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Taken Fox News Off Here In Khon Kaen

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Maybe I am your only project... Why don't you just do something worthwhile? I do... or at least the US government (501c3), several foundations here in Thailand, and the United Nations IP crowd thinks I do.

BTW Nice emoticons ... they sure come in handy when you lack vocabulary.

I have a letter from the US government that says I am a good guy. Would that help?

So pleased to know you are in with the UN and doing all the good works. Is that what got you interested in teenage brothels? :D

As far as my vocabulary is concerned, I find that words cannot express my true feelings for you so I must resort to emoticons. :)

Wouldn't want to get banned after all these years on TV now, would I. :D

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Even though you gave me that great advice to get morals, I haven't bothered as of yet so here's what I'm goin' do before I get morals:

I know what is the problem here.. you just can't understand how a whimp like Jazzbo has all these young girls and a badass FOX watcher like yourself ain't got none.

-- just as the line from George Lucas' American Graffiti:


There's that badass Chevy again.

Look at he snatch he's got with him.


Hey, man, he looks like a whimp.

(Curt nods and tries to join in.)


Probably is. Whimps get all the


So I'm going to come up there to NBLP and with a few phone calls I'll arrange for you a schoolgirl of AT LEAST 18 years old -- who's maybe behind on her NOKIA payments -- and who will take care of you so you won't be able to walk for a few days... 'cause that's the kind of nice guy I am...

Even though you gave me that great advice to get morals, I haven't bothered as of yet so here's what I'm goin' do before I get morals:

I know what is the problem here.. you just can't understand how a whimp like Jazzbo has all these young girls and a badass FOX watcher like yourself ain't got none.

-- just as the line from George Lucas' American Graffiti:


There's that badass Chevy again.

Look at he snatch he's got with him.


Hey, man, he looks like a whimp.

(Curt nods and tries to join in.)


Probably is. Whimps get all the


So I'm going to come up there to NBLP and with a few phone calls I'll arrange for you a schoolgirl of AT LEAST 18 years old -- who's maybe behind on her NOKIA payments -- and who will take care of you so you won't be able to walk for a few days... 'cause that's the kind of nice guy I am...

So...you are really a pimp?

Now we all understand why the US Government and the UN think you are so wonderful.



It's amusing, when a topical thread like this exists-- how the intolerant haters, who have nothing worthwhile to contribute to the discussion-- crawl out of the shadows to express their contempt for something they know little or nothing about.



you left people do not watch fox news.so how do you supposingly now so much about it.i believe in what they say and i am sure the dems are dragging the country down.we are 13 trillion in the whole now and you say they are right where are you leftist going with all this crazy ideas.the country is going down and the only way to right the ship is get them out of office.


It's nice to know Fox has reached all the way to Sydney. What part of watching both sides of an argument do most people disagree with anyway?


For the record, James O'Keefe received a three year suspended sentence for his scandalous actions completely unrelated to ACORN. He had been charged with a misdemeanor and pled guilty.


For the record, Bertha Lewis, ACORN CEO, was led away in handcuffs during a demonstration for illegal immigration.


Can we now put to rest the claim that nobody from the top echelon of ACORN has been arrested?



"What part of watching both sides of an argument do most people disagree with anyway?"

That's what is really at the heart of the matter -- I know a few chronic Fox-bashers - when asked what they don't like, which personality or show they don't like and why? -- they don't have any answers, but they're sure they can't tolerate it. O'Reilly is high on the haters list for some unknown reason. Some will occasionally admit that they don't watch FOX, which clearly reveals that they don't know what they're talking about.

I've recently been watching a few daily USA Network news shows that a friend downloads. It's amazing the amount of news they DON'T cover and the left-bias spin they put on much of the news that they do cover. Anything is acceptable I guess -- if it achieves TV ratings and keeps the bills paid.

( Yes, it was amusing to see Big Bertha ACORN led off in hand-cuffs )



I spend the vast majority of my time up-country, where I am subjected to CNN International and BBC, but not Fox. When I visit my home in Pattaya I watch Fox and regain my perspective on how news should be presented. The opinion shows I watch do not cause me much concern, since I feel I am intelligent enough to sort through the chaff to get to the wheat. I do not need a media source to tell me what and how to think.

What constitutes a balanced debate on, say, Anderson Cooper 360, is to have a current Democratic Strategist for Barack Obama discuss a political situation with a former Democratic Strategist for Bill Clinton, along with a one time political consultant for Jimmy Carter. You are bound to get a solid debate with this mix on hand.

I seldom watch BBC except for some international breaking news.


I am here in US for a few weeks where I get to watch FOX News -- everyone but Glenn Beck who I know from his pre-FOX radio days. O'Reilly -- whatever one may not like about him -- is a pro (CBS News veteran) and Master's Pub Admin graduate of JFK School of Government at Harvard...

Besides, how can one really dislike FOX when their idea of a 'balanced debate' includes Kirsten Powers:




"Besides, how can one really dislike FOX when their idea of a 'balanced debate' includes Kirsten Powers:"

And in the interest of keeping things REALLY fair-and-balanced, it's probably worth noting what Kirsten was reacting to.



I spend the vast majority of my time up-country, where I am subjected to CNN International and BBC, but not Fox. When I visit my home in Pattaya I watch Fox and regain my perspective on how news should be presented. The opinion shows I watch do not cause me much concern, since I feel I am intelligent enough to sort through the chaff to get to the wheat. I do not need a media source to tell me what and how to think.

What constitutes a balanced debate on, say, Anderson Cooper 360, is to have a current Democratic Strategist for Barack Obama discuss a political situation with a former Democratic Strategist for Bill Clinton, along with a one time political consultant for Jimmy Carter. You are bound to get a solid debate with this mix on hand.

I seldom watch BBC except for some international breaking news.

Well said Chuckd. Among the misconceptions spewed by the left is that Fox News is all about commentary shows. The NEWS, as presented on Fox News, is succinct AND often times the first reports of a story of interest. The ACORN story, for instance, was broken on Fox News.

It's the number 1 news station popularity wise by far. Those that complain about Fox News, but have never seen it, should stop whining and watch and learn. Skip the commentary shows if you want. It's not always everyone's cup of tea. But just check out the news. You might learn something.


John Stewart is an Idiot

I used to think Jon Stewart was funny. Sure he bashed Bush, but he at least gave the Democrats their due as well.

Now his jokes go in this order; Republicans, the media, and Joe Biden. Once in a blue moon he might take a light jab at Pres. Obama. Which is absurd considering the wealth of comedy to be had at President Obama's enormous ego, his addiction to his teleprompter, and his constant need to bow to other world leaders.

Sometimes you can tell when something really gets to Stewart. You can see he is clearly ticked. Ironically last night right after describing how the right loves Sarah Palin and the left cannot stand her, he goes into a diatribe about why he hates Sarah Palin.

Then he shows clips of conservatives on different news programs describing why liberals hate Palin. The last clip shows Bernie Goldberg saying that liberals hate Palin because "she has five children, liberals don't have a lot of children. She has a down syndrome child, liberals don't allow that in their lives."

Stewart then leans over to the picture of Goldberg and says "F*** you."


Then he looks into the camera and says "Democrats don't have a lot of kids?" And a picture of Eunice Kennedy Shriver pops up and he says "Eunice Kennedy had nine kids." Then a picture of the Special Olympics pops up and he says, "I guess she began Special Olympics to mock kids with Down Syndrome." It was one of those moments when he looked really ticked.

Does anyone else find it amusing that he had to pick a Democrat who was 88 yrs old (she died earlier this year, so he couldn't even find a live Democrat) who had a lot of kids? I guess he couldn't find a Democrat who had a Down Syndrome child at all, so he just used the example of her starting Special Olympics. But the irony there is that unlike almost all Democrats, Eunice Kennedy Shriver was pro-life....... just like Sarah Palin.

So Jon Stewart ended the segment with a joke he didn't intend to make. The joke (sad though it is) is that liberals can't even see the obvious in front of them. Bernie Goldberg was right.



John Stewart is an idiot.

The big heroin/crack/speed dealers never get indicted either, but that does not mean that they are not involved. (wink.gif)

So is the person who wrote that. Due process? Never mind... We all know he's guilty.

You might concern yourself more with the person who wrote this:
Teen brothels? there's a few I know here in town -- if you like it while they still are wearing their school uniformns...


You seem to have forgotten this one. :)


It's always fun to be informed about the media by somebody that seems to think Jon Stewart is cutting edge news.


I have never watched Jon Stewart except on a few Google references but then again 120% in a FOX reported survey about bogus science is pretty interesting... . I think I'll invite Mr. O'Keefe to LOS after he completes his community-service where he won't have to deal with made-up teen brothels...<snip>

Edit: Flaming reference removed by moderator

I have never watched Jon Stewart except on a few Google references but then again 120% in a FOX reported survey about bogus science is pretty interesting... . I think I'll invite Mr. O'Keefe to LOS after he completes his community-service where he won't have to deal with made-up teen brothels...and I'm sorry about that mention before of your step-daughter; I didn't realize that your wife had not yet told you...

You really are a disgusting creature.

When you are not talking about your affinity for teen age brothels, you are intimating an alleged step-daughter of mine is a hooker.

If these references are your attempts at humor, then they are as weak and vapid as your many attempts at serious discussion. You should stick to your NGO and leave intelligent conversation to those better suited for it.

You are out of your depth and becoming more contemptible with each passing post.

...and I'm sorry about that mention before of your step-daughter; I didn't realize that your wife had not yet told you...

This ignorant remark does not belong on the forum. :)



"120% in a FOX reported survey about bogus science is pretty interesting"

Both John Stewart and Jazzbo are flaunting their extreme left fanaticism on this one.

The issue in question was a poll result of 26%, which should have been shown as the actual number, which was 6% -- some production assistant accidentally hit the "2" key, changing 6% to 26%

Stewart used the typo as an excuse to poke fun at FOX -- understandable, that's comedy and that's what he does.

Jazzbo took it seriously! -- ( and yes, we know, you'll have another lame comeback to justify this one )


...and I'm sorry about that mention before of your step-daughter; I didn't realize that your wife had not yet told you...

This ignorant remark does not belong on the forum. :)


Let's stay on topic (Fox News off in Khon Kaen, in case some had forgotten) and drop the references to teen brothels, pimping for school girls, and flaming other members. In other words, please discuss the issues of the thread and not the personal character of the posters in a derogatory fashion.

Some clean-up of past posts has been done (some left for evidence of abusive posts) as well as a warning issued for blatant flaming of other posters.





BTW My NGO work on Copyright exceptions for the blind goes to the UN meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, next month; despicable, reprehensible or not...

... but now I have to go watch Megan Kelly, Esq., on FOX because she knows so much more about oil spills than thay silly COO of BP.

Edit: Discussions of moderation not allowed on TV forums. If you have a moderation concern, PM the moderator.

  • 1 month later...

Al Jazera is far more balanced....a treat to watch another perspective.

Fox is an embarresment.

Embarrassing for the liberal socialists because they voted into power, and continue to support, the regime that has been called out by Fox on what they are doing to the country. All the dems can do is try to cover up their embarrassment for electing the first President to need a teleprompter installed to be able to get through a press conference.

No President has ever spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to take his wife to a play in NYC. Would you have approved this expense? Talk about embarrassment!

If George W. Bush had given Gordon Brown a set of inexpensive and incorrectly formatted DVDs, when Gordon Brown had given him a thoughtful and historically significant gift, the liberal media certainly would have been reporting the event - endlessly.

We have an American President that gives the Queen of England an iPod containing videos of his speeches, bows to the King of Saudi Arabia, when visiting Austria makes reference to the non-existent "Austrian language," and has filled his Cabinet and 'circle' of advisers with people who cannot seem to keep current in their income taxes.

BO has created the position of 32 or more Czars who report directly to him, bypassing the House and Senate on much of what is happening in America.

Out great president okay'd Air Force One flying low over millions of people followed by a jet fighter in downtown Manhattan causing widespread panic. Does he actually get what happened on 9-11?

President BO burned 9,000 gallons of jet fuel to go plant a single tree on Earth Day. Hypocrite comes to mind.

He ordered the firing of the CEO of a major Corporation, even though he had no constitutional authority to do so.

He has proposed to double the National debt, which had taken more than two centuries to accumulate, in one year and he is proposing to double the debt again within 10 years. Embarrassing?

President Obama has spent more than all the Presidents combined since George Washington.

Fortunately we have Fox News to report the devastation being caused by this regime.


Al Jazera is far more balanced....a treat to watch another perspective.

Fox is an embarresment.

Al Jazeera may be "balanced' when it comes to issues that do not deal with Islam, but it is nothing but a Muslim propoganda machine on issues that do. They make Fox look like the Honest Abe Network in comparison.

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