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I thought I would bring this up as Im not too sure about the law and how this works. If my wife or any other persons wife was to get a visa, and due to some future event that changed the financial state of the husband and wifes lives.

Would the wife be able to claim any kind of benifits if she is on a 2 year visa?

I know that the visa officer is there so they can see if this will happen when she arrives, but in 2 years a lot can happen and things can change for both involved.

Does anyone have any info about this matter.



No she would not be able to. Furthermore, you need to prove that you are able to support her and act as a sponsor (a family member can also do this). I very strongly advise you NOT to ask an Embassy Offical this question as they will treat your case with great scepticism. Should you not be able to adequately proove you can support your wife/future wife, your chances of obtaining a visa are approximately 1,000,000-1 I'd say. The restrictions are there to stop people from signing on in England, which given the chance, I suspect most of Thailand would do if they could get away with it.


Hi Westybrook,

Not all benefits are considered to be public funds, for example, Job Seekers' Allowance. Therefore, your wife would be entitled to receive benefits towards which she's contributed. Anythinhg else is a no-no. The husband would be entitled to any benefit as long as it did not contain an element for his wife's upkeep.




The following is a list of those benefits that are classified, for immigration purposes, as Public Funds:

housing and homelessness assistance

attendance allowance

severe disablement allowance

carer's allowance (formerly invalid care allowance)

disability living allowance

income support

council tax benefit

housing benefit

child benefit

jobseeker's allowance

a social fund payment

child tax credit (formerly children's tax credit)

working tax credit (formerly working families tax credit)


Ok thanks for that, so basically if any of those were needed in the 2 years she is here, the gov would out right refuse all of those to her.

If she was to apply say 1 year and 6 months after getting her visa, would this affect her visa in the long run. ie be refused full British Citizenship, or if she came over in the first 2 months and we needed sadly to claim any of the benifits samran listed, could she ever be deported. It seems a harsh thing to do, but if the gov felt that I or the sponsor could not look after her, is this an option they would look at?

Thanks again!


Thanks right, she will be refused.

In all cases when applying you will be asked your eligibility, this meaning that you must be a UK citizen, have ILR, or be a EU national.

Unless you are one of those, and claim anyway, you will be committing BENEFIT FRAUD. The visa your GF will get will clearly say 'No recouse to Public Funds' on it. This means, she won't be eligible for any of the benefits I listed and potentially have her visa revoked and deported if she was found to have claimed them.


Wow that is heavy. Thanks for that. Like I said before, I have no intention of claiming any kind of benifit for her, but sadly in this world things and peoples curcumstances can change very quickly nowadays!

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