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Why Do So Many Guys End Up Married To Thai Girls ?


Western or Thai Girls ?   

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Why do Thai's always want to know what every Farang likes about thailand. But they hate to hear the real answers. I had a thai girl the other day, she is a friend of my friend ( not gf ) She was telling me that all farang men like to live in Thailand becuase thai girls are more sexy and pretty than western girls. How can i thai girl tell me this ?? She wasnt not very happy and at one point look very very angry when i said i prefer to meet western girls in bangkok rather than thai girls. Western ( i mean white , black or any other girls who have grown up in a western country ) girls i think are alot better to be around alot more fun and happy than your average thai girl. I find thai girls very boring to talk to. I also think western girls up close are alot more sexy than thai girls. Then on the conversation front.... well i dont need to say anything.

The bottom line is that if western men had the choice of talking to a pretty backpacker girl from sweden :D or a thai girl they would take the girl from sweden everytime. But they dont have a choice most of them . They go for the thai girl simply becuase they no the thai girl will ' like ' them for there money no other reason.

For me Western girls are alot better in all area's than thai girls.

Give me a night on Khao San Road with a couple of backpacker girls from sweden over a night out with 50 thai girls anyday.

Thai girls = boring... they seem to want move in with you about 2 or 3 months after you have met them, whats that all about and talking about marriage :) ?? they just dont live in the real world...

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Was it you dave30 who posted the below quote in the "Think long think hard be warned thread"..?.19/03/2010

"I am to with Thai girl ( we have been together for 5 years now ) and we have a kid . Going ok so far but being honest i cant see us still together in 10 years. The culture thing is just to different. There will come a time were i will say i have had enough and hopefully if we to part ways can stay friends for are child's sake. "

Think long and think hard before you contradict yourself and make a fool of yourself. :)

Engage brain before typing finger.... :D

Edited by MB1
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opposites attract.

ignorance is bliss.

Me: Might have a war over Iran.

Her: Iran? what's that?

Me: What's for tea? :)

Terrible generalisation, apologies to Thai mid-so, hi-so, and elite-so women and all farang or Thai's married to aforementioned women.

Edited by whiterussian
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..so far its 18% western and 81% thai

suggestion.. try Sweden visa .com if you prefer blonds..and you'll have more fun

I always knew they were polar opposites hence the popularity of the thai

signed: the winner, in the first round, by TKO, Thai women

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It's very simple and comes down to one simple point.

White guys in Thailand simply can't get the same sort of quality Western woman.

How many 50+ year old guys do you see in the US "dating" or marrying 20-30yo women? Very, very few. We don't even have to go that far... How many 30 year old guys do you see dating 23 year olds in US? Again; very, very few.

In other words, it doesn't matter one bit which country has hotter women. It only matters who *you* can get.

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So right now I am sitting in the student center of my university in the US. Surrounded by girls, lots of blond hair girls and the majority of them are fat and unkempt. They walk around in sweats and Ugg boots, go to class in their pajamas and often have wet or unwashed hair tied up in a bun. My 31yr old Thai wife is in better shape than 95% of the girls here and even the ones who are in shape, probably won't be by age 30. When we first moved here, my wife was shocked at how little attention to personal detail American girls give to themselves.

Not only do I find Thai girls more beautiful (and everyone has their own spec of Thai girl) but often the sense of family is greater. Traditional family roles, and what is to be done with aging family members. We moved back to the US to both get further/second degrees before moving back to Thailand, so we moved in with my parents because renting would just be a waste of money. Can you imagine telling your western wife about that?

Now, there are many attractive girls here, but on average Thai's win hands down. An educated, intelligent Thai girl can be one of the sexiest things around.

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It's very simple and comes down to one simple point.

White guys in Thailand simply can't get the same sort of quality Western woman.

How many 50+ year old guys do you see in the US "dating" or marrying 20-30yo women? Very, very few. We don't even have to go that far... How many 30 year old guys do you see dating 23 year olds in US? Again; very, very few.

In other words, it doesn't matter one bit which country has hotter women. It only matters who *you* can get.

Way to over generalize there. So what about my wife being 3.5 years older than me? As far as 30 and 23, I am 28 and the girls who are 23 are just getting to the age where we would be at the same area of life. There are plenty of people 23-35 marrying Thai women within their age bracket, as well as looks.

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It's very simple and comes down to one simple point.

White guys in Thailand simply can't get the same sort of quality Western woman.

How many 50+ year old guys do you see in the US "dating" or marrying 20-30yo women? Very, very few. We don't even have to go that far... How many 30 year old guys do you see dating 23 year olds in US? Again; very, very few.

In other words, it doesn't matter one bit which country has hotter women. It only matters who *you* can get.

here is how it is..In general in the western world, people do not have a huge age difference between them when married..usually they are the same age, or the male is 2 to 5 years older, PERIOD.

That's just the way it is.. unless the guy is rich. HOWEVER, if the guy is DECENT, and can easily meet and attract western women..he could be 6 or even 10, 12 years older and be a regular working guy ( read, not rich)

..so, a 50 year old like THAT could be dating a western woman as young as say 38, but that's about it..AND this guy would have to generally be fit, look younger than his age, and be a "good guy" ( read, not a heavy drinker, no drugs, etc.).

NOW..maybe that SAME 50 year old western guy goes to Thailand.. falls in love with the country (and Thai women), and want to marry a Thai lady. In this case he can choose ( or they will choose him) from women much younger than the 38 year old western woman ( about the "lowest" age he could "get" without being rich). Why? ..a million reasons, and one is because Asian women in general do not care about age difference as much ( again, in general) as Western women.

i am not talking about western men who are perceived as "losers" with regards to relationships in farang land, and have to RESORT to places like Thailand to 'score", i am talking about farang men who have no difficulty establishing reationships with western women but CHOOSE to persue Asian women.

signed: is that clear enough??

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It's very simple and comes down to one simple point.

White guys in Thailand simply can't get the same sort of quality Western woman.

How many 50+ year old guys do you see in the US "dating" or marrying 20-30yo women? Very, very few. We don't even have to go that far... How many 30 year old guys do you see dating 23 year olds in US? Again; very, very few.

In other words, it doesn't matter one bit which country has hotter women. It only matters who *you* can get.

Way to over generalize there. So what about my wife being 3.5 years older than me? As far as 30 and 23, I am 28 and the girls who are 23 are just getting to the age where we would be at the same area of life. There are plenty of people 23-35 marrying Thai women within their age bracket, as well as looks.

I agree, why the hel_l would a 30 year old want to date a 23 year old??! I'm 25 and just finished graduate school, and I'm barely interested in undergraduates (18-22 years old) simply because their minds are so immature and they're at a totally different stage in life... getting together with someone with a 3+ year difference is just weird.

So right now I am sitting in the student center of my university in the US. Surrounded by girls, lots of blond hair girls and the majority of them are fat and unkempt. They walk around in sweats and Ugg boots, go to class in their pajamas and often have wet or unwashed hair tied up in a bun. My 31yr old Thai wife is in better shape than 95% of the girls here and even the ones who are in shape, probably won't be by age 30. When we first moved here, my wife was shocked at how little attention to personal detail American girls give to themselves.

Not only do I find Thai girls more beautiful (and everyone has their own spec of Thai girl) but often the sense of family is greater. Traditional family roles, and what is to be done with aging family members. We moved back to the US to both get further/second degrees before moving back to Thailand, so we moved in with my parents because renting would just be a waste of money. Can you imagine telling your western wife about that?

Now, there are many attractive girls here, but on average Thai's win hands down. An educated, intelligent Thai girl can be one of the sexiest things around.

Indeed, I notice there's lots of hot undergrads, but if you look closer you see a lot of it is just due to make up and clothing choices... it's quite obvious that in a few years with a few pounds they're not going to be able to compete with the Thais. It's very rare that I every see a 'hot' western girl over 24 years old, and when they do exist they are highly sought after and probably not within anyone's league. Thai women keep a youthful physique until they're about 40 at least.

That being said, the hottest (and only the hottest) of the western girls surpass the best thailand has to offer IMHO.

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I came here because I was tired of western women, and for me that was the best choice of my life, in 10 years I have not heard a complaint, that I left the toilet seat up.

This may be the 3rd world but Thai women know how a toilet seat works, you look to see if it is up or down, adjust it and stay seated for the complete performance.

Cheers: :)

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Quality thats why.

The quality of my ex Thai g/f's and my Thai wife far exceed any English (I'm English) girl I have dated and having spent 30 odd years in England i have the experience to back up this statement.

There are plenty of attractive / educated fun farang girls but the ones i always liked were not interested in me!

Come to Thailand i have had attractive / educated g/fs and now a wife....


Simple is as simple does...and Thailand makes it simple...

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This may be the 3rd world but Thai women know how a toilet seat works, you look to see if it is up or down, adjust it and stay seated for the complete performance.

Cheers: :)

Always a good trait in a woman.

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It's all a matter of personal taste. Don't know much about Swedish backpackers but do understand American women and thats why I have not been with one for nearly 25 years. The word for a female dog comes to mind when I think about them in comparison. :)

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It's all a matter of personal taste. Don't know much about Swedish backpackers but do understand American women and thats why I have not been with one for nearly 25 years. The word for a female dog comes to mind when I think about them in comparison. :)


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"Give me a night on Khao San Road with a couple of backpacker girls from sweden over a night out with 50 thai girls anyday."

All I can say is that every blog must have one. Dave30 happens to be ThiaVisa's.

Hope that your present lapse is not too painful and that you recover soon.

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So right now I am sitting in the student center of my university in the US. Surrounded by girls, lots of blond hair girls and the majority of them are fat and unkempt. They walk around in sweats and Ugg boots, go to class in their pajamas and often have wet or unwashed hair tied up in a bun. My 31yr old Thai wife is in better shape than 95% of the girls here and even the ones who are in shape, probably won't be by age 30. When we first moved here, my wife was shocked at how little attention to personal detail American girls give to themselves.

Not only do I find Thai girls more beautiful (and everyone has their own spec of Thai girl) but often the sense of family is greater. Traditional family roles, and what is to be done with aging family members. We moved back to the US to both get further/second degrees before moving back to Thailand, so we moved in with my parents because renting would just be a waste of money. Can you imagine telling your western wife about that?

Now, there are many attractive girls here, but on average Thai's win hands down. An educated, intelligent Thai girl can be one of the sexiest things around.

Good post. You've about said it all. I think European women have not deteriorated quite as bad as American, particularly in the "superior attitude" department. No doubt Thai women LOOK sexy, but performance is another area. Many "starfish" here, who could not come close to most of my high school GF's in performance.

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It's very simple and comes down to one simple point.

White guys in Thailand simply can't get the same sort of quality Western woman.

How many 50+ year old guys do you see in the US "dating" or marrying 20-30yo women? Very, very few. We don't even have to go that far... How many 30 year old guys do you see dating 23 year olds in US? Again; very, very few.

In other words, it doesn't matter one bit which country has hotter women. It only matters who *you* can get.

here is how it is..In general in the western world, people do not have a huge age difference between them when married..usually they are the same age, or the male is 2 to 5 years older, PERIOD.

That's just the way it is.. unless the guy is rich. HOWEVER, if the guy is DECENT, and can easily meet and attract western women..he could be 6 or even 10, 12 years older and be a regular working guy ( read, not rich)

..so, a 50 year old like THAT could be dating a western woman as young as say 38, but that's about it..AND this guy would have to generally be fit, look younger than his age, and be a "good guy" ( read, not a heavy drinker, no drugs, etc.).

NOW..maybe that SAME 50 year old western guy goes to Thailand.. falls in love with the country (and Thai women), and want to marry a Thai lady. In this case he can choose ( or they will choose him) from women much younger than the 38 year old western woman ( about the "lowest" age he could "get" without being rich). Why? ..a million reasons, and one is because Asian women in general do not care about age difference as much ( again, in general) as Western women.

i am not talking about western men who are perceived as "losers" with regards to relationships in farang land, and have to RESORT to places like Thailand to 'score", i am talking about farang men who have no difficulty establishing reationships with western women but CHOOSE to persue Asian women.

signed: is that clear enough??

Its clear, mate. Its just flawed.

If you are unwilling to accept that most thai women who are interested in Farang are more focused on security than romance, but most men are interested in the physical and then romantic side then you'll see the "date your own rate" aurgument that I saw Sokal so attatched to in another thread is flawed. for example a western "8" male could be a Thai "4". a Thai lady on the "9" level could only be 5-6 in the West due to not being able to converse or only talk about meaningless drivel and be demanding and emotionally stunted when compared to the western gals. Lets not forget, some of these chubby legging wearing heffers back home have kept their men because they "LOVE" their men and some men REALLY want to love and be loved. Other men want to fantasise and be facilitated. Other men still want both. the latter two are catered for most easily in Thailand, the first group are happy in the west for the large part.

The western girl might be a "Love me, love my dog" type but even as I dislike dogs, I'd take it over "Love me, sponser any daft gadge that can remember my name and manipulate my repressed guilt" type that are so easy to find here.

Yes there are some perfect women here. But by and large they are not dating too many farang.

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Well, I've worked in a female dominated occupation for 28 years with women from all over the world, and can say that I've only met a couple of western women that I'd have wanted to marry, while I've met several Asian women that I could easily have lived with.

It's hard to pin it down to a few "facts", and there aren't enough hours to write all the generalisations that I could come up with, but to put it as simply as possible, IMO, western women are so busy trying to be pseudo men that they've forgotten to be women, and are way too PC plus being anti men ( unless rich "bad boy" rock stars, or film stars, in which case they can't get their nickers off fast enough ) in general.

Asian women, on the other hand, while far from being "door mats", are IMO, generally "feminine women". If I am going to get married, I'd rather have a feminine woman than an agressive psuedo man woman, regardless of looks.

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Well, I've worked in a female dominated occupation for 28 years with women from all over the world, and can say that I've only met a couple of western women that I'd have wanted to marry, while I've met several Asian women that I could easily have lived with.

It's hard to pin it down to a few "facts", and there aren't enough hours to write all the generalisations that I could come up with, but to put it as simply as possible, IMO, western women are so busy trying to be pseudo men that they've forgotten to be women, and are way too PC plus being anti men ( unless rich "bad boy" rock stars, or film stars, in which case they can't get their nickers off fast enough ) in general.

Asian women, on the other hand, while far from being "door mats", are IMO, generally "feminine women". If I am going to get married, I'd rather have a feminine woman than an agressive psuedo man woman, regardless of looks.

Lady boys should be right up your street. Much more feminine that the average thai woman. And think how aggressive they could be between the sheets based on their X Y config. :)

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I despise Western Women in Thailand, never even speak to them. When I go to Europe or America I deal with them but their pretensions and attitude is always off-putting and I still tend to go for Asian girls. I just have a severe case of yellow fever I guess, and only maybe 25% of it has to do with looks. I just prefer the way Thai girls...are...I guess. They may not be for every man but they are certainly for me. If you've been here any significant amount of time and you don't know why that is yet, then they are probably not for you. Doesn't make either of us 'right' or 'wrong' we just have different tastes. You prefer women who are opinionated and boss you around and get an attitude when you want sex for the second time this month and I prefer women who are sweeping the floor in front of me as I walk and who are submissive to me in nearly every way. To each his own.

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