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What Must The World Think Of Thailand And Thai People?


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What must the world think of Thailand and its people after it has been highlighted in the world media this past week?

We've had blood splattering, voodoo rituals, black magic curses. And then just now a news shot of The Royal Thai Police in force guarding the Prime Minister of the country's house. And instead of them looking professional and vigilant 2 of the police were holding up frogs that they've caught because its raining with a "look I found a frog" stupid face on!

Can't imagine the policeman outside no. 10 Downing street doing that

When I came to Thailand, it was obvious that the Thais, mentally, were at least 50 years behind the 'developed' world. That has slipped to 150 years now. :)

Yes it certainly brings out the true Thai.

Although they are driving around in cars, pickups, motorcycles etc, their evolution process is many decade in the past.

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Well, at least Thailand isn't at war with half of the world and doesn't have not have a credit crisis and all that shit which the ooooh so well developed and very responsible acting educated western world has.

It is about time westerners looked at their own faults, which make some nations the absolute laughing stock of the world, but most just live in that blind spot, so it is very hard to see for themselves.

It is like that it seems westerners are the only educated people on this planet, I very much doubt it if you look at the gawddamn mess made of it in all kind of ways.

The thing most westerners are really good at, is being arrogant, and expecting everything just to be the same as back home, and if it isn't than it must be a retarded society on which they are commenting.

No burger like back home, no beer like back home, no transport like back home, other rituals than back home and to really top it off, these natives don't even speak English, how retarded they are and what a dumb society it must be.

Just look back, and take a real good look at education and the results in your home country, and what is done with it.

Take a real good look at how close-minded and absolutely ignorant of other parts of the world your fellow country men really are, that is if you don't have the same problem.

We choose to blame others for whatever bothers us that, because we are sooooo much better…..

Nuff said.

Edited by Carib
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Well people in most western countrys will think what is the truth about the red shirts. They are poor and should have nothing to do with politics.

Quite how you reached the conclusion that most people in western countries think poor people should have nothing to do with politics is puzzling. Perhaps you are trying to qualify your own opinion by saying that.

After all, it's only in western countries that poor people have anything to do with politics.

A vote every few years is about the limit of it, but they have some rights in the eyes of the law, and a history of struggle to get those rights.

I think others have it about right, no-one really cares. Those that do, will watch the news and have a fleeting opinion and then go back to watching the soaps or the football, get up in the morning and go to work and try to pay the bills.

I have never heard anyone say that because people are poor they shouldn't have a political view.


I just read someone mentioning evolution (which happens over hundreds of thousands of years and has nothing whatever to do with politics) could it be they mean that Thai people are less evolved than others? What an odd thing to suggest.

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What must the world think of Thailand and its people after it has been highlighted in the world media this past week?

If they can even distinguish Thailand (Thailand is another name for Taiwan, right?). In movies and on that great American source of factual information Fox News, Thailand is the land of sexual perversion, it's where the sicko sex offenders go, and if you are an Occidental living there, well, they all know what you're about! The country's name is a handy put-down for anyone you care to slight. If you don't believe me, try doing a web search on Thailand outside the context of travel and tourism, and you'll see what I mean. I had to look up a slang term I never heard before a few days ago and the definition was something like 'a child molester who has run off to Thailand and now gets buggered by transvestites.' Bear in mind the people who come up with these things are about as bright as your average redshirt, and I'm guessing are usually guys in the Howard Stern demographic who never had a girlfriend.

There are a few 'investment experts' in the media who live in this part of the world (they're on Bloomberg very so often). When some great mind on the web disagrees with them the denunciation usually includes psycho-sexual insight as to why they live in SEA.

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What will the world think of this on top of the airport being blockaded previously and all the problems people had that could not get back home and to there jobs.

A lawyer I know from Australia had this problem while on his honeymoon in Thailand, as it was he had to beg his boss to give him 1 week off work. Then he was stuck in Thailand, eventually getting a bus south, the price was negotiated for the bus. A few hundred Kilometers out of Bangkok everyone was ordered off the bus, to continue they had to pay again, then this happened once more before reaching there destination.

The current goings on in Thailand have caused very few problems so far, unlike the previous protest.

If you travel to places like Cambodia and Malaysia and China and ask them what they think you get a simple answer: Nuts! or Crazy! or things I can't say here.

I am not trying to spam or generate a heated discussion or whatever..........this is the response I have been getting (for at least four years now).

What I want is what is best for ALL of the people and not a wealthy few.......red, yellow, or whatever color.

The internal rural-urban conflict is seriously hurting Thailand........its economic growth, its reputation in the world.

I am not sure if I can say this, but in my country if you fart the wrong way you are not going to be elected to anything.

This seems to be very different from the situation in Thailand......you can read between the lines.

Chok Dee

It use use to be Ah You lives in Thailand.Now from my relatives in Germany

a chuckle Ah you live in LaLa land it seems to be unthinkable to anyone else that this could happend. Here mai ben rai

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I travel frequently in both mainland china and hong kong and the few chinese i know who follow the antics in thailand politicaly see the situation as a bunch of government officials acting like pigs at the feeding trough, They also view thaksin as another marcos or just a fugitive criminal on the run,

To be honest i dont freely admit the fact that i live here from fear of damage to my street cred as most other asians seem to relate thailand with sex tourism and nothing more.

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What Must The World Think Of Thailand And Thai People?

Who gives a sh*t? I'm here because of what I think about the place and couldn't really care less about what some ignorant outsider, who probably doesn't even know where Thailand is, thinks. Anyway, turn on the telly and you'll see all sorts of stuff, like a bunch of poms chasing a cheese down a hill, or a bunch of aussies having a boat race in a river with no water, or a bunch of Irishmen in silly costumes marching around a town, antagonising half the population, or a bunch of Canadians clubbing baby seals, and so on.

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The Baht has held up against every major currency....the Taiex has been up every day during the protest...and up again this morning.

If that is anything to go by...the world is not that concerned. It's like asking what the world thinks of France after the farmers (or students---or somebody)

has dumped garbage all over Paris...or shut down the main rail system.....or a bunch of animal rights loons go ape shit in London......

Business goes on...the sun comes up each morning......."dogs bark but the caravan moves along"......

foreign investors have been pouring noney into the thai stock exchange in the last few weeks (including this week), so i guess 'the world' reckons that despite some political difficulties, Thailand's future is just peachy fine. (I made a few bob myself just this week on the Thai SET :)

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Friends have contacted me after seeing the ritual pouring of blood and the merry monk purposely splattering two military police with blood and cannot understand why the people responsible were not arrested.

What do you honestly think would be the number one answer if people outside Thailand were asked what it is famous for?

(A) Whores.

(:) Drugs.

© Elephants.

(D) Corruption

(E) Cheap holiday.

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