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Lower Cellular Cost..should I Buy Thai Sim Card ?


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Which is a very wise hint, especially when you want to use your mobile phone instead of a computer and receive incoming calls. You might use Skype on your mobile, when you are connected to a WLAN or (E)GPRS, but it won't be an alternative to a SIM-Card. :)
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Cellular phones are very cheap to use here compared to back home, i think i pay 2 baht a minute in Thailand

and using 008 instead of 0011 as the first number calls to Australia are 7 baht a minute instead of about 40 baht

a minute, i am with one two call, they sell the sim cards at varying prices i think the more you pay for the card

gives you a cheaper call rate, a lot of phone shops have sim cards.

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It has become very common among tourists to buy a cheap Thai Sim card that they put in their homecountry mobile phone. After being refilled for the last time, usually they stay valid for just 3 months, so sometimes tourists who have come back home give the card to someone else who is going to Thailand soon.

Of course it is much cheaper to use a Thai Sim card for calling inside Thailand then using a foreign Sim card, and also calling home can be done cheaply using a low cost international access code, to my experience 009 always works. Also they can be called from back home without any problems.

Sometimes cards bought in the 7/11 don't do the trick, better buy a card in a phoneshop where they should know the score.

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yes - buy a thai SIM. as mentioned previously, they can be as little as 50THB. you'll save a fortune on international calling (use the prefixes mentioned - 008, 009 etc) and have the advantage of a local contact number.

I use a DTAC happy SIM and have done for the past 4 years - I can't remember exact cost but I think it was approx 300THB.

I'm only in thailand for 2 months a year but because DTAC happy have good extensions on the SIM expiry date I've never needed to change my number.

if you want to keep the same number for a long period of time then choose your SIM wisely - some SIM's will expire quicker than others.

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