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Cheap Hotel Rates Fail To Spark Recovery


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my experience here in BKK... when I tried to book a package flight with hotel and flight to Pucket for 5000 Baht the travel agency told me it was only for Thai people or when flying together with at least one Thai person in the party... and the normal quote for the same period and time and hotel was suddenly about 15000 baht for Farangs ....[ not sure what to think about this behavior though.

{Normal, farang are rich :o ]

Boy, do I get bored with that argument, so there are no rich Thai people? Or is there just less wealth distribution? Lets not go there huh?

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Every Thai in the South needs to remember their current plight by holding their leader responsible for the lack of proper reconstruction and relief efforts. His denial of foreign assistance to boost his ego and his feigned image that Thailand is strong and quickly joining the major players of the World Stage has cost Thailand dearly. His lack of oversight on the dispersal of available Thai government funds is another one of his his lost responsibilities. He is the man in charge. He is the one to be held accountable above and beyond all others.

Instead of suffering, there could have been rescue. Instead of misery, there could have been hope now. The "check-bin" is on the table and the PM is nowhere in sight.

........ having said that now.... I am sadly and acutely aware that the last election was held after T-Day. :o

The sadness is that now the Thais are beginning to see the real ramifications of keeping their PM in office. :D

Reap what ye sow... as some say.

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Boatabike has said what was running through my mind. Quote:

"Is it just the Tsunami that is affecting the number of tourists visiting? here in kanchanaburi it is quieter than i have ever seen. Is it the same all over? maybe Samui is doing ok as it will pick up the surples beach trade that doesn't wish to visit the disaster struck area's. Is the north showing a decline in numbers too? Maybe all the bad press and bad luck the last few years with the combination of bird flu, sars, musslims killing and being killed etc etc is also affecting tourists idea of Thailand as a destination. 15 years ago i could walk into a British pub and be the only one there who had spent any time in Thailand, now 50% of the pub has been there too. When Thailand has bad luck or does something silly it is talked about by a lot of people, it can not hide behide being unknown so it doesnt matter any more. I think the word on the street around the world has tainted Thailand some what lately and maybe this is also affecting numbers. This is just an opinion to maybe raise some other opinions that may be better informed it would be interesting to know whats going on with numbers else where. "

Any tourism industry that is based on tourists flying in via long-haul flights is very vulnerable to the growing feelings that aircraft add to gobal warming, and to rising oil prices hitting peoples' pockets in general, and air fares in particular.

It may well be that the sort of tourism for which Phuket has 'laid out its stall' is going down in total.

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Airport numbers go into a dive

PHUKET: -- International passenger arrivals and departures at Phuket International Airport in April plummeted to less than half the number in April last year, and the number of international flights dropped by a third, thanks to the downturn in tourism following the tsunami.

The statistics, obtained from Phuket International Airport, show that the number of international passengers using the island’s airport slumped from 140,016 in April last year to 60,909 this year, a drop of 56.50%.

The number of domestic passengers also fell by 22.92 %, from 228,934 in April last year to 176,470 in April this year.

The number of international flights was down from 1,190 flights last year to 806 flights this year, a fall of 32.27%. Domestic flights also decreased by 8.74%, from 1,385 last year to 1,264 this year.

--Phuket Gazette 2005-05-31

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Is it just the Tsunami that is affecting the number of tourists visiting? here in kanchanaburi it is quieter than i have ever seen. Is it the same all over? maybe Samui is doing ok as it will pick up the surples beach trade that doesn't wish to visit the disaster struck area's. Is the north showing a decline in numbers too? Maybe all the bad press and bad luck the last few years with the combination of bird flu, sars, musslims killing and being killed etc etc is also affecting tourists idea of Thailand as a destination. 15 years ago i could walk into a British pub and be the only one there who had spent any time in Thailand, now 50% of the pub has been there too. When Thailand has bad luck or does something silly it is talked about by a lot of people, it can not hide behide being unknown so it doesnt matter any more. I think the word on the street around the world has tainted Thailand some what lately and maybe this is also affecting numbers. This is just an opinion to maybe raise some other opinions that may be better informed it would be interesting to know whats going on with numbers else where.

Add to those -

- PM dissing the UN Human Rights envoy

- Killing of 2,500 people during the war on drugs

- The Kanchanburi killer-cop that got bail during the trial, and the case that got huge international press coverage

- The widespread press coverage of the bombings in the south - Phuket is in the south to anyone not resident here

- Repeated mcross border skirmishes with Burma

- The 4th-dengue strain scare

- Thailand having human fatalities from bird flu

- Most Europeans see their flight as passing over Afghan and Iraqi war zones

- Smaller airlines safety records and near-disasters

- The as yet unresolved Kirsty Jones murder in 2000

- BBC documentaries about Bang Kwang prison

- Thaksin's heavy focus on Asian tourists esp. China and Japan

- The Elite Card marketing fiasco

- Reports of rapidly escalating HIV infection in Thailand

- periodic press reporting of anti-westerner laws being introduced/strengthened

- The Social Order Policy and the early closing of night entertainment places (even to tourists whose body clocks are 6-7 hours behind Thai time)

- The Social Order Policy and occassional reports of police "mobs" raiding farang watering holes to do drug tests

- Almost weekly farang "suicides" by way of high dives from high-rise buildings reported in western press as police taking inadequate investigation of the real story.

- monthly reports of boats, buses, trains crashing / sinking etc.

- Heavy media coverage of top politicians outrage at accusations of corruption without seeing any investigations or resignations

- Frequent "proven" stories of cabinet members corruptions that are swept under the carpet

- Visa price hikes over the last 3 years with increasing difficulty of obtaining them even tourist visas through home country consulates

- The escalating western awareness of Thailand's reputation for rip-offs, scams, cons, theft, and violence towards their "guests"

- deteriorating tourism assets that are not maintained or renovated

- dual pricing at national parks etc

- western indignance at "Thai-only" discounts and savings

........ Gawd - why do we stay here?


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Being individuals, we will be staying for individually different sets of reasons. But I guess there is a general feeling that what we have here is more fun/more affordable/more comfortable than what we would get if we went to our 'significant elsewheres'.

Personally, I haven't run up much against many of the commonly mentioned 'flies in the ointment'; and can live with the bit of hassle that has come my way.

I do get a bit frustrated though at having to constantly (and, probably, unsuccessfully) explain that the Western press gives a very lopsided view of Thailand to its readers.

And that those who come on holiday and go away saying "It is just sun, sand, sea and sleaze" are way off. I was in Brighton a few years ago, for a conference, and it seemed to be a very sleazy place. The phone boxes were full of yucky brothel ads. But "what do they know of England, who only the promenade of Brighton know ?"

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I do get a bit frustrated though at having to constantly (and, probably, unsuccessfully) explain that the Western press gives a very lopsided view of Thailand to its readers.

And that those who come on holiday and go away saying "It is just sun, sand, sea and sleaze" are way off.


If you are hearing something repeatedly, there could be a reason.

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Is it just the Tsunami that is affecting the number of tourists visiting? here in kanchanaburi it is quieter than i have ever seen. Is it the same all over? maybe Samui is doing ok as it will pick up the surples beach trade that doesn't wish to visit the disaster struck area's. Is the north showing a decline in numbers too? Maybe all the bad press and bad luck the last few years with the combination of bird flu, sars, musslims killing and being killed etc etc is also affecting tourists idea of Thailand as a destination. 15 years ago i could walk into a British pub and be the only one there who had spent any time in Thailand, now 50% of the pub has been there too. When Thailand has bad luck or does something silly it is talked about by a lot of people, it can not hide behide being unknown so it doesnt matter any more. I think the word on the street around the world has tainted Thailand some what lately and maybe this is also affecting numbers. This is just an opinion to maybe raise some other opinions that may be better informed it would be interesting to know whats going on with numbers else where.

Add to those -

- PM dissing the UN Human Rights envoy

- Killing of 2,500 people during the war on drugs

- The Kanchanburi killer-cop that got bail during the trial, and the case that got huge international press coverage

- The widespread press coverage of the bombings in the south - Phuket is in the south to anyone not resident here

- Repeated mcross border skirmishes with Burma

- The 4th-dengue strain scare

- Thailand having human fatalities from bird flu

- Most Europeans see their flight as passing over Afghan and Iraqi war zones

- Smaller airlines safety records and near-disasters

- The as yet unresolved Kirsty Jones murder in 2000

- BBC documentaries about Bang Kwang prison

- Thaksin's heavy focus on Asian tourists esp. China and Japan

- The Elite Card marketing fiasco

- Reports of rapidly escalating HIV infection in Thailand

- periodic press reporting of anti-westerner laws being introduced/strengthened

- The Social Order Policy and the early closing of night entertainment places (even to tourists whose body clocks are 6-7 hours behind Thai time)

- The Social Order Policy and occassional reports of police "mobs" raiding farang watering holes to do drug tests

- Almost weekly farang "suicides" by way of high dives from high-rise buildings reported in western press as police taking inadequate investigation of the real story.

- monthly reports of boats, buses, trains crashing / sinking etc.

- Heavy media coverage of top politicians outrage at accusations of corruption without seeing any investigations or resignations

- Frequent "proven" stories of cabinet members corruptions that are swept under the carpet

- Visa price hikes over the last 3 years with increasing difficulty of obtaining them even tourist visas through home country consulates

- The escalating western awareness of Thailand's reputation for rip-offs, scams, cons, theft, and violence towards their "guests"

- deteriorating tourism assets that are not maintained or renovated

- dual pricing at national parks etc

- western indignance at "Thai-only" discounts and savings

........ Gawd - why do we stay here?


An EXCELLENT compilation of difficulties facing Thailand for the prospective tourist. Well done, Gaz. :o

It really shouldn't be any shock to the TAT that people are staying away in droves. Actually, it's perplexing to discern why ANY tourists arrive at all as any one of the reasons above is enough for most, but when looked at in their totality, it's amazing anyone comes to visit here.


Edited by sriracha john
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There was a much-repeated cartoon of two soldiers in a mucky shell-hole at the Front in World War I. Obviously one had been moaning about the muck, because the other was saying "If you know a better 'ole, you are welcome to piss off to it".

When I was a lad, in WWII, it was sufficient to say "If you know a better 'ole...".

I take note of Khun Larry's two, very valid, points:

First, there must be a reason for the unbalanced treatment of Thailand by the UK tabloids.

Maybe I am getting cynical in my old age, but I wonder if it is that the reporters know what will most easily sell the 'news'paper to their potential readership. And that is all their proprietors, and editors, care about.

(I think they give Singapore unfair treatment by unthinkingly following the tradition handed to them by the previous generation, who knew the readership didn't want to hear what a good job was being done by the Singaporeans, after Britain had done such a lousy job there; but that's verging on the 'off-topic'.)

Second, the "sun, sand, sea and sleaze" is only a bit of Thailand (just as Pat Pong, Nana and Soi Cowboy are only a bit of Bangkok) and are unrepresentative if you look at the totality. But so many visitors don't get to know of anything beyond that bit, and so end up with a 'way off' impression.

As an example, Issaan is one-third of Thailand, both by area and by population, but only 2% of foreigners visiting Thailand visit Issaan.

And, from looking at the make-up of the passenger-loads that arrive at the Udon and Khon Kaen airports, anyone could be forgiven for thinking that that 2% consists just of farang husbands coming home from work or a visit abroad!

Also, most visitors miss out on getting a balanced view of Thailand because they not only miss out on spending time in the great parts of it that are 'off the tourist trail', they don't even see those parts as they pass over or through. The way to see Thailand (including Bangkok) is by travelling on trains and buses through its length and breadth. Aircraft and taxis are the most expensive ways of seeing the least.

Edited by Martin
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Is it just the Tsunami that is affecting the number of tourists visiting? here in kanchanaburi it is quieter than i have ever seen. Is it the same all over? maybe Samui is doing ok as it will pick up the surples beach trade that doesn't wish to visit the disaster struck area's. Is the north showing a decline in numbers too? Maybe all the bad press and bad luck the last few years with the combination of bird flu, sars, musslims killing and being killed etc etc is also affecting tourists idea of Thailand as a destination. 15 years ago i could walk into a British pub and be the only one there who had spent any time in Thailand, now 50% of the pub has been there too. When Thailand has bad luck or does something silly it is talked about by a lot of people, it can not hide behide being unknown so it doesnt matter any more. I think the word on the street around the world has tainted Thailand some what lately and maybe this is also affecting numbers. This is just an opinion to maybe raise some other opinions that may be better informed it would be interesting to know whats going on with numbers else where.

Add to those -

- PM dissing the UN Human Rights envoy

- Killing of 2,500 people during the war on drugs

- The Kanchanburi killer-cop that got bail during the trial, and the case that got huge international press coverage

- The widespread press coverage of the bombings in the south - Phuket is in the south to anyone not resident here

- Repeated mcross border skirmishes with Burma

- The 4th-dengue strain scare

- Thailand having human fatalities from bird flu

- Most Europeans see their flight as passing over Afghan and Iraqi war zones

- Smaller airlines safety records and near-disasters

- The as yet unresolved Kirsty Jones murder in 2000

- BBC documentaries about Bang Kwang prison

- Thaksin's heavy focus on Asian tourists esp. China and Japan

- The Elite Card marketing fiasco

- Reports of rapidly escalating HIV infection in Thailand

- periodic press reporting of anti-westerner laws being introduced/strengthened

- The Social Order Policy and the early closing of night entertainment places (even to tourists whose body clocks are 6-7 hours behind Thai time)

- The Social Order Policy and occassional reports of police "mobs" raiding farang watering holes to do drug tests

- Almost weekly farang "suicides" by way of high dives from high-rise buildings reported in western press as police taking inadequate investigation of the real story.

- monthly reports of boats, buses, trains crashing / sinking etc.

- Heavy media coverage of top politicians outrage at accusations of corruption without seeing any investigations or resignations

- Frequent "proven" stories of cabinet members corruptions that are swept under the carpet

- Visa price hikes over the last 3 years with increasing difficulty of obtaining them even tourist visas through home country consulates

- The escalating western awareness of Thailand's reputation for rip-offs, scams, cons, theft, and violence towards their "guests"

- deteriorating tourism assets that are not maintained or renovated

- dual pricing at national parks etc

- western indignance at "Thai-only" discounts and savings

........ Gawd - why do we stay here?

Cheap Chang, of course ! :o


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