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Why is it taxis driving behind you always are in a rush, tailgating, trying to overtake on dodgy stretches of road and pushing in all the time. Also they hardly ever let you in front of them.


while taxis drive in front of you they drive slow, like a curb crawler. Get in the way, drive in the middle of two lanes, slowly. Block roads while trying to find change for there customers.

It's mad! :)


Because you are driving too slowly without consideration for other road users - get out of the way.

would you stand in a doorway and chat whilst someone was waiting to get through???

If you are going to drive anywhere in the world you need to be aware,assertive and alert.

:D Ahhh On-nut, I love you're threads, especially in the morning when I'm feeling like this. I hope you are still checking the inside of those taxis for those old pot weilding grannies, I'm sure they are behind this :D:)

Deeral! There is always one on every thread. Thanks for your input though.

Neverdie, talking of plant pots, a new person has just moved in the old ladies house! I hope he is not as scary! :)

VocalNeil, there are some pink busses being driven around now, have you seen them? It will not be long before they are racing around like mad men on yaba.

"...trying to find change for their customers..."

That's a novalty, I've yet to find any taxi driver in Thailand with any change!

when I first came to live in Bangkok I got fed up with taxis not having change, so I remember one day I took all of the 1 baht coins I had left in a glass and paid a driver with them. Should of seen his face. :D:)

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