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Chulalongkorn Hospital Evacuated After Stormed By Red-Shirts


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I wonder what it takes for embassies to shut down and send their expat staff to safety in neighbouring countries. The British Embassy now has virtually all its expat staff and their families living on site, right on the edge of the red zone, overlooked by several tall buildings and within easy range of M79 and RPG fire. Its outsourced visa service, VHS, on Rajdamri has already been shut for two weeks. I think there are any alternative arrangements for Thais who need to go to the UK urgently.

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I've heard that there are about a hundred women sitting in Ratchaprasong making molotov cocktails in broad daylight, as if they are making somtam.... this is not good. They have started their own manufacturing of weapons since they are having trouble importing... nothing good can come of this!

It would be hilarious if a few of those (like, maybe 100) accidentally went off in the middle of the red camp. Som nam na!

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Let's keep things in perspective pls. Why is any of this worse than what we've seen very recently, with people getting shot and grenades going off and people dying? I sense a lot of fabricated indignation; the Reds are jittery, they KNOW they can get their faces blown off at any time by government (or rogue army) snipers.. It's chaotic, someone thinks they see military in the building directly overlooking their site.. It happens to be a hospital, but better safe than sorry.

Good of Dr. Weng to apologize though, respect.

Lets understand what happened.

Old Weng last night went on stage and said the government were hiding fully armed troops in Chula Hospital. The later Payap went on stage and said the same thing. Then a very young woman journalist challeneged Payap t o produce evidence. Payap obviously couldnt produce any at all but having had his word as a elitist Thai cahallenged by some young woman was quite hard for him to take. Lot sof the elite ar elike this. If they say something you are expected to believe it and for a young woman to challenge a rich powerful older man was just too much for old Payap who basically thought he would prove it by storming into the hospital. Theh double loss of face. Not only was it shown that old Weng and old Payap were telling a few porkies but the condemnation for stroming into a hospital gave the reds one of their biggets PR disasters to date and left any vestige of moral highground shattered while also taking what they had done past anything the yellows had ever done.

So when Weng issues his hollow apology where is his apology for whippng the incident up with his lies in the first place?

When Abhisit apologised for the April 10 killings , i suppose thats ok to you

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So what did he do ?

They did nothing.


No the hospital has been forced to stop taking any but critical emergency patients

and forced to move either patents to other buildings, or other hospitals, for their safety.

This is not some benign, doesn't matter issue, to laugh at, especially for the patients.

While the clown laughs it up, one of those Thais affected:

"They can protest all they want but they should not come here, and they should not have prevented us from receiving service," said an angry Purin Supadith, one of many being turned away at the hospital's outpatient department Friday morning.


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If he can't do his job, he should resign. Don't Thai policemen take an oath to uphold the law? Maybe not.

Why don't you go and remind him yourself.

PS. He collects guns and is considered very 'jai ron', good luck.

The sad thing is that also a lot of educators, government officials and others are pretty much red.

So we have the police, army, educators, government officials, and poor people all red and yet the Thai government doesn't listen to them.

How does that work?

Oh I remember, the government wasn't elected, they had a coup, that's all right then.

Just to remind those who may have missed it:

In Thailand the government is not elected by the people.

The people elect the members of the parliament, the House of Representatives and half the Senate. These MPs then elect the government. And for this, they may form alliances. That's what happened. First, a majority of MPs choose Samak who was found guilty of breaking the law. So they elected Thaksin's brother in law. But then a certain political party close to Thaksin and his BIL was found guilty of electoral fraud and the board incl. the then PM were banned from politics and the party dissolved.

That's when these remaining MPs (remember, they all got elected by the people), choose another PM, this time Abhisit.

Now, Sarahsbloke, please tell us what was wrong, illegal, unconstitutional here? Maybe you know something we don't know.

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In addition to the wheelchair-bound patients shown earlier, the international press is showing the bed-ridden being evacuated to safety

Reuters - Paramedics assist in evacuating a patient from the Chulalongkorn Hospital in the Silom business district of Bangkok

This is really sick. The reds are starting to look like the Khmers Rouges.

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Not sure why anybody is still calling this red mob a protest. Seems to me when people act as terrorists and go to this extent in infringing on people's safety and a countries economy they are no longer protesters.

We all seem to foget the Yellow SHirts and how they shut down the airport! Also what the yellow shirts gained by shutting down the airport. The current Government!!!

I hear this all the time. Just because the yellow's did something stupid doesn't mean the reds should. If my neighbor bangs himself in the head with a hammer, should I do the same? Their logic is very childish...but then again, that's who they are playing to...the poor, uneducated masses....

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Announce to the protesters they have 24 hours to go home, because at that time helicopters will drop teargas to disperse anybody remaining. Small numbers in the afternoon anyway. No fatalities. Crowd dispersed. Then be prepared to deal with the outbreaks in other cities which are starting anyway.

Either that or Abhisit concede to RS demands.

Either that or do nothing, and watch Thailand rapidly go down the tubes.

Be a leader Abhisit, make a decision now. The country needs a decisive leader.

He HAS made a decision. He's decided to pursue a peaceful and lawful resolution to the crisis. He's also decided to continue the work of government which can be observed in the Parliament tendering and passing new legislation and other initiatives of national interest everyday.

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Not sure why anybody is still calling this red mob a protest. Seems to me when people act as terrorists and go to this extent in infringing on people's safety and a countries economy they are no longer protesters.

We all seem to foget the Yellow SHirts and how they shut down the airport! Also what the yellow shirts gained by shutting down the airport. The current Government!!!

yeah is that right so why not blame the 70's or late 80's or maybe you can justify it by telling stories from the 1832

just because it happend before doesnt mean its ok to do so now

and by the way how many died in that airport huh ?

Edited by sbk
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Not sure why anybody is still calling this red mob a protest. Seems to me when people act as terrorists and go to this extent in infringing on people's safety and a countries economy they are no longer protesters.

We all seem to foget the Yellow SHirts and how they shut down the airport! Also what the yellow shirts gained by shutting down the airport. The current Government!!!

You might wish to actually LEARN about what happened in 2008 and not just spout nonsense. The PAD was at the airport for 8 days after that AOT closed the airport.

The courts disbanded PPP, the PAD had nothing to do with that.

The Members of Parliament chose the new government, the way they chose every government.

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In addition to the wheelchair-bound patients shown earlier, the international press is showing the bed-ridden being evacuated to safety

Reuters - Paramedics assist in evacuating a patient from the Chulalongkorn Hospital in the Silom business district of Bangkok

This is really sick. The reds are starting to look like the Khmers Rouges.

I think you're too kind ... It started quite a while ago !


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where were the police, just being spectators as usual?

My father in law is a policeman in Bangkok.

He is also a red shirt, as are many (if not most) of his colleagues. Same for the army.

If the government orders them to attack their own, it will initiate the civil war.

If the army and police join the opposition the government are finished.

I'm not taking sides, or saying who is right or wrong, just pointing out how it is.

Please ,most of us know that reds are almost everywhere. Teaching students, being cops, farmers and others.

But to occupy a hospital, or to stop an army train(s) on their way to the south is clearly a crime and has nothing to do with 'asking' for new elections. I've seen that too many times that Isan farmers receive money to put their name on.

Let's change your post. Should the army and cops be what they suppose to be, the reds would have to go home. There's no need to see more dead people. I guess the reds started their bloody campaign, or?

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Let's keep things in perspective pls. Why is any of this worse than what we've seen very recently, with people getting shot and grenades going off and people dying? I sense a lot of fabricated indignation; the Reds are jittery, they KNOW they can get their faces blown off at any time by government (or rogue army) snipers.. It's chaotic, someone thinks they see military in the building directly overlooking their site.. It happens to be a hospital, but better safe than sorry.

Good of Dr. Weng to apologize though, respect.

Lets understand what happened.

Old Weng last night went on stage and said the government were hiding fully armed troops in Chula Hospital. Then later Payap went on stage and said the same thing. Then a very young woman journalist challeneged Payap to produce evidence. Payap obviously couldnt produce any at all but having had his word as a elitist Thai cahallenged by some young woman was quite hard for him to take. Lot sof the elite are like this. If they say something you are expected to believe it and for a young woman to challenge a rich powerful older man was just too much for old Payap who basically thought he would prove it by storming into the hospital. Then double loss of face. Not only was it shown that old Weng and old Payap were telling a few porkies but the condemnation for storming into a hospital gave the reds one of their biggets PR disasters to date and left any vestige of moral highground shattered while also taking what they had done past anything the yellows had ever done.

So when Weng issues his hollow apology where is his apology for whippng the incident up with his lies in the first place?

No worry, give the Butcher if Bangkok and his PR strategists a half day down on the streets of bangkok and he will refill the entire hospital with new patients in serious condition. Easy task, that is what the PM is known for.

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Please understand I am writing as neutrally as possible here with a couple of observations. I have my own beliefs but they don't align with any color OR any government. I am just reporting what I saw since the reports are not quite accurate enough and may answer some of the questions asked here.

The so called "incident" was a SHOOT OUT!

I was right there (5 meters away) and the Thursday night incident happened like this. It was about 9pm. There were about 7 armed soldiers in the car park of Chula Hospital at the very far end near the Red Cross hospital and they were sneaking their way towards the hospital where the Reds are held up another 300 meters away hiding behind trees and bushes.

I also saw the Reds were creeping up on the soldiers and I knew they would clash so picked up my pace to get past the soldiers and to the Red Cross Hospital where I am based. Just as I got past them there was a hail of Sling Shot ball-bearings whizzing past me and the army personnel and there was also a small caliber shot fired(which came from where the Reds were positioned). Immediately after the small caliber shot was fired the 7 or so army personnel fired about 15 rounds from M16's. After that I didn't see much as I ran across the road where 30 or so unarmed police officers saw me running and immediately followed me to run into the Red Cross Hospital to hide.

The firing lasted about 5 seconds and then a contingent of unarmed police went back into the Chula Hospital car park were the incident happened car and sat down in the middle of the car park and given a speech by a senior officer. The Reds and the army had disappeared back to their original positions and it appears that no one was hurt.

It seems the police are relatively neutral in this as they are allowed to sit in the middle of the car park, very close to the Reds, unarmed without incident. I was surprised at this since there had just been an armed standoff there. Senior police regularly walk around the grounds and talk with the Reds.

I don't know why the army was in the hospital grounds, this is not their normal position. They are normally on the opposite side of the road (and apparently are not allowed in the grounds of Chula Hospital?)

Secondly, the small caliber shot appeared to me to have had to come from the where the Reds were, and I have already seen a hand gun in the Reds enclave in the past so have little doubt about this. I believe the Red's fired a handgun first, or someone standing next to the Reds.

This all took place in the Chula Hospital car park located next to Param 4(Rama 4) not in any buildings. M16 shells were found and photographed by the media and the police.


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No worry, give the Butcher if Bangkok and his PR strategists a half day down on the streets of bangkok and he will refill the entire hospital with new patients in serious condition. Easy task, that is what the PM is known for.

translation please in english

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Just to remind those who may have missed it:

In Thailand the government is not elected by the people.

The people elect the members of the parliament, the House of Representatives and half the Senate. These MPs then elect the government. And for this, they may form alliances. That's what happened. First, a majority of MPs choose Samak who was found guilty of breaking the law. So they elected Thaksin's brother in law. But then a certain political party close to Thaksin and his BIL was found guilty of electoral fraud and the board incl. the then PM were banned from politics and the party dissolved.

That's when these remaining MPs (remember, they all got elected by the people), choose another PM, this time Abhisit.

Now, Sarahsbloke, please tell us what was wrong, illegal, unconstitutional here? Maybe you know something we don't know.

Ide also like to hear a response from the other side towards this claim...

Im not privy to the election process within Thailand... can you confirm or deny this... and if true, why are the reds crying undemocratic then??

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Announce to the protesters they have 24 hours to go home, because at that time helicopters will drop teargas to disperse anybody remaining. Small numbers in the afternoon anyway. No fatalities. Crowd dispersed. Then be prepared to deal with the outbreaks in other cities which are starting anyway.

Either that or Abhisit concede to RS demands.

Either that or do nothing, and watch Thailand rapidly go down the tubes.

Be a leader Abhisit, make a decision now. The country needs a decisive leader.

He HAS made a decision. He's decided to pursue a peaceful and lawful resolution to the crisis. He's also decided to continue the work of government which can be observed in the Parliament tendering and passing new legislation and other initiatives of national interest everyday.

I understand. If his police and Army were able to maintain law and order that would be a prudent strategy. But to allow near-anarchy and mob lawlessness in the interim with the world watching is a mistake IMO. What message does that send people considering doing business in or investing here, or future tourists, or people considering relocating to Thailand?

Edited by Lopburi99
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I've heard that there are about a hundred women sitting in Ratchaprasong making molotov cocktails in broad daylight, as if they are making somtam.... this is not good. They have started their own manufacturing of weapons since they are having trouble importing... nothing good can come of this!

"I've heard that". Have you seen it? If not please don't write such worthless stuff.

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Just to remind those who may have missed it:

In Thailand the government is not elected by the people.

The people elect the members of the parliament, the House of Representatives and half the Senate. These MPs then elect the government. And for this, they may form alliances. That's what happened. First, a majority of MPs choose Samak who was found guilty of breaking the law. So they elected Thaksin's brother in law. But then a certain political party close to Thaksin and his BIL was found guilty of electoral fraud and the board incl. the then PM were banned from politics and the party dissolved.

That's when these remaining MPs (remember, they all got elected by the people), choose another PM, this time Abhisit.

Now, Sarahsbloke, please tell us what was wrong, illegal, unconstitutional here? Maybe you know something we don't know.

Ide also like to hear a response from the other side towards this claim...

Im not privy to the election process within Thailand... can you confirm or deny this... and if true, why are the reds crying undemocratic then??

A clear description of the electoral system

But ! one has to understand that those "we want democracy" claims as well as the "this is all for the poor of Thailand" claims are nothing but BS. The red's agenda is Thaksins agenda and his supporters here. The final goal for Thaksin is simple, total control of the country without any resistance.

Penang or Lankawi start sounding great by now

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I've heard that there are about a hundred women sitting in Ratchaprasong making molotov cocktails in broad daylight, as if they are making somtam.... this is not good. They have started their own manufacturing of weapons since they are having trouble importing... nothing good can come of this!

"I've heard that". Have you seen it? If not please don't write such worthless stuff.

Of course not. So what if I haven't seen it. I'm sure you have not seen 1% of the things you talk about in life, but if they come from a reliable source, you'd talk about it. Also, this is a webchat room, not the Briefing Room at the White House you clown!

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Edmund Burke, the Anglo-Irish politician of the late 18th century, commenting on the early stages of the French revolution, observed that even though the popular cry was for 'democracy' events were quickly demonstrating the development of rule by 'mobocracy'. He lived to see the revolution give way to the dictatorship of the Jacobins, followed in its turn by that of Napoleon. Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.

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Markokang --- why do not even the Reds document what you claim?

The initial tweets in the Nation's daily news thread reported the sound of gunfire, which was later corrected to be fire crackers.

Obviously one of the two reports is wrong.

Edited by rabo
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Announce to the protesters they have 24 hours to go home, because at that time helicopters will drop teargas to disperse anybody remaining. Small numbers in the afternoon anyway. No fatalities. Crowd dispersed. Then be prepared to deal with the outbreaks in other cities which are starting anyway.

Either that or Abhisit concede to RS demands.

Either that or do nothing, and watch Thailand rapidly go down the tubes.

Be a leader Abhisit, make a decision now. The country needs a decisive leader.

He HAS made a decision. He's decided to pursue a peaceful and lawful resolution to the crisis. He's also decided to continue the work of government which can be observed in the Parliament tendering and passing new legislation and other initiatives of national interest everyday.

I understand. If his police and Army were able to maintain law and order that would be a prudent strategy. But to allow near-anarchy and mob lawlessness in the interim with the world watching is a mistake IMO.

The police force in Thailand doesn't work on behalf of the public, it works on behalf of itself. If that wasn't clear to everyone before, well it out to be now, eh? If he survives this crisis I think he will face less obstruction in reforming it.

Edited by lannarebirth
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So what did he do ?

Kill patients ?

Beat up nurses ?

Make people die through lack of treatment ?

They did nothing.

The hospital can run as normal last night and today but IT DECIDES NOT TO, have they been "paid off" to put on a media circus show and play to the TV and other YELLOW media for the "mass propaganda".


More propaganda, just like Silom BTS attack and the claims of Suthep and the Yellow shirts and Yellow newspapers after that happened.

Pure BS.


You do a great diservice to your Thai visa moniker! I am sure that many Thais are confused as to what 'Level head' actually means. Perhaps it is someone who thinks, objectively, and makes balanced decisions and comments that are based on reason rather than emotion. In fact the term 'Level head' encompasses most things that you are not!


The post you made whereby you claimed to be a conservative right wing republican seems to have disappeared. It is a shame because it amused me greatly. You are anything but a right wing republican. As an ex member of the British military I worked often with our 'cousins' over the water and still have many good friends there. They were all right wing republicans, and let me tell you, you are nothing like them and cannot be as you say. The one thing they all share in common is unswerving patriotism and a principle for upholding the law at any cost. Under the current circumstances any self respecting right winger would be demanding that the government order the armed forces to put a live round in the chamber and move forward, either arresting or shooting those that fight back. The whole area would be cleared in a matter of hours, job done. A right winger would under no circumstances sanction any citizen who trampled on the constitution of the land. You need to redefine yourself.!!

It is little wonder that Weng is apologising, he is fully aware as a red leader his neck is on the line. For the requirements of the Geneva Convention to be met it does not require an international war to be declared. It is a law that is to protect people in any form of conflict, international or domestic. Why do you think the Red Cross have made a formal complaint over the invasion of the hospital? Because it is a grave breech of the Geneva Convention.

Medical equipment must not be intentionally destroyed and medical establishments and vehicles must not be attacked, damaged or prevented from operating even if, for the moment, they do not contain patients.
art 24 Medical personnel exclusively engaged in the search for, or the collection, transport or treatment of the wounded or sick, or in the prevention of disease, staff exclusively engaged in the administration of medical units and establishments, as well as chaplains attached to the armed forces, shall be respected and protected in all circumstances.

The consequence for a 'grave breech' of the Geneva convention is that the perpetraitors can be charged to the same extent as a war crime. Now I am not sure, but I imagine in Thailand, the punishment for that could be a little extreme. Further, the Government would have to conduct a trial and carry out the punishment as it is one of 160 countries to ratify the convention and it is a matter of International principle that it's values are upheld.

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