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Local Service For Renewing Motorcycle Tax, Testing, And Insurance

Drew Aitch

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Howdy Folks

It's that time of year again when the ole motorbike tax and insurance is ready for renewal. Last year I went down to the office and as the bike had reached 3 years old a simple test was required for the vehicle too.

I don't know if I just got a bad day (never been before), but I was there for well over 2 hours. There's a large main office for one of the items and a tiny office that's outside the main building but with no inside room for anyone but the staff. That means standing outside in the searing heat with many others waiting to be called in to collect your document.

The whole experience had to be done methodically in 3 steps (forgot what order, but they are tax, test, insurance). If your tax and insurance are due on different dates and your bike is new, I think there's a drive through facility to pick up either the road tax or the insurance.

Anyhow, these departments are/were all signed in Thai and can be a tad confusing although perfectly doable with a little patience and time set aside, but quite an unpleasant hot, sticky, and uncertain couple of hours nonetheless.

So my question to the forum is this; Does anyone know of a service that will take your bike (compulsory if testing is required), along with all the necessary docs and return it with all things renewed for the next 12 months. This is one service that I'd be more than happy to pay for rather than repeat the relentless heat and waiting around of last year.

Thanks in advance


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What I have done for years, and I own 4 motorcycles, is avoid the motorcycle office all together and go to the main Land Transport Office on Hang Dong Rd. They primarily do cars, but will handle motorcycles also.

Three steps;

1. On the opposite side of Hang Dong Rd from Big C, on the Southwest corner. is a vehicle test facility. Go there first. Usually an inspection takes less than 15 minutes and is about 60 baht. Take your completed inspection form and go to the main office.

2. At the rear of the ground floor is a desk that sells insurance. Buy it.

3. Near the front entrance is an express desk to handle the road tax. Take a number, they will do a quick check of your book and insurance before giving you the number.

When your number is called (obviously depending on how many people ahead of you), you are processed in a matter of minutes.

The whole process is inside the building, and there has been very little waiting involved since they started the express desk.

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A bit closer to home.

Nimenhimen Road, soi 17 or 19. Which ever there is the normal cog or castle sign on the junction. On the left hand side of the soi is a big open space with cars etc. Car wash at the far end. Go to that end and the guy sitting at the table will do the test, give him your green book and then he will do the test, tax and insurance. You pick up your green book and tax disc a day or so later. Cost is a smidge over 500 baht.

Used to be a tv to watch during the 10-15 minutes it took.

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Thanks for all the replies folks. Very useful :) It's not that going to the main office is a hard chore but more one of being uncomfortably hot and not knowing how long it's all going to take.

Briley, the Nimenhimen option is indeed closer to home as I'm located on the Doi Suthep side of Canal Road, so I shall most probably be sticking the ole head in that door any day soon.



Edited by Drew Aitch
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A bit closer to home.

Nimenhimen Road, soi 17 or 19. Which ever there is the Normal Cog or Castle sign on the junction.

Hi Briley, or anyone else reading this post that might be able to help clarify the above. What on earth is a 'normal cog or castle sign? Didn't make it out yesterday evening, but knowing the above might help save a bit of time today :)

Thanks in advance


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The sign for the government test centre I always though looked a bit like a castle. But someone else's description as looking like a cog seemed much better. It is (if I recall) yellow on blue??

Go down soi 19 and if not there come back up soi 17. It is at the Nimen end of the soi and sooooo easy to find. (don't forget odd number soi's are on the left side heading towards T Suthep) Its a big shed with car pits and car wash etc

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I assume the insurance you buy on the spot is the 3rd party minimum liability policy.

Do you then go to another agency to get the other (theft, etc) if you want it?

I haven't had to get the test yet, but tax, registration, insurance, cost me 2400 or 2800 bt as I recall.

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Go down soi 19 and if not there come back up soi 17. It is at the Nimen end of the soi and sooooo easy to find.

Ha ha LOL! :) Well i ventured out last night on the mountain bike just for a bit of exercise and to see if i could located the place above. I went down soi 17 but could see nothing. I then came up soi 19. Again, saw nothing that resembled what i was looking for. Thinking i wasn't paying much attention, i did the full loop again but to no avail, so gave up for the night and decided to have a ride around the city.

Well, talk about Construction Mai, I don't think I've ever seen anywhere in my life with so much building going on as i have in this city these last 18 months. Recession? What recession? A slow down in construction is the first signs of any recession yet CM seems to be in a relentless building boom during a period when the rest of the world is in tears over its economy. One thing's for sure, and that is there's certainly no shortage of money in these 'ear parts! Anyway, that's a topic for another day!

Okay, back on topic. The motorcycle test, tax and insurance service.

Today i went out again, this time on the motorbike. Same thing during the daylight. Up one soi and down the other with nothing on the radar. I almost gave up after 3 loops and was just about to return home and ask Briley where i was going wrong. But before doing that i thougt to myself, why not pop over to Soi 15 even though i was told it was in either 17 or 19. I was in the area anyway, so it was no big deal. Guess what? it was there staring me in the face within a few meters of entering the Soi at Nimmanhaemin Rd end. So I had the right directions, just the wrong Soi :D

Bike was tested in 10 minutes, and insurance was issued on the spot.

The Road Tax can be picked up on Friday at 13:00

Total cost: 516 Baht, quick and hassle free as promised :D

In case anyone living in this neck of the woods is interested in the service, the number is 053 213 934. Still, if today is a normal type of day, it doesn't look like a pre-appointment is necessary.

Cheers all


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Well I did the same thing....found it in Soi 15. The castle/cog sign is very small and hard to see with all the other signs. The staff doing the testing wear green shirts and for my old car took a bit longer,1 hour, 2,300 (including late fee) and pick up forms next day. If you look at the whole building. Mechanics workshop is on the left, testing in the middle and car wash on the right.

Helps if you take a note saying what you want in Thai, but the girl in the office (hut) spoke some and was helpful.

All round, very easy and painless.

Thanks OP

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