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Urologist Closed?

Robby nz

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I see the topic of urologist has been closed however yesterday I went to a Urologist and my experience may be of help to someone.

Went to Pramonkootklau Hospital yesterday, thats the big milatery hospital not far from victory Monunent, to see a urologist as I had blood in the urine. I had been to make an appointment the week before and talked to a urologist ( no cost) and made an appointment for a cystoscope exam and biopsy.

I had the cystascope exam and biopsy at a cost of 2050 bhat there was also a similar cost for a months antibiotics.

I have used this hospital before for other problems and their costs are very reasonable, they are not a private hospital that has to make a profit and their service and the experience of their doctors is very good.

It is a big place that treats thousands of patients every day which is possibly the only drawback as you have to wait your turn.

In the urology Dept there are 5 or 6 urologists working and yesterday there were more than 50 patients in the urology waiting area.

I know for a fact that some of the specialists from this hospital are used by the private hospitals as consultants when the privats hospital has a case for which they do not employ a specialist so at one of the private hospitals you may be getting one of the doctors from here at a greatly inflated price.

The charge for drugs is the same as at pharmacys and blood tests are cheaper than outside labs, I have done both so I know.

The doctors I have dealt with all have very good english but a lot of the nurses and other staff do not.

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