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Healthcare Insurance


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O.K. Guys ( & Gals )

I'm 56, here for the long term, so I need to get Healthcare Insurance. ( If this Post is in the wrong place, would the Mods please relocate it ).

I've been offered cover from BUPA ( known to most people ) and LMG Pacific ( who I've not heard of until now ).

BUPA Platinum THB2m cover Premium of THB55k p.a. > age 60, then THB72k p.a.

LMG Pacific Maxi THB5m cover Premium of THB60.5k p.a. > age 60, then THB75k p.a.

Both offer "Guaranteed Renewability regardless of age or medical condition".

At the moment I'm leaning towards LMG Pacific, for a number of reasons 1) They include sports cover ( Skiing & SCUBA ) I'm a diver; 2) they offer a 20% discount if I opt out of Out Patient Department ( OPD )cover ( which appear to be excluded by the BUPA plan , unless I opt to pay an additional premium ) - which means that they're ( LMG ) offering more cover ( THB5m v THB2m ) for less money ( THB60.5k - 20% = THB48.4k v THB55k ).

There are 2 ( obvious ) questions :-

1) Am I missing something ?

2) What experiences have you had with these providers ?

Thanks in anticipation.................

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I've priced and compared both of those, and quite a few others, annually for the past three years while living here...

Each time, LMG's Maxi policy came out on top, both in terms of quality/breadth of the coverage and value for their price. And so I've had their Maxi policy for the past three years. They do also offer one higher level than Maxi for a higher price, but I didn't think I need to go that far.

I've had no problem with using LMG for outpatient coverage, which I have as part of my policy. Fortunately, I've yet to have to use them for any inpatient care. For OPD, most of the time it's direct pay, meaning I just show my card and sign the receipt at the hospital, and the payment is made directly from LMG to the hospital. I never pay a cent...

They, like others, will do policy exclusions based on any medical issues you've had during the past several years. Supposedly, once you have a policy with them, if you are symptom and treatment free for any particular issue for two years, then you can request to have the exclusion lifted. But I've not had the opportunity as yet to make that kind of request to them, so I have no experience with how they'd respond.

Having a good local insurance broker to help represent you also is an important thing. If you ever get into any disagreement with the insurance company, having your broker as an advocate and intermediary can be very useful.

I would say... go LMG.

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