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What Is The Hottest Thai Food.


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What is the hottests (spiciest) food anyone has ever tried?

For my sensitve pallet they are all too hot, but as time has worn on I am slowly but surely getting my tastebuds bioled off.

I can just about suffer a Green Thai curry at the moment so on the scale of hot dishes (lets say 1 to 10) where does this lie?

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IMO Green curry would be low 3's.

I am well versed in Thai dishes.

The hottest I have tasted would be Nam-Tok from Isaan , with a side dish of Som Tam ( Papaya salad) in itself ###### hot as well!

Again most Thai dishes can be toned down , but my wife does not seem to realise this yet!

The Nam-Tok would be 10 , Vindaloo from India would only scale 8.5!


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Yup Weeping tigers is a good one , again though it can be dumbed down.

Most Thai restaurants outside of Los will serve up these dishes in a subdued way ,

if the guests ever ordered the same dish in Thailand they may have a surprise.

Nam Tok as you will know means "Water Fall".....and it does!


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Ah! It's got to be the Larb, Nam Tok, Som Tum and most of the Isaan food! I wish I could have some right now! hehehe B):o

Don't you find that when you eat something really hot & spicy, if it is really delicious, you will just keep eating it even when you are crying your eyes out from the heat?? It happens to me all the time.

Just can't stop!! Isaan food with nice cold beer is even better! ehehehe (but gotta go slow with that since they are also pretty fattening!).


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Sound like I have a way to do then.

I once went to one that food place at the top of Siam center (you know, have to buy everyting with tickets...whats all that about!). Anyway I was with a couple of Thai friends and being extemely green asked them to get 7 or 8 dishes so that I could try.....mai ped. Took one bite out of a dish at random that was ok. "Mmmm" I said I like this......then proceeded to drink 2 1/2 litres of coke. My tongue hurt so much I could hardly talk let alone eat.

The problem I have is that I'm a woosy for anything hot. But love the taste of Thai food (for the first 10 seconds at least).

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Southern Thai food can also be extremely hot, my personal favorite is plah kuoa (?) anyway, if you can't pronounce my sad looking transliteration, it is salted fish curry. Usually some large fish (barracuda is nice), salted and dried in the sun. Then, cook it in coconut curry until the fish is soft again. Takes quite a while so the curry really condenses down into a nice thick sauce, mmmm.... really good with crispy fried fingerling mullet!

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Southern food can be as hot as Isaan. Pla Gleua I think you meant to write sbk. Yep quite nice on the palate - but increases the appetite for beer!. I once had dinner with two other thais one night and one dish we ordered was Tom Sairp - a bit like Tom Yum soup but slightly different (same same but different :o ). Anyway, it was served with little individual bowls so you could eat/drink it quicker. After polishing it off we all looked at each other and we were all sweating and tearing at the eyes - and it wasn't due to the humidity. Well, both of them then looked into my little bowl and saw that it was completely empty. I then looked into both of theirs and discovered, to my horror, that there were all these little green and red chillies lying at the bottom of their bowls ! Doh ! Gave them a nice little laugh at my expense.

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What is even harder than that is trying to take a dump on one of those low rider toilets out in the rurual Thailand, you know out in hicks ville. I eat some hot stuff by mistake and had to dum my load at the same time, wow wow wow, oh wow, and well I dump so much water down my mouth, I had nothing left to pour into flush the toilet.


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The Tyim,

Hahahahah, I didn't think of it like that when I wrote that! B)

SBK & EdwardB,

I've never had Pla... before. I agree with you that southern food can be really hot as well. But I think they are of different kind of hot than the Isaan food, don't you think? I mean, they still do burn your whole mouth B)B) but they are with more spice. Well, that's what I noticed anyway.

Have you tried 'Khanom jeen nam ya pak tai'?? Ooooh!! That one makes me cry! My grandmother used to cook it sometimes. We had to eat loads of veg to balance out the heat!


Oh, the good old days of eating grandmother's food. :D:o

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oh, yeah Khanom jeen is great. gotta have lots of veggies (most of which cannot be named in english!) or it will just blow the top of your head off halfway through. maybe the difference in the south is it isn't just hot but spicy (lots of different spices as opposed to just chilies) so it doesn't get you on the first bite but the 4th or 5th. Plus, it is as my husband says, "hot today, hot tomorrow!" :o

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Southern Thai food IMO is great , but similar to Indian food , Isaan food has the taste sensation moreso. Souhern Thai will definiteley bite you the next day.

Toilet roll in the fridge for sure.

Oh someone said that already! :o

It's all good eh?

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Yes Chonabot Hoh Mok is very common down here but I have had variations in the central region too (but not so hot, mind you). I love hoh mok (steamed fish curry in a banana leaf) but for some reason my thai husband can't eat it at all (bad stomach next day!) :o

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mmmhh hoh mok and khanom jeen :D aroy aroy!!

but I never found it that spicy.

the hottest dish I ever ate was kaeng som in a restaurant on Samui. It was delicious though very hot but I liked it so much I finished the whole big bowl. took me around one hour and i was sweating and constantly wiping my running nose and got concerned looks from other farangs. I still don't know what they put in there, I think it must have been tabasco!! when I ordered it I asked to make it paed maak because I really like spicy and can take a lot but then was really surprised :o

other spicy food I like is nam thok and glassnoodle salad

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Up in central Isaan, every dish mentioned has to be hot and spicy, or people complain. It's like a kind of macho thing that has got out of hand in some villages. I swear the other day, the lady put more chillis than papaya in the mortar when she pok-pok'ed it. I believe you Chon about your wife's nam tok, but unlike somtam I bet you don't eat that shit every day. Some of my wife's rellies eat somtam twice a day minimum. Raving mad pal!

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