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Horrific Scenes.


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Sorry to post this here, but I was so suitably horrified that it needs to be said. Perhaps the culprit will read this and understand the error of his ways.

I was in the number 1 bar this week, actually for a couple of days, and unfortunately but purposely, "Drinking too much!". With that being said, I am an adult and I left my mothers care so many years ago I don't care to remember.

Trying to enjoy myself was a very hard time as at the time there was also a fellow and his wife, (I believe it was his wife) and their child, (about 2 or 3.)

The guy was sat there disinterested, (totally) and his missis was just watching, as his young daughter went between bars.

I witnessed on 3 occasions within about 1 hour, when one of the girls had to run out and get the small child out of the way of oncoming traffic! made me feel kind of ill !!!

I'm not a father myself, but I do have instincts! and I know this cannot be right.

This is not a dig at the bar in any shape or form. But a severe dig at the father of the kid that was running around.


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The possible father is an arse hole and the possible mother has her head some where else. As for the bar they were wrong in not evicting the customers from their premises. I have seen this behavior in other bars in Thailand some bar owners do not care and some bar owners will have the party leave. This is why they have birth control.

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Of course i did, but I still think about it.

Well done!

Sometimes the mind really boggles at the behaviour of some people and not caring for your kid ranks just about as low as one can get. I'm not sure who the owner's of this bar are, but if they were present they should have asked them to leave. If it was just being 'manned' by Thai girl staff, it's unlikely that they would be so bold - they would rather run after the kid and keep it from danger.

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Of course i did, but I still think about it.

Well done!

Sometimes the mind really boggles at the behaviour of some people and not caring for your kid ranks just about as low as one can get. I'm not sure who the owner's of this bar are, but if they were present they should have asked them to leave. If it was just being 'manned' by Thai girl staff, it's unlikely that they would be so bold - they would rather run after the kid and keep it from danger.

The only thing that any girl staff of a bar is concerned about is her next bar fine.

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He shouldn't be taking a wife or gf into Number 1 bar anyway.

The lady must have been a foreigner, no respectable Thai lady would go into that bar.

The number of foreign guys who come to Thailand and don't understand how to behave is beyond belief!

The number of foreign girls who don't understand the places they enter is also pretty high.

Edited by sarahsbloke
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In defence to Number One Bar, I went in there on a Sunday afternoon about a year ago for some lunch with my daughter (2 years old), and were asked to leave as children are not allowed in bars. I checked and this is in fact the law.


Edited by iainiain101
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"This is not a dig at the bar in any shape or form. But a severe dig at the father of the kid that was running around.


not being funny but did you not think about maybe pointing this out to the mother and father of the little one instead of finishing your beer and buggering off?

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In defence to Number One Bar, I went in there on a Sunday afternoon about a year ago for some lunch with my daughter (2 years old), and were asked to leave as children are not allowed in bars. I checked and this is in fact the law.

So are you incorrect or is the OP lying? (They're a restaurant too, and happily serve kids, especially during the day.)

He shouldn't be taking a wife or gf into Number 1 bar anyway.

The lady must have been a foreigner, no respectable Thai lady would go into that bar.

Mine has no issue with it. To be honest Number 1 is among the more respectable ones, compared to the ones around the corner. Though she can handle those too, especially on party nights, etc.

The only thing that any girl staff of a bar is concerned about is her next bar fine.

Not so. Many (if not most) are mothers themselves, and have on occastion taken excellent care of my kid.

I wouldn't personally take my kids to a bar in the evening, but have little issue with a somewhat more respectable pub during the day. These would for example include Number 1, Queen Victoria, Red Lion and others.

To the OP: Yes, that road in between both sides of #1 you indeed need to be VERY aware of, and not just kids either. Especially after a couple of drinks it's easy not to expect a car or bike driving essentially right through it. I'm always very consciuous of that when crossing. :)

And needless to say I don't allow my kids anywhere near it.

Interestingly, for Songkran, Number 1 is actually a very good and fairly safe place to 'play water' in town. Much safer than on any sidewalk anywhere else in town. You still need to watch the goings on like a hawk, but it's much preferable to being out near the moat, on the roads, etc.

not being funny but did you not think about maybe pointing this out to the mother and father of the little one instead of finishing your beer and buggering off?

Right, I would have definitely said something. Strange actually that the staff didn't? (A possibility remains that it wasn't actually overly dangerous and the OP just doesn't like kids and is over-stating the situation.. :D I don't know, I wasn't there.)

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Right, I would have definitely said something. Strange actually that the staff didn't? (A possibility remains that it wasn't actually overly dangerous and the OP just doesn't like kids and is over-stating the situation.. :) I don't know, I wasn't there.)

'horrific scenes, child on the loose' makes me think the infant was either toting a machine gun or riding on the back of a rabid elephant.

Edited by StevieH
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I've been in there many times and the only Thai women I've seen are sex workers whether they are girls working directly for the bar or freelancers with punters. Quite a few of the freelancers are mia chaow (rented wives) with uneducated farang men who never ever understand the kind of relationship they sponsor.

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The only thing that any girl staff of a bar is concerned about is her next bar fine.

Not so. I've been in the Number 1 bar many times and the staff have been very helpful without being invasive. They certainly don't press a customer unless he makes advances first. And, even then it's only with men that THEY find interesting.

It is totally the parent's problem. But, you see that so often in Thailand that after a while you become immune to it. What about the CONTINUAL stream of flower children running about un-supervised. Many of them are only 4 or 5 years old (or younger), and I've had them crawl under my table just to hide and get some rest. The older boys are cheeky little devils that I can't help but like, but I don't give them anything either.

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Right, I would have definitely said something. Strange actually that the staff didn't? (A possibility remains that it wasn't actually overly dangerous and the OP just doesn't like kids and is over-stating the situation.. :) I don't know, I wasn't there.)

'horrific scenes, child on the loose' makes me think the infant was either toting a machine gun or riding on the back of a rabid elephant.

errrrrrrr! i did'nt know that Elephants carry rabies .

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I don't want to generalize...but I can say that many if not most families here have a very lackadaisical attitude about child supervision.

Was pulling into my apt bldg about a month ago, saw a 6 yr old kid, son of a friend of mine.

He came over to say "hi"; I offered him a ride up to the 3rd floor on my motorsai.

When we got there, I noticed Mom and Dad's truck was gone.

So I asked him- "who is taking care of you?"

He just shrugged.

I left him there, alone, in the garage. Told him to go to the lobby, and wait for his mom, or grandma, or whoever.

Before anyone fires a volley at me....no, I'm not taking responsibility for some kid abandoned by his irresponsible parents.


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not just this instance, I notice infants in their parents expensive cars crawling around, standing up, no car seats or even seat belts.

even the "hi so" clic does not have a plan when it comes to safety of their little ones

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Thats what happened to me! - although I knew where the spare key was.

Played in the streets of downtown L.A at night by the age of 8, barefooted for some reason I cant remember, our favourite activity was climbing up fire escape ladders, and sometimes rummaging through a local hospitals bin for squirty needles! (yes, I have had blood tests since - and no, didnt get anything) Also the old thermometer factory was fun, lots of mercury to play with... oh nearly forgot the abandoned morgue... used to dare each other to crawl inside the cremating machine... selling carpet tile sample along the freeway at rush hour.. ah those were the days!

And I turned out alright! :)

This is partly why I love Thailand so much... having grown up in a western 'commune' environment - dam_n stinky hippies!, I see how my wife's family are growing up in country houses, without hot showers, but in a safe happy atmosphere...they haven't got it so bad here...

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I've been in there many times and the only Thai women I've seen are sex workers whether they are girls working directly for the bar or freelancers with punters. Quite a few of the freelancers are mia chaow (rented wives) with uneducated farang men who never ever understand the kind of relationship they sponsor.

That's a lot of generalizing of people on all sides..

I was at Number 1 this evening. I found it interesting to note how many of the staff there had children with them (or not too far away), this being school holiday season. This is just one more level I find I connect with these women, i.e. having children in roughly the same age group.

I should probably stop talking now, but if I had to make a choice to leave my baby girl in the care of any of the women at Number #1 bar for an evening, or any of you all here on this forum, 'educated' or otherwise, guess what my choice would be.

Good night.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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In defence to Number One Bar, I went in there on a Sunday afternoon about a year ago for some lunch with my daughter (2 years old), and were asked to leave as children are not allowed in bars. I checked and this is in fact the law.

So are you incorrect or is the OP lying? (They're a restaurant too, and happily serve kids, especially during the day.)

I am not sure who is incorrect or lying, but they did not want a child in there during the day. Maybe the authorities had arrived, but we were asked to leave, having ordered food and soft drinks without paying.

Are you sure they have a restaurant license or are a bar with food?


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I should probably stop talking now, but if I had to make a choice to leave my baby girl in the care of any of the women at Number #1 bar for an evening, or any of you all here on this forum, 'educated' or otherwise, guess what my choice would be.

Sorry Winnie,

But you appear to be misunderstanding both Thai morality and ferrang bar rules. Only girls of a certain moral flexibility enter bars that have a 'bar fine', all the Thais recognise this, and any woman entering such a bar will be assumed 'same same'. Ladies are prohibited from entering alone, and may be given a beating if they try, but would generally be allowed to enter with a customer on their arm. A respectable Thai lady would rather die than enter such an establishment. This of course does not apply to female holidaymakers who are generally considered too stupid to know anything. It's nothing to do with child care, I agree most of the working girls are both good-natured and really good with children.

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I am not sure who is incorrect or lying, but they did not want a child in there during the day. Maybe the authorities had arrived, but we were asked to leave, having ordered food and soft drinks without paying.

Are you sure they have a restaurant license or are a bar with food?

I have no idea what their license is, but know that people with kids are welcome. I don't think a single visit there goes by without someone or another asking when I'm going to bring the kids again. :)

I should probably stop talking now, but if I had to make a choice to leave my baby girl in the care of any of the women at Number #1 bar for an evening, or any of you all here on this forum, 'educated' or otherwise, guess what my choice would be.

Sorry Winnie,

But you appear to be misunderstanding both Thai morality and ferrang bar rules. Only girls of a certain moral flexibility enter bars that have a 'bar fine', all the Thais recognise this, and any woman entering such a bar will be assumed 'same same'. Ladies are prohibited from entering alone, and may be given a beating if they try, but would generally be allowed to enter with a customer on their arm. A respectable Thai lady would rather die than enter such an establishment.

Have you ever been at Number 1 bar, and/or is this an April's Fools Day attempt? (If it is, you got me. :D )

"Moral flexibility".. I think that phrase ranks up there with the guy in another topic who referred to 'values' when what he actually meant was a negative view of a particular group of people or lifestyle. As if it's immoral (or less moral) to be providing for one's children/family, and in ways that not only don't harm anyone, and probably bring some joy to the world. This applies to the staff.

A respectable Thai lady would rather die than enter such an establishment.

As for female outside visitors, there are plenty both accompanied by men as well as by themselves. The former is more common, but I can assure you that any 'beating' is a figment of your imagination. (I can only assume you have never visited #1 and are applying a far fetched scenario to this particular place)

And, there are plenty respectable Thai ladies who enjoy going out with their husbands, including visiting Number 1. While it wouldn't be my wife's first choice of a place to go (lack of aircon being as much a factor as anything else), she's perfectly fine with visiting, and also considers it an excellent choice for Songkran-with-kids. Last year she called some of her friends to come over and join in the fun, and that included some who had never seen a 'Ferang' bar on the inside. None of them would prefer to die over going in, having a drink, some food, and fun.

You think WAY too much.

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Now that your attention has been bar fined :) let me say a few words. IMHO #1 Bar is probably the best farang beer bar in Chiang Mai. I do not know the owner but I take my hat off to him on his operation. The female staff in this bar and most bars are are very protective of anyone's children. As for bringing children into a bar of any kind I'm strongly against it. What #1 bars policy is I have no idea. The few time that I go to #1 Bar I have never seen children. As for food yes there is a kitchen that serves food but there is NO seating for just eating. The reason I do not go that often to this bar is the attitude of the girls they act as if they are from Soi Cowboy, they are pushy on buying drinks for themselves and pushing the customers to drink more. That is a lack of education by the owner. I know quite a few others that fell this way. When I want this attitude I go to Bangkok or Pattaya. I agree, some people thank to much about their self righteous importance. As for the OP subject I have personal witnessed this behavior in other institutions and have seen the parties thrown out. There is a reason for birth control. All this said I thank I might drop by this afternoon and say hello to all the hi-so's and have a few beers. :D

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Have you ever been at Number 1 bar, and/or is this an April's Fools Day attempt? (If it is, you got me. biggrin.gif )

1) Yes I have, but not often as I tend to avoid bars where prostitution is so blatant.

2) Yes you can definitely take the 'bar staff' home for a small fee (why do you think there are so many girls working there?).

3) I certainly wouldn't insult my wife by attempting to take her there.

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