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Criminal Record Check Thailand


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Hi. I was wondering if someone could help!

I am due to start a PGCE primary teacher training course in September. I am currently living in Bangkok, and will be heading back to the UK in July. As part of my pre-course assignment, I need to spend 2 weeks in a primary school. Previously, I figured that I could just come back in July and spend the last few weeks of term in the school. I was aware of the need for a CRB check, however, I thought this could just be done online, or I could send the forms to the school from here. It appears that it's best if I am actually in the UK while I apply as, amongst other things, I need to provide various forms of identification.

The school have offered the first few weeks of the autumn term 2010/2011, as an alternative time to visit, which seems like a good idea. I can then produce all the paperwork when I arrive in July, giving 3 months for it to be processed until term starts in September. However, I am concerned about the part on the form that asks about previous addresses. I will need to put down where I have been living for the past 5 years (which have been in Thailand). Will they need some sort of police clearance from over here? I have seen on the CRB website that that there are procedures in place, if you are living back in the UK and need an overseas check done. As I am already over here, is there something I can get done now that I can take with me?

Thanks if anyone can offer any help!!

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CRB - what a nightmare

I applied for a CRB check via my local council on 18th Dec to get a taxi badge, I was told fingers crossed it would be back by Christmas! - no chance!

It gets through the early stages very quickly until it gets "stuck" with the police, You can follow it on the internet easily and quickly and they have a target of 60 days, I tracked every day and bingo on 59 days it says back with CRB from police, so I call them and they say its been sent back to the police with a query which gives them another 60 days! - I chased and spoke to a mate who is a copper and he said ring back the CRB and say you have spoken to your local MP's office and use the word escalation - I did and now its changed to complete and in post!

In short just chase and chase but be prepared for 3 months ! good luck

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I believe that a CRB here , police clearance is quite easy, A friend did it when we applied for Brazilian business visas about three years ago. He went to Special branch and got it in a day. I did mine online through the Uk and it took about 6 weeks. (but at that time not every constabulary was set up to provide online service. I am unsure where you would go now (maybe Chaeng Wattana) but at the time I belive he did it somewhere in central Bangkok.

hope this might help a little.


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Out of interest, is it a two year course, and is it full time?


It's a one year course, full time. Thanks for the help, I've looked into it a bit and the Uni will be sending the crb forms out in the near future, so I will put down my last UK address and then my Thai addresses. Hopefully, this will suffice.

Actually, I thought things were going quite smoothly, but I have had a call from the student loan company asking about my wife, who will be coming with me. If you are married your wife becomes your sponsor. I completed the form, stating she had no earnings for the last year, and sent a letter saying the same thing (as requested by them). However, they have now said they need some proof like a tax document that confirms she has had no earnings. Any idea where I can get this from.

Everything is so complicated when you want to get back in tto a UK system and you've been living in Thailand for a few years - system's don't seem to compute!

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