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Lynchees - First Of The Season


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I saw someone selling lynchees at the weekend but couldn't stop at the time so consoled myself with the thought that being this early they were probably pricey and not too great.

Rounding the southwest corner of the moat just now I caught a glimpse of a lone lynchee vendor so pausing only to knock a couple of old guys off their Hondas I pulled in and bought a kilo for a surprisingly modest 20 baht. Not the prettiest I ever saw but really delicious! :)

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Ha Ha - looks like Google is on the ball, someones been teaching it Thaiglish.

I've just paid 25B for my Kilo looks like I've been diddled. Also looks like oversupply has driven the price down as a few years back Lychees were no less than 40B a 'Lo'.

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The sad thing is... being so far north, the fruits come later. :)! Last two weeks in Vientiane I saw an abundant amount of Lychee, mangosteen, and rambutan! I come back to Chiangmai.. and there's barely any around. T_T!

As for the spelling I say he spelled it right! cause Tai way of saying it is always right! :D Lao and Thai say "linchee/Lynchee/Linjii" - ลิ้นจี่ :D!!!!!!

Edited by Yunnie
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On the other hand, if you look for OP's word in a proper dictionary where it can be seen as meaning - lynchee (noun, archaic): the victim of a hanging without legal sanction, it makes a gross kind of sense. It appears in the context too that OP added to the availability of cadavers, though perhaps not so delicious, being stringy and all. I was more delighted than surprised to learn the truth, and another Thai word.

(OK - I really have to get myself into language school!)

Edited by CMX
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I like the early furit, the one s that are pink and greenish colour, they are a bit sour and have a flowery taste. If durian is the king of fruit, mango the queen, pineapple the prince, banana the court jester, what is lychee?

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I like the early furit, the one s that are pink and greenish colour, they are a bit sour and have a flowery taste. If durian is the king of fruit, mango the queen, pineapple the prince, banana the court jester, what is lychee?

"Emperor" - that's what they call the larger fleshier ones  :)

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Just to let people know... Kad Luang (Warorot) is selling Lychee for about 40B a kilo, mangosteens - 40B a kilo, Rambutan - 30B a kilo. And it isnt just one or two stalls, its multiple stalls in the area selling them.

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