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The Evil Japanese/british/american- Who Else?


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recently i mistakenly gave the impression that i was disrespecting allied POW who suffered under the hands of the imperial japanese military.

I apologies for that.

One gentleman said " lest we forget" Thats true.

Lets not forget anything,

and lets avoid generalization like " the Japanese are evil"

that narrow way of thinking what leads to trouble and what that brave gent was fighting against.

the sad fact that the western powers have committed far more atrocity's than the Japanese. No body is innocent. We, the west have all have their unit 731, secret police, mass rapes.

its all there, if one cares to look.

The reason the Japanese pick up the flack so much is that 1- they lost- 2- they still kicked ass 3- they are are a very successful nation now

and , just like the west, re-write history in their favour, but a bit more perhaps

Even my friend in the vatican agreed( although i am not sure that's a good person to be backing me up right now.

The blame game is pointless.

It leads to only more trouble. One has to look at all the facts ( why did they go to war? who armed them? answer- the west! We're still doing it.)

Understand that the people who caused their action's are mostly all dead now.

I would not say sorry for something i did not do.

And I would not like being dictated to by snobbish western powers surrounding my country,country's that made native second class citizens, sign like" no dogs and chinese allowed" telling me who i can trade with.

You cannot expect to talk to people like that and expect them to just role over. Especially after we had just armed them.They still have the bushido mentlaity.

just like the grossly unfair treaty of Versailles( maybe spelt wrong, the treaty which stole german land and lead to WW2) The west overly provoked them.

Stop making a big deal of them paying respest to their war dead until the Queen of UK says sorry for the black and tans,etc, etc

it is just so pointless. Why insist on such a mute point?

We need truth, understanding, tolerance,respect and the puttting aside of ones ego if we are ever to progress. We can- but not with this childish ignoring of certain facts.

Right now, it sometimes sounds like a school yard argument, I am sure that brave man would agree, my uncle who was in burma agree's.He was there.

think we did not do a few bad things? think again

Lets stop all this and grow up, for everyone's sake.

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Ohh bjoe, are you afraid you didnt offend enough people last time.

It was me that said, 'lest we forget' and when I said it I wasnt thinking about you.

Please take these rants elsewhere, perhaps to another forum where people get off on attacking each other over these types of things.

You are a TROLL of the greatest proportions.

Edited by neverdie
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Ohh bjoe, are you afraid you didnt offend enough people last time.

It was me that said, 'lest we forget' and when I said it I wasnt thinking about you.

Please take these rants elsewhere, perhaps to another forum where people get off on attacking each other over these types of things.

You are a TROLL of the greatest proportions.

I know it was you- .... and why? for quoting you?

for wanting what that brave man wanted, freedom of speech , an end to wars,people to progress

i am not ranting, i am quoting history

what exactly have i said that makes you so hostile?

what do you not agree with?

Are you happy with such grossly broad statements like" the evil japanese"?

Who get offended when these issues are brought up-only those who do not like the truth, who do not want to see their own mistakes.

how can one get offended when there is a call for truth, respect given to that man and suggested way forward to avoid this from happening again?

Do me one favour though, explain trolling, still do not get it


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you forgot the godless commie b'stards....

I would give neverdie a hernia if i was to tell him all about the wests ugly side

seems he does not like to hear the truth about things

seems he likes to be hostile- we can all be civil can we not

actually, there has never been a communist country, they call themselves commies, but its really a dictatorship, same with democracy really

it a lot better, but still not true democracy, look at this country.

The west sold out to the "commies" because we needed them,

then stalin massacred far more than the japs ( ignore that neverdie- he was white, and on our side, at the time, like the japs were once, opps, sorry, you do not like hearing this do you,so it does not count)

That mistake created the cold war- which has never really ended, and in many ways is much worse.

We live in dangerous times and we need a more enlightened way of thinking if we are to avoid the same mistakes.

By the way neverdie, "i served" was awarded too. Does that change anything?

Do I hate the men who blew my buddy's head off.

Hate destroys neverdie. Its so easy to hate and the sad thing is we can choose another path.One which will lead to progress.

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Dude, if you are lumping my country in with those of the "west" as being guilty of committing atrocities of the same magnitude that Japan did, then you are completely ignorant of history. You prove here, with your generalizations and with what you DON'T say, that you are not qualified to speak or write of such things. So don't.

What about bugs? You know anything about bugs? Maybe you could write about bugs. The good thing about writing about bugs is, not too many of us know that much about them so you could certainly slip some real misinformation in there and, not only would most of us not catch it, but we couldn't be offended by your misinformation.

Google bugs, man. I'm sure you'll have a hit on your hands with that.

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Dude, if you are lumping my country in with those of the "west" as being guilty of committing atrocities of the same magnitude that Japan did, then you are completely ignorant of history. You prove here, with your generalizations and with what you DON'T say, that you are not qualified to speak or write of such things. So don't.

What about bugs? You know anything about bugs? Maybe you could write about bugs. The good thing about writing about bugs is, not too many of us know that much about them so you could certainly slip some real misinformation in there and, not only would most of us not catch it, but we couldn't be offended by your misinformation.

Google bugs, man. I'm sure you'll have a hit on your hands with that.

how do you know i am not qualified?

is my friend in the vatican not qualified too- because i am almost directly quoting him.Thats you witty retort out the window.

I guess a man like him might be wrong

which is your country? I have proven nothing. I ask you please you google, would you like direct connect with some cites, experts, a expert in world affairs,

No disrespect to your beloved innocent country, but are you honestly telling me, that not one act of atrocity has been committed by it?

If you are- I better not say, if you agree, then surely, we're all guilty.

Please google, please research, asnd lets be polite and civil, words mean a lot,

bugs, which ones?, the ones used to listen to other conversations?

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Dude, if you are lumping my country in with those of the "west" as being guilty of committing atrocities of the same magnitude that Japan did, then you are completely ignorant of history. You prove here, with your generalizations and with what you DON'T say, that you are not qualified to speak or write of such things. So don't.

What about bugs? You know anything about bugs? Maybe you could write about bugs. The good thing about writing about bugs is, not too many of us know that much about them so you could certainly slip some real misinformation in there and, not only would most of us not catch it, but we couldn't be offended by your misinformation.

Google bugs, man. I'm sure you'll have a hit on your hands with that.

how do you know i am not qualified?

is my friend in the vatican not qualified too- because i am almost directly quoting him.Thats you witty retort out the window.

I guess a man like him might be wrong

which is your country? I have proven nothing. I ask you please you google, would you like direct connect with some cites, experts, a expert in world affairs,

No disrespect to your beloved innocent country, but are you honestly telling me, that not one act of atrocity has been committed by it?

If you are- I better not say, if you agree, then surely, we're all guilty.

Please google, please research, asnd lets be polite and civil, words mean a lot,

bugs, which ones?, the ones used to listen to other conversations?

Enough acts of atrocity have been committed by my country and most others the world over. I have never said that my country hasn't committed some atrocities.

Yes, words mean a lot. Here is a quote of your words- Quote: "the sad fact that the western powers have committed far more atrocity's than the Japanese."

Therefore, my reply. And I stand by it. Choose whichever type of bug makes you happiest.

And if you're going to say that you meant the western powers "collectively", then you're a troll for sure.

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