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Chulalongkorn Hospital Evacuated After Stormed By Red-Shirts


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A few days ago NuttyWot said that if the PM does not attack us, he must resign. IMO this is a further provocation to have the govt forces attack and initiate a bloodbath, purely to obtain a PR victory. What's a few dead rice farmers; plenty more where they come from.

A red apologist descibed non-lethal crowd dispersal tools using sound and light as "evil". I wonder why? I wonder why they are not being used. I doubt that the people living in the neighbourhood would complain too much, the Tall guy would think it was part of the fun!

Here is a suggestion :)

From newspaper interviews with some women who enjoy hanging out there, its fun and the food is good!

Now lets make it less fun and most of those will leave quickly.

Here my suggestion, Water cannons filled with Klong water from lets say Sathorn mixed in pig excrement collected from the numerous pig farms near Bangkok - spray the whole area with a thick layer.

It's natural, bio degradable (so even the green's can't complain) and I'm pretty sure that within a coupple of day's of hot sunshine and a daily dose of the same at least the "women and children" would leave,

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Thaksin's Reds' mob brings shame to this country.

How long the people of Thailand can tolerate this abuse by a minority?

Most of us will forgive the government if tough action is made and of course if there is a little of red blood in the streets.... after all that is what reds are looking for, since the very beginning.

Edited by fleming
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i think its wise of pm not to attack that mobster camp . the leaders just using to many woman and children as human shields. just seal them off as in seal nobody in just out in the end there will be only the guilty ones left . lets hope the population of bangkok handles it wise as well

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The government have some explaining to do too. How is it they failed to protect a place of refuge. Guess the police officer in charge of this disaster has resigned already and if not will be hastily dispatched.

Have the democracy and human rights loviong reds handed Payap and all the perpetrators over to authorites yet?

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I've heard that there are about a hundred women sitting in Ratchaprasong making molotov cocktails in broad daylight, as if they are making somtam.... this is not good. They have started their own manufacturing of weapons since they are having trouble importing... nothing good can come of this!

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Let's keep things in perspective pls. Why is any of this worse than what we've seen very recently, with people getting shot and grenades going off and people dying? I sense a lot of fabricated indignation; the Reds are jittery, they KNOW they can get their faces blown off at any time by government (or rogue army) snipers.. It's chaotic, someone thinks they see military in the building directly overlooking their site.. It happens to be a hospital, but better safe than sorry.

Good of Dr. Weng to apologize though, respect.

Respect for Weng? You must be kidding. Today you have disappointed me, you are really totally red. Open your eyes please.

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Let's keep things in perspective pls. Why is any of this worse than what we've seen very recently, with people getting shot and grenades going off and people dying? I sense a lot of fabricated indignation; the Reds are jittery, they KNOW they can get their faces blown off at any time by government (or rogue army) snipers.. It's chaotic, someone thinks they see military in the building directly overlooking their site.. It happens to be a hospital, but better safe than sorry.

Good of Dr. Weng to apologize though, respect.

You're not even worthy of a reply, BUT i can't resist.

You think the actions of this scum is defendable, soldiers or not? Seriously, what are you smoking?

Oh, and Weng apologising makes it ok, does it? Take off the Red-coloured glasses and seriously try to justify this in your mind. If you do still believe their actions were just then i am afraid you have wiped out any credibility you may have had.

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The government have some explaining to do too. How is it they failed to protect a place of refuge. Guess the police officer in charge of this disaster has resigned already and if not will be hastily dispatched.

Have the democracy and human rights loviong reds handed Payap and all the perpetrators over to authorites yet?

Police? There are police in Bangkok?

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with a lil mustache how does he look like

somehow a lil like Chuwit too

Unfortunately in the Thai elite and more so in the rural feudal classes there are loads of these people with a sense of entitlement and a belief they can do anythign because they are the men and come from a powerful family and the law dfoesnt apply to them. Another hang over from the not so distant feudal days. Oddly enough the reds fail to address these issues although as in a recent interview with BKK Dan Weng basically denied the extra-judicial stuff it is not overly surprising

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Let's keep things in perspective pls. Why is any of this worse than what we've seen very recently, with people getting shot and grenades going off and people dying? I sense a lot of fabricated indignation; the Reds are jittery, they KNOW they can get their faces blown off at any time by government (or rogue army) snipers.. It's chaotic, someone thinks they see military in the building directly overlooking their site.. It happens to be a hospital, but better safe than sorry.

Good of Dr. Weng to apologize though, respect.

Yes, lets keep things in perspective.

1) The army and police have not only a right but a lawful duty to be anywhere around the Red site to protect the interests of the public and Thailand.

2) The reds are in violation of untold number of laws by their seizure of public and private property in their attack against the Thai gov't, the people of Bangkok and the Thai economy.

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The face of terrorism:


Former Thai Rak Thai Party MP and current Red Shirt Leader Payap Panket

this is CRIMINAL, even in a state of war, this guy will bring to the military court !

shame !

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The face of terrorism:


Former Thai Rak Thai Party MP and current Red Shirt Leader Payap Panket

this is CRIMINAL, even in a state of war, this guy will bring to the military court !

shame !

Indeed attacking a hospital is a war crime in a time of war.

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For what it's worth, I believe the Director (or the person who authorised) of Chulla Hospital should do the honourable thing and resign for bringing so much shame upon himself by putting all his patients and staff in mortal danger when he openned his doors to a known terrorist group. Disgusting, reprehensible lack of responsibility.

While they're at it, Dr. Weng's license to practice medicine should be revoked immediately. Leaders are 100% responsible for any outcome brought on by their followers. To imply they can't control their groups is nonsense. He and his ilk wanted this protest, and they got it. Dr. Weng has brought great shame to his profession by allowing his people to terrorize a hospital. Weng did nothing while his followers kidnapped people, terrorized others, and illegally stormed Chula. Weng is an absolute disgrace to his profession and should be investigated as to why he allowed a hospital to be terrorized.

Empty and meaningless apology from Weng.

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The reason the Army/government is waiting is:

1) violently cracking down on the reds will give them sympathy and more votes, the reason the redshirt leaders took over center bangkok is to provoke the government into doing this; that failed and now they are getting desperate and doing things like ransacking hospitals.

2) not cracking down makes everyone get tired of, or hate the redshirts, which start to look like a bunch of thugs, not victims or democracy activists.

3) The economic impact of the occupation is really not as bad as it looks, ritzy hotels and places like Gaysorn are possessions of just a few rich people, not the rich class altogether..most Thai peoples economic life hardly revolve around Siam Paragon, it's just 3 malls and a few hotels, bkk has more ritzy malls and hotels just down the bts or a short drive away. Tourists soon realize that the situation here really isn't that dangerous and there are many better places in Thailand for them to go.

4) cracking down too quickly increases the chance of civilian deaths because the reshirts hide armed men with grenades and guns amounst the crowd and use human sheilds, they then scream "murderers" in other words they want the police to massacre the unarmed civilians because it helps them politically.

5) The longer the police army wait, the more protesters go home, there's not that many reds down there now, i was there 2 days ago and moral seems to be low, people getting bored, again thats why they start getting desperate and doing stupid things like raiding hospitals or trying to break out of their protest zone-which failed.

6) in another month of standoff the red shirts will be more willing to negotiate a more reasonable time frame for new elections.

Couldnt agree more...

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From newspaper interviews with some women who enjoy hanging out there, its fun and the food is good!

Now lets make it less fun and most of those will leave quickly.

Here my suggestion, Water cannons filled with Klong water from lets say Sathorn mixed in pig excrement collected from the numerous pig farms near Bangkok - spray the whole area with a thick layer.

It's natural, bio degradable (so even the green's can't complain) and I'm pretty sure that within a couple of day's of hot sunshine and a daily dose of the same at least the "women and children" would leave and than the military can move in with full force and arrest the lot. I think dispersal can not be the goal anymore since they would try to simply set up a new stronghold - arrest and prison is the only option for those criminals

But I'm sure the Klong water and crap solution would work ....think of the trillions of flies .........

Edited by Herm
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A few days ago NuttyWot said that if the PM does not attack us, he must resign. IMO this is a further provocation to have the govt forces attack and initiate a bloodbath, purely to obtain a PR victory. What's a few dead rice farmers; plenty more where they come from.

A red apologist descibed non-lethal crowd dispersal tools using sound and light as "evil". I wonder why? I wonder why they are not being used. I doubt that the people living in the neighbourhood would complain too much, the Tall guy would think it was part of the fun!

I think because these tactics are largely ineffective in disbanding the crowd but are very effective in causing stress. The gov't does't want to be seen provoking the mob as the reds do daily to authority. Besides, all the authorities need to do is make a couple troop moves each night to get the reds woke up and circling the wagons as the panic and cry "they are coming"

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It's all part of their stated aims of "democracy".

"We have no rights to search you, search your car, or search a hospital, but we are going to do it anyway."

Red Democracy at work.


That is just like Democracy according to Thaksin.

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Let's keep things in perspective pls. Why is any of this worse than what we've seen very recently, with people getting shot and grenades going off and people dying? I sense a lot of fabricated indignation; the Reds are jittery, they KNOW they can get their faces blown off at any time by government (or rogue army) snipers.. It's chaotic, someone thinks they see military in the building directly overlooking their site.. It happens to be a hospital, but better safe than sorry.

Good of Dr. Weng to apologize though, respect.

This apology is consistent with their policy of denial and nothing else - their actions have been consistent with those of a large mob of criminals and the government has to take action NOW to stop the anarchy. If the reds should win, Thaksin will return and the country will face total anarchy.

Curious ... have the reds expressed any kind of remorse or condemned the grenade attack or bombings going on in BKK ?

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The reason the Army/government is waiting is:

1) violently cracking down on the reds will give them sympathy and more votes, the reason the redshirt leaders took over center bangkok is to provoke the government into doing this; that failed and now they are getting desperate and doing things like ransacking hospitals.

2) not cracking down makes everyone get tired of, or hate the redshirts, which start to look like a bunch of thugs, not victims or democracy activists.

3) The economic impact of the occupation is really not as bad as it looks, ritzy hotels and places like Gaysorn are possessions of just a few rich people, not the rich class altogether..most Thai peoples economic life hardly revolve around Siam Paragon, it's just 3 malls and a few hotels, bkk has more ritzy malls and hotels just down the bts or a short drive away. Tourists soon realize that the situation here really isn't that dangerous and there are many better places in Thailand for them to go.

4) cracking down too quickly increases the chance of civilian deaths because the reshirts hide armed men with grenades and guns amounst the crowd and use human sheilds, they then scream "murderers" in other words they want the police to massacre the unarmed civilians because it helps them politically.

5) The longer the police army wait, the more protesters go home, there's not that many reds down there now, i was there 2 days ago and moral seems to be low, people getting bored, again thats why they start getting desperate and doing stupid things like raiding hospitals or trying to break out of their protest zone-which failed.

6) in another month of standoff the red shirts will be more willing to negotiate a more reasonable time frame for new elections.

Couldnt agree more...


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Let's keep things in perspective pls. Why is any of this worse than what we've seen very recently, with people getting shot and grenades going off and people dying? I sense a lot of fabricated indignation; the Reds are jittery, they KNOW they can get their faces blown off at any time by government (or rogue army) snipers.. It's chaotic, someone thinks they see military in the building directly overlooking their site.. It happens to be a hospital, but better safe than sorry.

Good of Dr. Weng to apologize though, respect.

This apology is consistent with their policy of denial and nothing else - their actions have been consistent with those of a large mob of criminals and the government has to take action NOW to stop the anarchy. If the reds should win, Thaksin will return and the country will face total anarchy.

Curious ... have the reds expressed any kind of remorse or condemned the grenade attack or bombings going on in BKK ?

Remorse from the reds? After the bombings and chaos in Silom, they celebrated by singing and dancing at the request of Jatuporn.

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