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Hey All,

I need to write a stat dec for my gal sayin that i will support her while in Australia. Has anyone writen one that has helped their lovely lady get to Australia. I need to know all the right things to say. Also what other evidence should i provide that will help her get over on a 3 month visa(phone bills, Bank statements, Letters from our friends sayin They know us)

Final thing is she aint workin so should we be honest about her past or tell a few white lies.

Appreciate any help

Regards Cossi


A stat dec is easy to prepare, and you should be well aware that the embassy staff are well versed in spotting "white lies".

Take plenty of photographs of the two of you together... with family, friends, on vacation, at social functions, etc. to prove that you two have had a long standing relationship together. Get letters from your friends and family back in Oz to say thet not only do they know her, but are willing to provide accommodation for her when she visits.

If you get to interview stage, most if not all the questions will be directed at her to determine how well she knows you, or if she is just a BG being taken back to Oz as a trophy. They also want to know that she will return to Thailand. They will ask her where you first met, how long you have been together, how much she knows about your job and your family and friends... basically in an attempt to establish how genuine the relationship is.

Good luck.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit



To the Australian Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs

Australian Visa Application Centre

Floor 34 Thai CC Tower, 889 South Sathorn Road, Bangkok.

Re: Application for Australian Tourist Visa

For: Miss xxxx - D.O.B. xxxxx

Address in Thailand

I, John xxxx Australian Citizen and self employed motor mechanic of 22 xxx xxx WA 6103, make this solemn declaration by virtue of the Statutory Declarations Act 1959, and subject to the penalties provided by that Act for the making of false statements in statutory declarations, conscientiously believing the statements contained in this declaration to be true in every particular. My business is located at xxx Ave. xxxx WA 6104.

I have known Miss xxxx as a good friend since 23rd March 2004.

She is applying for a Tourist Visa to visit Australia and would be staying with me as a guest at my residential address.

Miss xxx has two sons aged 5 and 10 years and a widowed mother who depend on her for financial support. I have seen photos of the boys and spoken to them briefly on the telephone. For these reasons I believe that Miss xxx will return to Thailand within the terms of her Visa and she will not overstay her Visit. Miss xxx will not be undertaking any form of employment or formal study during her stay in Australia.

During her stay, I will be responsible for all her expenses including food, travel and any medical costs. I will also undertake to provide interim financial support for Miss xxx 's mother and children while she is away in Australia. I have enclosed proof of my income and ability to support Miss xxx during her visit to Australia.

Signed: ___________________________________

John xxxxxxx

Date: _____________________________________

Witnessed: ________________________________ ( JP )

  • 3 weeks later...

I know this is an old post but I would like to know if this is worth doing a Stat Dec for a VV to UK or they jsut required for Aussie land? reason being I think they look professional?



If you wish to swear a statement before, for example, a JP then there is no harm, but there is no requirement for this in the UK and may be considered by the visa officer to be self-serving; i.e. you've done it in the knowledge that it's not legally binding but in an attempt to influence the visa officer's decision.



To expand on Scouse's reply. For a UK visa application, such a declaration would at best be ignored by the ECO as it is not enforceable. But, as Scouse says, at worst the ECO may feel you are trying it on!

Primarily, though, any such declaration by the sponsor is not worth the paper it's written on, as it is the applicant's intentions that the ECO is considering, not the sponsors. Although using similar wording in your sponsor's letter to accompany the application does make it look more professional.

BTW, Scouse, congrats on yesterdays decision by UEFA. Lots of travelling to obscure far away places coming up soon?!

Lots of travelling to obscure far away places coming up soon?!


I'm afraid my giro won't extend to foreign trips, but a neighbour is the copper in charge of policing at Merseyside footie games and gets to go to them all for free. Lucky bugger!



Stat Decs are available from here instead of letter from friends get them to do stat decs.

Not working aint a great start, as has been said many times b4 they must have a compelling reason to return to LOS.

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