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Uk Settlement Visa Still Waiting!

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Hi all, I have just returned from a great 4 weeks in Thailand, thanks to the icelandic volcano :). Although i was hoping to be able to bring my wife back to the UK with me this time. Even more so since i had a extra 2 weeks. Because of this i have a few questions, since i have not been able to find any information that relatives to us. We applied for the settlement visa in early march, I know that the embassy says 12 weeks to do the visa. But looking at the past postings it seems at the time the waiting list would be about 5 weeks. While at the moment we are into our 8th week and still not had much feedback. Apart from today my wife got a phone call from the embassy asking her some questions, about how we meet and my job. Has this happen to anybody before? as all this infomration was put in the application we sumbitted, and any ideas about what this could mean. Also any idea about how long the current waiting list is about approx. Also now because my wife will have to travel by herself, can anybody think of any problems that she might encounter coming though passport control. Does anybody know the any good website or the best way to book one way flights to the UK form Thialand at short notice. As i say as soon as my wife gets the visa we are hoping to get a flight the same or next day. Sorry if i am repeating questions that i have been asked before. Thanks for your helpRegards

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Applications at this time of year can take a bit longer than at other times due to the embassy being closed for Easter and then Songkran, plus they usually get a lot of student applications in March/April.

The disruption to the service due to the demonstrations in Bangkok has added to this, too.

They have obviously now looked at her application, otherwise she would not have received the phone call. I would say that this call is a good sign, as it means they are minded to grant the visa but want to clarify some points first (otherwise they would have simply refused!). As long as her answers were consistent with the written application, I think you should have some good news in a few days.

Can't help you with where to book a ticket for her, I'm afraid. But, if she is nervous about traveling on her own and maybe worried about getting lost, when you book the ticket or when she checks in you can ask that she be accompanied to the flight when boarding and then when arriving in the UK met off the flight and accompanied through immigration, baggage reclaim and customs until she meets you. Most airlines are happy to provide this service free of charge.

She shouldn't have any problems at UK immigration; she will have a valid visa. However, she may be asked a couple of questions, and should keep her TB certificate and the application supporting docs with her in her carry on bag. Also a note of your mobile number so you can be contacted if necessary.

If she is questioned at immigration and doesn't understand, she must say so and if necessary ask for an interpreter.

Although this thread does contain some silly posts, others do give an indication of what to expect.

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Applications at this time of year can take a bit longer than at other times due to the embassy being closed for Easter and then Songkran, plus they usually get a lot of student applications in March/April.

The disruption to the service due to the demonstrations in Bangkok has added to this, too.

They have obviously now looked at her application, otherwise she would not have received the phone call. I would say that this call is a good sign, as it means they are minded to grant the visa but want to clarify some points first (otherwise they would have simply refused!). As long as her answers were consistent with the written application, I think you should have some good news in a few days.

Can't help you with where to book a ticket for her, I'm afraid. But, if she is nervous about traveling on her own and maybe worried about getting lost, when you book the ticket or when she checks in you can ask that she be accompanied to the flight when boarding and then when arriving in the UK met off the flight and accompanied through immigration, baggage reclaim and customs until she meets you. Most airlines are happy to provide this service free of charge.

She shouldn't have any problems at UK immigration; she will have a valid visa. However, she may be asked a couple of questions, and should keep her TB certificate and the application supporting docs with her in her carry on bag. Also a note of your mobile number so you can be contacted if necessary.

If she is questioned at immigration and doesn't understand, she must say so and if necessary ask for an interpreter.

Although this thread does contain some silly posts, others do give an indication of what to expect.

Thanks for the help, I think that it is a good sgin that the embassy has called like you say. So i am hoping that everything should go ok although until we know for sure i am still worried. The questions that where asked where just small things which to be honest all this information is listed in the pack. But i just have my fingers crossed just that we have been waiting so long now.

I was hoping to travel back with my wife this time, but because we do not have the visa this is not the case. I have no worries about my wife flying and getting to the airport ok. I just wish that i could be with her at passport control, as her english is good. But looking over the posts it seems that some staff are not the best of help.

But hopefully things should be fine. I will keep you posted how i get on.


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I book flights most commonly with http://www.npktour.com/Contact_us.htm but they have not updated their email to [email protected] I've dealt with them for years and often found them to be able to undercut nearly all deals. I transfer to their SCB account after receiving the emailed reservation. Even had them cancel a ticket and send me a refund when unable to fly last year. They are in Pattaya, Pattayaland 1. Boss is Khun Yai and Khun Rat is her number 2. Both speak great English.

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Does anybody know the any good website or the best way to book one way flights to the UK form Thialand at short notice

I usually use http://www.expedia.co.uk/default.aspx?eapid=737-3,%20737-3 . It's one of the few UK travel agents that allow you to book from Thailand to the UK on line. Most only allow the start of the journey from the UK. They're usually competitive on price and issue Etickets as well so there's no problem getting the ticket to your wife.

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Does anybody know the any good website or the best way to book one way flights to the UK form Thialand at short notice. As i say as soon as my wife gets the visa we are hoping to get a flight the same or next day.

This company good. I've used them before and will be again when My girlfriend gets here settlement visa. The owner's from England

Tell him Phil recommended him.


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