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Hi, i've just ahd some health checks done, and I've been informed one of kidneys has a tumour, and needs to be removed. The local hospital can refer me to a specialist in Bangkok, but as yet, I am undecided whether to have the op here, or go back to the Uk, and get it done there. i'm within the new limits for being out of the Uk, so that shouldn't be a problem. Can anyone tell me how much this should cost? I'm uninsured, and my instinct is to get it done here, much easier for my wife than us going back to the Uk. i've seen comparison charts for various hospitals here, to compare costs, but have googled and can't find what I'm looking for.

thank you.


Kidney tumours and the subsequent management (and cost) depends very much on the age group of the individual. The only way you will get a quote for a procedure is when a final diagnosis and possible ways of specific management is known.

Suggest that you have a proper referral to BKK to a specialist center and get the final diagnosis and scope of management sorted; this will also allow you to plan a UK referral if that would be the ultimate decision.

Kidney tumours and the subsequent management (and cost) depends very much on the age group of the individual. The only way you will get a quote for a procedure is when a final diagnosis and possible ways of specific management is known.

Suggest that you have a proper referral to BKK to a specialist center and get the final diagnosis and scope of management sorted; this will also allow you to plan a UK referral if that would be the ultimate decision.

OK - Thanks for that, my wife is going to arrange to talk with a specialist in BKK, my instinct is to get it done here, where we live in the Uk is a long way from a suitable hospital, so it will be much easier for my wife to look after me here. Looking at the scan, the left kidney is considerably larger than the right one. The doctor I saw yesterday, was of the opinion that removal was the only option, but obviously, I'll go along with whatever the specialist in BKK says. Sorry if I'm rambling a bit here, still in the first stage of panic!

Thanks for your help.


Decisions made in panick are rarely good ones!

Not nearly enough info to venture a guess as to the final diagnosis, especially remotely such as on this forum but it does seem that your "tumour" is not malignant or cancerous in nature. The treatment here may be just removal of the diseased kidney with no other treatment necessary; this may mean a hospital stay of a few days max and will be the least expensive treatment option. In my opinion, this can be safely managed at most major hospitals in BKK. Kidney disease in Thailand is not uncommon so most major centers will have experience in dealing with this.

Should any further treatment be needed, I would suggest a referral, government supported hospital as long term treatment at private institutions may be costly.

Just take it step by step. A good understanding of what the diagnosis is and subsequent management is the only way to ease the panick; focus on getting that done first.

You can always panick again later!! (Apologies; don't want to sound facetious but go in there with a positive frame of mind!!)



Not clear to me if they are talking about removal of the tumor or of the all or part of the kidney.

There are many types of tumors, both malignant and benign, that can occur in or on the kidney (for example, on the adrenal glands attached to the kidney).

It would help if you could tell us exactly how this mass is described in the ultrasound or other test report...which, if you do not already have, you should get a copy of so as to show other doctors as you get opinions as to what to do.

Not clear to me if they are talking about removal of the tumor or of the all or part of the kidney.

There are many types of tumors, both malignant and benign, that can occur in or on the kidney (for example, on the adrenal glands attached to the kidney).

It would help if you could tell us exactly how this mass is described in the ultrasound or other test report...which, if you do not already have, you should get a copy of so as to show other doctors as you get opinions as to what to do.

Hi Sheryl, the doctor I saw yesterday did various tests, ultra sound, cat scan, and x rays. he seemed convinced that the kidney needs to be removed, due I believe to the size of the tumour. Part of the problem was, his English was not great, my Thai is practically non-existant, and my wife, who translates was in a bit of a state of shock, understandably so, I think. My wife is under the impression that the doctor thinks that the whole kidney needs to be removed.

The left kidney shows up as considerably larger than the right kidney. I am on a two week course of tablets, and I am planning to go to BKK to see a couple of surgeons, and get estimates of the treatment and costs. I have been given all of the x-ray photos and scan pictures, so I can take those with me. Unfortunately I do not know which hospitals/surgeons in BKK have good reputations or if any have bad reps, so I'm largely fumbling around in the dark - which is handy, as we've just had a four hour power cut!

I have been getting pain in my chest and back for several months, and it seems that this tumour is the cause, I had heart and lung checks done and they were OK. It may be the doctor fees the only way to stop the pain is in removing the kidney, but I'll see what the specialists say in BKK. If you know of any hospitals / surgeons to avoid, please pm me.

Thanks for your help, when I get this all sorted out, I'll post on here, regarding treatment costs etc, as it may come in useful to other TV members.


Sorry to hear of your condition WEE GB, not going to try to influence you one way or the other, but hospitals in the UK don't have the greatest rep at the moment. Hope all goes well and you find a reputable hospital in Bangkok.

Good Health to you

Sorry to hear of your condition WEE GB, not going to try to influence you one way or the other, but hospitals in the UK don't have the greatest rep at the moment. Hope all goes well and you find a reputable hospital in Bangkok.

Good Health to you

What a load of <deleted> , British Hospitals are some of the best in the world,


No need for profanity matey, disagree with me fine, but I think you will find you are living in the past, incidentally I am a patriot but also aware of the shortcomings.


Thanks to all for help and advice. The biggest problem I have with UK hospitals is that where our house is in the Uk, is a long way from a hospital that will do this operation, if it turns out that the doctors initial diagnosis of kidney removal is correct. It would be a minimum two hours journey. My wife doesn't drive, and frankly hospital visiting would be a nightmare for her. Also, I was in hospital, in the Uk, for a couple of days in October last year, with similar symptons, and they put it down to being a chest muscle strain! Which hardly inspires confidence. The tablets the local doctor has prescribed for me to take before I have the operation, have greatly reduced the pain, this is the best I've felt in a long time. :)

I'll post back on here, when I find out more,we're fixing up to go to Bangkok overthe next few days. Hopefully my experience will help out other TV members who may have similar problems.

Regards to all



You obviously need to have a clear and thorough discussion in English so that you can get understand your diagnosis and make informed choices.

I'll get back to you today with some names and locations of western-trained, well qualified doctorsin Bangkok who specialize in this type of surgery and are fluent in English.

Would help to know if you have insurance and if not if $ is a big constraint as the cost of this surgery at a private hospital will be significant.

You obviously need to have a clear and thorough discussion in English so that you can get understand your diagnosis and make informed choices.

I'll get back to you today with some names and locations of western-trained, well qualified doctorsin Bangkok who specialize in this type of surgery and are fluent in English.

Would help to know if you have insurance and if not if $ is a big constraint as the cost of this surgery at a private hospital will be significant.

Hi Sheryl, I do not have insurance. :) I've made an appointment at the Bumrungrad hospital, to see a specialist early next week. Any names / advice you could give would be welcome, no harm in seeing more than one doctor for a diagnosis / estimate of costs. I've had a quote from one hospital for 300,000 for the kidney removal, or 400,000 to have it removed by keyhole surgery. I've been reading up on kidney problems, and I can get a biopsy done for around 20,000 Baht, which I think is probably the best option, to find out exactly what the problem is, and proceed from there. Please either post on here or PM me with any details of surgeons etc. Thanks again for your help.


Hello WeeGB,

I am sure that Sheryl has you in good hands.

I would also like to give you another potential option. You may want to see a Urologist first before you talk to anyone in Oncology. For this, Dr. Viroj Chodchoy or Dr. Choosin Jirachitsumpu will be able to take care of you quite well. You can see their credentials at:


Bring your film with you, of course. They will be able to give you a better overall picture of what you need to take care of your kidneys before you begin any other treatments.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM.

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