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Having A Bad Day / Week/ Month


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Yes Jubby, quite close to Michaels house.

Maleable...is that an able male? Where's VF when you need him?! Wonder how the Salmon & Pasta was, does the chef from Favola moonlight at Chez VF?

Ready and Able, nah he doesn't fit that discription , I need another word.

No Baby yet then stu ?

How was the Football. I nipped down to my local Bar which has a big screen TV. It just recently reopened but the brains of the operations working in Bangkok. TV was off and it was kinda diserted so I gave it a miss.

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Yes women playing with 'balls' is much more up my street. (Perhaps if I had said 'their balls' you would have gotten my bad joke.)

By the way I consider it weeding the field, or separating the wheat from the chaff, rather than digging a hole. :)

Ahh. Were Talking Ping Pong Balls. I'm slow. Wow , not seen that for atleast 15 years

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No, no baby yet, still waiting for the vibration in my pocket which will signal the start.

Football was so-so, we won but played like a bunch of amateurs, that's usually the case with friendlies before big cup competitions so musn't get too down-hearted, I'm sure they'll do us proud and reach the giddy heights of another quarter/semi-final again!

Can't help you with the word you are looking for, hopefully VF or Kandahar will be along soon to help.

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No, no baby yet, still waiting for the vibration in my pocket which will signal the start.

Football was so-so, we won but played like a bunch of amateurs, that's usually the case with friendlies before big cup competitions so musn't get too down-hearted, I'm sure they'll do us proud and reach the giddy heights of another quarter/semi-final again!

Can't help you with the word you are looking for, hopefully VF or Kandahar will be along soon to help.

Things have certainly changed since I had Kids. Can't recall that Vibration in my Pocket to signal the start of Labour. I did had a sort of vibration to signal conception though :)

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No, no baby yet, still waiting for the vibration in my pocket which will signal the start.

Football was so-so, we won but played like a bunch of amateurs, that's usually the case with friendlies before big cup competitions so musn't get too down-hearted, I'm sure they'll do us proud and reach the giddy heights of another quarter/semi-final again!

Can't help you with the word you are looking for, hopefully VF or Kandahar will be along soon to help.

I can't help him. The word he is looking for is not my new word of the week. We will have to wait for VF or Flatouthruthefog or wait until it comes up as my word of the week. Might be a while.

VF, I need to get out of here for a bit. If you make it to town, give me a call. I'll shut down and buy you a cup.

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Sorry guys, we were in town all day running errands and shopping. A bit hectic for my taste but we did get a lot done. Sorry kandahar but didn't get this message until now.

Now I know why my ears were burning all day. Should have known someone was talking about me in my absence. Was too busy to pay much attention, though.

The wife makes a mean linguini with pesto sauce, usually with some fish for protein and perhaps dried tomatoes or broccoli for color and roughage, topped with an ample sprinkling of parmesan cheese . Mainly she has me eating salads these days, as she thinks I have let myself go a bit. Very good salads, though, so I don't complain.

I'm not clear as to which malleable we are talking about here. Are we talking pliable or perhaps amenable or impressionable? If we are simply talking able males, well there are plenty of those to be found on these pages.

And I am not a Googler, per se. A simple right click highlights a word and allows me to choose any of the following. The built-in dictionary is my weapon of choice.

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Ah VF....searching in "Spotlight" for the definition of "malleable"- this could be a verrrrry dangerous thing, at least in Chiang Mai. :)

But you are safe, where you are.

So what is with the Er6n?

Ready to rock n' roll?

And if you don't mind me asking, where are you buying it, and any deals?

I'm considering one, as well.

Like I need 3 motorcycles; sure why not. :D

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Ah VF....searching in "Spotlight" for the definition of "malleable"- this could be a verrrrry dangerous thing, at least in Chiang Mai. :)

But you are safe, where you are.

So what is with the Er6n?

Ready to rock n' roll?

And if you don't mind me asking, where are you buying it, and any deals?

I'm considering one, as well.

Like I need 3 motorcycles; sure why not. :D

I'm going for the model with the fairings, not the naked model. There are eight dealers but only one up North and that is Chiang Mai. Not only no special deals but the insurance costs have gone up by 50% recently. The popularity of this model has led to an increase in accidents and claims, thus the increase in the cost of insurance.

As for your main question, ask me again at the end of next week. :D

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Sorry kandahar but didn't get this message until now.

Nary a worry. The future holds more days when this can be accomplished. I wasn't speaking particularly of needing to get out of here on THAT day. I kind of have a time block of several days in mind before I finally just pack it in and go in search of western conversation and a break. And if you don't make it within that time frame, jubby, Biff, Brian, Soap, woralak or someone else will arrive and drag me outta here for a while.

Well, back to the topic of bad days. This one falls under "Almost had a bad day", maybe. Almost a year ago, I thought a bad thing was occurring. I noticed several spots on my skin that had some of the characteristics of skin cancer. I went to visit a local skin specialist in CR. The wife accompanied me and translated, even though the doc had a fair handle on English. The doc spent about 20 minutes checking me out, asking questions and showing me pictures of skin cancer spots and comparing those pics to my affected areas. She showed me what I need to be looking for. I didn't have any cancerous spots. I went to the reception desk to settle the bill. There was no charge. I didn't understand that so I went back and talked to the doc. She explained that since she didn't treat me for anything, she couldn't charge me for any services. Huh?!?!

Last night I went to see another doc for a different problem. This doc spent at least 20 minutes with me and the wife, asking questions, taking my vitals and so on. When she was satisfied of what my ailment was, she said that she doesn't treat those kinds of problems but she wrote a recommendation to a doc who does treat them. Same thing. No charge for the visit because she couldn't treat me in any way. Huh?!?!?!

The docs in my home country could learn something from the docs here.

For all the things a person can be dumbfounded with in this country, for all of the differences in the way life is lived here, some of them are really good things to discover. Some unpleasant surprises await me here in CR. But some very pleasant ones await me as well.

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Hope the Health Issues are not too serious Kd. Theres never a Dull moment here for sure, as for surprises ......

Anyway, Its good to know you almost had a Bad day. I have a sneaking suspicion many of us do have them but choose to keep them in or have other avenues to vent. I think its good to talk as long as your not moaning all the time. Some of these bad days are really funny and entertaining, and very Thailand related but its not good in my Opinion to laugh about them to yourself. I hoped others would share a few but it doesn't seem to be the way its going to go.

I had a quick sneak at VF's Blog yesterday, or was it the day before. He almost touched on a few Interesting subjects that would entertain but chose to talk about nothing much instead .

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I suppose it is how you look at things. So the plant nursery area blows-down, in a wind storm. That could be seen as bad, or simply an opportunity to build something better, with ideas garnered from living with the old structure for awhile.

Sure there are things I don't like in life but I don't think of them so much as Thai things. Not having lived anywhere else long enough to develop firmly entrenched notions about how things are supposed to be here or elsewhere, I don't really expect things to be any different.

Instead of being shocked and horrified at driving here in Thailand, I am instead surprised at how easy it is to drive on my infrequent visits to my home country. Same same but different, one might say. Same thing viewed from a different perspective.

As for my recent blog entry, I too was amused that my muse chose to overlook the juicer, more gossip oriented events, instead focusing on the pastoral setting of my evening meal. I guess my perspective on life is skewed from the norm.

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Wow! My day just got better. I almost had to reply in another thread and address the terrific language problems that plague our little forum. But a mod deleted the thread before I had time to type my rebuke, my rebuttal, my expected contribution. Stu, you lucked out here. Maybe we need to start a good DWM thread as well.

But what in the world could cccbeads be thinking when she/he decided to post that in THIS forum?

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We went to Rai Mae Faa Luang recently and instead of being appalled at paying more as a Farang, I was pleased with our discounts. With my Thai driver's license the entrance fee was nocked down to 100 from the posted 200. My wife's ID, showing her a resident of the Rai, reduced her entrance fee from 100 to 50.

Some might say, I had a bad day and was charged more for being a Farang. I say I had a good day and received a discount. Often good or bad depends on how you look at it. :)

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We went to Rai Mae Faa Luang recently and instead of being appalled at paying more as a Farang, I was pleased with our discounts. With my Thai driver's license the entrance fee was nocked down to 100 from the posted 200. My wife's ID, showing her a resident of the Rai, reduced her entrance fee from 100 to 50.

Some might say, I had a bad day and was charged more for being a Farang. I say I had a good day and received a discount. Often good or bad depends on how you look at it. :D

Well thats Good to know, I drove upto the entrance once and made a quick departure with a smile at the 200 baht entrance fee.

Didn't think of the Thai Driving Licence at the time, just how ridiculously expensive it was .

I also can see opportunities from areas of our garden recently destroyed by the wind, but its hardly entertainment is it.

Go ahead and start a Good day thread VF, keep it pastoral if you like . If its Theraputic (sorry haven't got a built in Dictionary) for you, then so much the better :D

And you can put all your Ninja days in there too :)

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We went to Rai Mae Faa Luang recently and instead of being appalled at paying more as a Farang, I was pleased with our discounts. With my Thai driver's license the entrance fee was nocked down to 100 from the posted 200. My wife's ID, showing her a resident of the Rai, reduced her entrance fee from 100 to 50.

Some might say, I had a bad day and was charged more for being a Farang. I say I had a good day and received a discount. Often good or bad depends on how you look at it. :)

I usually don't understand the complaints about being charged differently at parks and such. Where I come from, many cities have different prices for parks, zoos and such, depending on whether or not you can prove residence in that city, county or what have you. Bonafide resdents of the city are given preferantial pricing, while outsiders are charged more. The basis of that is, property owners and such in that town are already funding the exhibit with their taxes. Outsiders are not included in that tax base, so they get charged more. Hunting and fishing fees fall into that pricing scheme as well. Have never heard complaints about that and there shouldn't be complaints about that. As Farang, there isn't much chance that we are providing as much tax support as others here might be. True, it is a technicality that we aren't considered landowners even though in the sense of where some of that baht comes from, we are more the owners than our spouses are. So, as VF pointed out, without the benefit of a Thai driving license to separate us from the tourists, we will pay more. No complaints from me on that. But I don't go to many of those places. I count on the dynamic reporting partnership of Limbo and VF to keep me informed on those attractions.

If I do get charged more, I have it coming. My wife owned her house and land long before she met me.

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I don't mind either Kd. But if I consider its too expensive , I won't go. I've sat it out a few times whilst the family made such Visits.

aging local reprobates VF !? . you having problems with someone in Your Village ? Farang Pee Baa . ! Its not your dogs and the Chickens again is it ?

Go Ahead with the Good day thread, spread some of your Positivety on the great unwashed :)

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I see biff just showed up. Perhaps that means he is no longer having a bad day and his funds have been liberated. Perhaps he will even share. :)He is taking his time. Must be a long post.

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I don't mind either Kd. But if I consider its too expensive , I won't go. I've sat it out a few times whilst the family made such Visits.

aging local reprobates VF !? . you having problems with someone in Your Village ? Farang Pee Baa . ! Its not your dogs and the Chickens again is it ?

Go Ahead with the Good day thread, spread some of your Positivety on the great unwashed :D

Farang Pee Baa seems a fitting description. :)

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I don't mind either Kd. But if I consider its too expensive , I won't go. I've sat it out a few times whilst the family made such Visits.

aging local reprobates VF !? . you having problems with someone in Your Village ? Farang Pee Baa . ! Its not your dogs and the Chickens again is it ?

Go Ahead with the Good day thread, spread some of your Positivety on the great unwashed :D

Farang Pee Baa seems a fitting description. :D

Its a Very thin line VF. I suspect we all have Issues , except you ofcourse :)

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I suspect Biffs just collecting his thoughts and going over the comments before he commits himself.

He's going to find it difficult as some of it makes little sense after being edited by the thought Police :)

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I suspect Biffs just collecting his thoughts and going over the comments before he commits himself.

He's going to find it difficult as some of it makes little sense after being edited by the thought Police :)

Thanks for the heads up there Jubby. I had missed that development.

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Hi all you good/bad day/week/month ers :D

Kd I'd love to help you get out of the house but I'm kinda stuck up here in Chiang Saen (nicely stuck I might add!) and off home to the UK in a few days :D

It's been an up and down week, car hire company conspired with the banks that had been closed due to the bangkok troubles and my UK bank to hold on to 40,000 baht for over a week so things have been a little tight, but ok now :D

Got a rejection email about a job in Thailand :D

Found a small house we want to buy :D for 350,000 :D

The buyers said they wanted a quick sale which always makes me a bit nervous, but by quick they mean January next year! :)

If anyone knows a lawyer in the area who has knowledge of usufruct contact details would be very much appreciated. Even if they don't know what an usufruct is, if they're competent then they have between now and january to do some research :D

My g/f was most disappointed to find we couldn't put my name on the house as well as hers, at first she thought I didn't want my name on it which lead to the 'silent treatment' for an hour or so.

I'm back in the good books now, it all fitted in with the flow of the week as a whole.



Oh and we experienced the double pricing today, 700 year old ruined Wat in Chiang Saen, 50 baht for me and 10 for the mrs, hey ho! doesn't really bother me unless it gets up to a hundred or so for me and 10 for her then i'll just walk away :D

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If anyone knows a lawyer in the area who has knowledge of usufruct contact details would be very much appreciated. Even if they don't know what an usufruct is, if they're competent then they have between now and january to do some research :)

I have never used a lawyer myself but seem to remember a couple of lawyer threads not long ago. Surely someone will point you in the right direction.

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Hi all you good/bad day/week/month ers :D

Kd I'd love to help you get out of the house but I'm kinda stuck up here in Chiang Saen (nicely stuck I might add!) and off home to the UK in a few days :D

It's been an up and down week, car hire company conspired with the banks that had been closed due to the bangkok troubles and my UK bank to hold on to 40,000 baht for over a week so things have been a little tight, but ok now :D

Got a rejection email about a job in Thailand :D

Found a small house we want to buy :D for 350,000 :D

The buyers said they wanted a quick sale which always makes me a bit nervous, but by quick they mean January next year! :)

If anyone knows a lawyer in the area who has knowledge of usufruct contact details would be very much appreciated. Even if they don't know what an usufruct is, if they're competent then they have between now and january to do some research :D

My g/f was most disappointed to find we couldn't put my name on the house as well as hers, at first she thought I didn't want my name on it which lead to the 'silent treatment' for an hour or so.

I'm back in the good books now, it all fitted in with the flow of the week as a whole.



Oh and we experienced the double pricing today, 700 year old ruined Wat in Chiang Saen, 50 baht for me and 10 for the mrs, hey ho! doesn't really bother me unless it gets up to a hundred or so for me and 10 for her then i'll just walk away :D

Hello Biff. Glad to know the funds thing was corrected.

Don't sweat not being able to rescue me. I will manage to hang on a few more days. I think Soap will arrive Thursday afternoon and I can't say "no" to him. The wife has me pretty busy here anyway. Going to finish four chairs today and she will be happy. However, she just called in another order for some steel to be delivered this evening, so it looks like other projects are in the works.

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Biffster, get used to the Silent Treatment, Its much preferable to the non silent treatment.

My only real advice would be to only keep one Wife, its to do with PMT . trust me on this one. :)

Usufruct, plenty on here about it. Doubt you really need a Lawyer though.

Back to Blighty in a couple of days, Wow, as we say in Chigly or was it Camberwick green ; Time Flys By when your a Driver of a Train ;-) :D

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