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Could This be the One :)




The HTC Evo combines the "perfect specimen" hardware of the Touch HD2, the Sense-on-Android smoothness of the Legend, and unprecedented download speeds. It's a beast.

The Evo (rumored as the Supersonic ) has the much-loved 4.3-inch screen (480x800 TFT LCD), and 1GHz Snapdragon processor of the of the HTC Touch HD2. But while not even HTC's Sense UI skin could save that phone from its WinMo 6.5 underpinnings, Evo will run on the much sleeker Android2.1 It'll be one of the first US phones to sport the latest and greatest Android OS, in Europe. It also steps up the camera from 5MP to 8MP. Also: a front-facing camera 1.3MP camera capable of HD video recording.

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Could This be the One?

No need to ask that question. :)

Sure THIS HTC Evo is the one. I will suddenly forget that I was looking to buy a HD2 :D

But now what: Where can I buy this HTC Evo???? Will it come to Thailand?

I suuuuurreeeeeeee hope so!!

HTC Evo via Engadget


4G phone in Thailand when they don't even have a 3G network yet?

Also note that this phone is going to be on Sprint in the US, so you might be waiting a while before you can get/use something like this elsewhere.

they don't even have a 3G network yet?

Don't even have a 3G network yet? You can buy a monthly subscription for 3G for 199Baht and it is actually very fast (of course that will last until the number of people using it will go up and the coverage is still far below par, so you need to live in BKK for that). Oh, and what about the iPhone 3G? Also waist of money I guess? I think most people buy an iPhone just to show other people so they don't need any network actually :) : Look I have an iPhone. Really sad sometimes.

Kidding besides, the HTC Evo has a REALLY good spec. You can't deny that. Even if you don't use the 4G options, this phone is still well worth waiting for! Sure, I maybe need to wait for a while, but it will be worth waiting for!



My friend have the HTC HD2 dam_n fast and better screen thaan iphone, was thinking about buying it but now i think i have to wait for this one,,, cant wait, and android lovelyyyy


From the looks of it this Sprint phone will only work on CDMA and WiMax. So if you're lucky, you can get it on CAT CDMA. But I wouldn't bet on that. No GSM - e.g. no using in Eurpoe, no AIS, DTAC, or True.

Secondly - the kickstand. This phone is made for watching HD video. It's the stupidest idea I've ever heard. That said, it's also Android 2.1 so it should offer some decent smart phone features as well. Connects to your HDTV - a completely useless feature. How often are you going to hook up your phone to your TV, and why would you ever want to?

The 8MP camera, yet another totally useless bullet point kind of feature. A good camera is important for me on a phone, but megapixels don't mean anything. People used to debate whether or not the optics of a full blown SLR can keep up with 6MP. Now we have 8MP with optics provided by a miniscule plastic lens which most certainly doesn't make any sense.

I am a gadget fan much more than an iPhone fan but devices like this explain why Google wants to make its own Android phones. Google at least has some competence when it comes to user interfaces. I don't think this is an iPhone killer, it's not even a Nexus One killer. It looks to me the Nexus Two whenever that will come will be the first I can actually consider as an iPhone replacement.

They are asking for trouble introducing this in "summer 2010". That's when the 4G iPhone will get introduced. Quite likely will blow this out of the water in terms of features and hardware specs.

From the looks of it this Sprint phone will only work on CDMA and WiMax. So if you're lucky, you can get it on CAT CDMA. But I wouldn't bet on that. No GSM - e.g. no using in Eurpoe, no AIS, DTAC, or True.

Secondly - the kickstand. This phone is made for watching HD video. It's the stupidest idea I've ever heard. That said, it's also Android 2.1 so it should offer some decent smart phone features as well. Connects to your HDTV - a completely useless feature. How often are you going to hook up your phone to your TV, and why would you ever want to?

The 8MP camera, yet another totally useless bullet point kind of feature. A good camera is important for me on a phone, but megapixels don't mean anything. People used to debate whether or not the optics of a full blown SLR can keep up with 6MP. Now we have 8MP with optics provided by a miniscule plastic lens which most certainly doesn't make any sense.

I am a gadget fan much more than an iPhone fan but devices like this explain why Google wants to make its own Android phones. Google at least has some competence when it comes to user interfaces. I don't think this is an iPhone killer, it's not even a Nexus One killer. It looks to me the Nexus Two whenever that will come will be the first I can actually consider as an iPhone replacement.

They are asking for trouble introducing this in "summer 2010". That's when the 4G iPhone will get introduced. Quite likely will blow this out of the water in terms of features and hardware specs.

Connects to your HDTV: YES, coz this phone can make 720p videos! Or do you want to copy the video's first to your pc, burn a DVD and then watch it on your TV? I can tell you that I shoot more video's with my digital compact camera (which is also capable of 720p very decent video clips) than with my camcorder! If you have children and you want to make some short clips you won't take out your camcorder everytime. And with these kind of clips 720p really is enough quality anyway.

It's not even a Nexus killer? Are you kidding? It's better in every way! How can you think like that?

Check the link if you really bother: Comparison HTC Evo - Google Nexus One - Droid

Of course the 4G iPhone will be nice as well, but mostly the iPhone is always running behind on specs (except the very good touchscreen the iPhone has!).

I will not discuss in details about megapixels, but let's say that this is not a strong point for the iPhone :) At the moment I still use my 4,5 year old Sony Ericsson w800i which has a fantastic 2Mpixel cam, but you know technology doesn't stop and the sensors from now are much better than they used to be. I don't look at megapixel, but ISO ratings, autofocus etc are getting much better now. Also for the small cam-sensors.


Saying the Nexus One is a much more serious competitor than the HTC Evo because Google actually knows what they're doing when it comes to usability. From the specs compare you listed, it seems like it's pretty much the same as the Evo too, apart from the kick-stand...

Recording video in 720p is a good thing of course - love the video recording on the iPhone too even though I don't use it as much as the still cam.

Without seeing the 4G iPhone you can't say it's running behind on specs either. Let's wait until you can buy both devices in the store (which will be around the same time) and compare then... I bet it's going to be pretty much on par but the iPhone might have a small advantage by developing their own ARM processor.

You might think it's strange when I dismiss a device as bad because it has a kickstand. But let's step back a bit - I don't know anything else about this device, and have seen only the briefest of video introductions to it, so a lot of what it's like to use this phone is guesswork. A kickstand indicates a certain cluelessness about priorities and usability that doesn't bode well for the rest of the device. To me it's a loud and clear message from HTC saying "we don't really know what we are doing here". It's nice to be able to record video but it shouldn't be the center of attention on a phone.

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