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Sleepless In Chiang Mai ?


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"Yeah, it's quite possible our lower chakras are all bunged up now to protect against leaks of Self below the water-line during recovery from cancer, and the desertion of She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed during the treatment for higher (lower ?) ground."

If we're just kicking around ideas here (as opposed to booting the well regarded and highly respected OP), Citylife featured an article about a doc (over at Ram, I think) who regarded himself as a mirror. While this article related to Thai-Western marriages and relationships, I found the doc's notions quite sophisticated.

Were it the case that the aforementined twin steam-rollers had flattened me for a bit, I might run over and chat with the guy. After Laos, likely - which may, Sun willing, bring perspective in its own way. Hope there are loads of WI-FI terminals where you go so we are enriched by your trip. Will there be dogs?

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Or perhaps "Kampaengdin Road" is Pali for a state of consciousness we don't know, you know, like "Abbey Road" ?

literally it means wall-of-soil road.

euphemistically it means red-light area to most Chiang Mai Thais and a few farang 'explorers'.

Wasn't that long, long ago?

Pretty ancient history. Also Santitham is now a thing of the past.

That said, the far South of Kamphaeng Din is still a fairly dodgy/lively area.

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Dear both

I was so sorry to read of your insomnia although I always enjoy reading your contributions, which are delightfully different from most others and often deeply thought provoking.

I was however very disappointed that the young Dr. J prescribed Valium which it has been known for many years can create serious dependency, if not actual addiction and alas can work all too well in putting you to sleep. Forty years ago as a very young man I had a bad experience of this drug prescribed by my GP for sleeplessness and whilst it worked very effectively, in a matter of weeks I was hooked and it took me months to free myself. I never took it again or any other "sleeping pill" although in common with perhaps 25% of the population I suffer from regular insomnia, which I now cope with as part of my life and just like right now at 01.45 when I wake up I get up and do something.

I also had an unpleasant post operative experience of morphine on a self-administered drip and by the second day I asked the doctor to remove it as I found the effect so unpleasant. The idea that anyone could use morphine, or indeed any other drug, for so called recreational purposes has always mystified me but perhaps I am fortunate in that.

I hope that whatever may be robbing you of sleep proves to be very temporary and your nights will soon return to being safe in the arms of Morpheus and not the drug named for him or indeed any other.

Very best wishes - rohitsuk

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I hope youre able to get some sleep now Orang.

I've been meaning to write a post about Suan Prung hospital, like the process and such. Since I noticed that many people has issues in getting a Doctor that truly understands what ADHD is.

I go there for my ADHD -PI meds every month for a few months now.

I like the place, and in SE Asia, its probably one of the few places that understands psychiatric issues.

At Suan Prung, I think you got that doctor because it wasnt a specific issue, like you cant place an exact diagnosis on it, cause many things can cause sleeplessness.

I have the female doctor that treats ADHD and many other things. She speaks really good English.

I'll do my ADHD/Suan Prung post sometime when I get back to Chiangmai.

Also... where are you in Laos! :) I'm in Vientiane till Sunday :x

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