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Those dam_n Mosquito's


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Hello Ladies !

I'm hoping to be in LOS soon. I'm not looking forward to any more itchy mozzy bites ! I've tried the lotions both European and Thai and I'm not impressed.

I'm now considering always wearing elasticated track suit bottoms as they always seem to go for the ankle/calf area. Another idea is to continue wearing shorts, but also with long socks/flight socks/ladies tights even !

I'm sure the ladies have long since figured how to keep them off. Please share your tips here

Thanks in advance

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people say Vit B1 or B6 works... just take a B complex one. lol I never tried it though. I barely get any bites now. Only things that changed for me was switching to Thai food only diet and lots of mangos. lol

Or I just clear my room of every mosquito with the electric swatter. :)

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Eat raw garlic daily and carry a tennis racket around with you,it can become an obsession though be careful.

Ladies tights is a very good idea to keep the mossies at bay but they might attract a specis far worse for your health!

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I find the chemically based - as opposed to the 'natural' products relying on citronella etc. (which don't work for me) - v effective. Without them, the mossies make a bee-line for me, ignoring everyone else..... :)

Personally, sitting in front of a fan doesn't work - the mossies still find me.

Don't forget that its important to repel the mossies during the day too - dengue fever is not nice and comes from the 'day time' mossies.

The mossie coil (that you burn) are also v good, but you have to make sure the smoke is heading in your direction!

Edited by F1fanatic
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I use the spray bottle you can get from tesco/big c, Soffell, is around 50 baht & keeps them off for a good few hours. Is a white bottle with either orange or pink tops. When I do get bitten I use Fenistil Gel, been using it on my son too, it takes the itch off straight away & reduces swelling & scarring.

Like you F1fantic, they love me & my son :) and even if I use a spray they will find & target the one spot I didn't manage to cover. I have foudn though the now I have a bit more tanned they aren't getting me quite as often (but still result in large red lumps that itch like a bugger when they do!)

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Ok, sorry, I'm a guy, the way I keep them mozzies at bay is to have a fan pointed at you, and no probs. I live here and have no probs with this method.

Must be invconvenient carting a fan around with you all day.

I started taking B6 supplements (following advice received on TVisa) 2 weeks before I left UK - I have been back in Thailand for 5 days and so far have not received a bite.

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Ok, sorry, I'm a guy, the way I keep them mozzies at bay is to have a fan pointed at you, and no probs. I live here and have no probs with this method.

Must be invconvenient carting a fan around with you all day.

I started taking B6 supplements (following advice received on TVisa) 2 weeks before I left UK - I have been back in Thailand for 5 days and so far have not received a bite.

Like, use of the fan when in the house, ok?

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Ok, sorry, I'm a guy, the way I keep them mozzies at bay is to have a fan pointed at you, and no probs. I live here and have no probs with this method.

This works great in the hotel room for sure.

I mean evening/night time out of doors. Thats when the little buggers seem to strike.

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Mozzies bit me through my clothes, so elasticated trousers won't work

I read somewhere that the dengue mozzie shoves its proboscis (stabbing device) straight through clothing. I'm wondering if this is because most clothing is loosely woven. I'm interested in discovering if nylon tights stop the buggers,its a much tighter weave . Come on ladies ! How are YOUR legs?

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Kurnell must have been unlucky. I've got LOTS of mossies where I live (god knows why!), and when I hang out washing, water the garden etc. I either spray myself with mossie repelent OR wear trousers and a long sleeved top. As long as I've taken these precautions I've never been bitten on a clothed or sprayed area.

Mind you, I wear loose-fitting clothes, not skin-tight trousers or tops.

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Mozzies go straight through nylon tights, and anyhow nylon tights in this weather may bring about other problems i.e. thrush etc.

You need a tropical strength repellant with Deet as the active ingredient, I always carry a few Mosquito coils in my bag so if I am out at night I just position a couple under the chair. As stated, Fans work well in the home situation.

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Im fairly lucky with mozzies. Its rare that they ever bite me. Ants adore me though! Always get a big bump when ants nip me.

I dont have any "trick" to keeping mozzies away, but i do like to drink Tonic Water (with quinine). Ive heard that mozzies dont like the quinine and it repels them. The odd thing is that when i havent been drinking it for a few days, i seem to get a few random bites. Maybe its just my imagination kicking in..but passing on the tip anyway.

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Haha..there you go then! Sorry for the mis advice :) I guess im just Iucky in the mozzie department. However, if its any consoIation ants wiII by-pass others and make a bee-Iine for me!

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Sorry Eek, its your imagination - tonic water hasn't contained quinine for decades.

Doesn't matter - if it works for you, go with it!

Quinine Hydrochloride is listed as a 'natural flavouring' on tonic water I've bought... is that not the same thing?

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it's a bit of either being really preoccupied,

obsessed with being bitten and a hyper-allergenic reaction with some.

If they disturb my sleep in the night, I simply pull the blanket over my head and some saliver on the bite -always help - I know for some this might be "yuk'ie", but I don't care it helps and gives me peace of mind!

Lavender or Lemon Grass "spa-burner" helps too...some can't stand the scent!

keeping doors 'n windows shut after 5'ish.

In rainy season I get some ARS-mats in one of these electric appliances... always works..

And yes, in the meantime I try not to bother much about anything, really...helps too! :)

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Popmybubble - no idea, but it sounds as if it should be quinine.

Perhaps I'm wrong ( :):D )! But I read years ago that although quinine protected the white expats in Kenya for years, they took it out of the recipe a long time ago.

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Remove any sources of stagnant standing water from around your home. Mosquitoes love standing water and use it as a breeding ground. Even a small planter pot that has been left outside and filled up with rain water is a potential breeding ground for mosquitoes, so get rid of it.

Spritz yourself with lemon eucalyptus oil. You can get this from a health food store. Put five drops of the oil in 1 cup of water, then put the mixture in a plastic spray bottle and give yourself two or three good sprays before going outside. The scent of the oil will keep mosquitoes away.

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I used to be 'the one' who always got bit, but not so much any more (I'm not sure if it's an increase in raw garlic, or what).

From what I've read, mozzies are attracted to hot natured people, or those who are hot at the time (sports, whatever). I've put this to test many times and I feel that it's true.

I have two friends who are hot natured and when I'm with them the mozzies will fly all around but won't attack me as I'd expect.

Of course you cannot do this all of the time... but if you are in a group try and sit close by the person who has the hottest body and see if you get bit. In my experience, the mozzies will usually torment them, leaving you be.

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Of course you cannot do this all of the time... but if you are in a group try and sit close by the person who has the hottest body and see if you get bit. In my experience, the mozzies will usually torment them, leaving you be.

In mixed company I always try to do that. Unfortunately, the gals won't always let me. :)

I do know the Thai mozzies are more annoying than the Canadian ones. The Canadian mosquitos are larger and slower. The tiny Thai mozzies never stop moving and won't give you a chance to swat them. For some strange reason my father was totally impervious to mosquitos. And, he neither ate a lot of garlic or used repellant. Mother, on the other hand, got attacked continually. A mosquito could fly into the room and mother would start swelling up immediately. I got a bit of both genes and I'm only semi-impervious to them. I seldom use repellant, but I DO hate their buzzing in my ear at night.

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Of course you cannot do this all of the time... but if you are in a group try and sit close by the person who has the hottest body and see if you get bit. In my experience, the mozzies will usually torment them, leaving you be.

In mixed company I always try to do that. Unfortunately, the gals won't always let me. :)

I do know the Thai mozzies are more annoying than the Canadian ones. The Canadian mosquitos are larger and slower. The tiny Thai mozzies never stop moving and won't give you a chance to swat them. For some strange reason my father was totally impervious to mosquitos. And, he neither ate a lot of garlic or used repellant. Mother, on the other hand, got attacked continually. A mosquito could fly into the room and mother would start swelling up immediately. I got a bit of both genes and I'm only semi-impervious to them. I seldom use repellant, but I DO hate their buzzing in my ear at night.

What really annoys me is that they rarely 'buzz'!

V rarely I'll hear a buzz at night by my ear and know something has to be done..... More often though, they don't buzz.

The odd thing is that at night in bed, I'll wake up when my hands (I normally sleep with them up above me, by the bedhead) are covered in small bites which are itching like mad. They haven't bitten any other part of my exposed body though.

Perhaps its not mossies??

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