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US Deeply Regrets Violence, Loss Of Life In Thai Street Protests

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Ameerika bashing thread.. that's all this is gunna turn out to be.

Thank god for the limey's... thinkin that you are holier than thou :)

Then perhaps I should add:

The spineless UK government's policy of blindly following of any and all US foreign policies makes me ashamed to be British. The fact that my UK 'tax dollars' were being used to fund illegal oil wars in the Middle East was one of the factors in my decision to leave the UK.

I'll bash US (and UK) foreign policy without impunity because the lies, transparent propaganda and hypocrisy make me so angry.

It's not a personal attack on US (or UK) citizens, please don't take it as such.

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As usual, the US assumes the role of a global authority.

As has been so clearly demonstrated in recent years, the US's handling of foreign affairs is abysmal, self serving and entirely out of touch with the rest of the world.

With said shortcomings in foreign policy, a crumbling economy and one of the most violent, aggressive societies on the planet, I can only hope that the US does not have the power or sway here that the tone of the above press release appears to assume.

RIP for those who have died in the clashes last night.

As a foreigner, I can only hope the Thai people can find a way move forward from this sad day with no more bloodshed.

Actually it is a pretty vague statement. It says avoid violence, but using rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse demonstrators is not violence. The reds were the ones who used violence. That said I think the Thai government needs to do what it has to do to restore order, whether the US likes that or not - I won't say it is irrelevant - is not the foremost issue.

Honestly I would not cry if the military stepped in as it did in 2006. Thailand was much better during the period before the 2007 elections... Maybe that speaks volumes...

I agree with

RIP for those who have died in the clashes last night
on both sides though the reds were far more culpable for their own deaths...
Who cares what the Americans think

obama has been known to not tell the truth. is that klear!

id trade one obama for one abhist anyday ! and i dont know what abhisit stands for :):D:D

Who cares what the Americans think

Yeah , keep them out, they've done enough damage over the years , they have no idea about democrocy, only if you play it uncle Sams way, Saddam found that out.

Actually I think the West generally should stay out of Thailand's business, not just the U.S. The U.S. was not the only Western country pushing for premature elections in Thailand after the 2006 coup... They should have finished with Thaksin before even considering elections...

As usual, the US....one of the most violent, aggressive societies on the planet...

Yeah, I thought that too, until I tried to drive on Thai highways....or park in a tuk tuk's space in Phuket.... :)

Violence is not an acceptable means of resolving political differences," said spokesman P.J. Crowley.

Oh hypocrite.

A single US drone, firing bombs at villages in Afghanistan or Pakistan border areas, often kills more innocent civilians (called "collateral damage") than during this whole bloody Saturday in Bangkok.

Well this is a good deflection for the Euros - have at it lads :)

Who cares about the Euros? :D

I'm an American and I'm surprised at the cynacism shown here by non-Americans. This is precisely the crap that starts wars, violence. riots, feuds, hate in families, anti-government protests like we had yesterday.... it is all about greed, ego, selfishness... etc...

I'll refrain from insulting all of you non-Americans, because I'm sure we have our faults, but no one is perfect, even you - those who hide behind the safety of your keyboards insulting others]. Fortunately the majority of people are pretty cool. They realize this and can bite their tongue. Kudos to you cool people! :D


Actually this is a senseless thread... all it has done is provoke hate for Americans and the predictable backlash. So what if Americans are not perfect. Remember, America is composed of immigrants from all over the world.

So, go ahead and insult us. That is like you are insulting your ancestors. Insulting comments add ZERO VALUE to anything, except that it reflects badly on the people making the insults

Violence is not an acceptable means of resolving political differences," said spokesman P.J. Crowley.

Does he believe what he says???

Sometimes silent is the best option.

Violence is not an acceptable means of resolving political differences," said spokesman P.J. Crowley.

Oh hypocrite.

A single US drone, firing bombs at villages in Afghanistan or Pakistan border areas, often kills more innocent civilians (called "collateral damage") than during this whole bloody Saturday in Bangkok.

So, what is your point? Greensnapper? What do you want us to do about it?

Ameerika bashing thread.. that's all this is gunna turn out to be.

Thank god for the limey's... thinkin that you are holier than thou :)

Who cares what the limey's think! :D

LIMEY! Okay you trivia experts... how did the term "limey" come to be??????? :D

Actually it is a pretty vague statement. It says avoid violence, but using rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse demonstrators is not violence. The reds were the ones who used violence. That said I think the Thai government needs to do what it has to do to restore order, whether the US likes that or not - I won't say it is irrelevant - is not the foremost issue.

I agree, it is a pretty vague statement. However, it was the tone of the release that rattled my cage, the all-too-clear underlying assumption that the US somehow has some role to take in all this - e.g.:

"We once again stress the importance of all players in Thailand working to resolve differences..."

Who are the US to be "once again stressing the importance" of any aspect of Thailand's internal affairs? It's the (assumed) standpoint from which the statement is made, not the content of the statement itself that riled me.

I really don't want to go any further into discussing this subject - as you say, what the US does or doesn't like is not the foremost issue. The events of the last 24 hours are of far greater importance. I sincerely hope the situation can be resolved without any more injuries or deaths.


It's important for the world's leading nation to speak out when necessary. I understand that there is a lot of irrational anti-Americanism because of our strong stand for democratic principles. Yet, the US has strong democratic institutions. It's important for the world to hear from one of the most stable and successful democracies the world has ever known.

Who cares what the Americans think

I wudn't... but our Oxford guy might have to somewhere down the line.

Wait until they quit giving their foreign :)


Yes, like one man one vote. Oops, they have the electoral college. Darn!

Seriously, all sides need to cool down. I miss chicken and grits as much as I miss bangers and mash.

So, what is your point? Greensnapper? What do you want us to do about it?

redsunset (as the sun sets on the reds) what is your point. I am American too and I recognize America's faults. I also think that most of the West shares those faults...

surely they are selling more guns and ammunition to the thai army right now, same as the UK government and armament companies - the more war around the world the more money they are making.

they do regret what happened in bangkok, because they are responsible for leaking tapped thaksin phone calls to the thai government about alleged planned assassinations and violence a month ago - that's why protesters were marching to the usa and uk embassies

Many ordinary Thais I spoke to at the time saw this as the US taking sides. It was not appreciated. However, I do think that in their role as the "World's policeman" (self-appointed or by default, it does not matter) they are applying diplomatic pressure on Abhisit to find a political solution to this political problem. In that respect, their contribution is helpful.

Sure, they have got an eye on American commercial interests in Thailand and also on bolstering their regional influence. I don't blame them for that.


Ha! What a joke! If there were Americans that showed 1/3rd of the guts the Reds have displayed, they would have been gassed, rubber bulleted, clubbed, beaten down and likely killed in the first day of protest! Land of the free my ass! More like a corporatist/fascist oligarchy.


Yes of course who should care what the Americans say. Let's listen to the Brits instead, but wait they have that pesky centuries long history of colonizing and exploiting other peoples world wide, oh dear! Well then let's listen to the French. But wait, there is a long, long history of colonization and exploitation there as well! OK then we surely can pay attention to what the Germans say, can't we? OH no maybe not there are those two world wars hanging about isn't there? What do we do now...maybe the Australians? Oh, but the treatment of the original people in Australia does taint that a bit. Belgians maybe...more colonization there too. Russians maybe?...on and on, see the theme here?

So what is your point? Greensnapper? What do you want us to do about it?

redsunset (as the sun sets on the reds) what is your point. I am American too and I recognize America's faults. I also think that most of the West shares those faults...

... you give us this statistic about drones... why? What is/was your point in giving us this info?

Yes of course who should care what the Americans say. Let's listen to the Brits instead, but wait they have that pesky centuries long history of colonizing and exploiting other peoples world wide, oh dear! Well then let's listen to the French. But wait, there is a long, long history of colonization and exploitation there as well! OK then we surely can pay attention to what the Germans say, can't we? OH no maybe not there are those two world wars hanging about isn't there? What do we do now...maybe the Australians? Oh, but the treatment of the original people in Australia does taint that a bit. Belgians maybe...more colonization there too. Russians maybe?...on and on, see the theme here?

You forgot about the killing of a few million Indians, now where was that again ??

Yes of course who should care what the Americans say. Let's listen to the Brits instead, but wait they have that pesky centuries long history of colonizing and exploiting other peoples world wide, oh dear! Well then let's listen to the French. But wait, there is a long, long history of colonization and exploitation there as well! OK then we surely can pay attention to what the Germans say, can't we? OH no maybe not there are those two world wars hanging about isn't there? What do we do now...maybe the Australians? Oh, but the treatment of the original people in Australia does taint that a bit. Belgians maybe...more colonization there too. Russians maybe?...on and on, see the theme here?

The irony of the whole thing is that America is made up of foreigners from England, France, Australia, Russia, Belgium, etc., etc.,

So when these folks come on here anonymously bashing Americans, they are insulting their ancestors.... OR!!!! Could it be that only the most progressive foreigners became immigrants to the U.S. while the rest of them stayed at home brooding, bitter and feeling left out?! :)

Ameerika bashing thread.. that's all this is gunna turn out to be.

Thank god for the limey's... thinkin that you are holier than thou :D

Who cares what the limey's think! :D

LIMEY! Okay you trivia experts... how did the term "limey" come to be??????? :D

It all the fault of you bloody Yankees who prevented the Royal Navy from getting supplies of lemons - a source of vitamin C - to prevent scurvey amongst our Jolly Jack Tars. Instead, they could only get limes, not such a good source of vitamin C as lemons, but it helped reduce scurvey amongst our sailors. We forgave you about that long ago and no longer consider the term "limey" to be derogatory.

Ah, the fourth of July. The day we got rid of a load of troublesome colonials :)


I love when foreigners bash Americans... just shows that they are deeply envious. Otherwise, why bother saying anything??????

Get on with it and stop being so bitter and jealous.

Ameerika bashing thread.. that's all this is gunna turn out to be.

Thank god for the limey's... thinkin that you are holier than thou :D

Who cares what the limey's think! :D

LIMEY! Okay you trivia experts... how did the term "limey" come to be??????? :D

It all the fault of you bloody Yankees who prevented the Royal Navy from getting supplies of lemons - a source of vitamin C - to prevent scurvey amongst our Jolly Jack Tars. Instead, they could only get limes, not such a good source of vitamin C as lemons, but it helped reduce scurvey amongst our sailors. We forgave you about that long ago and no longer consider the term "limey" to be derogatory.

Ah, the fourth of July. The day we got rid of a load of troublesome colonials :D

lols! Excellent! :)

Yes of course who should care what the Americans say. Let's listen to the Brits instead, but wait they have that pesky centuries long history of colonizing and exploiting other peoples world wide, oh dear! Well then let's listen to the French. But wait, there is a long, long history of colonization and exploitation there as well! OK then we surely can pay attention to what the Germans say, can't we? OH no maybe not there are those two world wars hanging about isn't there? What do we do now...maybe the Australians? Oh, but the treatment of the original people in Australia does taint that a bit. Belgians maybe...more colonization there too. Russians maybe?...on and on, see the theme here?

You forgot about the killing of a few million Indians, now where was that again ??

.... and some say that the American Indians are actually descended from the CHINESE!!!

Maybe ALL OF US are barbarians and we are too stupid to admit it!!!!!

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