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Emergency Decree


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turn on your telly....it's being announced now.

also see here http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Bangkok-Red-....html&st=75

Yes its in that other source that we can not quote. BUT the key word is PROPOSED it has not been enacted. I would recommend that you go out and get and extra beer rations just in case. The last time I had to cut back from 6 large Tigers to just 5 large Tigers per day. :)

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Meh, even during the coup and subsequent state of emergency nothing much happened, and it was business as usual everywhere. I don't think it matters much.

The night of the coup the disappearance of the BIB was noted. Bars stayed open all night. I personally did not see a policeman for two weeks and never saw the military for three weeks. It was party time.

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Tell that to the Reds gathered behind Wat Phra Singh (They are pretty loud right now).

If the death or pemanent disabilty of rebel army leader Saeh Daeng ,shot tonight in Bangkok,transpires it might be enough to tip a few of the Red Shirt people over the edge. I guess the next few hours will tell the full story but meantime it might be wise to avoid the Wat Phra Singh area.

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I was planning to sign a 3 month contract for a condo tomorrow, which means that I probably have to pay both the deposit and the rent for the first month (50.000 baht totally). When I read these news, I was questioning whether it will still be worthwile to stay here. But it seems that many of you think it will not affect daily life in CM that much? Do you think it makes any sense to reconsider my plan, based on what is happening?

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I was planning to sign a 3 month contract for a condo tomorrow, which means that I probably have to pay both the deposit and the rent for the first month (50.000 baht totally). When I read these news, I was questioning whether it will still be worthwile to stay here. But it seems that many of you think it will not affect daily life in CM that much? Do you think it makes any sense to reconsider my plan, based on what is happening?

Depends what your daily life is... but no.. if anything, things should be cheaper for you... :)

But if you came to Thailand for peace and quiet, then you should be at the resorts or out in the countryside here anyway...

good luck have fun.

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I wouldn't reconsider based on this. However, you probably already weighed the size of the investment against the risk of any investment in a country that's not very stable. Keep in mind that major weather is in the horizon no matter what.

EDIT: Sorry, I thought you were buying. If this is just a short stay then no worries. Like someone else said, it was major party time during the coup. And to be completely honest, many expat's lifestyles kind of depend on Thailand remaining a basket case. Imagine if Thailand got its act together and turned into South Korea.. All the cheap thrills would not be as affordable.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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I was planning to sign a 3 month contract for a condo tomorrow, which means that I probably have to pay both the deposit and the rent for the first month (50.000 baht totally). When I read these news, I was questioning whether it will still be worthwile to stay here. But it seems that many of you think it will not affect daily life in CM that much? Do you think it makes any sense to reconsider my plan, based on what is happening?

Hmmmm it wouldn't change MY plans. Then again I have a very busy life here in Chiang Mai. I, currently, am not nervous at all and I live close enough to the red shirt's base that I can hear them at night. Then again, this could break out into a more sustained insurgency for awhile.

You'll have to judge for yourself. Anything any of us post about the future will be a guess. It may be an educated guess or just wishful thinking.

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I was planning to sign a 3 month contract for a condo tomorrow, which means that I probably have to pay both the deposit and the rent for the first month (50.000 baht totally). When I read these news, I was questioning whether it will still be worthwile to stay here. But it seems that many of you think it will not affect daily life in CM that much? Do you think it makes any sense to reconsider my plan, based on what is happening?

Depends what your daily life is... but no.. if anything, things should be cheaper for you... :)

But if you came to Thailand for peace and quiet, then you should be at the resorts or out in the countryside here anyway...

good luck have fun.

Ok, thanks! No, I like Chiang Mai, so did not consider a resort or the countryside anyway. I live a simple life, eating out maybe once or twice a day, going to the gym, some health treatment or yoga class a few times a week, then spending a lot of time inside, working on the computer etc. So i spend more time inside than outside, anyway... In what case do you think the situation would affect daily life? What kind of lifestyle would be a prerequisite for that? And should there be much danger involved in walking around in the city in general?

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So i spend more time inside than outside, anyway... In what case do you think the situation would affect daily life?

Unless they decide to cut the internet or power supplies for 'security reasons'

Edited by sarahsbloke
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So i spend more time inside than outside, anyway... In what case do you think the situation would affect daily life?

Unless they decide to cut the internet or power supplies for 'security reasons'

That would be crazy, and create a lot of chaos. Has it happened before? Actually, I can only see that as creating a lot of trouble, and not having anything to do with security. Also, all the tourists would be gone in a second.

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Wife just back from the market 12.30pm:

"oo terak Im sad, leader of the red shirts die - whole market sad"

they are going to be gonna be pissed off in the morning!

- she says many reds are off to protest tonight at the 'labour courts' in CM

Edited by whiterussian
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I was planning to sign a 3 month contract for a condo tomorrow, which means that I probably have to pay both the deposit and the rent for the first month (50.000 baht totally). When I read these news, I was questioning whether it will still be worthwile to stay here. But it seems that many of you think it will not affect daily life in CM that much? Do you think it makes any sense to reconsider my plan, based on what is happening?

Hmmmm it wouldn't change MY plans. Then again I have a very busy life here in Chiang Mai. I, currently, am not nervous at all and I live close enough to the red shirt's base that I can hear them at night. Then again, this could break out into a more sustained insurgency for awhile.

You'll have to judge for yourself. Anything any of us post about the future will be a guess. It may be an educated guess or just wishful thinking.

If you have any questions you could ask JD to look out his back door and report what the reds are doing. He believes he is an expert on it.

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Take it easy? Pretty funny that you criticize that posters comment (dead) (which I agree with you) but then turn around a create your own - "doing better"

Lets see, the guy is shot in the head (which some say the chest) and within 12 hours is doing better? A gun shot wound is not like the Flu...I doubt any responsible physician/staff would even comment like that...

I would surmise his status/prognosis is unknown at this time..hel_l, they are probably trying to figure out clinically what to do...

In a chaotic situation and developing society, the public will get answers all over the board...Accuracy is highly unlikely if complex medically and factor in politically...


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^ I'm not positive that the emergency decree is linked to the assassination of Seh Daeng. It seems much more like a mafia style payback for that senior general who got shot on April 10th. It would surprise me if the government had anything to do with it. It's mafia wars, inside the army.

If I'm wrong though then Abhisit would be guilty of committing an extrajudicial killing. That's the path Asia Human Rights Watch seems to be on, but to be honest I doubt that this is what's really going on. All these NGOs seem to assume that elected government is in charge of anything in this country when the shit hits the fan. Abhisit's a passenger.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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