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Sensitive Question


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Hello ladies,

I have had the opportunity over the years that I have lived here to get know know quite a few pretty good Thai blokes. It has come to my attention while having a few beers with these guys that there seems to be a definate aversion to the act of cunnilingus. If it had only been one or two blokes that had expressed this dislike to me then I would have thought nothing of it, but it seems to be a bit of a trend. As a man who likes giving pleasure to women I cant understand it. I havent met a woman who doesnt enjoy it. Are there really millions of Thai women walking around sexually unsatisfied by there unadventurous boyfriends/lovers? What? missionary position sex for 5 minutes and its all over? Is it the buddhist head thing? or is it that they think its dirty ( fuc_king prudes)

Anyway, I know this is a bit of a curly one but I though this would be the right forum to post in. Its not a wind up thread. I am truely curious.

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Sorry Yooyung, but you come across as distinctly trawlish. I wonder how many Thai men discussed with you what sexual preferences/dislikes they have for you to come to the conclusion that its a "trend" (so, as a "trend" its a passing development, or new development then?). Also, its astonishing how you then garner that Thai men must only then do the missionary position and last for 5 minutes, and that Thai women (noted that you only mention Thai and not women in general) must be sexually unsatisfied.

Thailand is a big place, with a whole lotta men in it, your generalised assumption is plain ridiculous to be honest. For you not to see that beggars belief.

Oh btw, my friend was out at a gay club in Bangkok one night, with her gay friend. Turns out many of the men were gay. Maybe its a trend in Bangkok now for men to be gay? Whatcha think?

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missionary position sex for 5 minutes and its all over? Is it the buddhist head thing?

Hmm yes, the missionary position must be a Buddhist thing. :)

Ok...silly thing to point out, but given how silly this thread is (sorry OP, who apparently isnt making a wind-up thread), I couldnt help pointing out!

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missionary position sex for 5 minutes and its all over? Is it the buddhist head thing?

Hmm yes, the missionary position must be a Buddhist thing. :D

Ok...silly thing to point out, but given how silly this thread is (sorry OP, who apparently isnt making a wind-up thread), I couldnt help pointing out!

:):D :D

Good one, eek!

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I'm gonna take the op seriously for a while as this is a common myth amongst many wannabe farang Lotharios who think they are so shit hot in bed & that they are much better that thai men. (not implying op that you are one btw)

Bubble bursting time..... :D

I'd say that if a thai women (mention only thai cause op does :D ) is happy to not receive oral sex from her (thai) fella then that's her business right?. I actually know of quite a few women (not thai only) who don't enjoy it, either at all or that much (usually down to the technique being employed :) ) & find it quite annoying that the first thing a lot of guys do is try to go down on them. They feel it is a lazy "go to" for many men instead of using other more subtle & varied ways to get his woman off. There is a place for it & it is enjoyable to many women but if that is the only trick then a one trick pony isn't all that fun :D

I have found thai men (I have several thai ex bf's) to be a lot more creative in this way than their western counterparts (IME) & 5 minutes of missionary has never been in the frame becuase I expect more & am an active part of the act rather than a lump of wood who is just there to "get it over with". It is true though that the idea of oral sex for women isn't very widely discussed or mentioned (in los) & that probably has something to do with the lack of pro-activity (haha) in the women in asking for it but then I am also informed by husband & thai male friends that thai women aren't known to be so "giving" either. But ime, once you ask, you get but it isn't something that is a requirement for a lot of women at every sexual encounter.

I wont go into the whole "conservative" culture in thai as it is another issue all together so I'll just leave it at that for now :D

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Ladies, you are being TROLLed for someones perverted delight. :D

He needs to get off thai visa and back onto the porn pages :)

I've been following your posting and to me it seems you have a very strong position on anything, anyone and everything. I'm wondering "are you a minister or a priest?" What the heck is pervert about pleasuring a woman? What the <deleted> has this to do with porn? And who are you to comment on a subject like this when you feel it is perverted/porn. My quess is you don't please your woman with the act of cunnelincus. Feel sorry for the girl if their is one,.

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Ladies, you are being TROLLed for someones perverted delight. :D

He needs to get off thai visa and back onto the porn pages :)

I've been following your posting and to me it seems you have a very strong position on anything, anyone and everything. I'm wondering "are you a minister or a priest?" What the heck is pervert about pleasuring a woman? What the <deleted> has this to do with porn? And who are you to comment on a subject like this when you feel it is perverted/porn. My quess is you don't please your woman with the act of cunnelincus. Feel sorry for the girl if their is one,.

A troll followed by his fanclub. :D

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Ladies, you are being TROLLed for someones perverted delight. :D

He needs to get off thai visa and back onto the porn pages :)

I've been following your posting and to me it seems you have a very strong position on anything, anyone and everything. I'm wondering "are you a minister or a priest?" What the heck is pervert about pleasuring a woman? What the <deleted> has this to do with porn? And who are you to comment on a subject like this when you feel it is perverted/porn. My quess is you don't please your woman with the act of cunnelincus. Feel sorry for the girl if their is one,.

A troll followed by his fanclub. :D

Or an Arse licker - on no, sorry wrong subject :D

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Indeed you are, but you are not entitled to express it in an abusive manner

And given the complete and utter lack of female interest in this topic due to its utterly trollish nature


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