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My Situation - Need Advice On A Few Things


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Okay first thing - I'm going to go look at a motorbike (scooter/ moped) whatever you want to call it, tomorrow. I've asked all the basic questions. Although he has not answered if the bike is currently registered under his name as the owner. Everything else seems in order. I was wondering if anyone is free and can go with me to check out the bike? I know nothing about bikes and such, So I wont know if its in decent condition. It looks good in the pictures, but they can be deceiving sometimes. I dont even know where the chassis and engine number is suppose to be. lol SO... if anyone can help that would be super wonderful. I still need to call the guy later today to set up the time and such.

Now onto the rest of my issues.... lol

Okay, I've been trying to figure out a few things but I'm so undecided. So I thought I would post and see what you guys what you think and if you had some advice. And like always - sorry about english grammar and missing words. The longer I'm here the more my thoughts change from english to Lao/ Thai in my head, and my english writing seems to be reflecting that.:D

First off basic info. I'm a college student... on a much tighter budget then I was in the US. Plus all things need to be approved by my parents... (I know, its sad, but its their money sooo).

I'm learning things as I go and from reading around, but I still feel like I dont know enough. I'm always second guessing myself when it comes to new things I dont know, and if that happens I normally pick the option thats worst off. So I think its best to ask for a second opinion. Sorry if its annoying. Also sorry if this post seems like a novel. :) There are a few different things to talk about.

First off...

Housing situation-

I'm waiting till the 24th for the dorm to start accepting summer term move in. I've already run through so many different scenarios and numbers. Such as comparing the dorm price and such to one of the apartments out in from of Payap. Payap's dorm cost 7800 baht for the summer semester total (I think, although they keep giving my friend different numbers - But website says summer and not per month!) so for about 2 months (Mar 24 - May 19) it includes internet, aircon, hot water, meals - breakfast and dinner for the weekdays only. Water and electric are separate but also split cause I will have a roommate (around 600 max each from what I saw on the sheets last month). Total is 3900 baht a month + water and electric. I can also cut down on the electric by sitting in the computer room and hooking my laptop up there - Free aircon. So the dorm is cheaper then an apartment overall at least for the next 2 months. Note: Payap is close for 2 weeks from Songkran week. I have no idea if the dorm is too, but for me it wouldnt matter cause I would be in Laos all two weeks.

Now the real issue would be after summer term. I can stay in the dorm and the price comes out at 4000 ish a month, the stuff I stated above included. But I may leave in Sept, 1 month early from last day of Term 1 (~Oct 19). I havent talked to them but from what I know so far, I must pay whole term even if I leave a month early, it can not be adjusted. But like I said I havent talked to them about this. If that is the case it comes out as 5200 baht for about 3.5 months + electric and water. Its alot more for sharing a room. With this I wont decide anything till I talk to dorm management first with would be the first week I move in this summer.

- I like the dorms, its nice and quite spacious for 2 people, private bathroom and such. I can meet alot of people my age (well kinda younger by a couple years :D ) and Foreign students. BUT its also very isolated from the city. Payap is on the east side of Chiang mai Between the Super Highway and the 1st Ring Rd (more towards the latter). The dorm is right across from Payap, across the 1st Ring Rd. Payap is also a "suitcase" campus. About 90% of the Thai students in the dorm go home on weekends. So it gets very boring especially on long weekends. Foreign students go swimming and such during the day (I cant swim lol) and at night go out to the club/bar. Its not my scene. I havent gone to the bars since after I turned 22. And I can only tour around so much. I've already seen/done much of the touristy things around Chiang mai. So when I get bored around the dorms... I do nothing at all. Seems like such a waste of my time.

There's also the matter of transportation. Since Payap is so far out, EVERYONE charges premium price to and from Payap. Rot song taaew (red trucks), anywhere from 100 - 150 (average seems to be 120) baht One way. hel_l, going to Carrefour which is only 3KM from the dorm is 80 baht. lol As for a Motorcycle... I'll get to that later on in the post.

So with all that said, besides a few nit picky things, I like the dorms, its okay and price compared to everywhere else is good. My main concern is, I'm here to study Thai. I took about 3 years worth in America in half the time, but I NEED to practice speaking. No matter how many times I tell the students at the dorm to speak Thai, they speak English to me.

My parents would prefer I live in a Thai household or even a half Thai household, because then I would speaking Thai and learning (They also feel its safer and if I have questions, I have someone to ask right away). Also they would probably be correcting my Thai (which doesnt happen around here) and hopefully helping with some homework. I am worried about a household speaking northern dialect though. Even though I can probably figure it out, by thinking and mixing my Lao, Thai and little bit of Issan, I'm here to learn Central Thai (yeah I should have gone to BKK, but my dad said no and felt it was safer up here). I need to improve my speaking so I can take my proficiency exam back in the US. Again the issue would be transportation, cost, and how far from Payap.

But if anyone knows someone... that can beat the dorm prices (or just let me stay out of the goodness of their heart lol) and has good internet (must have! I think I have an addiction) do ask or mention them to me. I can help out around the house too (except bathroom cleaning...) but I'm not a slave. So the choice word is Help not do all the chores.

I dont mind living farther from town then, Just as long as I can get to Payap. I'll have to get a motorbike then. I do prefer living on the east side of Chiang mai as long as I can get to Payap without feeling like someone is going to kill me (traffic over the Ping and into town is scary). South east or north east or east towards Doi saket/ Sansai is good. Just not too far out.

Also, my parents (mostly mom) would probably want to speak to them if its a Thai family. She speaks Thai and English.

Transportation -

Like I stated above, there's a semi automatic bike for sale. I've been practicing on my friend's bike and noticed a few things. I hate that the front brake is on the right handle bar. Yes theres a foot one too but the right-hand side seems so busy, with 2 brakes and the throttle. And my left hand keeps opening (reflex) like it wants to grab the brake. So with that, I dont know if I should keep practicing on the semi or look for a cheap decent automatic bike.

Along with that I have gear questions, say I'm in 3rd gear and I need to slow down, do I need to shift gear lower or can it stay in 3rd? I know in 4th, its bad to stop and take off while in 4th. dunno if I would ever need 4th. I think turtle speed is good for me.

I plan on getting my Thai license sometime in April. (After I make a run to Immigration for my visa, re-entry permit and Resident Cert.)

Question: I know I can get a Residence Cert. from the consulate, but from Chiang mai Immigration its half the price. Do they just give it to you right then or you need to wait till a police officer checks your resident address? Also are they open on Saturdays?

Where do you guys get your medical Cert from? Its basically a Physical right?

Do I need a Residence Cert. to buy a motorbike from a private seller? Also If the seller cant be there when I get the registration changed into my name, what form do I need again and where can I get a copy? I'll also need passport copy and visa copy of the seller?

Last question is Land Transport department can check to make sure the book and bike match along with all parts? Or should I go into a motobike shop and have them check? Which shop can do this for me. Cause I want to drag the seller there with me then. lol

yeah, I know I already posted some of these questions else where but they didnt get any reply! :D

I dont know if I'm missing any other questions. I kind of forgot the other ones, but If I have more I'll post then I guess. And if you have any other info I might need feel free to post.


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Don't stay in the dorm:

- Privacy issues: what if you meet the girl (or boy, don't know your gender and preference) of your dreams tomorrow. Dorms don't allow outsiders in, plus there's a roommate.

- For the money it's almost a non issue.. food is cheap, and you can get an apartment in town for 3000 per month or so. Your parents can afford it.

- Do get a bike; like you say, it makes transportation to/from Payap MUCH more affordable. Buying a bike will save your parents money, assuming you'll sell it again for not much more less than you bought it for.

- How long will you be in Chiang Mai? If it's a limited amount of time, you may not need to transfer the bike into your name, you can just sell it again with the papers and signed ownership transfer documents that came with it. Saves a lot of hassle transferring ownership.

- Motorbike brakes/gears: You'll get used to it. Or find a full auto Honda Click and the like; no gear changes and front and back brakes are at your hands

- Residence cert: Get from immigration. You will need to show something that shows the address and that you rent it, so the renter needs to sign this. You're on a non-immigrant education visa right?

- Health cert: 50 baht at any clinic or hospital. The smaller the less fuss. You're out the door in 10 minutes.

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Don't stay in the dorm:

- Privacy issues: what if you meet the girl (or boy, don't know your gender and preference) of your dreams tomorrow. Dorms don't allow outsiders in, plus there's a roommate.

- For the money it's almost a non issue.. food is cheap, and you can get an apartment in town for 3000 per month or so. Your parents can afford it.

- Do get a bike; like you say, it makes transportation to/from Payap MUCH more affordable. Buying a bike will save your parents money, assuming you'll sell it again for not much more less than you bought it for.

- How long will you be in Chiang Mai? If it's a limited amount of time, you may not need to transfer the bike into your name, you can just sell it again with the papers and signed ownership transfer documents that came with it. Saves a lot of hassle transferring ownership.

- Motorbike brakes/gears: You'll get used to it. Or find a full auto Honda Click and the like; no gear changes and front and back brakes are at your hands

- Residence cert: Get from immigration. You will need to show something that shows the address and that you rent it, so the renter needs to sign this. You're on a non-immigrant education visa right?

- Health cert: 50 baht at any clinic or hospital. The smaller the less fuss. You're out the door in 10 minutes.

Privacy Issue - I dont care about much too. I dont plan on getting laid or starting a relationship. People are nosy anyways, and I'm always held to the

same cultural standards as a Lao or Thai person. I would rather just avoid the whole thing. lol

As for my parents affording it. Depends on how you see it. My dad has been laid off for 2 years now and probably without hope of getting a job. Stupid American economy. My parents are just waiting out a few more years for SS and are retiring to Laos. So I would rather make the whole thing as cheap and painless to their wallet as possible.

I'm only here for 6 more months, if my classes doesnt cancel(I have to wait 2 more months then). What the process for just doing the ownership transfer paper? Is it in the green book or separate? Do I still need to go to Transportation Dept?

Yeah I'm on a Non - Imm (ED) visa.

Also, in case I just decide to get a fully automatic bike, can anyone recommend any place to look? I prefer cheap but in very good condition. Not looking at something older then 7 years but dont also want something close to brand new. I'm so cheap its sad. :)

The Payap rules seem to prohibit international students in their THai studies program riding or driving vehicles. Check http://thaistudies.payap.ac.th/faq.html if this applies to you.

I already know about that rule, but I'm not in the Thai/SE Asian studies program. I'm in the Intensive Thai Language Program. So I'm not held by that rule. :D

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The Payap rules seem to prohibit international students in their THai studies program riding or driving vehicles. Check http://thaistudies.payap.ac.th/faq.html if this applies to you.

I already know about that rule, but I'm not in the Thai/SE Asian studies program. I'm in the Intensive Thai Language Program. So I'm not held by that rule. :)

Good, just wanted tomake sure. Good luck with the course.

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I'm sorry to hear about your summer time problems. There are places to go at Payap for more information. Check with Ozzie at PIH for solutions to some of the issues you have mentioned. He is quite resourceful and might be able to help. His office is on the 2nd or 3rd floor of PIH.

You can also stop by the International Marketing office and we can see what we can do for you there. We are in the center of graduate (Pentacost) building on the first floor. Like any university, knowning the shuttle and bus schedules is important to getting anywhere. You brought up a good issue that I think we should address. I will look into finding out the bus schedule on Monday and having it posted to our website.

A bicycle might be a good option for your transportation problems. Chiang Mai is really not that far from Payap by bicycle. Just ride defensively throughout the city.

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I checked with the Student Affair and they said the city bus doesn’t like to come to Payap during the summer because there are not a lot of people to pick up.

When they did come during the school year, they were not very reliable. They would come at different times and it was hard for people to depend on them.

Student affairs suggest getting a bicycle and riding to Carrefour. The city bus does go there. Thai Studies Department added the bus stops at a bus stop that is located between Index Furniture store and Carrefour. The bus number is #6. The cost to ride this bus is about 20 baht. The bus goes from the Carrefour area, to the Arcade bus station, to Robinsons, to CMU, to Huay Khao road and then to Payap again.

I found more information on the city buses (to include a map), check out the following website


The Thai Studies Department also added they currently have a bicycle you can rent for 500 baht/semester. However, you need to put down as a deposit, the cost of the bike which is 2500 baht.

So the best solution would be to have a bicycle and ride to Carrefour. Lock it up in the bike rack there and take the city bus to where you need to go in the city.

I also asked about the Thai Studies motocycle issue and they said as long as you wear a helmet, then it is ok to ride on the back of a motorcycle. But they said they don't want any Thai Studies students driving a motorcycle.

I hope this helps.

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Thanks for the info. I'll see what happens when I get back to the dorms for summer term, and figure everything out. Yeah, I never did trust public transportation like buses in Asia. I also prefer not to spend all day just trying to go to Robinson. lol

As I wrote above, since I'm not in the Thai Studies program, I'm not held by the No motorcycle rule. Plus, I believe all of those students are required to live in PIH only, unless its someone who already lives here in Thailand.

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Yes...I think you are right about them living in PIH. There might be more options once school starts. They expect the new dormatories to have between 600 to 1000 students living in them. There will be 3 dorm managers. The dorm managers might arrange for transportation to and from Robinsons if the students request it. It's quiet over there now, but I think it will be very busy sometime in June.

For more information on the new dorms check out their website.


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You can find a decent place in town for 3000 or so... there's one in my building at the moment (near wat suan dok) for 2700...

You can also find an older reliable bike for 10-16 000... You could probably also sell if for about the same when you leave!

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When you buy the bike, don't forget to take out 2nd class insurance on it, that way you will have some extra cover when you have your accident, little things like, bail bond insurance and some minor property cover incase you hit a merc. :) Your probably looking at 2-3k baht per year.

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When you buy the bike, don't forget to take out 2nd class insurance on it, that way you will have some extra cover when you have your accident, little things like, bail bond insurance and some minor property cover incase you hit a merc. :) Your probably looking at 2-3k baht per year.

I defiantly plan on it.

On a side note... anyone know a good place to get a good (cheap) automatic bike OR.. a good place to take a bike to have it checked out before buying it?

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