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Rival Thai 'Yellows' Discuss Moves As 'Reds' Rally On

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If there is a physical clash, the Reds will win, provided the army stays out of it. the Reds are tough folks. The men are real men, not delicate city dwellers that are not used to physical hardship. The Reds are not the ones that will need to put on the whitening cremes, scents and body lotions before the go into battle. I'm sure if there is some girl on girl 'rassling action the redshirts will win. :)

There would only be losers and not winners. What kind of hooligan propaganda are you spewing?

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If there is a physical clash, the Reds will win, provided the army stays out of it. the Reds are tough folks. The men are real men, not delicate city dwellers that are not used to physical hardship. The Reds are not the ones that will need to put on the whitening cremes, scents and body lotions before the go into battle. I'm sure if there is some girl on girl 'rassling action the redshirts will win. :)

You got that right !!! My Isan farm boys are some tough dudes ,, real men used to hardship and staying power. I would love to have video of some of these spoiled rotten , pampered elitist teenagers going against them.

Any of you yellows have some thoughts of a fight ? I suggest you stop by the rally site and quietly walk among the crowd and see what you are up against.

You will see many ex military types, ( as black shirt guards ) and some very tough fanatical, committed people some of whom are ready to die for this protest.

The elites had their way with the country and brought it to its knees last time and imposed their minority will on the country. Now its our time and our right to express our opinion,, and if they try to get in our way all I can say is:

LET THE MAYHEM BEGIN !!! Its payback time.

Another braindead response! Khmer Rouge 101! Lets kill everyone with some sort of cognitive abilities! This is exactly what the UDD gangsters want.


Relatives of slain protester files complaint against PM and Deputy PM

By The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Relatives of a red shirt protester killed during the April 10 clash filed complaint with police against PM Abhisit Vejjajiva and chief of Emergency Operations Command for allegedly ordering dispersal of red shirts protesters.

The dispersal last weekend resulted in deaths and injuries.

Congradulations Thailand you have at last fallen to the crazy Law system of the USA and Aust

For example

a young male 26 years of age held up a liquor store and while escaping with the money crashed into a wine display, falling on broken bottles he disfigured his face badly

Last week he sued the owner of the shop for compensation

TAN Network: Peoples Alliance for Democracy (PAD) gives the govt 7 days to take action against wrongdoers otherwise they will come out themselves

People are FED UP with these demonstations, the ineptitude of the gov't/police/army to maintain law and order, and the negative impact on the country. To quote that movie line "I just won't take it anymore!".


Thai Police Law

If Farang involved in car accident in Thailand

must be his fault


If Farang not in Thailand then accident would have not happened

Why can not this same Thai logic be used for those who died when authorities where trying to do a lawful action

Thai Police Law

If Farang involved in car accident in Thailand

must be his fault


If Farang not in Thailand then accident would have not happened

Why can not this same Thai logic be used for those who died when authorities where trying to do a lawful action

You mean if the troops had not arrived at the protest site, the carnage would not have occurred..???..........because if they were not there.......


THE NATION: PAD gives a week deadline for govt to handle the situation. If not, PAD will take action in a bid to protect the country and institutions

TAN network: Peoples Alliance for Democracy (PAD) gives the govt 7 days to take action against wrongdoers otherwise they will come out themselves

Well there's the turn in the punchbowl.

And the whole bowl is about to hit the fan.

PAD and R.S. on the streets together is a hand to hand death match,

and regardless of GK's fantasy football game call it will be bloody.

NO ONE will come out roses... well War Of The Roses maybe.

War Of The Roses : That may well be the closest approximation

to this charade in sheeples clothing. One week for Anupong to deal with it,

or the streets will howl.. God rest our souls.

I thought gatherings of more than 5 people are banned anyway, aren't they?

Double standards eek laewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

They are supposed to be, but as with the "pink shirts" that law does not apply if you support the government. This was trap waiting for Abhisit to fall into, which he duly did. One more chip out of the government's credibility. The red shirts' propaganda machine will get maximum mileage out of it. I wonder how many other laws do not apply if you support the government?

The reds claiming 'double standards' because the 'pinks' weren't dispersed is utter nonsense. The reds are and have been breaking the law for weeks now. If they are so concerned about the law, then they should take the moral high ground and disperse FIRST as they gathered FIRST. And anyway as far as I know the 'Pinks' disperse peacefully every night without police or military assistance. When the reds are critical of others, they are being completely hypocritical and are really providing a very succinct abstract as to how they are breaking the law, and what they expect to happen if you break the law. Unless of course your red.

And the yellows broke the law time and time again when they occupied Government House and the airport ... and my dad's bigger than your dad ... na na na na na. Seriously though, they all want locking up one by one, or just call elections. Nobody deserves to be in power at the moment.

Couldn't agree more with your last sentence. Maybe that's the solution - individual self governance with no central system. Couldn't be any worse than what we already have....could it? :)

TAN Network: Peoples Alliance for Democracy (PAD) gives the govt 7 days to take action against wrongdoers otherwise they will come out themselves

The PAD comes out...didn't know Sonthi and co were gay!!!


TAN Network: Peoples Alliance for Democracy (PAD) gives the govt 7 days to take action against wrongdoers otherwise they will come out themselves

But are the yellow shirts going to dress up in yellow, pink or green fatigues when they come out on the streets?

Does that mean the government are going to block yellow shirt TV? Probably not, but they should. Does taking action against "the wrong doers" also include getting the PAD people on trial within 7 days? Also probably not, but they should. Will the army split between reds and yellows? They should not, but probably will.

It looks like trying to tough it out has backfired on Abhisit. I see three possible outcomes:

1. a bloodbath, Heaven forbid that should happen - it would be the worst possible outcome;

2. a coup d'etat, the penultimate worst thing that could happen, but preferable to a bloodbath; and

3. a politically acceptable compromise on dissolving parliament and calling a general election.

It looks like Abhisit's backers have given him a week to find an answer to option 3. Let's hope he does before they pursue either of the other options.

If there is a physical clash, the Reds will win, provided the army stays out of it. the Reds are tough folks. The men are real men, not delicate city dwellers that are not used to physical hardship. The Reds are not the ones that will need to put on the whitening cremes, scents and body lotions before the go into battle. I'm sure if there is some girl on girl 'rassling action the redshirts will win. :)

You got that right !!! My Isan farm boys are some tough dudes ,, real men used to hardship and staying power. I would love to have video of some of these spoiled rotten , pampered elitist teenagers going against them.

Any of you yellows have some thoughts of a fight ? I suggest you stop by the rally site and quietly walk among the crowd and see what you are up against.

You will see many ex military types, ( as black shirt guards ) and some very tough fanatical, committed people some of whom are ready to die for this protest.

The elites had their way with the country and brought it to its knees last time and imposed their minority will on the country. Now its our time and our right to express our opinion,, and if they try to get in our way all I can say is:

LET THE MAYHEM BEGIN !!! Its payback time.

Reading only this single "gigiman" post, one knows already that at least one mentally ill farang stays in Thailand.

I think your family isn't too proud of you or you just a coward and don't use this kind of language in your own country?

Yeah, the way "gigiman" says "my farm boys" reads disturbingly like Boer farmer from the 1960's. "My farm boys" ..... Sure sounds like someone of democratic inclination. "My farm boys"..... I assume he's talking of grown men, but they're his "farm boys". Sounds like a very condescending attitude to me but I could be wrong so I'd better ask my pukka wallah...."boy, boy come here...."

TAN Network: Peoples Alliance for Democracy (PAD) gives the govt 7 days to take action against wrongdoers otherwise they will come out themselves

The PAD comes out...didn't know Sonthi and co were gay!!!



If there is a physical clash, the Reds will win, provided the army stays out of it. the Reds are tough folks. The men are real men, not delicate city dwellers that are not used to physical hardship. The Reds are not the ones that will need to put on the whitening cremes, scents and body lotions before the go into battle. I'm sure if there is some girl on girl 'rassling action the redshirts will win. :)

You got that right !!! My Isan farm boys are some tough dudes ,, real men used to hardship and staying power. I would love to have video of some of these spoiled rotten , pampered elitist teenagers going against them.

Any of you yellows have some thoughts of a fight ? I suggest you stop by the rally site and quietly walk among the crowd and see what you are up against.

You will see many ex military types, ( as black shirt guards ) and some very tough fanatical, committed people some of whom are ready to die for this protest.

The elites had their way with the country and brought it to its knees last time and imposed their minority will on the country. Now its our time and our right to express our opinion,, and if they try to get in our way all I can say is:

LET THE MAYHEM BEGIN !!! Its payback time.

Another braindead response! Khmer Rouge 101! Lets kill everyone with some sort of cognitive abilities! This is exactly what the UDD gangsters want.

Ummmm, no, I don't think that's what he said. He said the elites (some educated, some not) have imposed their minority will on the country (some educated, some not). How dare you stoop to throwing out a comparison to the Khmer Rouge. Low blow, my friend, low blow.

TAN Network: Peoples Alliance for Democracy (PAD) gives the govt 7 days to take action against wrongdoers otherwise they will come out themselves

People are FED UP with these demonstations, the ineptitude of the gov't/police/army to maintain law and order, and the negative impact on the country. To quote that movie line "I just won't take it anymore!".

And they're even MORE fed up with the govt suppressing the majority's speech and electoral choices via coups, censorship, bullsht mass party disqualifications and delays. After the Somchai disqualification, a new election should have been scheduled immediately. How long has it been now? Abhisit has no mandate to lead this country, and EVERYBODY knows it! And don't quote some bs constitutional law to say," well , actually he does have the right to be PM now that the other was legally disqualified..blah,blah, blah". What happened to the Consitutution drafted by the people of this country. Huh? Huh? Tell me!

And they're even MORE fed up with the govt suppressing the majority's speech and electoral choices via coups, censorship, bullsht mass party disqualifications and delays. After the Somchai disqualification, a new election should have been scheduled immediately. How long has it been now? Abhisit has no mandate to lead this country, and EVERYBODY knows it! And don't quote some bs constitutional law to say," well , actually he does have the right to be PM now that the other was legally disqualified..blah,blah, blah". What happened to the Consitutution drafted by the people of this country. Huh? Huh? Tell me!

After the Somchai disqualification the PTP (ex-PPP) were still in government. They could have called elections then.

It was later that the smaller parties decided to change sides. Then it was too late.

The PPP could have also called elections before they were disbanded, knowing full well that they would be.

They didn't in either case because their arrogance made them think they could keep the support of the smaller parties in the coalition.

TAN Network: Peoples Alliance for Democracy (PAD) gives the govt 7 days to take action against wrongdoers otherwise they will come out themselves

People are FED UP with these demonstations, the ineptitude of the gov't/police/army to maintain law and order, and the negative impact on the country. To quote that movie line "I just won't take it anymore!".

Well fed up as the majority of people might be, nothing is going to change in the meantime.The reds have their heels firmly dug in and the yellows threatening to form a mob to do the government's job if they don't sort it out in 7 days. Anarchy is but a step away. The army will have to crackdown soon and it won't be nice. Even then, there is no firm indication that they can successfully do that without escalating the problems.

I have little sympathy for those who are moaning about the demonstrations and are able to vote in this country. Society has brought these problems on itself. Perhaps a little suffering will actually force the majority to behave with more responsibility and thought in the future.

TAN Network: Peoples Alliance for Democracy (PAD) gives the govt 7 days to take action against wrongdoers otherwise they will come out themselves

Thats so funny, these were the idiots that started this whole mess in the first place with their airport protests....... :) yellow hypocracy at its best ! :D

Time to call elections Abhisit, you stubborn mule, before these yellow fools screw over the nation again.

TAN Network: Peoples Alliance for Democracy (PAD) gives the govt 7 days to take action against wrongdoers otherwise they will come out themselves

The PAD comes out...didn't know Sonthi and co were gay!!!




And they're even MORE fed up with the govt suppressing the majority's speech and electoral choices via coups, censorship, bullsht mass party disqualifications and delays. After the Somchai disqualification, a new election should have been scheduled immediately. How long has it been now? Abhisit has no mandate to lead this country, and EVERYBODY knows it! And don't quote some bs constitutional law to say," well , actually he does have the right to be PM now that the other was legally disqualified..blah,blah, blah". What happened to the Consitutution drafted by the people of this country. Huh? Huh? Tell me!

After the Somchai disqualification the PTP (ex-PPP) were still in government. They could have called elections then.

It was later that the smaller parties decided to change sides. Then it was too late.

The PPP could have also called elections before they were disbanded, knowing full well that they would be.

They didn't in either case because their arrogance made them think they could keep the support of the smaller parties in the coalition.

Although you may point out the actual situation to the red cheerleaders, they are not listening.

The Thaksin 'dudes' have got on their Che T-shirts and nothing is going to spoil their schoolboy fantasies.

Thaksin is grateful for all supporters, fake left or not.

As long as the timetable for Thaksin to get his cronies into the army reshuffle leadership positions is on time...

...he doesn't care what rubbish the cheerleaders are mouthing off.

More punk than Clint Eastwood.

TAN Network: Peoples Alliance for Democracy (PAD) gives the govt 7 days to take action against wrongdoers otherwise they will come out themselves

Thats so funny, these were the idiots that started this whole mess in the first place with their airport protests....... :) yellow hypocracy at its best ! :D

Time to call elections Abhisit, you stubborn mule, before these yellow fools screw over the nation again.

The absolute idiocy and hypocrisy of the Yellows is nauseating. It's enough to make my face red if not my shirt. :D

If there is a physical clash, the Reds will win, provided the army stays out of it. the Reds are tough folks. The men are real men, not delicate city dwellers that are not used to physical hardship. The Reds are not the ones that will need to put on the whitening cremes, scents and body lotions before the go into battle. I'm sure if there is some girl on girl 'rassling action the redshirts will win. :)

Wrong,this time.

The kid-gloves are off.

The yellow's I would say ,the sot so silent mayority has reared its ugly head.

The money,the aristocrats,autocratss,the clerics are fed-up by beeing disturbed by ANYBODY on the street.

Let them pissfully demonstrate,l

let them make their point,

let them send their negotiators to the roundtable,

let them use LEGAL means.

Dont let them use Riff

Raffs,would be Rambos to prove their might.

Democrazy or not,its not acceptable to cause such turmoil and aggrevation in the strrets.

The perpetrators should be apprehendet and charged for disturbing the peace.

If they declere war,let them do it in written.

If they threat to burn bangkok down,then lets go to their villages und burn them down.

or exersise Sippenhaft.

The parents are in Cahoot with their sons and daughters, put them in reeducation camps.

Obama would have called the National Guard and it would have been over in 5 days from the beginning.

Beiing colored he is beyond critisism,or else you or I are than branded Racist,simple as that.

I tell YouI am no racist,I just dont like...

Taksin is racist,he is Liu chinese from Chiang Mai.

If you follow his career from schooling onward,you will be surprised at the sorry facts,that he was supported by some higher -up poeple.

just see his father,brothers,stepbrothers,all career soldiers.

T.Came from a poor family, and now this family/clan is among the richest in thailand.

I ask you ,where did all that money come from??

Puff the magic dragon,down by the beach ??


Haven't heard anyone speculate about the plan of the reds to withdraw all their money from Bangkok Bank. If they really do this could bring down the Bangkok Bank. That in turn might lead to a financial meltdown of Thailand. I wonder how many people would still vote for PT in that case.... Really quite irresponsible but what can you expect????

Perhaps the yellows are going to boycott AIS and all other businesses linked to the Shinawatra family?


Thai 'Yellow Shirts' issue ultimatum on rival Red rallies

by Apilaporn Vechakij

BANGKOK (AFP) -- Thailand's elite-backed "Yellow Shirts" vowed to take action Sunday if the government fails to deal with red-clad protesters within a week, raising fears of clashes between the rival groups.

The "Red Shirts", who mainly support ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra, have occupied the capital for more than a month with their anti-government campaign, which led to clashes with security forces last weekend leaving 25 people dead.

Thailand is largely split between the poor and rural Reds and the pro-establishment Yellows, who hit the streets ahead of a 2006 coup that ousted their enemy Thaksin and again to see off his allies in 2008.

The Yellows had remained largely silent since the Reds' began mass rallies in mid-March demanding immediate elections, but they held a meeting of 3,000 to 5,000 supporters Sunday to discuss a response to the crisis.

"In seven days we hope that the government will deal with the terrorists from Thaksin immediately, otherwise we will show our voice to protect the country and the royal family," said Parnthep Pourpongpan, a spokesman for the Yellow group formally known as the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD).

"The PAD will do our duty according to the constitution in order to preserve the nation and monarchy," he told AFP after the meeting.

The Yellows' protests in 2008 culminated with a crippling blockade of Bangkok's two main airports, which ended when a controversial court verdict ousted Thaksin's allies, allowing a parliamentary vote that brought in the current government.

The Reds, who are campaigning against Thailand's elite in palace, military and bureaucratic circles, say the government's rise to power was illegitimate.

The authorities have so far failed to bring an end to the Reds' mass rallies. A botched attempt to clear areas occupied by the demonstrators triggered the country's deadliest civil unrest in 18 years last weekend.

The government has asked the police's special investigation unit to probe the bloodshed, blaming "terrorists" for inciting violence and accusing Thaksin, who lives abroad to avoid a jail term for graft, of stoking the unrest.

The Reds announced plans Sunday to step up their campaign for snap polls by boosting their numbers in the commercial area they are currently occupying in the heart of the city.

Army spokesman Sunsern Kaewkumnerd said the military would "contain" the protesters. "We will have police and soldiers working together," he told AFP.

The Reds have so far ignored calls by the authorities to disperse from the shopping heartland, despite security forces being positioned on top of the area's skyscrapers and outstanding arrest warrants in place against core leaders.

Leader Nattawut Saikuar said on Saturday that 24 senior Reds would hand themselves over to police on May 15 in a move designed to avoid another attempt to forcibly arrest them, but he added they would seek bail.

"For now the 24 of us will keep rallying to show sincerely that we won't run away," he said. "I'm sure the order to suppress us will come out soon."

Embattled premier Abhisit Vejjajiva, who cancelled his weekly television broadcast Sunday for unclear reasons, has handed broader powers to his army chief Anupong Paojinda after a bungled operation to arrest senior protesters.

Emergency services confirmed to AFP Sunday that the death toll from the clashes had increased to 25, while more than 800 people were also wounded.


-- ©Copyright AFP 2010-04-18

Published with written approval from AFP.


Haven't heard anyone speculate about the plan of the reds to withdraw all their money from Bangkok Bank. If they really do this could bring down the Bangkok Bank. That in turn might lead to a financial meltdown of Thailand. I wonder how many people would still vote for PT in that case.... Really quite irresponsible but what can you expect????

Perhaps the yellows are going to boycott AIS and all other businesses linked to the Shinawatra family?

I thought the protestors were all "poor farmers". They wouldn't have enough money to bring down the Bangkok Bank would they?

TAN Network: Peoples Alliance for Democracy (PAD) gives the govt 7 days to take action against wrongdoers otherwise they will come out themselves

Thats so funny, these were the idiots that started this whole mess in the first place with their airport protests....... :) yellow hypocracy at its best ! :D

Time to call elections Abhisit, you stubborn mule, before these yellow fools screw over the nation again.

The absolute idiocy and hypocrisy of the Yellows is nauseating. It's enough to make my face red if not my shirt. :D

If you need a new shirt, Thaksin will buy you one.

Haven't heard anyone speculate about the plan of the reds to withdraw all their money from Bangkok Bank. If they really do this could bring down the Bangkok Bank. That in turn might lead to a financial meltdown of Thailand. I wonder how many people would still vote for PT in that case.... Really quite irresponsible but what can you expect????

Perhaps the yellows are going to boycott AIS and all other businesses linked to the Shinawatra family?

There's a rumor going around that the Red Shirts are protesting because they're poor, so I don't think Bangkok Bank is overly concerned about them withdrawing their money.

AIS is owned by Temsak - a deal facilitated by a certain secretary of a certain organization. He is, alas, the secretary no more.

If there is a physical clash, the Reds will win, provided the army stays out of it. the Reds are tough folks. The men are real men, not delicate city dwellers that are not used to physical hardship. The Reds are not the ones that will need to put on the whitening cremes, scents and body lotions before the go into battle. I'm sure if there is some girl on girl 'rassling action the redshirts will win. :)

You got that right !!! My Isan farm boys are some tough dudes ,, real men used to hardship and staying power. I would love to have video of some of these spoiled rotten , pampered elitist teenagers going against them.

Any of you yellows have some thoughts of a fight ? I suggest you stop by the rally site and quietly walk among the crowd and see what you are up against.

You will see many ex military types, ( as black shirt guards ) and some very tough fanatical, committed people some of whom are ready to die for this protest.

The elites had their way with the country and brought it to its knees last time and imposed their minority will on the country. Now its our time and our right to express our opinion,, and if they try to get in our way all I can say is:

LET THE MAYHEM BEGIN !!! Its payback time.

The weak and delicate urban elitists that you are talking about the working people in Bangkok that are also coming from different cities of Thailand. Just look at the traffic going back to Bangkok after Songkran and you will realise see what I mean.

Anyway, what I wanted to say is that, let say the Reds "real man" wins the clashes and killed all the elitists (pessimistic :D ) as you were saying, what do you think will happen to Thailand then? Back to the years when only farming is main source of income of the country. Yes, just like 1960's...


I hope that it will not come until that point. Let there be peace in Thailand, I hope that the current government will find better ways to unite the Thai people. But, key is with the Reds, if they just agree with the 6 months offer for general election then everything will stop and the country can move on.

Just my opinion, I would actually prefer dictatorship with prosperity and peace in the country than democracy with lawlessness, anarchy, destructions or even possible civil war happening every 6 months.

Haven't heard anyone speculate about the plan of the reds to withdraw all their money from Bangkok Bank. If they really do this could bring down the Bangkok Bank. That in turn might lead to a financial meltdown of Thailand. I wonder how many people would still vote for PT in that case.... Really quite irresponsible but what can you expect????

Perhaps the yellows are going to boycott AIS and all other businesses linked to the Shinawatra family?

It goes to show you that they aren't just targeting the government. Targeting private businesses and banks shows that money is the point of it all. Now do you think that the average farmer has big deposits to take out? They are just trying to panic Bangkok residents into taking their money out, now that might do some damage. But it goes to show you that they don't really care what state they leave the country in when the protests are over.

TAN Network: Peoples Alliance for Democracy (PAD) gives the govt 7 days to take action against wrongdoers otherwise they will come out themselves

Thats so funny, these were the idiots that started this whole mess in the first place with their airport protests....... :) yellow hypocracy at its best ! :D

Time to call elections Abhisit, you stubborn mule, before these yellow fools screw over the nation again.

The absolute idiocy and hypocrisy of the Yellows is nauseating. It's enough to make my face red if not my shirt. :D

If you need a new shirt, Thaksin will buy you one.

F that buddy, I want what Lydia got.

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