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Bangkok: Red-Shirts Storm Chulalongkorn Hospital


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Strange how quiet the foreign media is about this.

Anyone read anything on foreign news websites?

I found a Yahoo article that mentioned the "gunshot" outside the hospital ... but no mention of the raid :) .... Nothing else.

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During their search, watched by bewildered nurses and doctors, the red-shirt guards seized two men and brought them to the DAAD stage at the Rajprasong intersection. The two were later released after they told the red shirts they were just workers.

Words fail me sometimes. This is blatent terrorism in the true sense of the word. Inducing terror into the staff and patients at a respected hospital. Virtually no intervention from the police, who seem to think it is a big joke. I have never advocated violence, but the sooner these thugs are cleared off the streets, the better.

The outrage expressed on this thread is understandable. That is why Abhisit must do something more then just allow the reds to set up their own little city within Bangkok. The reds do not listen to logic, or have reason or empathy. They are crazed, a bit desperate and are showing their true belligerant, primitive upcountry "true colors."

Yes like hold elections now!

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Any group that would recruit and put children and women into the present situation can be expected to do the most unbelievable/reprehensible things and beyond. Negotiation, compromise, and other civilized ways of trying to solve problems require a more or less, moral/intelligent species for any chance of success. The responsible anti government/red shirts or what ever they are calling themselves now, are a wonderful example of how individuals can be a complete contradiction to the social, moral, and in all likely hood, physical, evolution of mankind.

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"Chulalongkorn hospital transfers patients as red shirts vow to return

BANGKOK: -- Chulalongkorn Hospital has transferred its patients to other Bangkok hospitals as red shirts protesters vowed to return to the hospital on Friday to check whether there were soldiers inside the hospital buildings."

I find it terrible that the Reds are entering a Hospital . This is not something civilized people should be doing. So what if there are soldiers there? Are the reds saying that the hospital cant treat soldiers?? Another reason the government must take action against this rabble

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Red Leaders Disapprove of Payap's Raid of Chulalongkorn Hospital Webfact

Left hand/right again.

Are these morons totally out of control - what spontaneous, non-sanctioned, action will we see next from some red shirt hot-head determined to make a name for himself.

Stop the flow/consumption of BOOZE and see a different RED.

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During their search, watched by bewildered nurses and doctors, the red-shirt guards seized two men and brought them to the DAAD stage at the Rajprasong intersection. The two were later released after they told the red shirts they were just workers.

Words fail me sometimes. This is blatent terrorism in the true sense of the word. Inducing terror into the staff and patients at a respected hospital. Virtually no intervention from the police, who seem to think it is a big joke. I have never advocated violence, but the sooner these thugs are cleared off the streets, the better.

The outrage expressed on this thread is understandable. That is why Abhisit must do something more then just allow the reds to set up their own little city within Bangkok. The reds do not listen to logic, or have reason or empathy. They are crazed, a bit desperate and are showing their true belligerant, primitive upcountry "true colors."

Yes like hold elections now!

what an original idea!

that would solve everything

* note: this is sarcasm

i felt that anyone who thinks that holding elections now would resolve this, would need this pointing out to them......

Edited by timekeeper
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Please, someone stop these idiots....We are far beyond a peaceful protest! TERRORISM is the correct name......

Shoot all their legs (not kill them).

When they admit to hospital for treatment, arrest them there.

Easier said than done. Have you ever tried to shoot the legs of a moving target. Police and armed forces are trained to shoot for the centre of body mass, ohh excluding groups such as snipers.

Its a dangerous practice and increases the chances of someone else being accidentally shot.

DISGUSTING behaviour from the mindless redshirt thugs.

MOSSAD is trained to go for a head shot as that is the killing shot

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The outrage expressed on this thread is understandable. That is why Abhisit must do something more then just allow the reds to set up their own little city within Bangkok. The reds do not listen to logic, or have reason or empathy. They are crazed, a bit desperate and are showing their true belligerant, primitive upcountry "true colors."

Yes like hold elections now!

I would suggest that the rule of law is restored before any elections are considered.

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What's the latest on the hospital breach?

Just the usual -- Red Shirt leaders saying they didn't order the action and criticising the guy who led the invasion.

Nothing new, then, just more denial of responsibility, hypocrisy, and cowardice shown by these Red goons.

Gee, busting into a hospital and frightening nurses, bet that makes them feel important and proud of themselves.

Totally agree RickBradford. The leaders can deny any responsibility all they wish, but each and every one should be held accountable, including PT, for this shocking act. They are the ones who called for this "protest" at the start. If their leaders and protesters get out of hand, they must carry that burden since this is what they wanted. Win at any cost. The continual denials and lack of responsibility over the past month is staggering.

The red leaders thus far have been the only chanting the same mantra over and over again, "Crackdown is imminent, crackdown is imminent." I now hope they get their wish.

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Words fail me today.... the actions of the reds push me further from their sympathies with every passing day. I find myself (a liberal) wanting military intervention. The police.... what a joke, wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.

So angry at the ineptness of the BiB. The PAD must being gaining followers with evey ill thought through red action.

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What's the latest on the hospital breach?

Just the usual -- Red Shirt leaders saying they didn't order the action and criticising the guy who led the invasion.

Nothing new, then, just more denial of responsibility, hypocrisy, and cowardice shown by these Red goons.

Gee, busting into a hospital and frightening nurses, bet that makes them feel important and proud of themselves.

Totally agree RickBradford. The leaders can deny any responsibility all they wish, but each and every one should be held accountable, including PT, for this shocking act. They are the ones who called for this "protest" at the start. If their leaders and protesters get out of hand, they must carry that burden since this is what they wanted. Win at any cost. The continual denials and lack of responsibility over the past month is staggering.

The red leaders thus far have been the only chanting the same mantra over and over again, "Crackdown is imminent, crackdown is imminent." I now hope they get their wish.

Exactly if the reds hold abhisit accountable for the bloodshed then the red leaders are accountable for the choas they encourage.

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The outrage expressed on this thread is understandable. That is why Abhisit must do something more then just allow the reds to set up their own little city within Bangkok. The reds do not listen to logic, or have reason or empathy. They are crazed, a bit desperate and are showing their true belligerant, primitive upcountry "true colors."

Yes like hold elections now!

I would suggest that the rule of law is restored before any elections are considered.

There is no way elections would be fair or democratic right now.

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Red shirts cancel plan to return to Chulalongkorn Hospital on Friday

BANGKOK: -- Red shirts protesters cancel their plan to return to Chulalongkorn Hospital on Friday to check whether there are troops hiding inside the hospital buildings.

Nation television channel reporter quoted Dr weng Tohjirakarn, a red shirts leader, as saying that the red shirts protesters decided to cancel the plan as it would badly affect the patients receiving treatment in the hospital.

Weng, a medical doctor, was not at the scene when about 200 red shirts protesters stormed into the hospital buildings on Thursday night to check reports that troops were hiding inside.

The protesters, led by Payap Panket, vowed to return to re-check on Friday.

Weng said on Friday he would like to extend apology to what happened on Thursday.


-- The Nation 2010-04-30


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Please, someone stop these idiots....We are far beyond a peaceful protest! TERRORISM is the correct name......

Shoot all their legs (not kill them).

When they admit to hospital for treatment, arrest them there.

Easier said than done. Have you ever tried to shoot the legs of a moving target. Police and armed forces are trained to shoot for the centre of body mass, ohh excluding groups such as snipers.

Its a dangerous practice and increases the chances of someone else being accidentally shot.

DISGUSTING behaviour from the mindless redshirt thugs.

Then use 12 guage shotgun, with small shot so as not to kill but let them know they can no longer run.

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Looks like Doc Weng has offered an apology. Best apology they can offer is packing up and going home IMHO.

These facists should go home or hand over every lunatic who terrorised the hospital including payap. No preconditions. Going home would be best as they have trampled on so many rights opf others now that they have no connection to democracy or people's rights left. They remain an armed violent facist group now. And all because of a few months for an election. Luckily the movement has been exposed for what it is before an election, which now looks a long way off.

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Red shirts cancel plan to return to Chulalongkorn Hospital on Friday

BANGKOK: -- Red shirts protesters cancel their plan to return to Chulalongkorn Hospital on Friday to check whether there are troops hiding inside the hospital buildings.

Nation television channel reporter quoted Dr weng Tohjirakarn, a red shirts leader, as saying that the red shirts protesters decided to cancel the plan as it would badly affect the patients receiving treatment in the hospital.

Weng, a medical doctor, was not at the scene when about 200 red shirts protesters stormed into the hospital buildings on Thursday night to check reports that troops were hiding inside.

The protesters, led by Payap Panket, vowed to return to re-check on Friday.

Weng said on Friday he would like to extend apology to what happened on Thursday.

-- The Nation 2010-04-30

and that apology from Weng, has nothing to do with the universal media condemnation raining down upon the red heads

what about an apology from payap?

heres an idea, if they are sincere.

if they feel so strongly that he was out of order, what about turning in Payap to the authorities?

that might put a little meat on the bone

wait! whats that? i see a huge pig streaking across the horizon......

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I know i've been supporting the reds a lot, because not all reds are violent, but if the non violents allow this to happen and still support it then they are no longer Non violent. I will no longer defend the people who allow this to happen.

Well said.

I make that comment apolitically because any reasonable person - red, or otherwise - will see how dispicable this action was.

Absolutely correct. what kind of apologists are the heads of the police departments? They should be dismissed immediately for dereliction of duty and NOT shunted off to some 'inactive post' as is the norm for these blxxding idiots. But of course that would take balls that none of the government ministers seem to have; just trying to placate all sides --- never , never , works. Get TOUGH on the thugs and if you have to break some skulls then dxmn well get on with it. At least the law abiding Thais will thank

them for this. Seems most of the Thai police(force) would make very suitable candidates for the U.N police force - another pile of toothless tigers, all mouth (medals from gxd nows where) and no trousers.

Edited by cheshiremusicman
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The Mrs who is a nurse is absolutely disgusted and now plans to go join a yellow arranged rally this afternoon.

Talk about losing support.

Now we see the leaders apologising and saying they didn’t authorise it. Very sincere right?

Isn’t this the first time they ever acknowledged doing anything wrong and the first time they have ever apologised?

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For those of you wondering where there foreign news coverage is: They'll only cover it if there's bloodshed. The hospital invasion while despicable, doesn't offer any pictures of bloodied up people, or the firing of any weapons. Therefore it will get ignored.

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I hope the authorites demand Payap and every thug involved is handed over without condition. It is a public hospital used by mostly poor people and they have to terrorize it. Before this although never having any time for the self serving leaders of the movement had a lot f time for basic remands. I still do but this is no longer a movement to take the basic demands of equality and democracy forward. And in there is another tragedy. The red leadership and their jackbooted guards are undermining the legitimate demands of the poor and maybe setting them back a long way. Yesterday I read something on a Thai forum about how the communists and red siam had gone relatively quiet as they saw the red violence undermining the cause. Looks like this is confirmed after terrorizing a hospital

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