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PM Abhisit To Red-Shirts: Leave Today


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What a pathetic and singularly selfish demand on behalf of the red leaders. They simply want Suthep to be booked and released without bail so that they can demand the same treatment when they are arrested. Is this the way they want to end the rally? What does their final demand do to help the average farmer who is sweating it out and sleeping on the street each day, rather than eating fried chicken at the Amarin McDonald's and sleeping in aircon comfort each night?

I'm wondering if this exposure of their own elitist ways and selfish demands has anything to do with the declining number of protestors. I am constantly reminded of Orwell: "Some animals are more equal than other animals."

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They need a showdown, they need a show of force, blood spilled, dead people in the eye of the world!

How many times they tried to taint this government?

It's about revenge of a very, very sore loser!

Nothing else, now this red shirt movement woke up some people who listened to their speeches

and promises.... people who think that a change, will change their lives...

Exactly! Megalomaniacs only really care about money indirectly, using it as a tool to influence people. The red leaders may sleep in air-conditioned hotels at night, but they are looking at long prison sentences, or worse. Thaksin meanwhile gets to sip martinis by his swimming pool laughing at the mess he caused. This is ALL about revenge imho, the money comes a distant second, but there is enough of it to buy a motley collection of societies dregs and there are some ideological fools who turn up for free who Taksin probably looks down on even more.

A trickle down effect of one man's malignancy poisoning his home Country for revenge. If I wasn't an atheist I'd wish his soul damned for all eternity.

The main reason the reds will not give up is that should they fail, the leaders will receive long jail sentences and Thaksin will again be tried and certainly found guilty of treason and attempting a coup for which he will receive an additional sentence making his return ever more unlikely.

Thaksin and all the leaders especially including Sae Deng have thrown everything into the game and have no choice but to win.

The former General should not be underestimated. He used to work with/for the CIA and has killed lots of people in the process. Life is of little or no value to him. Well, other peoples lives anyway.

He also has a substantial arsenal of weapons, ammunition and explosives at his disposal and probably a few hundred soldiers who follow him blindly. His commitment to Thaksin is 100% and he hates the current Generals because they made him become an aerobics instructor, causing him to loose a lot of face.

He is also a vivid anti communist which was probably the reason the clumsy US assistant something visited and held talks with the red's. The US ambassador was called in by the Thai government and has been given a dressing down which was well deserved.

Anyway, I'm sure, unless Abhisit remains reluctant to issue orders to clear the mob, this will end up in a battle on the streets of Bangkok which the government will win. Contrary to red propaganda, there will be no international outcry since the situation is well known now and no government will condemn Abhisit for doing so,,, well, may be North Korea ....

The damage done to the country by the reds is mounting quickly and action is way overdue

Edited by Herm
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The most expensive real estate in Thailand, including some mega priced condos bought by farang, are in that area. Hate to report this, but I bought 10 rai (4 acres) of beautiful quiet secluded property with views and clean air and no traffic near a northern Thai town for - get this..... ....for less than it would cost to buy 4 sq.meters of a Bangkok condo. I did the numbers - send me a personal note if you'd like details.

Wanna do a trade? .......bwua, har har, (choke), yuk yuk, chortle......

Looking at he picture................is that 10 Rai high or wide? :)

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Dont want it, but I think the only solution, let the army take over for coup number 1003!!!

Backward step, but better than having the country held to ransom.

Unfortunately Thai politicians are too corrupt and immature to be running a country

No, hel_l NO!.

The red shirts have done enough already to through a monkey wrench in the country's democratic process. Mind I say democratic process because I don't think democracy is a fixed state, it muct evolve, refine and improve. Thailand is a very imperfect democracy at the moment, and needs a lot of mending, you don't fix it by throwing it all away every five years or so.

That's why we are in this situation now, people here don't have a good grasp of what democracy means, since it's been always just a facade for other power structures. At the moment Thailand it's at the beginning of a new democratic process, all parties with the best interest of the whole country in mind should strive to improve on it, not tear it down and hope next try will be better from the start.

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They need a showdown, they need a show of force, blood spilled, dead people in the eye of the world!

How many times they tried to taint this government?

It's about revenge of a very, very sore loser!

Nothing else, now this red shirt movement woke up some people who listened to their speeches

and promises.... people who think that a change, will change their lives...

Exactly! Megalomaniacs only really care about money indirectly, using it as a tool to influence people. The red leaders may sleep in air-conditioned hotels at night, but they are looking at long prison sentences, or worse. Thaksin meanwhile gets to sip martinis by his swimming pool laughing at the mess he caused. This is ALL about revenge imho, the money comes a distant second, but there is enough of it to buy a motley collection of societies dregs and there are some ideological fools who turn up for free who Taksin probably looks down on even more.

A trickle down effect of one man's malignancy poisoning his home Country for revenge. If I wasn't an atheist I'd wish his soul damned for all eternity.

. He used to work with/for the CIA and has killed lots of people in the process.

Alegedly :):D

and no government will condemn Abhisit for doing so,,, well, may be North Korea ....

I think the only thing the North Korean Govt will be doing is shaking their heads in amazement, at how a bunch of thugs would be allowed to dictate to the Govt for so long :D

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They need a showdown, they need a show of force, blood spilled, dead people in the eye of the world!

How many times they tried to taint this government?

It's about revenge of a very, very sore loser!

Nothing else, now this red shirt movement woke up some people who listened to their speeches

and promises.... people who think that a change, will change their lives...

Exactly! Megalomaniacs only really care about money indirectly, using it as a tool to influence people. The red leaders may sleep in air-conditioned hotels at night, but they are looking at long prison sentences, or worse. Thaksin meanwhile gets to sip martinis by his swimming pool laughing at the mess he caused. This is ALL about revenge imho, the money comes a distant second, but there is enough of it to buy a motley collection of societies dregs and there are some ideological fools who turn up for free who Taksin probably looks down on even more.

A trickle down effect of one man's malignancy poisoning his home Country for revenge. If I wasn't an atheist I'd wish his soul damned for all eternity.

. He used to work with/for the CIA and has killed lots of people in the process.

Alegedly :):D Nope, there are records - it was against communist Laos

and no government will condemn Abhisit for doing so,,, well, may be North Korea ....

I think the only thing the North Korean Govt will be doing is shaking their heads in amazement, at how a bunch of thugs would be allowed to dictate to the Govt for so long :Dthat was sarcastic :D

However, he is the most dangerous person in the game and will cause problems

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"What the protesters want Suthep to do is to surrender to the police as a suspect. He must be interrogated, give his fingerprint and obtain bail, Jatuporn said."

Even if there has been no official case by the prosecutor and no arrest warrant issued? Why would he have to ask for bail without an arrest warrant?

Looks like the Red Shirts' idea of democracy and rule of law is a bit blurred.

And this statement, showing little understnding of the law,

is coming from someone who says he is a LAWMAKER in Thailand.

Jatuporn is a disgrace in the job of Minsiter of Parliament.

Where DID he get/buy his uni degree one wonderrs....

All the red leaders try to achieve is sending a distorted message back to their upcountry voter base. They still push the double standard ticket without any consideration for facts, applicable laws and most of all common sense.

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They are not gonna leave. They need Ok from their boss and as the boss is not gaining anything they will not get Ok from him. They will think of reasons to stay making more and more people hate them.

We all know they aint going to leave.

I think we should run a sweepstakes as to how many times they will now be warned/given final ultimatum/threatened/final final warnings????

It really is becoming silly.

The reds are are bunch of lying thugs, being controlled by an even bigger lying thug.

The Govt, although I think Abhisits heart is in the right place, are too weak.

Dont want it, but I think the only solution, let the army take over for coup number 1003!!!

Backward step, but better than having the country held to ransom.

Unfortunately Thai politicians are too corrupt and immature to be running a country

I think you should exclude Abhisit from that last remark. He seems to be an honest, decent guy doing his best against a formidable evil enemy who has unlimited resources and is using them to destabilise the country.

I'm sure Abhisit is as frustrated as many other people by Anupong's reluctance to take action as requested by the PM. Anupong reckons the politicians should sort it all out without the army acting. Plain ridiculous when it's crystal clear the Reds have no intention of negotiating in good faith, lying and continually changing their demands. I still get annoyed when I remember that stupid woman on BBC World interviewing Abhisit recently on Hardtalk and accusing him of not being willing to compromise. The silly cow had obviously been well briefed by the Thaksin PR machine :)

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without declaring marshal law within certain areas it's just hot air, with dozens of final warnings only. People in the surrounding areas need to be evacuated first. Unless that happens nothing will be done.

It is obvious that the red thugs don't want to go.

Verbal force yields nothing as time has proven and it increases the burden for those in nearby areas only.


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They are not gonna leave. They need Ok from their boss and as the boss is not gaining anything they will not get Ok from him. They will think of reasons to stay making more and more people hate them.

We all know they aint going to leave.

I think we should run a sweepstakes as to how many times they will now be warned/given final ultimatum/threatened/final final warnings????

It really is becoming silly.

The reds are are bunch of lying thugs, being controlled by an even bigger lying thug.

The Govt, although I think Abhisits heart is in the right place, are too weak.

Dont want it, but I think the only solution, let the army take over for coup number 1003!!!

Backward step, but better than having the country held to ransom.

Unfortunately Thai politicians are too corrupt and immature to be running a country

I think you should exclude Abhisit from that last remark. He seems to be an honest, decent guy doing his best against a formidable evil enemy who has unlimited resources and is using them to destabilise the country.

I'm sure Abhisit is as frustrated as many other people by Anupong's reluctance to take action as requested by the PM. Anupong reckons the politicians should sort it all out without the army acting. Plain ridiculous when it's crystal clear the Reds have no intention of negotiating in good faith, lying and continually changing their demands. I still get annoyed when I remember that stupid woman on BBC World interviewing Abhisit recently on Hardtalk and accusing him of not being willing to compromise. The silly cow had obviously been well briefed by the Thaksin PR machine :)

What do you expect ? most of the UK MP's are corrupt and have been caught committing fraud with their expenses - any normal person would have gone to jail, but they are MP's so in their case it was classified as an error ...... Thaksin fits in well with this crowd

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HOORAY! That's it then, it's all over as of midday today! Thank the lord, i was beginning to think this would go on and on and on and on......

BUT NO! It's all over today, it's official because the PM says so and we all know that what he says goes, right?

Thanks, PM Abhisit. You have finally restored BKK back to normal. I would hate to think that this is just gas and you have nothing to back this up with, that would just be silly!

Good luck to all Bangkokians. I seriously do hope that this is the beginning of the end. Life's have been affected for far too long.

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Well,... this is what happens:

The government is falling into the Red shirt leaders' hands by letting Suthep to surrender to DSI relying on their Red shiirt leaders' promise. ... "Uh, uh, uuuuh..... I don't think so." The government has fallen into the trap by believing their words. And this is what you deserve as a Prime Minister and your cabinet for your own corruption that has been going on for generations to generations...

Suthep surrender surrendered to the DSI, and now the Red shirts played it smart, indicating they are not happy, and now they demanded Suthep to report to the police and they are still not happy,... I wonder what's next...

The government is getting corrupted in their own games now by allowing the Red shirt leaders to dictate the tempo...

You see, Abhisit and co... You guys are not the only ones who can get corruptive, especially a group of Red shirts... You got yourselves "A NEW CHALLENGER" for the power of Thailand

And here we are again for another waiting game which will go on until the end of the year probably

Edited by MaxLee
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On my daily commute via the Red Shirt camp I've noticed how the supplies of food, bedding and equipment seems to have increased over the past two days. No sign of a plan to leave.

Also seems to be more people and tighter security at the barricades?

And the karaoke politics over the open mic was even louder this morning .... must be hel_l if you live in the area.

Honestly, my colleague and I were just discussing how much less fortified the 'border crossing' at the Sukhumvit/Wireless looked this morning, almost as though it had 'lost weight' over night! Perhpas it was moved to where your daily commute leads you but it was noticeably thinner today.

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BPbreakingnews: Weng: UDD chairman gets sick

THE NATION: Veera is not seen in Rajprasong this morning. We'll see if he will be the first redshirt leader to surrender to the police.

THE NATION: There's also a gossip that Veera has already left the country. Weng said he is still here but not feeling well. TR @Nattha_tvthai

Hope it isnt lead poisoning

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veen_NT: There's also a gossip that Veera has already left the country. Weng said he is still here but not feeling well. TR @Nattha_tvthai

Wed May 12 2010 10:43:32 GMT+0700 (SE Asia Standard Time)

veen_NT: & if there is another 1 surrender, U cn add Korkaew. But we never know. "When Korkaew speaks, it echoes Veera's," an expert said.

Wed May 12 2010 10:42:30 GMT+0700 (SE Asia Standard Time)

veen_NT: Veera is not seen in Rajprasong ths morning. We'll see if he will be the first #redshirt leader to surrender to the police.

Wed May 12 2010 10:40:28 GMT+0700 (SE Asia Standard Time)

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-- The Nation

Satit: Red-shirt leaders may have good news before noon

PM's Office Minister Satit Wongnongtaey said Wednesday morning that the red-shirt leaders may hae a 'good news' for the public before noon.

He said the news could be a good sign about the end of the rally.

He said the government and the red-shirt leaders had already discussed all points so the red-shirt leaders should accept the road map for reconciliation and end the rally.

But if the red-shirt leaders refused to announce the end of the rally by noon, the government would have to go ahead enforcing the laws against the protesters, Satit added.


zig-zag-zig-zag zig zag zig zag zig zag ... never ending ... now the govt waits again for the blinding good news before doing anything ... not aware that new extortious conditions will be set ... when will the authorities wake up. ... go ahead with dispersal plans and don't wait for thugs' promises ...

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TAN Network: ASTV: Red leaders Veera and Korkaew to surrender at Crime Suppression Division at 2 P.M.

Hmmm...will the other Red Leaders allow this? Or will they be "persuaded" to stay?

I would say if Veera falls, the rest of the dominoes might just fall...

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TAN Network: ASTV: Red leaders Veera and Korkaew to surrender at Crime Suppression Division at 2 P.M.

Hmmm...will the other Red Leaders allow this? Or will they be "persuaded" to stay?

I would say if Veera falls, the rest of the dominoes might just fall...

that's the reds test run to see if they get bail, nothing more nothing less, exactly what I expected.

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tukky_nt: RT @TAN_Network INN: CRES 2 stop water, electricity supply, phone service 2 Ratchprasong at midnight tonight; bus,train,boat service stopped

Wed May 12 2010 11:31:45 GMT+0700 (SE Asia Standard Time)

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Isn't it funny, every time it looks like the government looks like its going to finally make a move there is another "good news" from the red shirts ??


if they are not out by noon - Abhisit please declare marshal law and make your move

by the way, wouldn't be too surprised if there really was a crackdown, if Thaksin wouldn't have his accomplices organize a few monks to be in the line of fire ..... dead or injured monks make good PR for Thaksin in the international press ...

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TAN Network: ASTV: Red leaders Veera and Korkaew to surrender at Crime Suppression Division at 2 P.M.

Hmmm...will the other Red Leaders allow this? Or will they be "persuaded" to stay?

I would say if Veera falls, the rest of the dominoes might just fall...

that's the reds test run to see if they get bail, nothing more nothing less, exactly what I expected.

If that really happens (which I daubed) its going to be another move by the reds to find an excuse not to stop if they don't get bail besides, I can't see the red General surrender

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"What the protesters want Suthep to do is to surrender to the police as a suspect. He must be interrogated, give his fingerprint and obtain bail, Jatuporn said."

Even if there has been no official case by the prosecutor and no arrest warrant issued? Why would he have to ask for bail without an arrest warrant?

Looks like the Red Shirts' idea of democracy and rule of law is a bit blurred.

The police chief has said that everything to do with the 10th April has been handed over to the DSI so if he did go to the police they would have to tell him to go to the DSI.

The reds idea is that if Suthep gets bail so should we but they seem to forget that most of them are already on bail and have breached their bail conditions.

All silly things to avoid keeping promises they have made.

The leaders are all terrified now as they realise that they are ALL going to jail for a long time and Big Bubba is waiting there for them.... They are trying to get the Buffalos to stay in bangkok to protect them ... and now THAKSIN has sacked most of them and replaced them with new Red Leaders.... sure their asses are a twitching..... and amongst them, they are bitching.... Som nam na....!!!

Someone close to the Red Shirts told me at the beginning that the Red Shirts are only using Thaksin to get their agenda. Once they have what they want, they will get rid of Thaksin. I told him that he is dreaming and Thaksin should not be underestimated in this game. He should make sure Thaksin is not using the Red Shirts for his purposes.

Was I right?

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Just out of curiosity - who's paying for the electricty and water currently being used by the reds. As far as i was aware you needed an address in order for a bill to be delivered. Hope the electricity isn't 'free' everyone else has to pay for their electricty including the reds - no double standards please.

I don't understand about cutting off power and water. These mafia freaks have their own generators and their own water tanks. So what the hel_l are we talking about!!

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Cut what? they have all they need for stay month.

I suppose the fuel truck is parked nearby, or does the generator run on solar power?

Gen sets get topped up every other day.. People should go and watch what happens (if they are in BKK) before commenting.

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Just out of curiosity - who's paying for the electricty and water currently being used by the reds. As far as i was aware you needed an address in order for a bill to be delivered. Hope the electricity isn't 'free' everyone else has to pay for their electricty including the reds - no double standards please.

I don't understand about cutting off power and water. These mafia freaks have their own generators and their own water tanks. So what the hel_l are we talking about!!

it's more an alibi for the govt to show that they do something, nothing else. If there's a serious plan to crack down the surrounding areas need to be evacuated and after marshal law is declared.

faaaaaaar away from being over soon.

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