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On our last visit to our property in Thailand, in the depths of the countryside near Pak Chong, I had asked my better half if it was an idea to have some hens, so there were eggs to sell. She wasn`t too struck on the idea and let me know that, but seemed to enlist the locals to back up her disagreement.

At the nightly get-togethers (always seemed to be at our house when we are there, tho definitely not a problem) suddenly there were a lot of snake stories, strangely all that had apparently taken place in the previous day or two.

An Anaconda seen eating a chicken in the farm next door, a cobra.....and her baby....crossing the road within 200 metres of our place and the silly cobra that rose in front of a local, but was facing the wrong way, again very near the house. Even the river that runs along the bottom of the property got a mention with a snake being caught in a fishing trap.

I`m laughing here (cos I`m back in Scotland) but should I really be?



I wouldn't worry - usual scare stories the world over. When I first started working in an old Victorian Psychiatric hospital all the old staff had great delight in telling me all about the strange experiences and ghosts that haunted the place. First couple of night shifts I worked there I was shitting myself. :)


If anything from what I have learned chickens are a good way to keep snakes away,

The hens go mental if a snake is close to the chicks and will peck at it until he has had enough and beats a retreat,

Thats what they tell me in my village.

I think thats where the word hen pecked comes from :) colino

If anything from what I have learned chickens are a good way to keep snakes away,

The hens go mental if a snake is close to the chicks and will peck at it until he has had enough and beats a retreat,

Thats what they tell me in my village.

I think thats where the word hen pecked comes from :) colino

Thanks for the input guys. Unfortunately I will be able to carry out your advice very soon. After a phone call last night (friday) we have to leave today to attend the funeral of the gf father. Rush, rush, rush at the moment, with the plane leaving in 4 hours.

Thanks again


It's safe to say that there was no anaconda seen eating a chicken on any farm in Thailand ever.

Not true! Only the other day I saw an Anaconda in Lumpini Park. It was harassing the indigenous penguins that live there.


Forget the tales of anacondas and cobras, the most deadly snake in Thailand is the one eyed trouser snake but I've never heard of one going for chickens.

Unless you live in Pattaya. :)

But Anaconda does lives only in South America? Isn't it?

True. Pythons live in Thailand and are quite common along waterways. People get the two species mixed up. There are no boa constrictors in Thailand either... except possibly in snake farms or zoos.

I was told by my mates wife that the village near me all the lads had guns and that l should be worried, l thought, how does she know.

Turns out, jealous cos we have a bigger better house than her. :)

Firstly, love your avatar, Shug. Doubtless you are Tynie visitor.

I suspect that by discussing the undesirability of keeping fowl, your wife's "hen" party are trying to signal they'd rather you didn't. Who knows why? Perhaps they don't want to be woken by the male of the species early in the morning.

As to the snakes, Mr. Kipling would have suggested you keep mongooses as weel.


It's all bullshit and they are pulling yer leg. My guess trying to freak ya out so to speak.

I've got cobra's, krait's all over .. gotta river ( klong ) that borders my property, elephants and yep, even that nasty 'ol tiger. But, I still go out in the night in the middle of the darkness and piss all over the small klong that borders my property with warnings from the wife to watch out for the snakes.

F' em I say.

Snake eater in my Army days and still one. (They taste like a greasy chicken, use more pepper, less salt )

No anaconda's in Thailand, not one.

Cobra mom would eat her children, not slither with it.

Get yer Gai if you want, tasty with some teriyaki on a stick and will attack all the little snakes that slither near the crib..( before they're dinner )

It's the neighbors burning all the crap that will do ya in..

( mine's burning plastic right now and I'm a few seconds from going over and having a nice conversation with 'em about the perils of lung cancer right after this next Chang, since it seems to go right into my house..)

  • 2 weeks later...
I was told by my mates wife that the village near me all the lads had guns and that l should be worried, l thought, how does she know.

Turns out, jealous cos we have a bigger better house than her. :)

Firstly, love your avatar, Shug. Doubtless you are Tynie visitor.

I suspect that by discussing the undesirability of keeping fowl, your wife's "hen" party are trying to signal they'd rather you didn't. Who knows why? Perhaps they don't want to be woken by the male of the species early in the morning.

As to the snakes, Mr. Kipling would have suggested you keep mongooses as weel.

Ha ha, love all the replies........and yes Im frae Edinburgh originally.....left many years ago following the work. A season ticket holder for a while about 30 years ago at tynecastle.

Am in Thailand at the moment, up near Pak Chong. Had to come due to the death of the gf dad, that followed by 5 days of.....well, bewilderment I think.

Anyway, am at an internet cafe and got to go.........speak to you all again when I get back to some sort of normality.

Take care



Thais love a good horror story. WHenever a bunch of them gather to tell you something, just smile and ignor. Are you familar with the clincial term "Mass Hysteria"? Its common in thailand. If you want to get chickens, get chickens. Anyone who says no, give em a glasgow kiss!


Sounds like she doesn't want to work and enlisted her friends as to why your idea would not work to avoid it ever happening.

How much do you give her per month?

Sounds like she doesn't want to work and enlisted her friends as to why your idea would not work to avoid it ever happening.

How much do you give her per month?

What does how much I give her a month have to do with you? but I will answer with a question to you. Are we talking Scottish pound notes, Baht or cc?

Sorry, I did not want to lower myself but I couldnt resist (sorry moderators).

Actually she is a real grafter and woe betide me if I leave a mess behind me.

Thanks for all the replies.




You should hear all the bear stories I tell to Scottish anglers who come to BC for a bit of fishing. All of the stories are true and I back them up with photos I've taken, but I can tell the stories like they happen all the time.




I do the same with snake stories in Thailand, but at no time did I ever feel threatened even when up close and personal while taking photos...



2 questions, What is a Pang Pong tree? I have found pong pong tree, it's a big tree, what has it to do with anti-snakes?


Do mongooses really fix a snake problem? Any problems having a pet mongoose?


Plant, pang pong, plants around your house , Snakes do not like them , as for chikens get plenty they eat bing (leaches),

As to the snakes, Mr. Kipling would have suggested you keep mongooses as weel.

We used to put nylon fishing nets under the house, not laid out, kind of rolled up like little mountains and of different size holes, so the snake had to go through the holes, well it didn't have to of course, but they did, any way, once it was in 3 holes it would get trapped and the shovel would chop it's head off. I hate snakes.


With the mongooses, they will keep you free of snakes but when they run out of snakes they will start eating the chickens, which sort of defeats the whole object of the exercise.

  • 3 weeks later...

sorry not to rain on your parade, but do you realize how many chickens you will need to make the effort worthwild, i mean what like 3 bht a pop retail for a egg,, if its for fun and your own personal consumption ok..but unless your thinking like 1000 chickens i doubt your gonna make much more than a bunch of extra work for yourself... I think the wife is using others to give you the,,, im not gonna say anything more about your chicken fantasy... but im gonna get all my friends to disuade you from it, passive agressive restance... but hel_l if you want chickens have em... worst case is they die and or escape

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