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Investment Clubs

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I would like to join an established investment club in Chiang Mai, or failing that start a new one.

If anyone can point me in the right direction or if they too want to form a club, please contact me via this site or 0860124207.

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  • 3 weeks later...
have seen a couple of posters saying they will do the same (including myself) , and registered with them to become member,,BUT so far no news.

Count me in if you want to start one - happy to help.

PM me.

Sorry for the reply delay, major health issues in the family.

Have to go to UK until July and will try to pick it up again then.

Basically an Investment Club is where you discuss investing and techniques and can have a mutually owned portfolio. It is essentially a social thing.

I have opened 2 clubs in the past. One in Brunei and another in Bournemouth

Minimum members about 5 but 10 if a portfolio is required. I think that many is unlikely in Chiang Mai.

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I started a thread on Thailand stocks, exactly what is an investment club?

How do they function?


Sorry for the reply delay, major health issues in the family.

Have to go to UK until July and will try to pick it up again then.

Basically an Investment Club is where you discuss investing and techniques and can have a mutually owned portfolio. It is essentially a social thing.

I have opened 2 clubs in the past. One in Brunei and another in Bournemouth

Minimum members about 5 but 10 if a portfolio is required. I think that many is unlikely in Chiang Mai. Meetings once each month.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry to hear about your problems.

Thanks for your answer. I am currently a member of Thaistocks.com. For me very necessary since I know nothing :)

Have you thought about an online version?

It would be great to learn from others who have experience, Sadly I;m located in Udon so not much help to you in Chaing Mai

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Actually I'm very pleased with it, using the model portfolio has me up about 8% at the moment. That's not bad considering the past month Thailand and the E.U, has been through. Seems to have good research available, my questions get answered, not having any previous back ground in investing. That was important to me.

Compared to most who invest in stocks I'm little guy. So I'm making huge sums of money. But, I'm not risking huge amounts I either. To be honest I would have never gotten started had I not found it. I really wouldn't have known where to start. So good for me.

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Hard for me to say, not everyone is a winner right now. But, there is enough that do pay, should be really interesting when things go back on a positive basis. The market is down, so out of my profits I'm about 400 baht lower. But still well into the positive.

I have noticed even the ones in red are getting closer to green each day.

Seems to be working for me.

I would really like to see a thread started specifically as to Thai Stocks, But Sine I have little to offer I haven't done that.

I have seen one t entitled why I won't invest in Thai Stocks and one about day trading and the investment club

Neither actually applies to my goals.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hard for me to say, not everyone is a winner right now. But, there is enough that do pay, should be really interesting when things go back on a positive basis. The market is down, so out of my profits I'm about 400 baht lower. But still well into the positive.

I have noticed even the ones in red are getting closer to green each day.

Seems to be working for me.

I would really like to see a thread started specifically as to Thai Stocks, But Sine I have little to offer I haven't done that.

I have seen one t entitled why I won't invest in Thai Stocks and one about day trading and the investment club

Neither actually applies to my goals.

Back in Chiang Mai now but have to go to BKK for 3 months, sadly cannot get involved with a club UFN.[probably November]

Actually I have no experience of Thai stocks only holding Kasikorn via a UK based Investment Trust. I am mostly investing via the London market in Stocks that earn and are valued in dollars. I am heavy into commodities, BRIC ETFs, defence and engineering consultants. I have recently had a punt on BP and Lloyds but only in a small way. I have been investing for about 30 years and usually make it work for me over the longer term. I do not invest / gamble on exchange rates, derivatives, nor do I 'Day Trade', too scary for me.

I would be grateful for a recommendation for a Thai Stock Broker with whom I can trade On Line, and who has a good trading platform and website. Thanks.

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