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Oh I forgot about that one.

I've not been to one yet. Is it well attended ?

Reportedly there were 12 in attendance last month, with no speaker. There were more like 30 today, I would guess. Top US consular from Chiang Mai was the speaker. Perhaps that upped the head count today.

30 , I would have guessed at 50 plus but what do I know. maybe a lot of us don't consider ourselves expats . I certainly don't

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I'm not at all convinced that this club will ever reach critical mass. We are such a diverse and widely dispersed group of individuals, I'm not sure what this club has to offer, other than a place to make a few new friends from time to time.

Sponsorship seems hard to come by. Even the cheap and meager facilities of the Inn Come Hotel seem to be beyond the present means of the club.

If interested they meet on the first Saturday of each month, 10am at the Inn Come Hotel, at least for now.

I'm not at all convinced that this club will ever reach critical mass. We are such a diverse and widely dispersed group of individuals, I'm not sure what this club has to offer, other than a place to make a few new friends from time to time.

Sponsorship seems hard to come by. Even the cheap and meager facilities of the Inn Come Hotel seem to be beyond the present means of the club.

If interested they meet on the first Saturday of each month, 10am at the Inn Come Hotel, at least for now.

Yes, yes, that's all well and fine. But is their coffee any good? And is it free?

I'm not at all convinced that this club will ever reach critical mass. We are such a diverse and widely dispersed group of individuals, I'm not sure what this club has to offer, other than a place to make a few new friends from time to time.

Sponsorship seems hard to come by. Even the cheap and meager facilities of the Inn Come Hotel seem to be beyond the present means of the club.

If interested they meet on the first Saturday of each month, 10am at the Inn Come Hotel, at least for now.

Yes, yes, that's all well and fine. But is their coffee any good? And is it free?

I think I recall there was a entrance fee or something, so the coffee's included in the price. Maybe VF can verify when he's had his fix this morning and done some fixating on that View of His. Its just possible he could be viewing a different Scene this morning.


Well, if there is a fee, I'll probably save my money, ride out to your place and have one of those 5 baht cups you offer. Perhaps we could get VF as the speaker. Now THAT'S an Expat meeting!


150 baht gets you a cheap and tawdry cup of coffee and an earful of annoying questions.

Yes indeed a different view this morning. Water, water, everywhere. What a miserable night's sleep. The thunder hardly letup at all last night. We did need the water, though.


It's a well known fact that the just sleep better than the unjust.

Unfortunately although the rain falls equally on the just and the unjust, the just get wetter.

A problem that's baffled scholars for years.

They finally worked out that it's because the unjust has usually nicked the just's umbrella. :)

It's ok, I was just about to leave anyway.....


It loads way faster, and has all kinds of bells and whistles, both for members and mods.

Still navigating and learning some of these features.....


It loads way faster, and has all kinds of bells and whistles, both for members and mods.

Still navigating and learning some of these features.....

I tend to agree. :)


The problem with restyling forums is that the tech savvy tend to see the advantages very quickly, while the dummies, who are often better posters :) fall behind again, often after taking years to learn all the bells and whistles in the old system.

Frustration sets in.

Why can't anyone tell me what the "blog this" button is for?


Why can't anyone tell me what the "blog this" button is for?

What ever it is, it doesn't appear to be working yet. Same goes for viewing profiles. My guess is that it might link to some social media sites like facebook and let your friends know what you are reading or 'like'.


That's it, scea.

It is a work in progress, should take a week before all the functions are operative.

I can not read messages or send PMs and until today could not post. Just wait or should I do something? THANKS!
  • 4 weeks later...


I just want to leave a short notice-but maby, it is only me and my stupid Danish mind,who think this way.

I have read alot of thing in here, and most of it good stuff, i Think-and you have all been so kind, when I needed it-thanks for that guys.

But I cant stop thinking-you talk alot about, meeting new friends and so-but when some one, really do a try-and invite or so-no one shows up-it seams like its all talk-and no one really want it.

I wonder-how hard wood it bee-if we really want to meet each other.? Ok-maby it will cost 1000 baht or so-then what.?

I am not so familar whit Chiang Rai, and the suroundings, and what you use to do-but as I see it-if we really mean this-where is the problem.?

I -for me, can say that-as you know, just have a house warming-or what they call it, in thai-and we was, I think, aound 20-25 people-having food,drinks and everything-a nice tent out in front-table and chairs-food-tent and everything-dilivered, I think we payd, around 6-8000 baht for it all.

So there fore-I really cant see the problem.?

If we want to meet-we can meet-but maby, it will cost a litle bit-and then what.!

I can ofcourse, only speak for my self-I am just the guy,who think-ok-if we want to do-let us do it-and not all that talk, ending up whit nothing.

Sorry,guys-thats just my humple opinion.



I think one problem is that many of us live far away from each other. We often have our routines and commitments to our extended families. As with your house warming party, it fell on the same day as the Hash so some people could not come.

I had just been to a party the night before, celebrating two birthdays, mine included, and a marriage. Driving into town two days in a row was more than we could handle or arrange as there are some logistics involved in leaving the house and dogs.

Yesterday I used the expat meeting as an excuse to go for a ride on the motorcycle. The program was pretty bad but we had fun at our table. Going for coffee after the meeting is often better than the meeting itself. I try to say hello to those I know and meet some new people each time. The trick is not meeting new people but finding people that you really have something in common with so that getting together is not forced or uncomfortable.

Might I suggest that it could be easier to take advantage of existing venues and plan to meet other members there through PMs or just a comment on the forum, as has been done by others. I have met with Scea and Lannaman a couple of times with little more than an open invitation for coffee from Scea. A special event just for meeting people is kind of like a blind date with some being worried about what happens if they don't enjoy it.

The hash or the expat club are things you can easily walkout on if you feel uncomfortable and no damage is done, if at the last minute your plans change and you can't attend. I agree that there is often more talk than action here on the forum but there is a lot you can do on your own. Just don't give up or stop trying.


You may have a point Brian.

I'd just like to say I couldn't make it because of the Hash Also. It was also a bit short on notice, just a couple of days if I recall. Contrary to popular belief we are all not on here all the time. I didn't even have time to reply. Given a weeks notice and maybe not on a hash day, I know you would have had quite a few extra attendees, believe me ;-) Maybe even 30 or so Hashers , So maybe next time. And becareful what you wish for, I suspect there are a lot of people in Chiang Rai who read the forum regularly but don't post for one reason or another. You wouldn't want 500 people turning up would you B)

I've not been to the new Expats meeting, I don't think its my scene really. But maybe one day.

I doubt VF & coffee drinkers would find me intelectually stimulating either.

I make do with a Visit to recco's Bar , different spelling; different days of the week; different people . You should try it Brian.

Ricco always makes everyone welcome. I'm sure there are some danes, or swedes or Norwegian Beserkers to talk with ocassionaly. Give Tuesday a miss though, Loads of Pissed up Golfers. Start Golfing at the crack of dawn, apparently. :whistling:

Then There's always the Hash, everyone welcome. There's nothing saying you have to do the Run, walk, stroll either.

As they say in Thailand. Up to you :)


You may have a point Brian.

I'd just like to say I couldn't make it because of the Hash Also. It was also a bit short on notice, just a couple of days if I recall. Contrary to popular belief we are all not on here all the time. I didn't even have time to reply. Given a weeks notice and maybe not on a hash day, I know you would have had quite a few extra attendees, believe me ;-) Maybe even 30 or so Hashers , So maybe next time. And becareful what you wish for, I suspect there are a lot of people in Chiang Rai who read the forum regularly but don't post for one reason or another. You wouldn't want 500 people turning up would you B)

I've not been to the new Expats meeting, I don't think its my scene really. But maybe one day.

I doubt VF & coffee drinkers would find me intelectually stimulating either.

I make do with a Visit to recco's Bar , different spelling; different days of the week; different people . You should try it Brian.

Ricco always makes everyone welcome. I'm sure there are some danes, or swedes or Norwegian Beserkers to talk with ocassionaly. Give Tuesday a miss though, Loads of Pissed up Golfers. Start Golfing at the crack of dawn, apparently. :whistling:

Then There's always the Hash, everyone welcome. There's nothing saying you have to do the Run, walk, stroll either.

As they say in Thailand. Up to you :)

Don't give up! Your picking the Hash day and time was a fluke. I agree longer lead time for RSVPs would have helped.


Just got me thinking about friends. I went to visit a farang yesterday, as I was passing. It was a beautiful day, and I fancied a Free Beer :whistling:

not seen him about much but he seems rather pleasant when I do bump into him , he's never been round so maybe that tells me something also.

Anyway, He appeared at the door, the sun caught his withered computer eyes and he anounced he was much too busy on his computer and he disapeared into the Dark.

Wow. Talk about anti-social. I thought to myself, If anyone needed a Break it was him. If someone doesn't like someone , why not just tell 'em to $^#* off , I don't like you, with lots of emphasis on the profanity, blasphemy, and pornography. :D

....... I was on my way withing 30 seconds, no probably more like 10 seconds.

I'm sure he's not a TV member, probably uses one of those other forums B)

He's definately on for a Nod & half smile next time I see him :)

Thats why I think something like a Bar is a good place to meet. No, I'm not talking about a lady Bar.

I just think its unlikely, someones going to say they are too busy to talk unless they've got their head stuck in a copy of national Geographic

I may be in Rico's tomorrow afternoon, not sure I've done a monday afternoon before.

Your're more than welcome to join me Brian.

What about Limbo, fancy a beer ?


Just got me thinking about friends. I went to visit a farang yesterday, as I was passing. It was a beautiful day, and I fancied a Free Beer :whistling:

not seen him about much but he seems rather pleasant when I do bump into him , he's never been round so maybe that tells me something also.

Anyway, He appeared at the door, the sun caught his withered computer eyes and he anounced he was much too busy on his computer and he disapeared into the Dark.

Wow. Talk about anti-social. I thought to myself, If anyone needed a Break it was him. If someone doesn't like someone , why not just tell 'em to $^#* off , I don't like you, with lots of emphasis on the profanity, blasphemy, and pornography. :D

....... I was on my way withing 30 seconds, no probably more like 10 seconds.

I'm sure he's not a TV member, probably uses one of those other forums B)

He's definately on for a Nod & half smile next time I see him :)

Thats why I think something like a Bar is a good place to meet. No, I'm not talking about a lady Bar.

I just think its unlikely, someones going to say they are too busy to talk unless they've got their head stuck in a copy of national Geographic

I may be in Rico's tomorrow afternoon, not sure I've done a monday afternoon before.

Your're more than welcome to join me Brian.

What about Limbo, fancy a beer ?


I have to tell you mate, not everyone likes the

"pop in". The response was a bit rude though.




Yeah I know Will27 B)

Just thought it was quite a funny story and sort of one extreme . I was only going to stay 20 mins anyway. I have a knack of knowing when I've outstayed my welcome. Not everyone has .

When I usually see him , he's got a tinny in his hand , and usually waves , so I thought well why not stop by. I don't generaly drink alone so obviously got the wrong signals. maybe it was the finger not a wave .

I don't tend to pop in generally so no worries mate. You've got to be careful out there ;)



I may be in Rico's tomorrow afternoon, not sure I've done a monday afternoon before.

Ricco bar closed on Sun/Mon


I have to tell you mate, not everyone likes the

"pop in". The response was a bit rude though.




/Now that /I know /Riccos has pizza /I think around lunch timish I will stop by have a beer and wait on a /pizza to go. /That is if /I can get out of the house in the morning to chase a little white ball around.

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