Poor people protested to earn the rights 'we' now enjoy. The men on the Jarrow march received nothing except gifts of food and shelter from towns and villages they went through on their way to London.

The difference is that they were protesting about their right to work and support their families, not to give a rich man his money back or to protect 'democracy' and there was certainly nobody handing out cash.

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A friend's girlfriend owns a couple of stalls in one of the clothing malls in Bangkok. She's not sure she'll be able to keep her shops open this weekend as her workers have been offered 500 baht a day to go protest. Like many other small business people in Bangkok she's just as pissed off at the Reds as she was at the Yellows last year. :D

Option #1: Pay a decent wage to her employees and then they won't take off for better wages.

Option #2: Go herself and make some money to.

Option #3: Become a recruiter and send many people to the rally and collect a percentage from each.

Option #4: Don't worry about it, its only temporary. Go have a nice day in the park or at the beach. :)

As to option #4: More Bangkokians than usual, not sure about their colour, seem to come to Pattaya this weekend.

Whats the problem?

UDD as well as PAD have to pay people who use their private Pickups for transport to Bangkok?

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Big deal! A lot of those people need to cover their expenses at home even if they get a free ride to Bangkok and a few free meals while they are there.

Thats not the point genius. They are being paid to pretend to be genuine protestors.

If you believe in a cause the money becomes secondary though I grant you in my mind always important

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You see, living in Thailand, I have a Thai wife who can understand what they are saying and translate for me, ain't that just amazing.

I read such disclaimer a couple of times, not only from you but also from others, and i have to admit that i am living in Thailand but i don't have a Thai wife. am i out now? is it only accepted to post what the Thai wife says and thinks? honestly, i didn't know that is necessary to voice an opinion here, thought that is not the family section of the forum. but maybe i am wrong.

You need neither to have a Thai wife, nor to be a Thai yourself to have an opinion, but it is better to remember that we farangs are guests.

It is their country and their future.

Maybe we are guests, but we are bringing a lot money and business into this country, and often employing a lot of Thais. We have an opinion, and in general (not every crackpot idea), it should listened to - not necessarily acted upon, but at least listened to.

If we all left, there wouldn't be much of a country left, but maybe after this weekend, there won't be much of a country left anyway.

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I know exactly what they are saying.

The organisers are telling the people where to sign and the guy on the microphone is shouting anti government slogans. Cash is clearly being handed out without a single mention of petrol money once. You see, living in Thailand, I have a Thai wife who can understand what they are saying and translate for me, ain't that just amazing. The question was

So do we all agree these people are drivers and receiving 2000B to cover gas (petrol, Benzin) expenses for driving demonstrators to Bangkok and back again???
, to which I replied no because there is no evidence to indicate that is the case, is there?......

So what evidence do you have to indicate otherwise, or are you just going on intuition?

In hindsight maybe my first response was a bit harsh - but it just bugs me when people jump to conclusions. I too have a Thai wife, from Issan, I had her watch the videos and translate - in the second video the guy clearly says the money is for petrol. Maybe your wife doesn't understand the Issan dialect? Also, as already explained the logistics of having a photocopy of every expected protestor's ID/DL in a handy ring binder is unfeasible.

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Without this money, the majority of red shirts wouldn't even have enough money to come protest if they wanted to. Driving from the North and North East to Bangkok isn't exactly cheap for the average poor Thai.

Which would then speak massive volumes if they made the effort without the cash. The whole point of a protest, no?

Paying them 4x what they'd earn through their normal work is entirely missing the point and massively damages the impact of the protest.

They're not getting 4x of what they normally earn. They're getting 2000 or 3000 Baht. If you have a car and have ever driven to the North or North East, you've likely paid that much or more to go and come back.

10 to a truck !!!!!

Some of them in the video looked a bit heavy, drains the fuel a tad. :)

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