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Thai Protesters Brace For Crackdown As Compromise Rejected

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What to do Thais think???

As opposed to the blood thirsty foreigners here.

Interesting. Abhisit this morning said that he's preparing for a crackdown, which is what only 20% of Thais want, according to this poll. So he really is acting in the interests of a minority of Thais?

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A disappointing but unsurprising response from the biggest stubborn mule PM the world has ever seen.

You must be drunk, it is the brave and right thing to do. One can not give in to mob rule at any time more so when it is very small minority the comprises the mob. You need a few lessons in common sense.

I fail to see how you can dismiss a movement that will win the next election as a mob - even if that happens before or after the Democrats are disolved for corruption.

termad, so what's the point of insisiting on "house dissolution now"? what's the point of nattawut threatening, there'd be no democrats allowed in north/north east for campaigning? what's the policy proposals, btw? & who would be in charge, if i may be allowed to ask? so: big picture question: _WHAT IS ALL THIS ABOUT_?

the red shirt grievances? wealth divide? oh really?

Let me tell you that there is no "yellow Dictatorship" in Thailand!

Other than:

- Abhisit's father was on the board of directors of a company that heavily financed the yellow PAD.

- Abhisit made a yellow PAD his Foreign Minister.

- Abhisit only promises crackdowns on red protesters, not on yellow ones on the other side of the street, even though a state of emergency and prohibition of assembly of more than 5 people applies to all Thais.

And a few more ...but you get the point.

But you did not get the point what dictatorship is!

State of Emergency - yes, you are right, but: the people who came out to rally against dissolution of the house have a perfect excuse - the red protesters being there exceeded already 5 persons. Re. crack down - crack down on people who are more than 5 peacefully waving Thai flags, listening to some speeches, abusing sometimes reds or against more than 5 reds who have weapons, sharpened bamboo sticks, old tyres, petrol and are threatening people?

What would be your first choice?

So why deny that there is a yellow dictatorship in Thailand, when there really is one?

Troll, Troll go away come again another day.... or NOT

Really, he wasn't denying that there is a yellow dictatorship in Thailand. He said it like "but Thaksin did it too so Abhisit can do it too". Kind of looks bad when you hunt down Thaksin for allegedly doing something wrong and then doing the same yourself.

Like putting him on trial for corruption and then Abhisit & the Democrats get their hands caught in corruption as well :)

So why deny that there is a yellow dictatorship in Thailand, when there really is one?

Troll, Troll go away come again another day.... or NOT

Really, he wasn't denying that there is a yellow dictatorship in Thailand. He said it like "but Thaksin did it too so Abhisit can do it too". Kind of looks bad when you hunt down Thaksin for allegedly doing something wrong and then doing the same yourself.

Like putting him on trial for corruption and then Abhisit & the Democrats get their hands caught in corruption as well :)

dam_n you have just set a new world record for fast time to be put on ignore... dam_n these RED Farangs are getting crazier by the day...

cannot blame you fellas that you supports the Reds as your better half are form N/NE. anyhow, i can also tell you that not all people in that region are pro-reds. well at least none of my friends and definitely not my better half and in-laws.

what might be the reason behind?

perhaps because these non-reds supporters all studied in bangkok? now live and work in bangkok?

what i have observed is that they are all aware what thaksin had done as they have access to the news, internet, and integrated with the bangkok people.



capable to elaborate?

These were taken on the 2nd or 3rd gathering here of the multi-colored shirts whose numbers have grown significantly in their rallies while the red mobs numbers have gone down considerably. Anyone who denies these facts are delusional.



that's because the red shirts sent some of their members to these yellow shirt rallies doning yellow shirts.......

just like vice-versa


Utter garbage.....you should go to one of these rallies...go on, it's safe and friendly. Actually the photos understate the attendance, the whole Slkywalk was also 4-deep with supporters. And far from being violent etc...half an hour after the rally, the site is clear of all litter and there's been no damage or grafitti in 8 days of ralies there. Go on....go tomorrow...it will open you eyes and boy, do you need to do that!

Thaksin is back in Montenegro.

If anyone wonders why he chooses Montenegro - they give out passports easily (if you have cash/connections, of course), and they don't extradite their 'citizens'.

Quite few criminals have (ab)used that already.

edit: To explain it a bit - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milo_%C4%90uk...gation_in_Italy <- Montenegro is ran by this guy and his 'friends' - this should put things into perspective :)

Montenegro is the place where most of stolen vehicles from EU end up. A couple of years ago we used to make jokes about them such as what the Montenegro tourist campaign slogan should be and ended up with winner "Come visit Montenegro. Your car is already here!"

Other than that Montenegro people were considered in former Yugoslavia to be the laziest and there was a neverending line of jokes about this.

Their women were considered gorgeous, but had no teeth left and stinked like hel_l for never taking shower or brushing teeth.

It was the last republic to separate from Serbia and basically lived off the Serbs, as long as the Serb economy could support them. After that they took off, despite having little no no economical resources and some of world's laziest workforce.

I would not say that the above is entirely true and even if it were, it doesn't apply to every person from that country. It does tell quite a bit about what their neigbours had to say about them.

A serbian colleague of mine, after telling him about Thaksin getting a Montenegran passport responded with just "No wonder. Mafia sticks together."

So with corruption thriving, country in downspiral to economic crash, and people unwilling to get off their backsides, it is not unimaginable that the government could sell passports to fill the ginormous budget hole.

What the f-(**)k is my car doing in Montenegro? :D

Let me tell you that there is no "yellow Dictatorship" in Thailand!

Other than:

- Abhisit's father was on the board of directors of a company that heavily financed the yellow PAD.

- Abhisit made a yellow PAD his Foreign Minister.

- Abhisit only promises crackdowns on red protesters, not on yellow ones on the other side of the street, even though a state of emergency and prohibition of assembly of more than 5 people applies to all Thais.

And a few more ...but you get the point.

And when Thaksin was in power his friends and family received plum positions too. That's the nature of Thai politics.

So why deny that there is a yellow dictatorship in Thailand, when there really is one?

If the reds win the next election I guess you'll call that a red dictatorship. It's nice that the reds want the law enforced, only if it applies to yellow protesters. Yellow protesters who manage to disperse on their own. I don't really think you believe that Abhisit would make a red his foreign minister, or get his parties finances from the reds. If there truly was a dictatorship the PTP would not be allowed to hold government positions. There would be no more elections. But you see this isn't a dictatorship, it's a democracy where friends of the prime minister will be rewarded, no matter which party the PM comes form. But go ahead use inflammatory language instead of common sense.


What Thais think as opposed to the bloodthirsty foreigners here.

Result of the Suan Dusit Poll conducted on Thursday and Friday

of 1269 Thais across the country.

Preferred options to solve the crisis between the Government and the UDD.

Negotiations to find acceptable conditions...27.5%

House dissolution....................................20.0%

Crackdown on protesters..........................13.0%

Setting up National Government...................3.0%


What Thais think as opposed to the bloodthirsty foreigners here.

Result of the Suan Dusit Poll conducted on Thursday and Friday

of 1269 Thais across the country.

Preferred options to solve the crisis between the Government and the UDD.

Negotiations to find acceptable conditions...27.5%

House dissolution....................................20.0%

Crackdown on protesters..........................13.0%

Setting up National Government...................3.0%


i wonder what others was?

crackdown on protesters would be the winner if you took a poll of regular posters on here

Enforcing the law against an illegal occupation protest of a group that has already committed acts of terror means the government doing so is a dictatorship? OK, whatever ... Seems to me this is civilization and the rule of law against terrorists/anarchists, etc.

Thank God for that!

What Thais think as opposed to the bloodthirsty foreigners here.

Result of the Suan Dusit Poll conducted on Thursday and Friday

of 1269 Thais across the country.

Preferred options to solve the crisis between the Government and the UDD.

Negotiations to find acceptable conditions...27.5%

House dissolution....................................20.0%

Crackdown on protesters..........................13.0%

Setting up National Government...................3.0%


Well I guess we should choose the most popular option. Others. Almost twice as many people selected none of the above compared with house dissolution. Now if we can get a poll that tells us what the Other options were we might know what to do next.

Others may indicate a preference for:

Winner take all rock, paper, scissors tourney

Turning rally site into new province with Som Tam as it's official OTOP product

Re-opening the malls and luring protesters away with midnight madness sale

Buying 10,000 tickets on Thai Air to Dubai

Interesting. Abhisit this morning said that he's preparing for a crackdown, which is what only 20% of Thais want, according to this poll. So he really is acting in the interests of a minority of Thais?

20% of 1269 Thais who were asked !!

What Thais think as opposed to the bloodthirsty foreigners here.

Result of the Suan Dusit Poll conducted on Thursday and Friday

of 1269 Thais across the country.

Preferred options to solve the crisis between the Government and the UDD.

Negotiations to find acceptable conditions...27.5%

House dissolution....................................20.0%

Crackdown on protesters..........................13.0%

Setting up National Government...................3.0%


i wonder what others was?

crackdown on protesters would be the winner if you took a poll of regular posters on here

Probably a lot of don't know, undecided in that 36.5% I'd imagine.

Only natural that Thais value the lives of other Thais more than regular posters here.

That is the kindest way I can phrase it.

Interesting. Abhisit this morning said that he's preparing for a crackdown, which is what only 20% of Thais want, according to this poll. So he really is acting in the interests of a minority of Thais?

20% of 1269 Thais who were asked !!

13% not 20%

What Thais think as opposed to the bloodthirsty foreigners here.

Result of the Suan Dusit Poll conducted on Thursday and Friday

of 1269 Thais across the country.

Preferred options to solve the crisis between the Government and the UDD.

Negotiations to find acceptable conditions...27.5%

House dissolution....................................20.0%

Crackdown on protesters..........................13.0%

Setting up National Government...................3.0%


I wonder how many were polled before they knew about the Silom incident.

A disappointing but unsurprising response from the biggest stubborn mule PM the world has ever seen.

Why are your calling him Stubborn mule, he is doing the right thing. You cant have a snap election, you need to do it right and plan an election date and give all parties time to campaign. Abbhist has already agreed to hold elections, but wants to do it right and set a date and give everyone time, the reds are being unrealistic and want everything done in 15 days.


House dissolution and National Govt. 23 %. 40,5 % - negotiations and crack down - quite some people want to keep the PM. Guess the 1269 people got asked via mobile phones and those are common all over Thailand...even that the no. is not too impressive.

Let me tell you that there is no "yellow Dictatorship" in Thailand!

Other than:

- Abhisit's father was on the board of directors of a company that heavily financed the yellow PAD.

- Abhisit made a yellow PAD his Foreign Minister.

- Abhisit only promises crackdowns on red protesters, not on yellow ones on the other side of the street, even though a state of emergency and prohibition of assembly of more than 5 people applies to all Thais.

And a few more ...but you get the point.

Which part of word "dictatorship" you do not understand?

Seems like you don't understand any part of that word, but thought I'd ask.

Let me tell you that there is no "yellow Dictatorship" in Thailand!

Other than:

- Abhisit's father was on the board of directors of a company that heavily financed the yellow PAD.

- Abhisit made a yellow PAD his Foreign Minister.

- Abhisit only promises crackdowns on red protesters, not on yellow ones on the other side of the street, even though a state of emergency and prohibition of assembly of more than 5 people applies to all Thais.

And a few more ...but you get the point.

Have you ever done a count of the number of close friends and family Thaksin had in important positions?

How do you stop them from coming back next week or moving somewhere else? Certainly, putting the Leaders in prison is out of the question in Thailand.

the sicilian way may be the answer to help resolve this madness efficiently and expeditiously. :)

House dissolution and National Govt. 23 %. 40,5 % - negotiations and crack down - quite some people want to keep the PM. Guess the 1269 people got asked via mobile phones and those are common all over Thailand...even that the no. is not too impressive.

Or when given the choice 87% didn't choose crackdown.

What Thais think as opposed to the bloodthirsty foreigners here.

Result of the Suan Dusit Poll conducted on Thursday and Friday

of 1269 Thais across the country.

Preferred options to solve the crisis between the Government and the UDD.

Negotiations to find acceptable conditions...27.5%

House dissolution....................................20.0%

Crackdown on protesters..........................13.0%

Setting up National Government...................3.0%


i wonder what others was?

crackdown on protesters would be the winner if you took a poll of regular posters on here

I vote for " NUKE 'EM ".

(sorry for my english)

Stop pretending you're not just another reincarnation of the existing red PR machine.

i'm not red. just want to understand why yellow can govern the country when the lost democratic elections but doing it occupying the country in the same way as the reds are doing now, and call reds terrorist when they can't govern the country even the won elections.

tell me this is a yellow Dictatorship for Thailand own good, and i will understand and stop posting questions.

but don't tell me the yellow are holding on for the democracy.

Democracy has Greek root: Demo=people, Crat=rule

If people want Thaksin, give him to them. that is democracy

Who wants Thaksin? Guess you dont realize 95% of the red shirt protesters are being paid to be there and have no idea what is really going on. I had a few of my workers from my factory in issan go to BKK to protest because they were paid 2000 baht, then when they came back they said they only went for the money, they were upset too because they were not allowed to leave until the leaders said they could.

This too would not be democracy as it would just be paying people to support you.

Discussion and opinions are important .

our views and insights , shared, give us scope.

its not really Farangs' problems but some of of live here and work or do business or whatever.. so we are concerned.

Sure it is "farangs" problems. Political unrest has led to Patpong venue closure, limited alcohol served in Nana area, who knows, next will be closure of Nana, Cowboy, or perhaps even the holy city "Pattaya"

Are they really limiting alcohol at nana??

And agree it is a problem for us who are here. The Thai people encourage us to be here and as tourists they have a responsibility to protect our interests too. Yes, it is not our really our business regarding politics but having thugs and terrorists take over tourist areas certainly is a concern we can and should voice our opinions about.

the holy pattaya city is making a blooming business whilst bangkok bleeds....

cheers..... :)

Very recently due to the protests, the Nana venues serving alcohol had a one drink per customer limit they were enforcing.

So they are dropping the red shirts. We all know why, yes? So when the reds without red attack the Thai soldiers and the general public with lethal weapons, and they are filmed doing so, they can more conveniently deny responsibility.

Precisely. This is a very disturbing development.

Guerrilla warfare? Threatening to loot CentralWorld?

"When the first blood is spilled here, the entire country will be the scene of bloodshed"

"We are ready to handle the government measures. No matter what shirt we wear, our hearts are red"

These are terrorist threats being made by the red shirt leaders. Some people might object to the word terrorist, but I don't know what else to call it. Insurrection perhaps? Any other suggestions?

it is call revolution or civil war !!!! not terrorism .

uiiih, you're excited na ;-)

in _reality_, it does not matter that much what kind of poetry you attach to... a lot of suffering.

comment 132

catch22 date : 25/04/2010 time : 13.16


Game Over -- Thaksin Shinnawatra is Dead

Posted by Piset , Reader : 516 , 07:46:15

Sunday 25 April

At the moment, I am still waiting for further confirmation.

The latest information I have received indicated yet, the Shinnawatra family is contacting with Thai government for permission to return the body of Thaksin Shinnawatra to Thailand for Funeral.

The latest news from Bangkok indicated that at least 3 of the Red shirt leaders are not at Rajaprasong now, they may have got into the U.S. Embassy compound seeking political asylum.

If so, the game is over.

abhisit's been beheaded and his head is hanging from a lamp-post outside central world......

anupong paochinda is pilloried outside the dusit thani hotel awaiting beheading.....

check www. the nation.com and bangkokpost.com. :)

Perchace a rumour or is it fact

http://<URL Automatically Removed>/the-<URL Automatically Removed>-lounge/70...supposedly.html

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