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Two Iranians Arrested For Smuggling 'ice' Drug Into Thailand


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Who knows why they did what they did, be glad your circumstances don't force you to make bad decisions.

Who cares why they did it. If my circumstances were that bad, I'd do myself in before inflicting this stuff on people. Would you be so flippant if this crap made its way to your kid's, or any other family member's, pocket I wander?

Its the other way around. The addict creates the demand and forces people to do stuff like this. How would you like it if your kid was talked into doing this to make money all because of some brain dead addict needs their fix ?

The addict forces people to... :) What a waste of bandwidth. Do you have any Irish in you?

it is human nature- the want created the demand.

humans will always want something- all these laws have totally failed and always will

a certain amount of people will always get addicted, like drinkers do

but at least we can stop wasting tax money, take the money away from the crooks and offer a way to those who abuse to delay the harmful effects.

The comment about the Irish is so typical of the ilk of many posters here. Unnessary, childish, provotative, cowardly

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Iran has a very serious drug problem and poverty is growing. The Iranian government's policy of funding nuclear weapons and supporting various terrorist groups around the world has sucked out money that used to be invested in social programs. The end result is that there is a growing segment of the population without hope and without the means to survive.

parallels, parallels, parallels.

Thailand may wish to consider what I would term the diversion of funds from its social programs to the increased funding of a bloated military, lest it end up facing similar problems. No the Thais do not fund terrorists, nor do they wish to nuke people. However, the road to advancement for Thailand lies in the beating of swords in ploughshares not in the purchase of big ticket items.

Go in peace.

100% accurate

reslly nice to see someone who knows whats going on

there is hope

may I ask you Sir, just as matter of interest, do you happen to know if

A- the drug is really ice, or the similar drug methylaminorix ( maybe English do spell differntly)

B- have you comer across any reliable info/evidence that the export of this is state sponsored

many thanks


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If you're not involved in doing gear then you're not going to be involved in transporting it!

nonsense,pure nonsense

i have spok to top drug crooks who say not only have they never touched the stuff, any of it, if they ever found any of their kids, "boys" doing it, they would " whack" ( means kill) them

i just hope you meant involved you meant taking it

if not, i apologize

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A couple of weeks back it was an Iranian too, are they that stupid ? :)

Simple answer YES they are that stupid. I wish Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would try to do it HAHAHA!!!!

the laws governing the whole "drugs" are even more mad, they are insane, they will never ever work ,have never worked and will continue to cost us a fortune and make criminals rich.

It upsets me that we have the power to change almost everything for the good- and yet- do not.

Iranians are not that stupid. Never underestimate them. Remember what they are trying very hard to acquire.

They just do things a bit differently over there.And they should be treat with great tolerance and respect.

A respectful policy of communication is what is needed.The typical war of worlds is not to anyone's benefit.

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I guess I am the only one wondering. How will they get it out of their stomach? Surely they can't poop it out.

There are more natural and less harmful ways of enjoying oneself then inhaling poison that has passed through an Iranians rectum.

I wouldn't say that ICE is poison really...

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How did they know to xray them, they must have been tipped off by Iranian Authorities............

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Ha! They are just the expendable mules. Who knows why they did what they did, be glad your circumstances don't force you to make bad decisions.

Judge, jury, and executioner! May be time to lighten up a bit.

If in doubt, I suggest a read of Fooled by Randomness...

the hang 'em high crowd are already in a self imposed prison- and simple pure ignorant because they cannot seem to understand

they are the ones paying-in an esoteric way, they are paying in many ways

those boys will soon be out

it changes NOTHING positive

better schooled, more contacts

the crooks love it, makes them richer

things do not work like this- they are blind

the lifes of these people are such that life has not given them something they wanted/needed,, they, in their own logic, have failed in something

self actualization is one term

therefore they, the ones on the lower end of ladder love it when something like this happens- its makes their own, self perceived ,or probabaly quite real, failures seem not so bad

someone is, they think, suffering more then them

almost all would do exactly the same

i also ask- what is worse, a crime of this caliber or the buying of impoverished young ladys who have to do awful things in order to eat

most of the hang 'em high do not want to know that they are perpetuating such misery

these girls HATE having to marry and older man , because he as money( it never amazes me how many men really believe they are " in love" and all that sexual deviance

one form of escape is to take drugs such as" ice"

it helps them preform the disgusting acts

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bjoe, you sound like such a nice young man, a tad misguided possibly, but young anyway. Someday you may see old age, if you avoid us old geezers while talking as posted above. Not sure what disgusting acts and deviance between "these girls and older men" you refer to above, but you have convinced me not to bend over in the gym shower room, while you are there. You might be surprised at the performance level of this older men group as a whole. Individually just remember, its best not to corner those old geezers unless you have an escape route and as far as your reference to 'ice' use, I give that as much credence as the rest of your yodeling.

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bjoe, you sound like such a nice young man, a tad misguided possibly, but young anyway. Someday you may see old age, if you avoid us old geezers while talking as posted above. Not sure what disgusting acts and deviance between "these girls and older men" you refer to above, but you have convinced me not to bend over in the gym shower room, while you are there. You might be surprised at the performance level of this older men group as a whole. Individually just remember, its best not to corner those old geezers unless you have an escape route and as far as your reference to 'ice' use, I give that as much credence as the rest of your yodeling.

not really young, childish yes-imature defiantly...

do not bend over any where near me! I am

"one of those" and you sound cute, wanna go for a coffee? have you ever tried it? Lets yodel together!!!

my opinion on ice are from years of talking to experts , visiting jails, etc and knowing people can function perfectly well on it- fact

i should not have been so general about the old geezers, but it does upset me when i see a 50-60 year old walking hand in hand with a much younger lady convinced he looks" cool" ( fool) and she is in love with him

maybe i am just jealous because many old guys are quite good looking and i wish they were with me instead!

those disgusting acts

having to sell themselves, do oral sex for money to live and eat.I call that disgusting.What do you call it....?

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Bjoe97 i think you hit a nerve with slapout - Lol

Fact is no fat old guy likes to be belittled as exploiting the Thais for pleasures of the flesh, especially when they are paying good money for it.

And ofcourse all those sweet smiles and compliments - surely not all of them are lies are they?

Life is cruel - and i guess most of us reach the ages we get insecure... but lets not forget, everyone has a choice - the girls have a choice too, they can say NO and work in seven eleven instead....

The ice situation and the Iranians... hmmmmm 'suspicious chunks' made me laugh....

I wonder if they can see all those suspicious breast implants too...

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Bjoe97 i think you hit a nerve with slapout - Lol

Fact is no fat old guy likes to be belittled as exploiting the Thais for pleasures of the flesh, especially when they are paying good money for it.

And ofcourse all those sweet smiles and compliments - surely not all of them are lies are they?

Life is cruel - and i guess most of us reach the ages we get insecure... but lets not forget, everyone has a choice - the girls have a choice too, they can say NO and work in seven eleven instead....

The ice situation and the Iranians... hmmmmm 'suspicious chunks' made me laugh....

I wonder if they can see all those suspicious breast implants too...

slapout is meeting me tomorrow for' coffee" he sent me such a sweet PM

7-11 with all the money they have to send home?

No, not all of them are lies, some just have a facial tick which makes it look like they're smiling.Most are just smiling at the poor deluded old gent picking up the tab hoping he'll soon be dead and buried.

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Some people just can not seem to stay close to topic. Going from 'ice' mules and arrest of same to older men with younger girls/women (another forum topic), digressing, to define disgusting acts, professing personal knowledge of various individuals involved with drug, etc, etc. Your credibility for any info/experience claimed by you, took a nose dive with the blatant lie, first sentence, post #41.

You do get a point or 2 for your self analysis of childish and immature, post #39. This may be a good starting point when picking your next playground.

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Some people just can not seem to stay close to topic. Going from 'ice' mules and arrest of same to older men with younger girls/women (another forum topic), digressing, to define disgusting acts, professing personal knowledge of various individuals involved with drug, etc, etc. Your credibility for any info/experience claimed by you, took a nose dive with the blatant lie, first sentence, post #41.

You do get a point or 2 for your self analysis of childish and immature, post #39. This may be a good starting point when picking your next playground.

is this on topic? I do not swim, nor lie

what lie?

I visit prisons, would you like an email from someone inside the police/prison department here and in Europe?.

Including a person in charge of one of that person country top politicians security.

How about a word with someone in charge of top institution here where I will be giving a lecture very soon.Please allow me to show you how misguided you are.

Shall we both go together to one local police station where I am most welcome?

Like a copy of somethings( better not give details or I will be accused of boasting.

Nose dive.....no my friend, its you who has just shot yourself in foot and you are more than welcome to take it further.

You , like most will decline, you may make some silly remark back to save face, ask for proof and publish the finding you will not do.

Your kind never does.

I have now put you in your place because you now know if you do take if further you will start to look silly,sorry, more silly. Thats the problem you see- its all ego.

That is why we do not progress.

Enjoy your swim.Wear googles- they help you see clearly

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Some people just can not seem to stay close to topic. Going from 'ice' mules and arrest of same to older men with younger girls/women (another forum topic), digressing, to define disgusting acts, professing personal knowledge of various individuals involved with drug, etc, etc. Your credibility for any info/experience claimed by you, took a nose dive with the blatant lie, first sentence, post #41.

You do get a point or 2 for your self analysis of childish and immature, post #39. This may be a good starting point when picking your next playground.

slapout darling,

I know you have lost face, been proven wrong, made to look foolish,but please, if you have anything to say, say it here publicly

its obvious, people do not check when they know what they find will proved them wrong- no need to be so bitchy

hiding behind silly, childish, "got to get you back because you made me look a a fool..." PM's stops you looking ( more- that is possible) foolish publicly

it also helps prove my point.

You hate the truth, hate being " shown up" and are actually part of the problem

many thanks,I actually have a sadistic liking of people like you

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Bjoe97 i think you hit a nerve with slapout - Lol

Fact is no fat old guy likes to be belittled as exploiting the Thais for pleasures of the flesh, especially when they are paying good money for it.

And ofcourse all those sweet smiles and compliments - surely not all of them are lies are they?

Life is cruel - and i guess most of us reach the ages we get insecure... but lets not forget, everyone has a choice - the girls have a choice too, they can say NO and work in seven eleven instead....

The ice situation and the Iranians... hmmmmm 'suspicious chunks' made me laugh....

I wonder if they can see all those suspicious breast implants too...

insecure would be an understatement-he is the classic- well, better not say..he knows, we know

and is only of slapout issues

i get cute little PM's from this classic specimen of pure ignorance because he has lost face, and does not want to admit it publicly

so follows the traditional path of the dross by insulting PM's

poor old slapout.....I really do think he is gay you know.Maybe I should try and help him.All that bottled up anger/hate/denial/self doubt... a bit of tender love and care is what the old duck needs

we all need

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