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Ever Had Another Family Member Give You The Eye?


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so what happened and what did you?

my nephew and his girlfriend have just recently moved back into the family home. havent seen him for a while and was unaware that he had a new partner. its a large family, with lots off different age gaps. my nephew is a few years youger than i and his girfriend is about the same age as me and my wife is 8 years older than me.

the whole family works, either within the home enviroment(we let out rooms to thais who either work or are studying in bangkok) and we have several food outlets based in and around the grounds of the home. others work outside in roles such as taxi driving, air conditioning and advertising.

anyway the introductions were made, whais exchanged and being a friday night everyone thought it a good idea to go out and have a meal at our local moo ka-tah. to catch up and get to know one another. the new girlfriend was very hospitable by bringing several items to the table and ordering drinks for the family in what i thought was typical behavior, when being accepted into a new family. then after a good meal, i along with my wife and other members of the family including my nephew and girlfriend decided to go to a bar and sing a bit of karaoke. at first i thought the drink was just taking its affect, seeing as the girlfriend was being talkative and friendly, but as the night drew on after joining me outside for a few cigarettes, buying me more drink, dancing and singing with me. i thought it only wise to take a step back and decide to call it a night. especially as the wife seemed to be getting shall we say a little over protective of me.

so its been a few weeks now since they moved in and its starting to get a bit worrying to say the least. everyday while my nephew goes out to ply his trade as a taxi driver in the city, the girlfriend has been going out and buying me food, asked me if id like to go swimming with her, asked if she could go on a visa run with me to poi-pet to the casinos, come into our room after showering with only a towel wrapped around her body(whilst i was alone), coming to the local fishing park to find me and sitting down and buying a bottle of whsikey for us to share etc.... all of which i have either politely declined or got out of the situations rather quickly.

now i do not know a lot about this girl, but i have come to my own conclusions as to where and how my nephew met her. she claims to have a condo that she owns on suk/nana top end where most of the muslim shops are located, her english is good and from what i have been told she has had a relationship with a french guy. she has two daughters from being married before to a thai, has a butterfly tattoed on her right thigh and several others that i cant quite make out. plus shes also from that part of n.e. thailand that a lot of tv members have a opinion on and like to air their views on such girls.( i will let you draw up you own conclusions as to what kind of girl you think she is)

the worrying thing for me is i dont want this to cause a rift in the family, especially concerning my wife, mil, nephew and sister/brother in-laws. i really dont need this kind of attention. two and a half years back i was caught with my hands in the cookie jar so to speak. i had a relationship with another thai woman and it caused all kinds of hurt and trouble on all sides.(very stupid i know). i am now a father to a young 9 month old baby girl and have now got back most of the respect from my wife and family after doing such a bad thing. i have worked hard to try and get my relationship back on track with my wife and dont want something to stand in the way of us living the rest of our lives happily together.

its already getting a little strained, with my wife poiting out the fact that the girlfriend seems to be giving me so much attention. with sly comments being dropped my way now and again, plus the mil always seems to have her eye on me in everything i do or say. cant blame her i suppose, she has just cause and is only looking out for her own.

so what to do? i really dont need this! have any of you guys been in similar stuations, how did you handle it. any advice greatly received.

signed tigerfish.

Edited by tigerfish
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This is simple, avoid at all cost. Even give the cold shoulder. You dont want to get into this mess, you have a family now.

In fact to thwart all temptation is to RUN or leave if its feasible, not sure it is in your case but you get the idea.

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Find a way of getting her and her boyfriend out of the house for good,the only option before it all goes pear shaped i have done the same thing before and said we needed the room for the baby so you will have to look for somewhere new.

Also be careful of your money and expensive items they just might start walking of course on there own accord? :)

Seriously if you treasure your lady like you say you do.....get the bad egg out of the omelette.

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Find a way of getting her and her boyfriend out of the house for good,the only option before it all goes pear shaped i have done the same thing before and said we needed the room for the baby so you will have to look for somewhere new.

Also be careful of your money and expensive items they just might start walking of course on there own accord? :)

Seriously if you treasure your lady like you say you do.....get the bad egg out of the omelette.

not much hope of getting them out, seeing as the mil dotes on my nephew and he is the son of the eldest male in the family. what she say goes, its her property. although saying that he does not have much say around here, and my wife is the next eldest in line and runs most things around the home. so if it gets worse it may be worth a meeting with the mil to discuss the situation. dont want to ruffle any feathers with the nephew, hopefully he will see for himself sooner rather than later what kind of woman she really is. as they say though love is blind, that is why i am trying to be careful as to not upset anyone at the moment. my main concern though is my wifes happiness, taking into consideration what has gone on before.

Edited by tigerfish
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It sounds like you will have to pal up with him then,she will get pissed off with you then.

Start taking him on the piss and keeping him out when he should be with her,she will start to dislike you :)

Either that or tell her firmly that you love your misses and thats it!

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Continue to ignore the gf's flirtations and avoid being alone with her (if possible). Be extra attentive to your wife to help her feel more secure. I suppose if you confront the gf directly it could turn nasty.

There are no limit to some of the Thai gals jealousy. I know of few incidents that they gals just did certain thing to mess up other peoples relationship. It is more obvious if a Thai gal realizes that she is losing some one to another gal

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Reminds me of something...................

Was deadly in love some years back, good girl, good family in the U.S. We were engaged to be married.

She had a younger sister, 18, truly a blossom, and same as you every once in awhile, I caught her looking at me "sort of funny".

So at one point the 18 year old sister was to move out of the family house, had got her own place, and as I had a pickup truck, I was nominated to help with the move. Coincidentally enough fiancee and parents were out of town seeing friends regarding the impending wedding.

So I show up Saturday morning and the little sister is all excited that I am there to help. I head up the stairs and into her room and she immediately turns and says "you know I have always had a thing for you, and now that we are alone I think we should jump in my bed" and starts to strip her clothes off.

Now here is the finest bit of Americana you can ever imagine and as I sat there and ponderd for a moment I realized I didn't have any condoms on me. I tell her "be right back".

As I head out the door to my truck, I am surprised by my fiance, father-in-law who is grinning and shakes my hand, mother-in-law who says "congratulations, you passed our test, we knew you were the right one for Lacey (my fiance)".

Morale of the story: always keep your condoms in the car.

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Reminds me of something...................

Was deadly in love some years back, good girl, good family in the U.S. We were engaged to be married.

She had a younger sister, 18, truly a blossom, and same as you every once in awhile, I caught her looking at me "sort of funny".

So at one point the 18 year old sister was to move out of the family house, had got her own place, and as I had a pickup truck, I was nominated to help with the move. Coincidentally enough fiancee and parents were out of town seeing friends regarding the impending wedding.

So I show up Saturday morning and the little sister is all excited that I am there to help. I head up the stairs and into her room and she immediately turns and says "you know I have always had a thing for you, and now that we are alone I think we should jump in my bed" and starts to strip her clothes off.

Now here is the finest bit of Americana you can ever imagine and as I sat there and ponderd for a moment I realized I didn't have any condoms on me. I tell her "be right back".

As I head out the door to my truck, I am surprised by my fiance, father-in-law who is grinning and shakes my hand, mother-in-law who says "congratulations, you passed our test, we knew you were the right one for Lacey (my fiance)".

Morale of the story: always keep your condoms in the car.

wahaha nice one :)

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Reminds me of something...................

Was deadly in love some years back, good girl, good family in the U.S. We were engaged to be married.

She had a younger sister, 18, truly a blossom, and same as you every once in awhile, I caught her looking at me "sort of funny".

So at one point the 18 year old sister was to move out of the family house, had got her own place, and as I had a pickup truck, I was nominated to help with the move. Coincidentally enough fiancee and parents were out of town seeing friends regarding the impending wedding.

So I show up Saturday morning and the little sister is all excited that I am there to help. I head up the stairs and into her room and she immediately turns and says "you know I have always had a thing for you, and now that we are alone I think we should jump in my bed" and starts to strip her clothes off.

Now here is the finest bit of Americana you can ever imagine and as I sat there and ponderd for a moment I realized I didn't have any condoms on me. I tell her "be right back".

As I head out the door to my truck, I am surprised by my fiance, father-in-law who is grinning and shakes my hand, mother-in-law who says "congratulations, you passed our test, we knew you were the right one for Lacey (my fiance)".

Morale of the story: always keep your condoms in the car.

Yeah that's an old story. Still good mind.

What's a "mil" anyway?

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I think based on your passed wrong doings (not casting stones), just what you admitted to, you are walking a very narrow tight rope. If your wife suspects anything may be going on even if not initiated by you, she will have the passed in her head. Remember women have a 6th sense.

Your options are avoid this girl as much as possible, tell your wife you are concerned about this girls attention she gives you and has she noticed it.

If the attention is as heavy as you mention burying your head and hoping it will go away is asking for trouble. The young girl may sense you retracting, get jealous and make accusations to your family and wife and if your wife has any thought something may have been going on and as you have strayed before who is she going to believe.

Also if your nephew finnishes with this girl she has nothing to lose so stitching you up or perhaps extracting some money from you may not be off the menu.

All us guys love the attention from a pretty young lady but I think you need to be extra careful especially as you say you really love your wife.

Good luck

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Find a way of getting her and her boyfriend out of the house for good,the only option before it all goes pear shaped i have done the same thing before and said we needed the room for the baby so you will have to look for somewhere new.

Also be careful of your money and expensive items they just might start walking of course on there own accord? :)

Seriously if you treasure your lady like you say you do.....get the bad egg out of the omelette.

I agree totally with NADTATIDA1. Get rid of them anyway you can. Ask the mil what to do. The mother of your wife can do the dirty work for you. Stay out of miss hotpants way if at all possible. I've met more than my share of those gals and they are ALL bad news. When I was married I just played dumb, but I didn't have to live with the interloper. And, I DO know it is a big temptation. I would also explain to your wife the situation and let her and her mom sort it out. Get THEM on YOUR side by all means possible. If you don't it can only turn out one way... badly for everyone involved.

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