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19k Electricity Invoice?


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low and behold there are 5 other water meters, which monitor water usage for each apartment and the common area for watering. Now this is truly a scam, but whatcha gonna do other than move.

It would be interesting to see their expressions if you take them down and politely show them your discovery.

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i am one of the "heavy" users with an average consumption of presently 90kWh per day which peaks in the hot months at 120 kWh a day.

p.s. what is a "unit"? :D

Theres many answers to this question Naam. In relation to this thread, a 'unit' is 1kwh.

In relation to the question asked in general, 'you' are a bit of a unit Naam :D - no offence :D

120kw/h per day <deleted> are you doing up there? You must be running aircon in your front yard .....or something :) .

Perhaps you should follow moonrakers example and switch to diesel or solar powered butt plugs :D

"<deleted>" is quite easy to explain Neverdie. >600m² of airconditioned living area, pool (heated during cool season), pond, waterfall, deep well, irrigation, pressurised water supply, water heaters (2 females who seem have hot showers for hours), washer, dryer, two huge fridges/freezers, three small fridges, one chest freezer, cooking by electricity, in- and outside lighting, forced attic ventilation, forced inhouse ventilation, TVs, computers galore and last not least my non-diesel / non-solar three-phase 220/380 butt plug.


Holy moly...are you looking to adopt a 30-something guy?

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I live in a 3 bedroom house, run the television 24/7 for security (leave it on when I'm gone so it looks like someone is home) and use the air conditioning quite often and my electric bill has never exceeded 1400 baht. The meter is probably wired up to something else besides your apartment or you are paying the bill for the whole floor. Your landlord must be a crook because anyone who has lived here would know it's not possible to run up that big of a bill under the circumstances you describe. I would tell the landlord in writing that your electricity use could not possibly exceed 2000 baht and he needs to fix the problem immediately or you will move. Sorry, buy You are being scammed without a doubt.

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the OP was as unprecise as possible. "2 aircons" (no size given), "run 2 a day 1 at night" how many hours is an "OP day"? hypothetically he could have run up a rather high bill with old aircons (assuming each 18,000 btu/h), 2 running 16 hours/day and 1 running 8 hours/night at lowest temperature setting day and night.

a rough calculation, worst case scenario, looks like this:

40 hours/day each hour 2kWh x 30 days x 3.8 = ~ 9,000 Baht. add other consuming electric equipment 2,000 Baht = 11,000 Baht a month but nowhere near 19,000 Baht.

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Open QUESTION: Is anyone paying less than 3.5 baht/kwhr. I am interested to know.

190bht standing charge, 0.92bht/unit, 7 percent Tax, I usually manage to use 300 units in a month.

So in total less than 2bht a unit (or for those that prefer less than 2bht per KWh)

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You are getting lots of good advice here but I think I know the problem. The electric company guy who does the reading probably isnot updating his handheld computer reading device he takes the reading with. Go back over the last few months bills check the previous readings. If he isnot updaying his data you keep being billed on a reading that could be months old. So old billing to new reading is vastly different. After you paid they can do an in the office correction and pocket the difference and the handheld remains months behind in past billing info. Check your bills closely.

I had a problem like this it took me 5 months to straigthen it out because the electric company refused to take fault. Now I havenot had to pay a bill in over a year free every month.

So have you checked your bills I will explain further. The meter reader simply has to keep the same last reading in for say siw months. Then after 6 montha always be 6 months behind in handkeld updates.

Example is simple form:

Month one last billing 1000 watts This month 1100 so you pay on 100 watt useage

Month2 two last billing (1000) notice not 1100 as it should be. This month 1200 you pay on 200 watts useage

Month three last billing(1000} notice not 1200 as it should be. This month 1300 you pay on 300 watts useage.

Month four last billing(1000) notice again not 13000 as it should be. This month 1400 you pay on 400 watts useage

This is a simple example using 100 watts a month as useage but i think you get the point. This system could have been set up years ago before you even moved in, well another tenant was there. After 6 months the meter reader then starts his updates but is always 6 months behind .

Further example

Month six last billing (1000) not 1500 as it should be. This month 1600 you pay on 600 watts useage.

Month seven now this is when it all kicks in. last month billing 1100 the amount from 6 months ago but meter reads 1700 you pay on 600 watts

Month eight last billing 1200 the amount from 6 months ago and meter reads 1800 you pay on 600.

So after 6 months on a 100 watt a month useage example you will be paying 600 watt useage 6 time the amount you actually use.

Keep all your receipts and check for this I am sure it is the problem.

Meter reading is always correct but past meter reading is months behind.

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Mate, you are being absolutely done.

It sounds to me that your condo building are adding about 15 baht to your price per unit. I live in Supalai Park Pahon yothin and use about the same as you;

I have a flat screen TV thats on all evening; 2 computers; and 1-3 aircons running at certain times during the day and night(trying to take it easy as the aircon is what cains the most electric). My bill has never been over 4000 Baht, and I think it's 4-6 Baht per unit.

I can remeber last year when I was looking into moving to Sathon part of town. I visited a few of the newish condo's in the area, looked at the small print and some of them were charging 15-25 Baht per unit, most of which will be going into the landlords and the building owners pocket.

I would double check what you are paying per unit, because it's impossible that your bill should be this much. It should be about a fifth of that.

Hope you get to the bottom of this.


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the OP was as unprecise as possible. "2 aircons" (no size given), "run 2 a day 1 at night" how many hours is an "OP day"? hypothetically he could have run up a rather high bill with old aircons (assuming each 18,000 btu/h), 2 running 16 hours/day and 1 running 8 hours/night at lowest temperature setting day and night.

a rough calculation, worst case scenario, looks like this:

40 hours/day each hour 2kWh x 30 days x 3.8 = ~ 9,000 Baht. add other consuming electric equipment 2,000 Baht = 11,000 Baht a month but nowhere near 19,000 Baht.

No chance, more like 6-7000 maxx

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Has the OP tried switching of his Large Hadron Collider? That could be the cause of the hefty bill.

Its why you switched to a diesel operated butt plug, wasnt it? :D:)

Diesel powered butt plug, I have no idea what you are referring to ND.

It's all about solar power nowadays :D

Those hydroponic lights aren't just hot they're expensive to operate too. :D

Edited by WarpSpeed
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If the readings are correct, maybe check that no-one else has piggy backed onto your electricity supply/meter....

He already did that. he turned everything off & the wheel stopped spinning. Nobody is parasiting off OP.

He may have a supercollider running.

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Unfortunately, this is somewhat common here as a way for building owners to make some extra cash by charging more for electricity than they pay for it. But even then, things get fishy sometimes. My g/f moved out of her apartment and turned off the circuit breakers, and for four months, she still got bills for around 700 baht.

Aside form that, griser has some good suggestions.

Simple soultion to this. On the day you move out switch all the breakers to off. Get a paper & a pen. Note down the numbers on your meter. Tell the jusistic person, condo manager, your agent or your landlord that you aren't paying anything above that number. Give them a copy. Don't pay. Unplug the fridges etc.

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You are getting lots of good advice here but I think I know the problem. The electric company guy who does the reading probably isnot updating his handheld computer reading device he takes the reading with. Go back over the last few months bills check the previous readings. If he isnot updaying his data you keep being billed on a reading that could be months old. So old billing to new reading is vastly different. After you paid they can do an in the office correction and pocket the difference and the handheld remains months behind in past billing info. Check your bills closely.

I had a problem like this it took me 5 months to straigthen it out because the electric company refused to take fault. Now I havenot had to pay a bill in over a year free every month.

So have you checked your bills I will explain further. The meter reader simply has to keep the same last reading in for say siw months. Then after 6 montha always be 6 months behind in handkeld updates.

Example is simple form:

Month one last billing 1000 watts This month 1100 so you pay on 100 watt useage

Month2 two last billing (1000) notice not 1100 as it should be. This month 1200 you pay on 200 watts useage

Month three last billing(1000} notice not 1200 as it should be. This month 1300 you pay on 300 watts useage.

Month four last billing(1000) notice again not 13000 as it should be. This month 1400 you pay on 400 watts useage

This is a simple example using 100 watts a month as useage but i think you get the point. This system could have been set up years ago before you even moved in, well another tenant was there. After 6 months the meter reader then starts his updates but is always 6 months behind .

Further example

Month six last billing (1000) not 1500 as it should be. This month 1600 you pay on 600 watts useage.

Month seven now this is when it all kicks in. last month billing 1100 the amount from 6 months ago but meter reads 1700 you pay on 600 watts

Month eight last billing 1200 the amount from 6 months ago and meter reads 1800 you pay on 600.

So after 6 months on a 100 watt a month useage example you will be paying 600 watt useage 6 time the amount you actually use.

Keep all your receipts and check for this I am sure it is the problem.

Meter reading is always correct but past meter reading is months behind.

Another way this finishes is every month you pay full amount that says is owing they credit you with what was owed 6 months ago after it is corrected which was 100 watts useage and pocket the rest then mr meter read can up date one month and keep you on the books still 6 months behind this can go on forever unless you put a stop to it.

And the amount you quote would be about 6 months useage in total for what you have.

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Doing a rough calculation for current consumption.

4837kwh / 30 days = 161.2 kwh/day

161.2 kwh/day / 24 hours/day = 6.718 kw * 1000 = 6718W / 220V = 30.5 Amps current draw 24/7 :)

Possibly faulty AC compressor or refrigerator compressor?

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These prices are crazy .. i wonder how many baht a unit you pay. I use 1 aircon during the night and none during the day and pay around 2000-2400 (computers always running and fridge tv ect)

Just paid latest bill: 3,200Baht, about average for each month.

- It's my own 2 bed condo in Bkk - seperate electric bill.

- 2 air cons at night for about 6 or 7 hours then we turn them off.

- Ceiling fans in every room and they are on frequently.

- Electric cooktop and we cook at home every day, microwave, toaster, big fridge, hot water pot.

- Water heaters in 2 bathrooms, 3 adults and one small child taking showers, also water heater in kitchen.

- Auto washing machine, does 2 loads of washing every day.

- TV, 2 computers, lots of down lights - at least one person is at home all the times, so lights are always on in living room and at least one bedroom, 3 mobile phones being charged.

Suggest 3 things:

1. - Ask for details of units consumed/Baht for other condos in the building, especially same floor and try to get details of the condos on either side of you.

Why? I discovered some years back that the cheeky owner of the townhouse next to me had paid the electrician, when he was wiring the houses, to connect his powerpoints in our shared wall to my supply. For years I was paying for half of his usage.

Approach other people on your floor and ask them directly what they are paying.

2. - Ask your condo office to arrange for a person from the electric company to come and run a test, including turning everything off, say for 2 hours, and monitor what happens at the meter. My understanding is that both the electricity folks and the water supply folks are very cooperative for this. (Don't accept answers from condo office like 'it's normal', politely demand they arrange for the rep. to come, and don't back off.)

3. - Are you sure what rate your paying? Is there perhaps a slip up and your wrongly paying some sort of commercial rate or something.

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im living in a hi-rise condo in the heart of sathorn in a 2 bed room apartment.

Im using 2 air cons during the day and 1 at night in the bedroom.

My laptop is running 24/7 and i charge my phone over night.. so we are totally far from heavy usage here.

The first month i got an electricity invoice for 19,000baht. I complained to the management and got told that it would be all normal.

The showed me the meter and the numbers matched those on my invoice.

I had to pay the invoice course i didnt want to live for a month without any electricity.

Today, about 3 1/2 weeks later, i get another electricity invoice which is close 18,500baht.

Those crazy amounts cant be real. I was expecting 2 or 3 or 4,000baht but not 19,000baht!!

What should i do now? I have 2 days left to pay the latest invoice before they turn the power off. Is there anything i can do?

Maybe the meter measured another apartment too? They installed it wrong etc?

You say you are living in a high rise Condo.

They usually get one bill from the Electricity Company.

High rise condo's usually use a lot of excessive power, does your condo have shops below, a swimming pool, security lights at night that are not turned off during the day, is there a lot of building and repairs going on that use power tools, electric welders, electric sprinkler systems run by electric motors and mono pumps for pressurising the water to the high rise units etc .

How is it you only get an invoice, is it because you have a meter installed outside your condo and do all the other condo's have the same.

How many unit's are in your high rise condo and as I said before ask the other owners or tennants how much their electricity bill is per month.

I think you will soon get your answer.

I hope that you come back to us and let us all know what the outcome of it is, as a lot of people have given you advise on the matter.

Keep us informed.

Edited by OZEMADE
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You say you are living in a high rise Condo.

They usually get one bill from the Electricity Company.

No they don't. There are seperate meters for each unit on each floor.

Do you live in a high rise condo in Bangkok?

I think it has pretty much been proven that with the sliding scale (more you use, the higher the rate) and most likely extremely inefficient A/C's he is not being overcharged.

That is assuming this is not the troll I suspect it is. The OP has not posted the bill, has not answered the question on previous usage that is shown on the bill (in Bangkok).


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If the readings are correct, maybe check that no-one else has piggy backed onto your electricity supply/meter....

He already did that. he turned everything off & the wheel stopped spinning. Nobody is parasiting off OP.

No, he did not, he turned off the electricity at the fuse box and the wheel stop spinning. But someone can still be hooked up to the grid after his fuse box, on the 'inside' so to speak.

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Has your condo got a huge neon sign on the roof and forcourt lighting

wait until about 9pm at night then take the fuse out and see if the sign and all the condos exteria lighting goes out

Only joking ha ha

My mate stayed in an apartment block in the first room on the corridor he found out he was paying for the lighting along his corridor they had wired it to his meter .

I would die if I had a bill like that my last bill was 580 baht


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Has your condo got a huge neon sign on the roof and forcourt lighting

wait until about 9pm at night then take the fuse out and see if the sign and all the condos exteria lighting goes out

Only joking ha ha

My mate stayed in an apartment block in the first room on the corridor he found out he was paying for the lighting along his corridor they had wired it to his meter .

I would die if I had a bill like that my last bill was 580 baht


I've seen neighbors lights go out when the schools lights next too there house go off(publicly connected field lighting). Looks quite funny. Don't know if the headmaster found out or not but it stopped after a while. You see the schools lights would come on at about 6pm, as they flickered on so would all the yard lighting in my neighbours house!!!

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A "unit" is 1000 Watts of electrical power used in 1 hour. Therefore, 1 unit is equal to 1 kWh (kilowatt hour).

For example, if an appliance uses 2000 Watts & it was being used for 1 hour, it would take 30 minutes to use 1 unit of electricity & 1 hour to use 2 units.

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I don't know when I learned about electricity and consumption but it feels as though I've always known about it. I didn't come to Thailand and have no idea about electricity and bills and how a bill could be manipulated. Don't they teach people anything at school or at the school of life before letting them out these days ?

If it is a small block, this bill could be for the whole block ! The meter would be right but the OP doesn't even know if he has the right meter for his condo. Without knowing that, any speculation is pointless.

Obviously it is not right but does the OP even have the starting number when he moved in and why didn't he check after a day or two or at most a week ?

Thai condo block with non inflated rates would seem too good to be true to me and the first thing which came into my mind was that he was paying for the whole block.

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Its a scam, MOVE. :)


I run a fridge, PC, fan maybe 2, microwave, a few lights, television is on rarely, music thingy now and again . . . bill was 617 last month.

The OP should take this up with either the BIB or send a lawyers letter after checking the T&C's of his rental agreement. SCAM.

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All this speculation. :D

It may be a number of things but the 1st logical steps would be to:

1] Ascertain if you are using appliances (air conditioners) sensibly or not.

2] Check the meter for fault/accuracy.

3] Check for all possible electrical problems (as I mentioned previously).

Once these things have been eliminated from being at fault, other possible problems may be looked into.

Everybody wants to hang someone whilst absolutely nothing is known about the OP's situation. :)

Edited by elkangorito
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1900B for the month might be nearer the mark. They may have counted the last digit on the meter as a unit, it is actually one tenth of a unit.

That's what I was also thinking, although should think his bill would be more than 1900 baht if running aircons all the time. A good chance the filters are caked in crap and the compressors are running flat out. I'd bung an amp clamp across the tails and compare with the ratings (on the plaque on side of unit). If the condo owner is the shifty type with a bit of brain power, he may have bunged huge motors on the aircon compressors with a brake and a large bank of resistors to ensure you always draw more than you should... although I'd be impressed if this was the case!

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All this speculation. :D

It may be a number of things but the 1st logical steps would be to:

1] Ascertain if you are using appliances (air conditioners) sensibly or not.

2] Check the meter for fault/accuracy.

3] Check for all possible electrical problems (as I mentioned previously).

Once these things have been eliminated from being at fault, other possible problems may be looked into.

Everybody wants to hang someone whilst absolutely nothing is known about the OP's situation. :D

This is a SHOCKING situation. :)

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All this speculation. :D

It may be a number of things but the 1st logical steps would be to:

1] Ascertain if you are using appliances (air conditioners) sensibly or not.

2] Check the meter for fault/accuracy.

3] Check for all possible electrical problems (as I mentioned previously).

Once these things have been eliminated from being at fault, other possible problems may be looked into.

Everybody wants to hang someone whilst absolutely nothing is known about the OP's situation. :D

This is a SHOCKING situation. :)

Watt do you mean?

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